I had a good talk with him about getting out of the compound which I’m sure he could do. He said he’s afraid to get out because they’ll kill him or put him in jail. He was really frightened about going to jail which is really a small cage and you can’t go outdoors and you’re stuck there endlessly. He said it’s terrible. He called it jail and it was very clear that it was. He had a lot of anxiety around this and didn’t want to go back and he kept an eye on everyone there to make sure no one got out of line, he was a protector of them but he lived in fear. I guess most great protectors live in fear. He was pretty much PTSD but he was really forthcoming with me and again, he and the others thought I was funny and not a harm to them. So I once again made a new friend at Disney-world but as with all my friends at some point they either want to kill me, try to kill me or get ordered to kill me…it’s a gift!!!
Gorillas in the Midst… Midst or what? I don’t know Part II
Normally this would be the part of the story where Dian Fossey begins to think like Katherine the 2nd but this has nothing to do with it.
Right now the animal handlers/trainers are working with the gorillas to look uneducated. They have removed their copies of the New York Times informing the Gorillas that it’s virtually all propaganda created by the Jews to take over the world and instead gave them copies or Brave New World, 1984 and Animal Farm informing them that some animals are more equal than others.
However, they are training them to jump up and down and look more dumbed down rather than the blue furry creature in xmen who wears glasses and hangs upside down by his feet.
So I went back a second time, mostly to see the monkeys and gorillas again. There was a female wandering around the compound which is pretty nice except for the Arbeit Macht Frei sign and a clock stuck at the same time.
The female carried around on her foot a tarp and she would wander around and sit on the tarp periodically and stay nice and clean. I don’t know if she was trained to do that but if I owned gorillas worth about ten million dollars each I’d be really careful what’s in the cage so they don’t choke or go eat-in chicken on you.
One of the males passed by where I was standing and I psychically spoke to him. I asked him how he was doing. He pretended not to acknowledge me, I’m sure lots of people do this with him all day, but I managed to get through but he didn’t want to play along…that is until… I said to Marcia climb in the cage and go take the tarp from the other gorilla, (I figured out later it was a female. A few seconds later the gorilla charged at me, stopped dead in his tracks by the ravine and engaged in a staring contest with me. My heart started pounding and I was sure he could jump the ravine and get me. We continued to stare at each other while I reviewed my karate moves learned from Mr. Bobby and decided a side kick would be my best defense as my leg might actually connect with his bread basket before he murdered me.
I then remember that you’re supposed to stay perfectly still, ignore the animals or crap in your pants so the smell repugnates him. I had no problem crapping my pants and decided I would ignore him and play dead while he feasted on my carcass. We stared at each other for about 25 minutes…ok, 2 minutes at most seemed a lot longer, then he looked askance a bit and smirked. A young gal who I psychically spoke with later as I did the gorilla asked me what happened. I told her I had a sling shot and kept bopping his girlfriend in the ass cause I wanted to go full Fossey on her…no I didn’t say that…i think I said he didn’t like what I was saying to my wife. She said later on psychically she doubted that was it but this is the reason I don’t get out much…if you think I get in trouble on line try me in vivo. I went to see Penn and Teller in NYC a few years ago and got banned from the city and had to leave under safe passage. (True story). Hell I’m banned from LA but I still go back…oh and Maccabi games…and Boca Raton….and this bar near the junction by Brooklyn College and an old girlfriend’s father’s underwear drawer (haha made that one up!)
I spoke to the Gorilla when I got home and he was very enlightening. He didn’t like what I said about the tarp and needed to show me a lesson then he and the others decided I was really pretty funny and started laughing with each other.
Here’s where it gets sad…
MK Ultra Gorillas-Part I
I love Animal Kingdom. It’s now my favorite theme park. Also a plea for Sea World… go visit it. It was my favorite park but I hear they’re getting rid of the whales and there used to be a guy who sang before the dolphin show who I really liked.
Anyway, Animal Kingdom used to be a bit of a snooze but I’ve had a great time the last two times. The monkeys are a riot but I’m loving the gorillas.
The next to last time one of the gorillas, a male, got up onto a rock and ate some Romaine lettuce while he looked at the crowd. I decided to tune into his thoughts. Here’s what he was thinking: “Oh yes, I remember that one…oh yes that one too! He’s new and so is she.” It went something like that. He pulled off each leaf and munched on it thoughtfully.
I went home and thought all this over for a few weeks and realized something…This was all an act. He didn’t just happen onto that rock. He was trained to go there. Not only that this whole thing was scripted for the people who are psychic…cause I cant be the only one. Someone must have handed him the lettuce and told him to go sit on the rock, look at the people and decide who he’s seen before….Total Act!!! Not only that as confirmed during my next trip the gorillas spoke perfect English! See, a lot of people who work for Disney are either extremely bright or genius’s and so are the Gorillas.
So it was all pretense, an act but also an act for psychics. I then reasoned that if these gorillas could speak perfect English, psychically they could do pretty much anything including being used in battle and by law enforcement. They would probably have battle gear, flack jackets, helmets, etc. They would also be unstoppable. They might be trained in weaponry like guns, or swords and shields. They’d probably train them like attack dogs and also have them work under more realistic conditions with men who are considered enemies or undesirables as well as woman and children. Some of this would be pure and simple blood sport for sadistic delight.
The other thing I pondered was whether those Gorillas could get out of that place. I came to the conclusion that they could which one of them confirmed to me.
Part II to follow
Dog playing wolf!! From Game of Thrones
Martine as Rocky Horror
Elizabeth Catching Ed
Follow up on Mochi
Upon awakening, the entire burner base was noted to be covered with a coating of thick white slime…Mochi again!
I’m preparing Mochi right now…otherwise known as Gateau De Riz Decoupe en Tranches or slice rice cake.
Mochi (Japanese: 餅, もち) is Japanese rice cakemade of mochigome, a short-grain japonica glutinous rice. The rice is pounded into paste and molded into the desired shape. In Japan it is traditionally made in a ceremony called mochitsuki.[1]
Little known fact: While also eaten year-round, mochi is a traditional food for the Japanese New Year and is commonly sold and eaten during that time.
Every New Year in Japan dozens of families wake up to find out that their beautiful elderly relatives in nursing facilities have choked to death on this virtually inedible rice product. Sadly, their last dying words inevitably are…what the fuck is this shit?” Then something about Rosebud and mistakenly switching from Scotch to Martinis.
The families then hunt down the Nursing Home owners and make them stand on a street corner wearing “Ribbons of Shame” and then force them to perform Hari Kari while they drop eggs on them and yell, “Bombs away” while they play Barbra Streisand songs.
Mochi was featured in an episode of the Patty Duke Show when Patty Lane, played by Patty Duke, accidentally adopts a kid from South East Asia who won’t eat anything until Patty tries to brush his teeth and the kid grabs the toothpaste and starts eating it yelling Mooci…Moochi. Me and my brother ran around for weeks yelling Moochi….Moochi!!! It was great college fun!
The Sweet
This is a band you don’t hear too much about. Ron wrote the song and it rose to #3 in the US. Sweet performing “Little Willy” on BBC’s Top Of The Pops in 1972. The song was written by Mike Chapman & Nicky Chinn and produced by Phil Wainman The single was originally released by RCA Records in June 1972. Single Chart Positions: UK: 4 Germany: 3 Canada: 1 Denmark: 1 Finland: 2 Switzerland: 2 USA: 3
Ron’s probably in the band but who can tell. That was back when everyone looked like David Cassidy. FYI, I’m thinking a couple of them might be gay. they had another super song, “Ballroom Blitz” The song shows up in a lot of films but probably best known for being in Wayne’s World, a film described by Dana Carvey as “A popular movie but really not that good” or something like that which I agreed with since I watched about 2/3 of it and kept saying “…it sold $200,000,000 worth of tickets…it’s got to get better.” it didn’t unless I missed something in the last third which is possible.
This is from Wikipedia as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballroom_Blitz “The Ballroom Blitz” (often called “Ballroom Blitz“) is a song by the British rock band The Sweet, written and produced by Nicky Chinnand Mike Chapman. It was featured on the popular musical The Rocky Horror Show.” It was not in the movie, I’ve seen the stage production twice recently and listened to it multiple times and never saw or heard of it in the play or film.
from http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Trivia/TheRockyHorrorPictureShow
- Some people believe that the Sweet song Ballroom Blitz was featured in this movie, and the people who think the song is in the movie might be confusing the song for The Time Warp.
If this is a mistake on Wikipedia it needs to be corrected.
Here’s Ballroom Blitz by Sweet
Here it is from Wayne’s World
Ansel Elgort in “November Criminals”
Saw this one yesterday which got something like 29 tomatoes. Ok so it’s not exactly a blockbuster but it was a good film, a murder mystery, drama, love story and it works on all levels. Ansel Elgort is a favorite actor of mine though I’m never sure which actor he’s playing since either him or his alternate identity was in Baby Driver and he was in American Horror Story Freak Show and the one with the Witches Coven and probably the others. They played David Bowies life on Mars during a scene with him and he did it before in Freak Show, same song, same guy. I think this may have been his best acting role though I loved him in Baby Driver. Chloe Grace Moretz did a super job too in what would also be a coming of age film if you know what I mean. She looks like one of the daughters of Mary Kate or Ashley and sadly yes I can tell them apart. And Ansel is David Bowie’s son and we all know who Bowie is. A couple of twists and turns and overall a captivating drama. Nothing wrong with this film that the Immigrant Song couldn’t cure. Rating: Should have gotten 75 tomatoes instead of 29. Enjoy!