Hero of the Day: Oona Laurence!!

Our Hero of the Day is Oona Laurence. Oona was once again voted by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as Child Actress most likely to be kidnapped in a starring role. They stated, “Oona shows tremendous intestinal fortitude being repeatedly kidnapped, over and over again, in film after film, time after time.”

Now… on a more serious note… no one wants to see Oona kidnapped any more than I do…did I just say that?? Not what I meant.  We just feel that a great actress like Oona is being type-cast into these 2-dimensional roles of actress gets kidnapped, then turns tide on the kidnapper, and wins or not, frankly who can tell. It simply has to stop. We just know that one day Oona will snap and go full 5 pounds of Hard Candy on everyone… until then… enjoy!



Nite all!!!

The above is done for purposes of humor only and it’s really pretty funny… that is of course until the authorities show up at the house and start asking questions… then it becomes hysterically funny!!!!

BTW… the link to Penny Dreadful is underneath the poster. It shares it’s name with the great series found on Netflix also called, “Penny Dreadful.” Why is that? The sloths in Hollywood cannot think of new ideas and have to recycle old ones. That includes names they just used because it might take some effort to come up with a new one. BTW, there’s  also a new mouthwash coming out called of all things, “Penny Dreadful”; armpit spray called “Penny Dreadful”; that thing women stick inside themselves once a month…you got it…”Penny Dreadful” and the noise that Chewbacca makes will no longer be “Rrrrrrr-ghghghghgh” but instead “Penny Dreadful”. In fact only one of these is an appropriate name for the product.

Also note: If Timothy Dalton had done this world class acting job 30 years ago he’d still be doing Bond… well… except for that and the Timmy thing… you know… Timmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Helloooo Timmmmmmy!!!! Timothy!!!! Timothy!!! Yoooo Hooo Timmy!

“Oh mother… what have you done?”


What’s this? …. nothing to see here… move along!


Thank you to the person or persons responsible for explaining to Oona that offensive is sometimes funny, so that my posts can stay up…get them to work next on the sloths in Hollywood.


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