I’ll add the photos later…I have to rush publication before Thunderdome shuts me done
Some of this may be redundant but some is not and isn’t that what makes life great. Flew down to Orlando with a friend who loves to fly in his single engine plane.

I was fine once the valium kicked in. It turns out he loves to go through clouds which is a little left of legal and it seems to be kinda choppy in there which I was fine with until we hit about 150 miles of HAARP clouds and he seemed a bit like Han Solo in the asteroid field from The Empire Strikes Back, “Never tell me the odds!”

But he finally went over the clouds while I changed my adult diaper…again!
So I crossed off my bucket list see “The Wolf of Wall Street” which was just terrific. It had two of my favorite actors, Margot Robbie and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Here’s Leonardo DiCaprio…sort of
Leonardo first…He’s so good, such a natural in front of the camera, he acts like he’s doing the film just for you. I’ve loved him in pretty much everything I’ve seen him in…Gilbert Grape, the Aviator, The Island, the other island movie with Ghandi, the film with the spinning top and the train going down the street crashing into cars where you could leave and go to the bathroom because it was too exciting and you’d be afraid you’d miss something so you’d pee into your popcorn container and then offer some to your date. I also like him in that Zombie show where he plays the guy with angel’s wings on his jacket but you’re not supposed to know that’s Leonardo and he’s great on dancing with the stars with that hot little chubby Latina who they have to cut away because she so intense that the censors from The Smother’s Brothers show show up from their graves and have to get you a rag to clean yourself up with.
Margot Robbie is my favorite actress and she’d be really angry with me if I didn’t say so. Not only was Tanya Harding in I, Tanya but she was actually Tanya Harding!!! Took me awhile to piece together she was Pippi Longstockings but who else could do all that great skating. I had a lightbulb moment and will check out the doubles team she was in and see if the guy was the boy in Pippi Longstockings. I was almost banned from New Egypt because of this, I’d probably be banned from Egypt as well, but maybe not. I’m already banned from LA, NYC, and JFEDSNJ. I still go to the first two but some people are unhappy about this. They can’t enforce that ban because it wasn’t in my 300 page contractual agreement, if they could’ve they would’ve and they should’ve before I was banned.
Let’s talk about another great actor in WOW…Matthew McConaughey. First of all, you try spelling his name without looking it up…for real!!! We’ll use MM from now on to refer to him. One of the nicest people I’ve ever met…for real!!! I kept busting his stones about his mom being Hotsy Totsy and he didn’t get it!!! You’d have to be from some seedier section of the world to get this like Brooklyn when I grew up and so did the Sweat Hogs. If you look carefully at the Sweat Hogs they were all in Saturday Night Fever and were the radio DJ’s of WNEW. Anyway, MM is terrific. I discover his grandfather was Ralph Nader who promptly showed up at The Ranch and declared to RH Factor that my days were likely numbered with all this info I had and Max Factor set him straight. You’d think having run for president he would have been deeper in the organization cause he was running behind but what a gentleman MM is. When he showed up at the Ranch he went right over to Hannah Montana and introduced himself as her brother…what a moment!!! The nicest guy ever!! I don’t know how people get that nice. No one else I know is that nice especially if they spend any time with me. The BB Queen as I suspected already knew.

OK hear the new stuff: There’s a baby in the film WOW in the beginning who play’s Leonardo’s daughter, I doubt I’ll find a picture of her but she looked familiar. A couple days later I realized who she was…David Chokachi’s daughter who I found on a surfboard with him!! Brit Madison!! This kid has star power!!

I knew I’d hit paydirt but didn’t realize exactly who he was…Ronco and Hotsy Totsy’s son!! My word!! Now it turned out that Chokachi is Matthew McConaughey. How did I figure that out? I didn’t exactly. When he show up at The Ranch some of the ladies saw him and thought to themselves, “Matthew McConaughey” and I picked up on that.
So that’s that. I went to visit the Gorillas today but I think they were told to ignore me and it was kind of hot so they kept plopping down to sleep.
End of Day
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