Reminder Part 1 has more finds than the rest of this blog combined! IMHO!
By the time I decide to go looking for someone I think might be Ron I have a pretty good idea that he, or she, is. I decided to look for DeNiro as Ron Howard. I’d seen Taxi Driver in whole or part several times and DeNiro has Ron’s body habitus.
But before I move on…Shout out to Ron Howard as Roy Scheider in “Marathon Man” for it’s time one of the great fight scenes in his hotel room against a Japanese assassin.

Great fight sequence reminiscent of Paul Newman in Hitchcock’sTorn Curtain fighting off an SS officer with the German woman…it’s at 39 minutes below… I think there may be a problem with this version of the film but I’m not sure. The first time I saw the film this fight scene was removed. I saw it in a documentary on Hitchcock and one additional time.
Back to DeNiro…

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