Heroes of the Day: Ron and Cheryl Howard…Part 9 Robert Deniro

Reminder Part 1 has more finds than the rest of this blog combined! IMHO!

By the time I decide to go looking for someone I think might be Ron I have a pretty good idea that he, or she, is. I decided to look for DeNiro as Ron Howard. I’d seen Taxi Driver in whole or part several times and DeNiro has Ron’s body habitus.

But before I move on…Shout out to Ron Howard as Roy Scheider in “Marathon Man” for it’s time one of the great fight scenes in his hotel room against a Japanese assassin.

Roy Scheider aka Ron Howard in Marathon Man
Roy Scheider aka Ron Howard in Marathon Man with some actor who’s probably famous in Japan.

Great fight sequence reminiscent of Paul Newman in Hitchcock’sTorn Curtain fighting off an SS officer with the German woman…it’s at 39 minutes below… I think there may be a problem with this version of the film but I’m not sure. The first time I saw the film this fight scene was removed. I saw it in a documentary on Hitchcock and one additional time.


Back to DeNiro…


Robert DeNiro aka Ron Howard in Taxi Driver, notice issues with left shoulder and arm.
Robert DeNiro aka Ron Howard in Raging Bull notice issues with left shoulder and arm.
Robert DeNiro aka Ron Howard  notice issues with left shoulder and arm.
Jody Foster was in Taxi Driver so here she is…she is frequently enjoys Australian Kisses

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