My understanding is that people have come to learn that what appeared to be a split down the center in two camps in the land of milk and holly was in fact not a split and merely an illusion of a rift. I’ll find out soon if I’m correct. People would feel angry and betrayed…no doubt.
Good news and reality check. I obviously set the fire last night and some people were pretty unhappy with it however I did get a green light on it from Ron.
Good news: Most of the big issues that I’ve gotten involved with have turned out pretty good all around. I anticipate this will be no different. Not everyone will be happy and breeches of trust are difficult to repair and sometimes impossible…bear that in mind.
My understanding of this community is 1) they are very resilient and 2) they are generally kind hearted and forgiving of each other. This goes a very long way in resolving issues.
Reality check: Ron is in charge and the game for Ron is control. Who’s going to run the show. From the time I walked in, he didn’t want you guys waking up to some of these realities in life and kept you in the dark as we all generally are. George Carlin said something about govt wanting a population smart enough to run the machinery but dumb enough to not ask questions or see what’s going on.
I can say that I believe things are going to be better. Whatever process needs to take place should take place whether open forum or other venues, if nothing else to vent or get people’s feelings out or just an old fashioned blood letting.
But remember this: from my experience here Ron’s not going to let the community split apart. If a change is going to take place it will be natural, not under external pressures and a win for everyone…unlimited potential. Some people left not too long ago which was what needed to happen but I doubt he’s going to truly split the community and will continue to extract increasingly more control in this world. This is just the way it works at this level. This is what Walt did as well.
I recall there was a Disney strike a bit ago, maybe 60 years or so. I would sincerely doubt that strike was not under control of Walt and Co. Just like every other major or minor movement in this country such as religion, politics, etc. It’s all part of a move to a one world govt. We’re pretty much there but there is still a good deal of infighting and things to be done. It’s going to happen if and this is a big if…if any of us are left alive during the process. We are as a whole somewhat irresponsible as the stewards of this planet.
I’ll check in later.
God Peace, Love and Joy to everyone!
Addendum: I understand the pain that goes with not having needs and wants met. This is particularly frustrating… nepotism is rampant here despite it being a giant family.
Reality Check: You’re likely to go to your grave without all your needs, wants and desires being met.
At the end of the day whatever went wrong here, deception, betrayal, etc is likely to continue if this is what is believed to be needed to maintain control. I have argued about the way things are done here in the past and there have been positive changes so this is possible. Things will change for the better but I can’t tell you what. I think an open forum is a good idea, changes can happen in a positive direction for the betterment of all.
I would recommend working on internal landscape. No one can actually take your soul… you have to give it away or sell it. If you’re selling it you’re getting short changed no matter how much you get.
Meditate, pray, go to nature, talk to God, or your higher spiritual power or even your lower spiritual power as your spiritual needs present themselves. Answers will come to you and things will improve…this is the issue that’s come up…it has to get better. Meditate and pray!
When people are working together answers will usually just come.
I’ll rework this tomorrow or later. It’s a sore and sensitive issue which I knew was lumbering in the background, but it’s also a hot button issue for me hence my overtone of hopelessness in the early draft. Remember nothing’s impossible…nothing! -Mandy Patinkin from Yentl.
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