I have considered recusing myself from this conflict because of my evolving role in this community. On the other hand I also need to be conscious of that role if I can be helpful. This is a real conundrum.
I want to stay neutral but I’m not sure where neutral is and in fact I’ve really not been that neutral in my opinions before. I’ll keep checking in and reporting back on what I see and believe and my internal conflicts with this.
I have had my share of conflicts with Ron, have butt heads, have raged against him, have angered him, humiliated him, tried to shut down his car engine and still we work together. I guess we have higher goals and don’t let these petty arguments get in our way.
“…it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world; —Richard Blane in Casablanca
He’s done stuff too. I’ll skip over that for now other than say the worst thing he’s done was not keep his promise with me. There have been a million positives that I would not have changed such as winning the Battle of Jade Helm which saved many lives and reinforced my notion that action has to be taken in advance of a pending disaster. It’s useless to shine two giant beam of light into the sky to represent the twin towers. Holocaust museums lose their power when you discover that the story they want you to remember is full of lies, the deaths are real though. Funny, I complained about the outfits the staff in the health club wear, slightly off-red and black. I knew it was a representation of Nazism and that it existed there. I said it’s a perfect place for Adolf Hitler to hang out. Now it was very congenial and gracious of him to come see me several times there and to meet me. I didn’t speak with him because I didn’t want to be disrespectful to him and the other three people who were with him. I didn’t know it was him at the time and I had all intentions of working with him if I ran into him. This would have been part of my prime directive but it didn’t work out like that. Jade Helm was high on my list of important things done because it was tangible that lives were saved, lot’s of them. Sadly that wins over the prime directive. I can’t argue with God’s will. Ron is not God but also follows his will and has done some great things. This is part of why I’m here to be part of the team but I’m subject to human feelings and reflex actions on my part is part of me and has saved me and many others.
I’m aware of many other gracious things that have been done for me. I also know that much of what was done for me especially in the beginning was done for my prime directive.
The Judgment of Paris
In celebration of the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, Lord Zeus, father of the Greek pantheon, hosted a banquet on Mount Olympus. Every deity and demi-god had been invited, except Eris, the goddess of strife (no one wanted a troublemaker at a wedding). For revenge, Eris threw the golden Apple of Discord inscribed with the word “Kallisti” — “For the fairest” — into the party, provoking a squabble among the attendant goddesses over for whom it had been meant.
The goddesses thought to be the most beautiful were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and each one claimed the apple. They started a quarrel so they asked Zeus to choose one of them. Knowing that choosing any of them would bring him the hatred of the other two, Zeus did not want to take part in the decision. He thus appointed Paris to select the most beautiful.
Escorted by Hermes, the three goddesses bathed in the spring of Mount Ida and approached Paris as he herded his cattle. Having been given permission by Zeus to set any conditions he saw fit, Paris required that the goddesses undress before him.[5] (Alternatively, the goddesses themselves chose to disrobe to show all their beauty.) Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally beautiful, so the goddesses attempted to bribe him to choose among them – Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia; Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest warriors; and Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helen of Sparta. Paris chose Aphrodite— and, therefore, Helen.
Helen was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta (a fact Aphrodite neglected to mention), so Paris had to raid Menelaus’s house to steal Helen from him (according to some accounts, she fell in love with Paris and left willingly). The Greeks’ expedition to retrieve Helen from Paris in Troy is the mythological basis of the Trojan War. This triggered the war because Helen was famous for her beauty throughout Achaea (ancient Greece), and had many suitors of extraordinary ability. Therefore, following Odysseus‘s advice, her father Tyndareusmade all suitors promise to defend Helen’s marriage to the man he chose for her. When Paris took her to Troy, Menelaus invoked this oath. Helen’s other suitors—who between them represented the lion’s share of Achaea’s strength, wealth and military prowess—were obligated to help bring her back. Thus, the whole of Greece moved against Troy in force. The Trojan War had begun.
They called him Alexander
With the best band in the land
He’d topped the bill in Paris
But in Venice it was banned
A pile of dusty gold discs
Were among his claims to fame
There was no-one over sixty
Who didn’t know his name
Alexander you were great
The man the critics loved to hate
You could have been as big as the Beatles or the Stones
Alexander you became
The lonely housewife’s favourite name
You could have been the greatest of them all
The gig was held in honour
Of his golden jubilee
He did not need the money
So he said he’d play for free
He got the band together
Who’d been with him through the years
They rehearsed the Alexander songs
And shed nostalgic tears
The crowd rose to their feet
When Alexander hit the stage
His face had been rebuilt
So that you could not tell his age
He played all of the old songs
And the crowd sang every word
He danced like Margot Fonteyn
And whistled like a bird
He came on for the encore
But collapsed against the stand
The crowd was hushed, the doctor came
There was panic in the band
He diagnosed a broken heart
The critics had been fed
Their reviews became
Obituary notices instead
Ron Howard wrote that song, Paris is also known as Alexander. (Non-Sequitor: I didn’t know they called you Dennis). He was a member of the Strawbs, a favorite band of mine. Can you find him in this picture? Sure you can!

Ron had no intention of giving up the Prime Directive not unless she became broken down and useless. It’s not worth creating that as this has happened at least twice from my estimation. He’s like the kid who gets a great toy and his brother wants to play with it and he won’t give it to him until it is broken down and useless, or he smashes it himself then gives it to him. Ron is actually more likely to give his brother something else useful and worthwhile but not this because he wants it. Promises were made and not fulfilled. I was told I have no respect for the etheric where I spend a good deal of time. This is a laugh since I have done tremendous work for years in the ether layer.
I don’t blame Ron for withholding the Prime Directive for himself. Wars are fought over women. I think if we could have the two of us might of disappeared off the face of the earth. I don’t think he would have allowed that. She’s very accomplished, loved and needed. Farid offered Ron a great deal of money to eliminate me. I not sure he believed he could do it but he put up a good show of it training PD (The Prime Directive) the ins and outs of a meat market. Farid offered me even more to just leave. He wanted her for his son. Money never played much into my decisions other than to never accept any. In case despite playing everything out as if I was coming for example, a house was bought for us on the next street over which was very nice despite the fact that I was looking for an apartment close to a bodega and a train station so we could get diapers and formula.
Back to the conflict….
I’m internally conflicted about things that have gone on so always think through my advice here before proceeding…I am conflicted here.
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