The Fibber at Trader Joes

They should have fired him for being an idiot but they merely threatened to suspend him if this happened again. They gave him a Mulligan, a term popularized by Bill Clinton when playing golf which is  basically a “do-over.”

From Wikipedia: “A mulligan is a second chance to perform an action, usually after the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. Its best-known meaning is in golf, whereby a player is informally allowed to replay a stroke, even though this is against the formal rules of golf.”

This was good because a previous guy did poorly on a testing and they should have scuttled the test completely or at least the result.

Anyway, normally the agents are just hanging in the grocery, usually on a phone but not always. I recognized one guy there on three separate occasions though two times not there. but this guy was a pure dick.

He came over to help bag and I told him to leave. Fibbers have a notion that they can do whatever they want because they are “Untouchable” and they are!!! Really!! They can come in your house…murder you…rape your son and your daughter and boil and eat your cat without any consequences, at least none publicized. This is a bit of an exaggeration but maybe not. They go rogue and can kill anyone they want without noticeable consequences. Maybe there’s an internal process. I know one guy who got in some shit with consequences but overall they can do what they want. This gives them a tremendous advantage over others in society, noticeable arrogance and in fact an aura of being untouchable. Let me point out that there are true “untouchables” in this world in India who deserve more respect than many of these other “untouchables”.

Anyway I told him to leave, I didn’t need help bagging and the check out lady told him to leave, and I told him to leave two more times and he whispered something in her ear and she left and he took over the register. This was good cause he was about to advance his career and take on new heights bringing me down or he might just fuck up.

I asked him, “What’s with the fake voice?” He was using a radio announcer voice. Oh…side point…fibbers seldom travel alone. There would have been at least one more there and I spotted two others earlier, it’s hard to be 100% correct.  I asked him a few times about the voice and then I said to him, “Why don’t you use your real voice?” Which he did for a bit. Note 1: anyone starting with anything fake is likely to be a fake in other ways. I figured there would be fibbers in there, there almost always are and I had just been posting about some criminal activity.

He had the look of a young male fibber: Medium build, and relatively lean: a person who would run rather than lifting weights, descript in his non-descriptness. He had to be in his mid to late twenties and he had tattoos on one arm. Some complex mess of shapes and colors, and underneath it something tribal. I don’t typically take photos of any of these guys, I find it not that helpful and I don’t want to piss them off anymore than I have to.

I studied the tattoo for a bit and declared it was similar to all the other piece of shit tattoos I saw on other agents. I figured I’d study it later from my memory.

So he wouldn’t leave, which was annoying because I love to kid around with the cashiers at Trader Joes, they’re really fun and this lady was very nice. He had the fake voice, and a dipshit arrogance, overly exuberant for a cashier anywhere. He targeted me and had whispered to the cashier to leave. I had enough info…I asked him what agency he worked for. He didn’t answer. He didn’t speak much after that, all he kept thinking was, “How did he make me so fast?” He kept repeating this or something similar over and over and over. Answer: He made too many mistakes, too many things out of place and not natural. FYI: Female agents much harder to spot, and they don’t all look so much alike.

He got picked up and taken to HQ. On the way he was told he was suspended which really surprised the hell out of me. Apparently job #1 is to keep your identity secure which he didn’t do. He should have left when he was told to but he was young and reckless and smell glory in this. When he got to HQ he spoke with a higher up. FYI: The really higher ups are very tall and supervisors are older than the average agent, shorter and just a bit stockier.

The higher up told him he wasn’t suspended but was being admonished. He didn’t protect his identity and gained very little from the encounter. He should have left and let back up take over. They may have suggested a couple days off, I think they settled on getting back to work but I can’t be sure. It is a better idea. Some guy in Ron’s basement got reamed out for something he did but went back to work the next day but was really shaky. They misinformed him that my work was BS and he decided to ream me out and lecture me about it so I posted pictures of the identities of Melvin Purvis, John Dillinger and Hoover immediately after onto the net which I hadn’t done in a long time which was pretty serious (

Anyway the kid should have left.

Now back to the tattoos: The tattoos were average, redundant and boring. The usual crap I’ve seen on these fibbers. What’s the problem then? The tattoos were faded…he was way too young to have such faded tattoos. They also didn’t suit him. They were big boy tattoos and he was a little brat. I’ve wondered about this before. How are these fibbers defacing their bodies like this? I looked up ways to fade and remove tattoos and there are a lot of ways to do it. I believe the tattoo was relatively new, no more than a few years and he faded it to look much older. It stuck out on him as if it were on a nine year kid selling lemonade at a lemonade stand. (fading a tattoo article at the bottom)

Non-Sequitor from Putney Swope (1969)

Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet
Dr. Alvin Weasely.
Dr. Weasely is one of the most respected
motivational researchers in the country.
Harveys Beer has dropped 84%.
So Dr. Weasely will tell us how the
American public really feels about beer.
Dr. Weasely.
Beer is for men who doubt
their masculinity.
That's why it's so popular
at sporting events and poker games.
On a superficial level...
a glass of beer is a cool,
soothing beverage.
But in reality...
a glass of beer is pee-pee dickey.
- That's it.
- Beautiful.
"Pee-pee dickey?"
- We paid for that?

Read more:

“$26,000 and we got off easy.” They should have put the last line in.

Shout out for Putney Swope 1969 directed by Robert Downey, Sr. (a prince!) Here’s the full film. I don’t feel the film is dated at all! It’s in black and white and anything that was confusing to me then is as confusing to me now. As social commentary it holds up even better today as a historical piece bordering on documentary. Great stuff!!

Oh…I forgot to mention….It’s really funny!!!

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