I thought it was just me but all of Hollywood was asked to leave over last day or so. Many went into desert others went elsewhere. Ron is waiting for decrees of loyalty from each person before they can reenter the land of e-pluribus-unum. I was considered loyal despite my disgruntled self and was allowed to stay or reenter which is a little weird since I’m not there most of the time anyway. A couple people have come back already: developments to follow as they happen. The Howard kids hung out in the basement so as to avoid public exposure during this time of self reflection and self recrimination.
Ron is exerting pressure on the community so they understand he’s in charge. He is truly being Mr. Dickowitz but he’s the only game in town. You must surrender to the Dickowitz…that’s why I’m still here by the shores of Gitchee goomee.
I’m afraid my nihilism was really quite correct and hopelessness follows.
I’ve made several trips into help and have found nothing as close to Satan as Ron. I know people have said that about me too. I’ve never found the demons that difficult at all or the devils for that matter. Ron can pretty much rule in hell or at least have the appearance of such. I don’t know what else to do with that other than say, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’ intrate.”
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