While reviewing Doogie Howser I came up, not literally, his girlfriend Lisa Dean Ryan. Several photos show evidence of scarring in the lower neck. The one below is somewhat useful. I didn’t find any like Erin Moran which was obvious but a lot have subtle signs of either tracheotomy or thyroid disease.

If I find tracheotomy signs I think…motor vehicle accident (MVA). Do we have evidence of this? Anyone? Anyone? Kiki? Kissinger? Bueller? I think so….

This photo shows a couple of areas of probable surgical scarring which are remote from each other pointing to a possible global process affecting different parts of the body as an MVA might produce. See if you can find them…

- Look at Left Elbow: appears to be a horizontal surgical scar running through it affecting the line of the arm and skin and dividing into two different skin colors
- Left ankle: appears to be a sweeping slope scar running from top of achilles tendon to the bottom of mid foot. Noticeable by break in skin…beautiful job on scar BTW!
- Also, look at upper photo, left ankle, inner aspect. Possibly looks like it might have been pinned at some point but there is the appearance of a scar there.
I have suspicions about who she is and the scars will support any conclusions I come to…but not today!
Night all!!!
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