Kiki Presents: Who was Paul Newman?

Paul Newman aka George Bush

This took me way too long. Sometimes things just don’t compute. I’ve been looking for Paul Newman for over ten years. Paul Newman was one of the greatest and most beloved actors of his time. He appeared in 70 films and also directed and produced. Many of the films he was in are considered timeless classics: Cool Hand Luke, the Hustler, Exodus, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Torn Curtain, the Sting also with Redford (Howard) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Many of his films are pure pleasure to watch because he is pure pleasure to watch up on the screen. I was asked not to mention his great salad dressing which to me is just the usual oil and vinegar with spices but housewives everywhere like to touch themselves whenever they pull it out.


This also makes Katharine Ross…Laura Bush! Katharine Ross is the daughter of Diane Disney, Walt Disney’s daughter. Making Laura Bush the grand-daughter of Walt.

I got drugged once, MK Ultra style and yes the program is still active and very advanced and Laura Bush had me do some disturbing things. Also she had Images projected onto my frontal lobe while I was drugged which appeared as hallucinations.

Laura is very powerful and can be really scary. I know how crazy this sounds but I have to document as much as I can, as honestly as I can and I still leave some out.

I took this pretty personal and we discussed/argued over this for months. I’m pretty much over it having come to understand that she was engaging in a technique to create closeness using antipathy. The Bush’s can be pretty sensitive but here they had a goal in mind. This gets complex and I’m not sure I understand it all.

For drugging during MK-Ultra training they use Volatile gasses essentially anesthesia. Hallucinations can be created and projected into the brain where it appears to be in the frontal lobe. I was told I was being drugged through the water but I could feel the coldness of dense water vapor on my face as it came out of the vents in the ceiling.

There had been numerous attempts on my life and I have an internal early warning system Defcon (Defense Condition-like the military). I usually sit at 8-13. Defcon 1 is the highest level. Ron became my handler after my previous handler transferred “ownership” to him. One day I got really fed up with him and freed myself which can be done when the handler abuses his power without discernible purpose.  Anyway, it was pretty difficult killing me and Ron had poison gas set up in the room and I got to Defcon 1 and told him so. He told me not to do anything and just stay there. These people like to know they can kill you at anytime or they have stuff on you or can threaten your loved ones. I believe at this point that if Ron had released the gas I would have survived. I would have gone into Defcon-0 and defenses would have enacted automatically without my initiating them. This happened once when I was holed up somewhere and someone was trying to break down my door. Normally I have to hit a metaphysical button to get things started, once they start I often don’t have further control. Here no button pressed and a huge and sustained release of energy occurred….very cool! I wound up destroying the rest of the tanks of chemicals later on as they got on my nerves.


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