Thank you to everyone

My personal thanks to everyone who showed up Friday night and made the evening insanely special !!! If I could wish anything it would be that I recognized everyone who was there because I know people desperately wanted me to do so and they desperately tried to have me recognize them. I know it pleases people when I spot them. I would love to please everyone like that. If it’s any consolation I didn’t piece together two of my next door neighbors until I was almost home or the gal who successfully sued me for a quarter mil despite the fact that she was sitting right at my table.

There’s a piece of me that says…who am I to deserve this type of attention and would rather hide in the rafters than come out and play with everyone…I’m glad I get dragged out to spend this kind of time with all of you.

The band was as awesome as awesome could be and were really sweet to me when they noticed I was there or went up to them…it was a lot of warmth! It’s nice to be out of those early really unsure days and into something that resembles a more natural place and less fear and desperation.

I think we’ve all done some great stuff in this world. Someone told me years ago that there’d be a great turn around in this world and we’d enjoy a thousand years of peace. I think we’re off to a rousing start.

I miserated on any open seats in the place and thought…if people only understood who these people are and what they can do and what an experience of a lifetime they’re missing so thanks to everyone in the band and everyone who pulled this together.

When I started doing this work I discovered that Elvis and Amy were still alive and I knew that somewhere in this vast world there were concerts going on with some of the greatest musicians/singers of all time that were have supposed to have passed and I desperately wanted to go to one of these concerts and see and hear these greats and now I have! What a treat!!!

And of course thanks to Ron the greatest friend and director a guy could ever want. In some way I think we’re cut from the same piece of cloth, and on the same road, on the same mission, led by some great cosmic force, which is why we haven’t killed each other yet despite the fact that we’ve both tried, and yet we continue to fight side by side sword in hand.  I now see there is a god who does meter out justice and sets the world in balance again there’s no other explanation for what has gone on here.

Remember…the best is yet to come!

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