So I believe I have Ron as Jerry Seinfeld. Seinfeld was my favorite show on TV and I’ve credited it’s demise with my cessation of Television viewing.
Here we see issues with the right shoulder, hints of scarring in a letter T or W under the breast plate with a New World Order scarring triangle in the center with a circle dead center of the triangle. This then gives me Clint Howard as Jason Alexander (note: he was in Pretty Woman with Ron as Richard Gere) and Donald as Michael Richards. Not sure about Elaine yet, I’ve made too many mistakes with Cheryl but she’d be top on my list. We also have Wayne Knight (Newman) who shows up in Jurassic Park.
Ron in part with Arnold feigned disappointment when I said I stopped watching TV because Seinfeld when off the air. He must have had a good reason but I didn’t know he was Jerry. whatever his reason I respect it. I saw him feign disappointment once before after The Battle of Jade Helm when he said, “We’ve (NWO) have been set back 20 years.
Ron is a precision actor as I’ve alluded to before. His perfection in acting would be his undoing except he adds imperfections to his acting to make it seem more natural…very sophisticated!!! For example: someone went to see Woody Allen’s stand up act. He saw it twice and noted that in both acts Woody seemingly loses his place in the telling of a story and rubs his eyes like he’s trying to remember where he was. Adds a touch of humanity to an otherwise super-man like actor, an Ubermensch if I haven’t lost touch with my meager understanding of Nietzsche.
“See most guys around here don’t go around quoting Nietzsche.”– Coming to America.”
Last point for now. Jerry Seinfeld’s new hairstyle is close to the same as Jeff Alai from British Invasion Years, both men made from the best stuff on earth.

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