Spotter came in first, then she did with her assistant, and she sent me a message. Something about me and her husband. My response is below. I’m not sure who he was but I’m sure he was a lovely man just like fucking Hitler. I would have told him to rot in hell but I’ve been down there a few times and it’s not so bad… largely misunderstood.
I am sympathetic for the woman’s loss but the man was no angel, he was no choir boy, and he was no boy scout, he made bad choices and he lost and he left her behind. Another untouchable arrogant prick and those he stood with him have his stink on their person.
He played a dangerous game as did the others. God was not happy with his behavior and in the end God made the decision about him, with him and for him and many others.
My sincerest condolences to you for your loss, which I’m sure is worth roughly a warm bucket of spit as it was with many others. He was nice to you but he was not a nice man. In the end he got just what he deserved, I’m not sure about you.
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