Grateful for Blade Runner 2049

Brief review of Blade Runner 2049. Terrific film, especially for a sequel. I can’t think of a single major complaint about the film.

I think most importantly about the film it stuck to the temper and tenor of the original film, Blade Runner, which is somewhere in my top 5 science fiction films, it may be at the top. Waterworld would be in that list too, which i loved. I believe science fiction has to be judged differently than other films but I digress.

Stuck to the themes and overtones of the first film in what could be called a film noir detective science fiction film. Acting was superb, not a stiff in the bunch. I’m not going to single anyone out but you know who you are, Sylvia Hoeks. I’m glad Harrison didn’t get killed off. It’s a pain bringing back great characters after they’re killed like Sigourney Weaver in Alien or Bill Shatner or Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek.

I give this film an A+. Under normal circumstances I’d give it just an A but I give the additional + for not fucking it up! Not so easy making a sequel and this hit it out of the park.

FYI, I spotted Gilly in the film…omg!!!! super super super job!!!! A pleasure to watch on the screen even as an Asian.

Also shout out to Edward James Olmos who I loved in the original but I suspect would never have let Harrison in his new flying car with an open bowel of ramen noodle soup.


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