Part II What I did on Facebook today…

Ed Chiarini of found a photo containing Walt Disney a few years back that may have been only 10-20 years old now. Walt supposedly died in 1966, and Hitler supposedly died in 1945. Ed had him alive sometime around 2000 give or take 5 years. I found a photo which I correctly interpreted as having him in it from 2015, yes a lot went on that year. Walt was real annoyed that I had found out he was Adolf Hitler from that photo and had doubts that I could have done it. I assured him that I figured it was either him or Joseph Stalin. He then correctly said, “You knew I was alive though.” I told him yes. He said, “From the other guy,” I said yes. He then excused himself went into the next room and then returned. I didn’t know at the time but he had put a major contract out on the other Ed. As I said earlier I managed to help Ed out on that one and also a previous attempt but the second one was way more serious and looked something like Lot and his family fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah sans pillar of salt, as Ed and his friend Richard fled through the carnage.

Ed Baruch I may put up the photo in a day or two. The photo may appear too thin but I’m very good at following the bread crumbs and there is other evidence in the photo that makes it more compelling.

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Ed Baruch Ok, here’s the photo. Virtually every person in this photo is either famous or very famous and everyone is identifiable in some fashion. I’ll give you one…there is the back of a man’s head in the bottom right corner, to the right of the guy with the grey sweater on…that’s Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I only missed a couple here. Good luck, I’ll put up some answers later on.

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and indoor

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Ed Baruch Oh…this is what’s called a staged photo. It looks random or haphazard but everyone is told to stand very still and positioned just so. The FBI have books with all the staged events like this one with the names of each person in them. They have them going back over 50 years, maybe a hundred.
There’s probably about 2 dozen photos from the “Missing Person Case” Cayman Naib is Missing. This was a very interesting photo!
First, how many people in this photo? Do you recognize anyone? The man dead center next to the blonde is Farid Naib, his w and ife, the blonde is Rebecca Malcolm Naib…she’s a really terrific lady and is Kate Jackson from the original Charlies Angels. The guy with the cap against the left wall I have not identified. The woman with the dreadlocks with her back to us I have not identified either. The two people in front of the guy with the cap are the mother and stepfather of a very famous actor. They both turn out to show up in a lot of staged events and the guy played the psychologist, Creepy Gene Rosen in the Sandy Hook Hoax. The actor became really angry with me when I did some digging and found out some key aspects of his history and life. I thought it was brilliant work, he thought it intrusive and made the point of coming to my office to play an obnoxious fake patient. He’s one of my favorite actors but I can’t tell you who he is because he’s still really pissed at me. Ok…it’s Matt Damon and the guy is brilliant!!! I would go see his crappy films but he’s never made one. He writes under a different name and wrote a short film called, “Penny Dreadful” not to be confused with the TV series. It’s only about 20 minutes but it’s hysterical. Anyway I can’t tell you who he is or he’ll come after me again just like Diane Keaton…that one wasn’t my fault!!! How was I supposed to know she was Sharon Stone?!!! Here’s where it gets interesting…see the guy in the bottom right hand corner with the winter coat on? That’s Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Now it gets really interesting…how many people are in this photo? If you answered 7 you’re wrong! The answer is 8. To the right of Netanyahu are some tufts of hair of a greying person. That person is Elie Weisel, author of “Night”. I had the pleasure of speaking with him a few days before he died and I was able to ask him some questions about Kazakhstan after an unpublicized event took place. He described it as having “The most virulent anti-Semites in the world.” Which answered most of my questions.

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