Kiki Presents: Fauda!

So I’m watching a show called “Fauda” which takes place in Israel and The Palestinian Territories. It’s kind of soap opera’ish but with people exploding. I really enjoyed the first season and I’m assured the second season is just as good if not better.

What I’ve learned from watching the show is that if an actress is going to wear a Hijab as part of the role, eye make-up becomes really important. Carrying a high-powered weapon doesn’t hurt either.

Rona-Lee Shim’on in “Fauda.”

A couple people stand out as possibly related to other famous actors. Here Itzik Cohen looks considerably like Bela Lugosi, could be his son or it might just be the make up but they went out of their way to have them look alike. 

Next is Yuval Segal who has a strong resemblance to Charlton Heston.

Funny he also looks like Tony Goldwyn from Ghost

Tony Goldwyn

Also funny and also from Ghost, I identified Vincent Schiavelli as the son of Vincent Price

Vincent Schiavelli from Ghost, son of Vincent Price

What’s interesting about Heston and Yuval is that “the other Ed” aka “the other guy” has Heston as Shimon Perez.

The work of Ed Chiarini of

This continues to add up for Heston as here is a photo of Heston with Golda Meir so we are able to place Heston in Israel.

Also Heston did a lot of films in the Middle East.

Based on her name Rona-Lee Shim’on could also be a relative of Heston and this could be part of his acting family/crew.

As the other Ed says, Charlton is Shimon Perez and I have Golda Meir as Lucille LaVerne which I’m 100% on and I usually hedge my bets and say I’m 99% but here because Golda and Lucille have the same circular anastomosis on their hands it’s a 100% match. I believe I’ve posted on this before.

Off the record, for the people who get this I was pleased to spot Charlton in Orlando a couple summers ago though they kept bringing out fake ones after the original and Golda in New Egypt not too long ago. I saw her  once before in Asbury but sadly I didn’t recognize her. She looked more vibrant this last time and I wish I’d gone up and said hello, maybe get a close look at her hands. What a treat!

Since we’re on the topic of Israel I’ll wrap up with the Marx Brothers

The other guy found Groucho which really annoyed me because I had gone looking for him but I did find Harpo and Chico. There’s a couple other “brothers” which I worked on but never nailed down to my satisfaction


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