My intensive study into neck-vaginas also known as V-Necks will likely launch me into relative obscurity in a very short time. Described as “a little bit slutty and a little bit nutty” I have been condemned to the study of Neck-Vaginas so those “Holier than thou” folks can thumb their noses at me…”Look!!! He likes vaginas!!! He’s a slut!!!”…however in the words of the great profit Jackie Gleason……..and away we go!!!!

Tis a rare thing

“Remember…if you can’t take the heat stay out of Hell’s Kitchen!” –Oscar’s Dentist

Here’s one for the ladies!!!

Ok, I’m calling it quits…I’m looking for an assistant…I need to better categorize my study into neck-vaginas which will include Pope John Paul and Tom Landry!
Tired and I hit the wall tonite when all necks look like vaginas.
But first a word about living life in duality… Haha!!! You’re all fascinated by my treatise on the study of Neck-Vaginas and you think it’s brilliant!!! The study of Neck-Vaginas is turning the world upside down!!!

“You told me if I let him run with this nothing would come of it!”

I went looking for another neck-vagina on Spielberg and found this. Jaws is one of my favorite films, OK… it is my favorite though I love a lot of movies. Just great story telling, super characters, action, tension, excitement, human emotions (lady who slaps the chief when her son gets attacked), human failings, narcissism, affection between the characters, and hysterically funny at times. They showed it at Cape May last year on the beach which blew me away as I thought that would be forbidden kind of like showing an airplane disaster movie on an airplane but people loved it!! Everyone went nuts when the shark was killed and left in great spirits. I didn’t mention any technical areas of the film like direction because frankly… who cares? I didn’t when I watched it the first few times. I don’t think most audiences care. They want a great film. Largely it’s to the credit of the director if the film is great or not but I still don’t think most people care. I don’t think some people will agree or even care about my opinion here but I think it’s realistic. Before Rotten Tomatoes if I went to see a movie in a multiplex blind meaning I knew nothing about any of the films I would see whatever was starting first…hey it made it into the place it has to have redeeming features. I saw a lot of films like this that I normally wouldn’t have like “The Wife” which I’ve used for teaching psychiatric residents about what not to do in psychiatry. If two movies started not to far apart I’d pick whichever had the higher rating X>R>PG13>PG>G>coma. Not to suck up but this was one of my rules… if two movies started at the same time and one was a Ron Howard film… I’d pick the Ron Howard film. By and large I’d expect a good story telling and an unexpectedly terrific climax in the film depending on my date (the date part is just a joke). The films were usually great. My favorite film of his is “Far and Away”. I think here the direction is more obvious and plays in the film like an extra character much like a Robert Altman film, or a Hitchcock film. Back to the Spielberg photo, if you notice his right arm, right shoulder and scapula look like the skins been ripped off in places. My money goes with a Motor Vehicle Accident, I’ll work on this a bit later but this is a useful picture because despite similarities in injuries in this population no two injuries are identical but they can be pretty darn close.
Neck-Vagina should not be confused with Neck-Viagra which can cause stiff necks.
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