Anyone know the answer to this one?

  1. Fremanezumab, a humanized CGRP mAb, has shown promising results in phase 2 clinical trials in preventing episodic and chronic migraine. To better understand the site and mechanism of action of fremanezumab, Melo-Carrillo and colleagues used single-unit extracellular recordings to examine the effects of a peripheral 30-mg/kg intravenous infusion of this mAb on spontaneous and evoked activity in naive, as well as cortical spreading depression-sensitized, central trigeminal vascular neurons in the trigeminal cervical complex of anesthetized rats. They presented the results of this research at the 2017 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.
    In this study, a peripheral infusion of fremanezumab
    Diminished central sensitization
    Enhanced central sensitization
    Prevented central sensitization
    Had no effect on central sensitization

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