Kiki Keen Presents: His Dark Materials

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Film Review (Really TV) His Dark Materials. Season 1 episode 1. May contain spoilers, has super-spoilers. I’ve been waiting for several weeks to see this. My problem is I don’t watch TV and didn’t know when this would show. Problem solved!! The gal who is Daphne Keen contacted me the night before to let me know her show would be on the next day!!! Thank you. Daphne Keen was X23 in one of the last Wolverine films which could not be beat. She’s an amazing actress and this is starting out to look like a hit. This is a really cool aspect, the gal I know as Daphne Keen is in the first part of the show and then the gal she was cloned off of takes over for the rest. She’s every bit as talented and I spotted her a few months ago on one of those talent shows doing singing and dancing, not under the name Keen. I might have kept some notes on this. The clones appear to be 3-4 years apart. I’ve spotted a number of cloned actors, there’s a whole community of them in New Zealand. You have to be really rich or connected or both to get cloned. Cloning has been going on from at least the 60’s, maybe the fifties or earlier. It’s not that hard to do but as far as know it’s not done in this country. Ira Levin’s book, “The Boys From Brazil” is more fact than fiction as are many of his other books. I managed to attend a clone auction a couple years ago and blogged on it elsewhere. Anyway the show is really worth a look, on HBO and catch Watchmen as well. I’d wait to binge “His Dark Materials” but I’m afraid Keen will give me crap if I don’t watch it when it’s showing. I don’t know why she would care since I think the rest of it is her older clone and not her. Maybe she returns later on, we’ll see.

Kiki Kookaburra Presents: Tom Hanks!!!

So I’ve always enjoyed Tom Hanks film and I’ve seen some repeatedly especially Forest Gump which I’ve seen a dozen times or more.

Tom Hanks as Forest Gump

I’ve loved his work but I’ve found him a bit of a one trick pony….Hanks in and Hanks out. I’ve also wondered if he is any other actors. Now this presentation is a bit raw because it’s hard to find quality photos of Hanks naked as well as others but I’ve got enough to throw out my first probable person who is also Hanks. FYI…I now consider him a genius.

I’m watching “How to Get Away With Murder” and found a character who reminded me of Hanks and only got more Hanks like as the series progressed. His name…
Timothy Hutton

I’m going out on a small limb and say that Hutton and Hanks are the same person.

I’ve got a couple other possibilities for Hanks, one is …

Dennis Quaid with Laura Savoy

Another possibility is…

Alan Thicke

What’s nice is I’m hitting on some people I wouldn’t normally have catagorized.

I’ll try and confirm these and come up with others.

Tom Hanks…Not!!! a one trick pony!!!

Addendum 10/23/19

Let’s add Justin Bateman as a possible Hanks replicant, I’ll have to work on that one.

Kiki Kween of the Knight Presents: Carrie Underwood!!!!!

Cry Pretty…
So I took some time to take the little lady to see the little lady…Carrie Underwood at the Wells Fargo Center!!!! They seemed to get along fine. It was a real treat seeing Carrie again. I continuously marvel at how she fills the venue at Wells Fargo with that amazing voice of hers and what a great show. I know her entire music catalogue so the concert was pure pleasure as I did my best to harmonize with her, as did the other thousands of people there. She did most of her major hits including Blown Away, a personal favorite and a great video about a gal abused by her alcoholic father who leaves him drunk and unconscious on the couch of their farmhouse during a major storm while she goes into the cellar, “Some call it taking shelter, I call it sweet revenge.” 

She saved the big tunes off her album Cry Pretty for her finale. I appreciated she spent a few moments with me during that song and a couple of others. Kiki would be so proud of, good enough to be mom!!! One of the big tunes was the title song of the album (my personal favorite) the other was Love Wins, also my personal favorite. Make up was a key element of the song Cry Pretty and I wondered how they were going to handle it since she has mascara bleeding all over her eyes and face on the cover of the album the notion being that you can’t cry pretty…well she can! They put her up on the screens in a make up room while she applied smear mascara and glitter…brilliant!!! She also did a conglomeration of some other artists which was super, including Stand By Your Man, Nine to Five, and Walking After Midnight. You would almost swear Dolly and Patsy were her mother and grandmother!!! 

Her opening acts were “Runaway June” and “Maddie and Tae.” Both bands were super and joined Carrie on stage later in the show. Now off the record and I’d appreciate if no one repeats this. At one of her last concerts I spotted a gal in the band who had a violin solo and is a personal stalker of mine and that was Lady Gaga!!! I suspected she might be touring with Carrie again since I haven’t seen her in a while and I was correct!!! Those two are as thick as thieves, they pass for sisters. I spotted her Ladyness almost immediately up on one of the screens as Maddie,of Maddie and Tae!!! She was terrific but she was not the headliner so she couldn’t really let loose because she would be as capable or almost as capable as Underwood in filling that stadium with her voice. But she was terrific and hope to see her again soon stalking me; as a matter of fact could bring Carrie with you on one of your outings? She comes and goes so quickly. 

If you can spare a few bucks go see Carrie Underwood. If you can’t afford good seats bring binoculars of she up on six jumbo screens. A great time was had by all!!!

If I left anyone or anything out forgive me. Max told me to put my stupid game away right before she came out. That was some winning advice!!!

Ed out

Kiki Kleptomancy Presents: Bloodlines Cambridge and Davis

Strongly suspect bloodline here. Godfrey Cambridge was a terrific actor in his day and was in a favorite film of mine…”The President’s Analyst”! He was probably as shady in real life as in his films as many great actors are. Cambridge and Viola Davis share some common facial features and acting styles. I strongly suspect a family link.(Obviously not clones)

9/26/19 This turned out to not only be correct but most interesting. This was a bit of a stretch but I was confident enough in it to put it up. My people could not confirm this right away, it took a while which surprised me but this has happened before. Apparently virtually no one knew this and they actually had to check DNA to confirm. Viola Davis reported she was not aware that Godfrey Cambridge was her grandfather however she also said that her mother often spoke very highly and fondly of him. So what we have is Godfrey Cambridge is Viola Davis’s biological grandfather on her mother’s side. It would appear Viola’s mother was aware that Godrey was her father. On the back story, Viola was largely irritated bordering on angry that I put this out there. I believe judging from past experience that will work out for her. thoroughly enjoying “How to get away with murder,” stick with it, good stuff.

How did I get this one? In “How….Murder” Viola loses the wig and make up during the episodes and one point becomes really depressed which causes her to relax her face which reveals the likeness to Godfrey Cambridge.

Kiki Kaltbrunner Presents: Bloodlines!! Moore and Weber

I enjoyed The Saint but I really loved Roger Moore as James Bond!! “Live and Let Die” was a terrific film with a super cast of villains, women and gadgets; and one of the great singers and soundtracks of any film (Paul McCartney was pleased that Shirley Bassey was out of town!!) One of my favorite bond films!!! Here Charlie Weber is such a copy of Roger it’s possible he’s a clone but more likely son or grandson. It’s great watching Charlie in “How to Get Away with Murder” because it’s like having Roger up on the screen and no movie could suck with Roger up there, except one bond film that kind of blew with the car stunt where it goes over a twisted broken bridge; even Roger couldn’t save that film. As I was going out of the theater this woman said, “They don’t make Bond films like they used to.” Looking forward to Daniel’s next effort”

Tell the Princess Bride to say hello to me at the Concert. (if she comes)

Ed Out

Kween Kiki Presents: Bloodlines…Peet and Poitier

Strongly suspect Ronald Peet is progeny of Sidney Poitier

FYI…I liked I-Land…kind of like Lost, moved along at a nice clip. Hope there’s a second season of it.

People want to know how I got this since virtually no one knew about this… I got it from the voice. Ronald Peet at times sounds unmistakably like Sidney Poitier at times. Sidney is one of my favorite actors and Lillies of the Field is one of my favorite films. I’ve seen it several times. It’s a masterpiece as are his others.

I just had this fully confirmed…Ronald Peet is Sidney Poitier’s grandson. Quite the beautiful family!!