Kiki’s Kwixotic Film Review: Yesterday!!!

I saw the film Yesterday today and once again a film hit it out of the ballpark!!! I give this film a 5/5!!

Yesterday is a 2019 British jukebox musicalromantic comedy film directed by Danny Boyle and written by Richard Curtis. The film stars Himesh Patel as a musician who, after an accident, finds himself as the only person who remembers The Beatles, and becomes famous taking credit for writing and performing their songs. 

Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 60% Critics Concensus and 92% Audience Score.

I’m glad we looked at the Audience Score because a 60% Critic Score is pretty poor. Let’s not forget that the critics complained about Pavarotti being too fat! I think what went on here is that the critics had they’re heads up their asses and couldn’t hear the music!

I won’t go into in great detail…I loved it! Himesh Patel was superb as was Lily James, Ed Sheeran and Kate McKinnon.

More to come I’m watching Downton Abbey

Boy this is a really good show!!!

Back to Yesterday…I thought it was really clever. I had my doubts about the film but it was really fresh and not that predictable. Music was phenomenal and I’m not going to complain that there wasn’t enough music just because it left me wanting more! The actors were great and a shout out to Ed Sheeran who is a personal favorite of mine and I ran into in a candy shop at Universal Studios.

I’m going out on a far reaching limb here…I suspect that Alexander Arnold who played Gavin and did a terrific job is either a direct descendant of our own Max or possible a clone or a clone of a son. He looked a lot like a character or two of Max’s and a great actor.

Again, a super film! I cried through most of it when I realized just how could it was. It paid tribute to the Fab Four and did not diminish them in any way 5/5. This is the reason we go to the movies otherwise we wouldn’t leave our homes.

Kiki Presents: Ed’s Film Review: Ron Howard’s “Pavarotti”

Here’s the official trailer to Ron Howard’s “Pavarotti”

I saw Ron Howard’s Pavarotti today and it’s a 10/10. A virtually flawless film. And meets my criteria for films about great people…the film should be as big as the person. This was.

Rotten Tomatoes gives it 97% Audience and 88% Critics. I’m sorry what didn’t the critics like about the film? “It appears Pavarotti was too plump for his own good.” No, they were criticizing Ron’s handling of some of the material. Ron handled it fine. No problems, again flawless.

So that’s my neophyte review…perfect…blah, blah, blah…grand scale…blah blah blah…exceptional…blah blah blah.

But you don’t come here for that…you want the juice…you want the tender vittles…you want the hairy armpits of the miscreants…I know what you want… you want Gone With The Wind.

Let’s step back for a minute, Ron did a brilliant job directing the film but let’s get real…this isn’t exactly “Apollo 13”. Not once did Luciano float around in Zero-Gravity. It was some old footage, photos and some interviews…that’s it. Not exactly a role for a genius director.

And Luciano Pavarotti is one of the greatest singers/tenors of all time, very personable and his singing is 80% of the movie and 100% of the pleasure. But frankly Luciano’s career was much bigger than Luciano was…and boy he was a big man in every way.

So what’s the hit here, how does Ron Howard wind up getting put in charge of what is really a very simple directorial effort? Ron’s name even comes first, Ron Howard’s “Pavarotti”.

Answer: Ron was the genius behind Luciano Pavoratti’s meteroic rise to world acclaim; especially during the Rock and Roll years. He masterminded it. He directed Luciano himself for years and not merely this film!!!

Ron Howard is a genius…a true genius…sometimes an evil genius but he wouldn’t say that. He spots talent and sees the future and potential of that talent. His directorial expertise was in getting Luciano involved and performing with people and in settings that he otherwise would never have done.

Ron Howard would have arranged meetings with Rock Stars and concerts and putting people together in unimaginable ways with music that could never have been heard without him. Ron is a world-class promoter.

He is the power broker, the genius, and “The Man!” He’s got a giant rubber shark and it really makes the mark!

It doesn’t hurt that he is also “Sting” of The Police. And while Sting aka Ron Howard sat in the background during the film, he certainly was pulling the strings and calling the shots. He had the vision and the ability to carry through the vision.

Hence why is Ron Howard credited with this film…because he was the genius behind Pavarotti’s career and meteoric rise into the households of every person under the sun.

Ron Howard did not merely direct this film but he directed the larger than life career of Pavarotti because who else could have?

Kiki’s Korrections: Rocket Man

I was told there’s a minor mistake in my post on Rocket Man. Here’s what I think it is: I believe those terrific musical numbers added after the film was in the can was done by the people who did the film La La Land and not “My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” Both sets of people brilliant.

Kiki Klammers for more Ron: What else did Ron do?

Ron wrote and performed Kashmir with Led Zeppelin. A favorite of mine…who else could have written this but Ron.

I believe this was an alphabets jingle that Ron wrote, can’t find it:
I is Iris Indian, J is Jockey Julie, K is Kenny he’s the king, L is Lovable Truly, u…v…w…x…y…z

Ron wrote Hungry Like The Wolf performed by Duran Duran. I haven’t studied the band to see if he’s in it.
Ron wrote “The World I Know” performed by Collective Soul. I haven’t studied the band to see if he’s in it.

Ron wrote and performed “Go To Hell” and was in fact…Alice Cooper!
Ron wrote and performed the song with The Beatles as George Harrison
Ron wrote and likely performed “Juke Box Music” as one of the Kinks, got to work on that.
Ron wrote “Mean Green Mother From Outer Space” from the musical version of “Little Shop of Horrors” because who else could have. This musical is pure genius and the original film is favorite of my brother’s though we argued about the name change of Audrey Jr. to The Audrey 2. I was correct as it turned out.

Kiki Kikowitz Presents: What else has Ron done?

I was interrupted yesterday by my viewing of The Crown. Let’s go through a few more things that Ron has done.

Ron Howard wrote and performed Surfer Girl by the Beach Boys. I have to check which one of the Boys he is.

Ron wrote and performed Slip Kid as Roger Daltrey of the Who

Ron wrote “Wake Me Up When September Ends” by Green Day

Ron wrote the song “Help” by The Beatles and performed it as “George Harrison” of The Beatles

Ron came up with The Quatloo, for all I know he may have written that entire Star Trek episode. I’m told he wrote the episode! It’s one of the great classic Star Trek Episodes!


A quatloo is a monetary unit on the planet Triskelion which was used by the planet’s Providers to bet on drill thrall competitions. (Star Trek Original Series: “The Gamesters of Triskelion”) 

bid 50 quatloos on the newcomer.
#star trek#money#triskelion#kirk#thrall
by Dwight Shroote June 02, 2006

Can’t find the song with the lyrics, “I give my life to you…” He wrote that.

Kiki’s Korner Presents: Ed and The Krown

Ed continues to plow through and thoroughly enjoy “The Crown”. I appreciate the people who came to see me in the health facility from “The Crown”.

With season 2 nearly fully watched can the show “Downtown Abbey” be far behind for Ed?!







Haha just kidding…I know it’s Downton Abbey!!!

The Kiikmeister General Presents: What about Ron…more stuff you may or may not have known about him!

Ron wrote Harper Valley PTA

Ron wrote “Ode to Billy Joe” (basically the same song as Harper Valley PTA)
Anything with Choctaw in is probably related to Ron…here’s his daughter doing “Choctaw County Affair” I had to remove this video from my computer because Carrie is so hot it melted most of it.

Ron wrote Hurricane and performed it as Bob Dylan
Forgive any duplicates: Not only did Ron write and perform this he was Tom Slick.

This is what happens when I’m kept out of the loop!


1962 Tareyton Cigarettes Ad "Hungry for flavor"

1962 Tareyton Cigarettes Ad “Hungry for flavor”

I believe Ron was involved with the Jingle, Hungry for Flavor

Ron wrote the Jingle, “I would let anyone dance in my shoes”…100% pure Ron

Ron performed, but did not write.

That’s it guys…I literally have a hundred more give or take, but it’s time for the Crown!

Kiki Kikowitz Presents: Kreplach…What the fuck are they?

Kreplach (Basically a Jewish Won Ton)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to navigationJump to search

Meat-filled kreplach in a clear soup
Main ingredientsDough: flourwater and eggs
Filling: ground meatmashed potatoes or other
 Cookbook: Kreplach   Media: Kreplach

Kreplach (from Yiddish: קרעפּלעך‎ and Hebrew: קרפלך) are small dumplings filled with ground meatmashed potatoes or another filling, usually boiled and served in chicken soup, though they may also be served fried.[1] They are similar to Polish uszka, Russian pelmeni, Italian ravioli or tortellini, German Maultaschen, and Chinese jiaozi. The dough is traditionally made of flourwater and eggs, kneaded and rolled out thin. Some modern-day cooks use frozen dough sheets or wonton wrappers.[2] Ready-made Kreplach are also sold in the kosher freezer section of supermarkets.


In Ashkenazi Jewish homes, kreplach are traditionally served on Rosh Hashanah, at the pre-fast meal before Yom Kippur, and on Hoshana Rabbah and Simchat Torah.[1]Kreplach with vegetarian or dairy fillings are also eaten on Purim because the hidden nature of the kreplach interior mimics the “hidden” nature of the Purim miracle.[3] In many communities, meat-filled Kreplach are served on Purim. A variety with a sweet cheese filling is served as a starter or main dish in dairy meals, specifically on Shavuot. Fried kreplach are also a popular dish on Chanukah because they are fried in oil, which references the oil miracle of Chanukah.

Stuffed pasta may have migrated from Venice to the Ashkenazi Jews in Germany during the 14th century.[4]

The Yiddish word kreplach is plural of krepl, a diminutive of krap, which comes from Yiddish’s ancestor language Middle High German, where krappe, krapfe meant “a piece of pastry”. From the same source come the German Krapfen (“deep-fried pastry”) and its East Central Germandialectal variant Kräppel.

By folk etymology, the name has been sometimes explained as standing for the initials of three festivals: K for Kippur, R for Rabba, and P for Purim, which together form the word Krep.[5]

Some cooks use a square of dough that is filled and folded into triangles. Others use rounds of dough resulting in a crescent shape, or two squares of dough.[6]

  1. Jump up to: a b Claudia Roden, The Book of Jewish Food: An Odyssey from Samarkand and Vilna to the Present Day, Penguin Books, 1999, p. 77-78. ISBN 0140466096
  2. ^ Quick and Easy Kreplach Recipe Archived 2011-11-30 at the Wayback Machine | MavenMall
  3. ^ Claudia Roden, p. 32
  4. ^ Claudia Roden, p. 133-134
  5. ^ Kreplach: The parcels packed with history
  6. ^ The time of year to get your fill of kreplach
showvtePurim  (פּוּרִים)


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  • This page was last edited on 11 June 2019, at 14:42 (UTC).

Kiki asks: Does anyone remember laughter? or…anyone home?

anyone there?

hi everyone

this working? I doubt you’re good but this seems to be working

problem? OK so there fore I am just a client as my truly good friend said

nice to see you again she is my besets friend for that. I still resent having to pay to see carrie yes C U did she get my flowers? ok…forgiven. nothing eating and sleeping work a bit, we have interlopers, i’m almost used to them