Hey Kik! Could you please tell your Mom I’m sorry I didn’t realize that was her in “Hamilton”. Thank you. If it’s any consolation the whole time I watched “Suicide Squad” I thought she could do a better job as Harley. Then there’s Pipi and of course Tanya.
You could stop by once in a while with mom and our kids to say hello. I feel like a second class citizen here. Tell grandpa to loosen the apron strings…I promise not to steal you away!
Also, if gramps wants me to come by don’t show me reruns of “The Ranch”. That show needs a lot of help. Stuff needs to be more directive and don’t forget the wisdom of GWB…fool me once…we won’t get fooled again.
I’ve been discussing the film “Babes in Toyland” or “March of the Wooden Soldiers” apparently my concept has been done before in the film, Under the Rainbow with Chevy Chase and Carrie Fisher. I haven’t seen it and I may but this may be a good place to start.
FYI: One of the great aspects of “March” is that while the Boogymen are attacking Toyland making off with the children the Characters and townspeople are fighting them off. The Three Little Pigs beat up Barnaby and a few of the Boogymen. In one of the many really great moments of the film, the mouse climbs into a toy Zeppelin, fills it with small contact explosive and flies over the Boogeymen dropping bombs on them. He gets shot down by Stan Laurel aka Twiddle-Dee or Dum (Oliver Hardy is the other one). Stan was hitting Pee Wees at the Boogymen and moves onto darts.
This was probably one of the first instances in film of someone being shutdown by friendly fire.
OK so it’s been done…that doesn’t mean it can’t be done again.
Finished watching this on Netflix a bit ago and really liked it. Kaptivated Kompletely. I’m on the mind we have a Kiki Klone here and I think I’ve spotted her before. My Computer is giving me krap so I’ll have to stop here.
I normally try and leave myself out of the picture if I can but in the interest of disclosure I have to put out my influence on this film and I need to be more conscious of the influence I have on this industry. The industry is filled with very talented and very hard working people, I am merely a humble servant and a critic. As I recall my Strong Campbell listed critic on my top four professions.
I understand much of Rocketman was reshot after I criticized “Bohemian Rhapsody.” This must have been very expensive but I’m sure it will vastly pay off. My major criticism with Rhapsody was it was not big enough a film for a persona like Freddie Mercury.
My critique was well received and they turned up the volume on Rocketman and added a lot more singing, dancing and action. I watch the show, “My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” which I love and marvel at how they cram all this brilliant singing and dancing numbers into each show. I recognize bits and pieces of the songs from other places because it can’t be easy to come up with new songs every episode let alone dance numbers. In Rocketman you already had the songs which makes it much easier than starting from scratch…this is a real plus!
I had suggested that fight scene and a car chase would have been great in Bohemian Rhapsody which showed up early in the film…really super! Also, the trailers must have been cut before the film was reshot because a lot of the film did not show up in the trailers. They may have been shooting right up until the film was released.
If they can do what they do in every episode of “Ex-Girlfriend” then they could certainly do it in Rocketman. I would suspect they used the people from “My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” in Rocketman to write, film, dance etc in this film. There are some uncanny similarities.
Great film, hits the hight points 10/5.
A plea for Stan and Ollie. I loved Laurel and Hardy and the film Stan and Ollie fell short in my estimation. Second half better than first. I know we won’t see another film with them for another 10-20 years if ever. (The brought back The Hulk even though the first film blew) Here’s what I would do (I think I’ve suggested this before): Center the film around “March of the Wooden Soldiers” aka “Babes in Toyland” Turn it into a murder mystery or an old time crime syndicate film as the background in the film. Have people actually trying to murder Stan and Ollie both during the filming of March and in the background story. Have people turn up dead with Stan and Ollie trying to solve the mystery. Again, lot’s of action, singing, dancing, over the top filming. Also, make each of the characters as big as possible. I’d turn the old woman in the shoe and the kids into a group of psychopaths like in Oliver Twist or “Shameless”. I think films about legendary people like Elton, Freddie or Stan and Ollie need to be as big as possible. Bollywood has it right and I think it’s what we need, singing and dancing in all these great films. We can all just stay home and watch Homeland or Killing Eve or any of the other great series for a few bucks a month. We need a reason to go out and spend money in the movies.
(Disclaimer: Some of my assessments are not correct. I’m told I’m close, though sometimes the reviewers of my work are wrong and I’m actually correct.)
(Disclaimer Disclaimer: I am validated, the nuances in this post are correct, my assessments are correct. I reveal a lot of information which is not supposed to be known but I have to report things as I see them and let the chips lie where they might…enjoy!) Still there a really minor error, I’ll try and find it.
Saw John Wick yesterday which I may review another time, I almost walked on it except the last film I walked out on was Cowboys and Aliens which I never heard the end of and I tried watching again…ok, there was also Ender’s Game which wasn’t so bad. I didn’t walk out on it, I was at home and turned it off and my close friends and family turned into ice-boxes and wouldn’t talk to me, and still hold on to this, so I made it through John Wick which had it’s moments…over and over again. Now…Back to Rocketman!!
Rocketman!!!! This is a world class film which knocked it out of the park!!!!! While I was not completely thrilled with Bohemian Rhapsody which I thought was good but the film was too small for a guy like Freddie Mercury and Queen. The best part of that film was the last ½ hour which was largely actually Freddie! This film, I thought, captured the bigness of Elton John. The film was nearly as big as he was!! Few films can be as big as some of these great artists, this was as close as it was going to get.
Hugely entertaining, great songs, plenty of dancing, creative, a Bollywood dance number and a great fight and a car chase!!!! Who could ask for more?!!! Well there was Bryce Howard, and that more than tipped it over the scales.
Taron Egerton and Bryce Dallas Howard in Rocketman
Matthew Illesley is a British actor who began his professional career in 2018, aged 9, playing Young Reggie in Rocketman. This is a really cute kid!!!
Now I don’t necessarily believe the whole story, nor did I believe the Freddie Mercury story as Ron Howard wrote Bohemian Rhapsody because who else could have? and Ron wrote a lot of Elton’s songs. Elton John from my studies is Billy Mumy from Lost in Space and “You’re a Bad Man…You’re a very bad man.”
Billy Mumy aka Elton John
So who played Elton John? As above it’s Taron Egerton! From watching the credits I noted he did all the singing of the Elton John songs except for the one the younger Elton did. This is no small feat.
In the film Great Balls of Fire Dennis Quaid lip-synced the songs of Jerry Lee Lewis (BTW this was a really terrific film!) he didn’t sing them. Here Taron sings the songs. How’s this possible?…
This film is another successful Ron Howard and Company film. Billy Mumy is Ron’s full biological brother. The whole family are musical genius’s. I strongly suspect Billy Mumy was the original Paul McCartney and this role was taken over by Clint Howard. This I believe occurred after a car accident. Billy went on to become Elton John and possibly Leo Sayer.
So who is Taron Egerton? Clint Howard is every bit the musical genius as Ron Howard is. Ron was George Harrison as well as David Bowie to name a few. I suspect Taron is either the progeny of Clint Howard or he is Clint’s clone…yes possible a clone. I estimate tens of thousands of clones in this world. I’ve identified roughly ten different people’s clones and two people with over a 100 clones. So this is not so far fetched. The youngest Elton John in the film may have been a progeny of Billy Mumy or a clone of Billy. Ron, Billy and Clint ofter share roles when possible.
Clint had a problem with at least one of his ears and this may be the case with Taron but this requires study.
Problems with the film…minimal. I’m greedy, I wanted one more song and dance number we’ll maybe two, I wanted Candle in the Wind in the film, and I really wish though it would have been very costly to recreate…a piece of the Pinball Wizard song from the movie Tommy…the greatest rock and roll musical rock opera of all time and Elton John’s greatest performance and possibly the greatest performance by any singer in any venue ever. If you haven’t seen Tommy go see it. I have about five reviews of it earlier. It’s pure genius.
5/5 stars for the film and an extra five stars for Bryce Dallas Howard, making it 10/5 stars…a new record!
OK, I cried like a baby for most of the film…it was really great!!! I was really afraid this was going to suck…it did not!
You know what else was great!! The trailer paled in comparison to the actual film!! Usually the trailers tell the whole film, then there are no surprises in the film. This was not the case here. The whole film was great! If you haven’t seen Castaway with Tom Hanks don’t bother, just watch the trailer, thanks for showing us he gets off the island. No surprises after that trailer, good thing the trailer for Planet of the Apes didn’t show us the Statue of Liberty and that they were back on the planet earth. Also, if Tom Hanks wife in the film knew he was alive why did she marry Big?
Remember Kiki Kikowitz for information no one is supposed to know!