Kikala Kikowitz’s Korner presents: Mollie and Bella in Europe!!

Here we have Mollie and her friends in Europe, maybe Greece as it looks like a Greek Orthodox Church, forgive me if I’m wrong…and what do we have here? Looks like Bella Ramsey has snuck into the picture!! They build up her chin a bit. The gal behind her looks to be her sister as she favors either her mom or aunt. I think we’ve seen the red-headed gal before, second from the left with a dolphin. Mollie is in the middle. Thank you Bella and everyone else!!!
Same as above without the alterations.

Kiki Heralds Ed’s Award

I was quietly at work yesterday fighting the forces of evil when I was told about this award from the Burlington County Fraternal Order of Police. I could have been knocked over with a feather. We work really hard here and we’re tough on our patients, the addicts, and here we’re acknowledge for our work. Thanks to everyone involved. This is really wonderful and it’s the real deal!
