Kiki Presents: Tanya and Ed

Beatrice Howard-Gabel
I’m back to the relatively stodgy NJ…there’s no place like home!!
Great time with family and friends in Los Angeles.
Wishing everyone a somewhat belated Merry Christmas (first time back on my computer in almost 2 weeks) and a very Happy New Year!!
Much love to all!!!!
Kiki and Ed
I want to be in cast of Crazy Rich Asians 2 and reprise the role of Mr. Yunioshi in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” played by Mickey Rooney who personally set back Japanese-American relations in this country 20 years to immediately post Pearl Harbor.
BTW here’s an episode of Worst Wars which pits Mr. Yunioshi against Dr. Mann (Mickey Rooney vs Matt Damon). I thinks it’s funny that they stuck Matt in battle against Mr. Yunioshi…LOL. Being one of the best looking, most talented leading men in the world…he deserves it. Plus I think Mickey is like a great or great-great uncle of Matt’s. Live long and prosper!
Crazy Rich Asians…who doesn’t love ’em?!
Jimmy O. Yang, Jon M. Chu, Nina Jacobson, Sonoya Mizuno, Gemma Chan, Michelle Yeoh, Henry Golding, Awkwafina, Constance Wu, Chris Pang, Nico Santos, Ronny Chieng and Ken Jeong
‘Crazy Rich Asians’ film premiere, Arrivals, Los Angeles, USA – 07 Aug 2018
Ignore this recipe. It’s for the indolent. Go look up a good one with hand ground potatoes and onions. This is only for the slothful. Real latkes are made with hand scrapings from grinding potatoes and onions.
Ingredients for “Lazy Latkes” otherwise known as “Low-Brow Latkes” for the lackadaisical and uncouth.
Mix all the ingredients together. Slowly add hot water and stir until nice and thick. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon the concoction in and fry til crisp.
recipe on next post
Happy Chanukah to all our friends and family as we celebrate the Festival of Lights and the miracle of Chanukah. (It’s actually kind of a minor miracle. Would have gone unnoticed except we need an excuse to stuff ourselves with greasy potato pancakes with apple sauce and sour cream. It also shows we managed to avoid getting annihilated…again!)
I mean really, any miracle which is not caught on film with Charlton Heston declaring…. “BEHOLD” has got to be a minor miracle.
Enjoy this festive holiday!!!
Much love…
Kiki and Ed
Remember Kiki…you had me at Shalom!!
Happy Thanksgiving All!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving as we celebrate the harvest and the abundance that life gives us, with love, peace, joy and a spirit of mutual respect and admiration for each other.
Happy Harvest!
Much Love
Ed and Kiki
So I’m on Season 6 of Shameless and having the best time of it. Today I met Nick, Carl’s 6’2” Africanish friend from Juvie driving my Uber. I was going to give him a $25 tip but the ride was like 8 bucks and they only allowed me to give him $18.32 but I wrote some nice stuff about him. I’m always tempted to write, “Good in bed,” as a compliment but I think they’ll ban me again like the time I wouldn’t talk to federal agent driving me who I made instantly upon his pulling up. The ride back appeared to feature the guy who clocked Carl with a gun. I gave him $5, which despite having used too many onions was still a very good sauce.
So I’ve met a bunch of people from the show, which I love, I wont go through them though Bill looked unnerved that Connie told me who he was, I saw Connie on something else. I’m pretty sure Bill was Bill as I’ve been looking for him for a long time unsuccessfully and there he was. I was sad and lonely when my main squeeze left and moved to somewhere near New Orleans. I haven’t seen Jr. in a while either. I saw Debbie, who insisted I mention her tonight, it was a pleasure meeting her and Monica with and without makeup and Sammi’s mom who looks a lot like Monica
Margaret Cho showed up who is a riot and I introduced her to Keaton’s brother-in-law, which pleased her to no end. I’m a big fan of both though Keaton may still hate me. I loved Cho with that gal Awkwafina in their video who can really be a bitch sometimes but I love her anyway.
Let there be lip. So I went to Haddonfield for dinner with some friends, and ran into a bunch of interesting people, I’ll go through them a bit later but Lip’s family was in the entranceway, hard to miss his brother who looks just like him. Dad too and probably mom and sis but it occurred to me how talented everyone is. Talent like that doesn’t occur in just one generation. I doubt I could do 1/100th of what these people can do though I’m comforted by the contrary as well. So I spotted that Lip looks like Harpo who is Jascha Haefetz with his son being Itzhak Perlman but where did this start? Talent like this doesn’t just start in one generation, has to be handed down from very young ages, probably in the womb. OK so who do these people appear to be the progeny of? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!!! I’d bet dollars to donuts on this.
Last point FU Ron for turning my effing computer off all the time. Go stuff your face at the Piggly Wiggly…beach.