Ron Howard was involved in this film, I believe he appeared in it and may have helped with some of the later writing of the songs such as Maria.
Kiki’s Film Studies: Cinderella
Not sure what Ron had to do with this but somehow the lyric, “The thingamabob, that does the job, is biddibobbidi boo. I also reviewed this and discovered this was not from Mary Poppins.
Kiki Presents: How many Quatloos for the newcomers?
Ron worked on this episode of Star Trek and came up with the name Quatloo for a form of currency:
Kiki Presents: David Letterman Part 3
I’m going to pick up where I left off… so go back to 9/15/2018 Kiki’s Tawk Show Host: David Letterman easier for me to pick up at the original post
Kiki’s Trouble in Pair of Dice
Oh oh! I have George Harrison and Bob Dylan as the same guy…boo…me! Will need to work on this!

Kiki Presents: David Letterman…part 2
I’m going to pick up where I left off… so go back to 9/15/2018 Kiki’s Tawk Show Host: David Letterman easier for me to pick up at the original post
Kiki’s Kwotes: Of Comedy and Porn
“Whereas comedy that is boring is unacceptable, porn that is boring is inexcusable.”
Kiki’s Kulinary Kommercials: La Choy!
From what I can tell Ron Howard worked on La Choy commercials and came up with the slogan… La Choy makes Chinese Food, swing American. I never much understood the slogan and we had great Chinese Food in Brooklyn but the crunchy noodles were good and we’d throw them in with our chicken soup and lokshen.
Kiki Presents: Katie…The Farmer’s Daughter
I used to watch Katie The Farmer’s Daughter. Inger Stevens was really smoking’!

Above is from the episode where William Windom made her wear a bucket on her head to win a contest from National Lampoon. OK, they just had big hair back then.
Here’s an opening from the show…it changed around a bit in some seasons.
From what I can tell Ron Howard wrote the lyrics to the song, Katie the Farmer’s Daughter and worked on the show.
This is an episode with Davy Jones on the show.
Kiki Presents: Ed’s unwritten autobiography name…
Lives I’ve Touched…Wives I Have Not