Kiki’s Musik: Moon River Part 2
This is Audrey Hepburn singing Moon River.
My sources tell me that Ron Howard did in fact write Moon River. This is the musical equivalent of splitting the atom at age 6. Ron was and still is a musical genius of the likes of Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart. There is a list of the modern musical genius and Ron occupies 4 of the 10 spots if you include the Beatles; Prince, Dylan and Hendrix are the others.
So what’s the deal here? Ron was sworn to secrecy. He was told never to reveal to anyone he wrote the song. Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer are attributed to it but I was pretty sure Ron had a hand in it and it was confirmed he did it.
So sworn to secrecy virtually no one is aware that a six year Ron Howard wrote it. This was a game changer for Ron and the musical and entertainment community demonstrating Ron’s capabilities as a writer and composer.
I’ve gone through the issues with Ron’s song “Windmills of Your Mind” which he wrote and was stolen from him. The song is pure genius and continues to be a sore point for him.
BTW Audrey Hepburn is Diane Disney.
Kiki’s Klassik Songs: Chapel of Love
Ron wrote, “The Chapel of Love” performed by, “The Dixie Cups”
Kiki’s Musik: Moon River
I believe Ron had a hand in the song Moon River. He may have written some or most of it but I don’t know. I reviewed the lyrics for clues and it could have been Ron’s style at the time.
I’m crossing you in style some day
Dream-maker, you old heart-breaker
Wherever you’re goin’, I’m goin’ your way
There’s such a lot of world to see
We’re after the same rainbow’s end, waiting ’round the bend
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me
My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me
Kiki’s TV: H.R. Pufnstuf
Ron worked on the TV show “H.R. Pufnstuf”
Kiki’s Kommercials: New Ultra Brite Toothpaste
Ron did the 1969 commercials for Ultra Brite Toothpaste
Kiki Presents: Bullwhip Griffin
Ron worked on a film for Disney called “The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin”
This film may have been the best thing ever shown on “The Wonderful World of Color/Disney”. Sometimes the show would be as boring as dirt but this was terrific with great music, special effects, direction, script, and acting. It starred Roddy McDowall. I suspect but have not confirmed this is Ron. Roddy was a super over-the-top actor who was really captivating. I remember seeing him in a horror film in a haunted house which just blew me away. I believe Bullwhip Griffin was shown in two parts and was super entertaining. Nice job Ron!
Remember: When in doubt…
When in doubt…take a pawn.
Cant remember which show this was from, I suspect it was Secret Agent Man and it was a code to trigger someone to do something. I suspect Ron wrote this along with an episode of Secret Agent Man where a guy is trying to get out of a foreign prison and needs an assistant and is a chess master.
Kiki’s Kartoons: The Marvel Super Heroes Have Arrived
Ron worked on terrific cartoons called, “The Marvel Super Heroes”
Kiki’s Klassik Kommercials Presents: Razzles!!!
I’ll run with this though I cannot find a copy of the commercial. I will use my vast resource or instincts, my memory and dumb luck!!
Ron, I believe, did a classic commercial for a candy called Razzles. As I recall here’s how it ran.
A geeky guy comes out on stage, probably Ron because who else could do this better…no one!
He says, “I dreamed I was a Razzles. I put me in my mouth. First I was a candy, then I was a gum. I blew a little bubble but the noise did wake me up, and I don’t know what became of me.”
I believe he stuck his thumb in his mouth and blew, walked off somewhere and exploded.
On some level the ad had to work because the candy is still around and I remember most of the ad.
Hail Ron