Kiki’s Krew Presents: Welcome to Marwen, Captain Scarlet, The King Kong Show, Johnny Quest, Tobor and Top Cat

I highly suspect the Film “Welcome to Marwen” was created soon after I blogged about Ron Howard creating, directing, producing and doing it all on the show, “Captain Scarlet.” Ron was brought to tears when I blogged about it and I’m brought to tears whenever I watch the trailer to “Marwen”. It looks amazingly creative and wondrous and the only thing I really hate about it is it won’t hit the theaters until November 10th. Well good things are worth waiting for and in the same vein here’s another show Ron worked on called, “The King Kong Show”. Here’s the intro for it from 1966 when Ron was about 11 or 12 years old:

after 50 years that song is still stuck in my head and guess what?! Ron is in the show as the little boy!! Damn good likeness!!! Nice change over all the waif women like Fay Wray, kind of a bit of a gay Kong version but why not?

Now let’s look at Johnny Quest, also worked on by Ron

What was really cool about this show? It was an action adventure cartoon geared as much to adults as kids with adult centered themes and non-cartoonish looking characters. It also had an
Asian-Indian boy named Hadji who was mystical. This was kind of a big deal as I don’t believe I ever saw an Indian in a cartoon as a major lead character, and he was a great character. Finally without doing any research, as I recall, the cartoon was on prime time TV, maybe 7:30 or 8PM, which was like a big deal for a cartoon, and it was terrific!!!

Ron also worked on Tobor The 8th Man

and if I’m not mistaken he worked on Top Cat…


Happy Father’s Day Everyone

Thanks to everyone for the warm Father’s Day messages and a Happy Fathers day to all my family and friends.



Ok…I don’t really think I got any Father’s Day messages let alone warm ones; maybe a few early risers looking for M but it was nice to see them.



Kiki’s Film Review: The Boy (Warning Contains Spoilers and Superspoilers!)

The Boy (previously known as The Inhabitant) is a 2016 horror film[5] directed by William Brent Bell and written by Stacey Menear. The film stars Lauren Cohan and Rupert Evans. Filming began on March 10, 2015, in Victoria, British Columbia. The film was released by STXfilms on January 22, 2016. It is an international co-production between China and the United States.[2]

I watched this 2016 film today and was surprised by how much I liked it. It got a relatively low grade on Rotten Tomatoes but who doesn’t enjoy creepy doll movies.

I found this film to be really well done, script was good, camera, direction, acting all very good. I thought it was intelligent and filmed beautifully. It lumbers along but it was really satisfying.


A sequel is due. I strongly suspect that the caretaker-Malcom is actually the son of the elderly couple and my be Brahms himself or a second son. Well worth a view.

Fauda Fall out

Looks like I became sort of a minor hero with my Fauda post. Perez was apparently held in high regard and I should probably quit while I’m ahead. I appreciate the people who came out to say hello over the last few days. Special shout out to Heston who was on the treadmill next to me on Saturday and I believe I spotted Itzik today who gave me a big smile. Lot’s of the ladies I saw looked much like the ladies in the show, or during the week. Special shout out to them. I wish my skill set was better with this but I’m honored as always when people show up for me.

Here’s where I should quit while I’m ahead. Abeer Zeibak Haddad bears a striking resemblance to Golda Meir and Qader Harini bears a resemblance to Clancy Brown from Carnivale, a show I loved. There’s also a Palestinian with a beard who looks like Qader and is likely his brother or his clone.

I’m in a tough spot posting this because where I came from the early leaders like Golda were held in high regard so this is difficult but this is what I do. While Perez was held in very high regard…Golda was not, surprisingly so. Though the woman was played by Lucille LaVerne who was in early Disney films, this might explain it, some of the Disney people had some issues around religion. I don’t want to belabor this but not all the money earmarked for the State of Israel either got to Israel or stayed there at a time it was sorely needed. I’ll leave it as such and wait for confirmation on this, sadly with stuff like this I’m seldom wrong.

The sins of the parent should not fall on the child…let the kid sin on their own then condemn them for that.

Thanks again for everyone who showed up, including Ito last week!

Kiki Presents: Fauda!

So I’m watching a show called “Fauda” which takes place in Israel and The Palestinian Territories. It’s kind of soap opera’ish but with people exploding. I really enjoyed the first season and I’m assured the second season is just as good if not better.

What I’ve learned from watching the show is that if an actress is going to wear a Hijab as part of the role, eye make-up becomes really important. Carrying a high-powered weapon doesn’t hurt either.

Rona-Lee Shim’on in “Fauda.”

A couple people stand out as possibly related to other famous actors. Here Itzik Cohen looks considerably like Bela Lugosi, could be his son or it might just be the make up but they went out of their way to have them look alike. 

Next is Yuval Segal who has a strong resemblance to Charlton Heston.

Funny he also looks like Tony Goldwyn from Ghost

Tony Goldwyn

Also funny and also from Ghost, I identified Vincent Schiavelli as the son of Vincent Price

Vincent Schiavelli from Ghost, son of Vincent Price

What’s interesting about Heston and Yuval is that “the other Ed” aka “the other guy” has Heston as Shimon Perez.

The work of Ed Chiarini of

This continues to add up for Heston as here is a photo of Heston with Golda Meir so we are able to place Heston in Israel.

Also Heston did a lot of films in the Middle East.

Based on her name Rona-Lee Shim’on could also be a relative of Heston and this could be part of his acting family/crew.

As the other Ed says, Charlton is Shimon Perez and I have Golda Meir as Lucille LaVerne which I’m 100% on and I usually hedge my bets and say I’m 99% but here because Golda and Lucille have the same circular anastomosis on their hands it’s a 100% match. I believe I’ve posted on this before.

Off the record, for the people who get this I was pleased to spot Charlton in Orlando a couple summers ago though they kept bringing out fake ones after the original and Golda in New Egypt not too long ago. I saw her  once before in Asbury but sadly I didn’t recognize her. She looked more vibrant this last time and I wish I’d gone up and said hello, maybe get a close look at her hands. What a treat!

Since we’re on the topic of Israel I’ll wrap up with the Marx Brothers

The other guy found Groucho which really annoyed me because I had gone looking for him but I did find Harpo and Chico. There’s a couple other “brothers” which I worked on but never nailed down to my satisfaction