Ron Mopes as Priceless Collection of “ED-O’s” is given away at Cheryl’s Insistence

Ron’s mopiness quickly resolved when people expressed their gratitude to him for the dissemination of the priceless collection of Kennedy “ED-O’s”. Ron was heard as saying, “Those things could have been worth a kings ransom in a hundred years and I planned on being around for that…and longer!!”

Cheryl’s kind heart has brought joy to the people of LA.

Some close fans, friends and family quietly gave tribute to BB whose gentle touch and loving manner was worth much more than the piece of metal in their hands. Some others left the home as soon as possible with their joyous treasure.

Overall a great evening, even people who did not get one had a great time with singing dancing and horse trading.


After getting into the first “Ed-O” argument Ron has generously decided to disseminate the coins to friends and family as was Ed’s original intent. He will give out  the piece holding onto a few and the Artist Proof coins for him and his wife. Paige got “ED-O” #3, a very close and personal friend of Ed as was Ed’s want.

Many people please to receive the “Ed-O” quietly commented to each other how badly the coin was produced. People who received the later coins stated, “Well, it’s not as terrible as the earlier ones but it’s still really bad!” And, “We can see why he’s a psychiatrist and not a surgeon!”

To these and more I reply, “Hey George Washington’s teeth are as ugly as hell but they still are priceless!”.

Lady Gaga got coin 04, another close and personal friend of Ed but not quite as close as Paige. She once implored me to stop stalking her when I responded to her, “You know you’re actually on my Facebook page…and I have no friends on this page but your still looking at it. You’re stalking me!!” After which she went into a laughing fit that took about twenty minutes to stop.

Some people are saying they’re beautiful! (must have gotten a later piece!

I’ll send some more in a few days. Kiki’s crying, I think it’s joyous!!! Her’s was the last one produced on January 18, 2018.

Who got 01 and 02? Bryce and Kiki

Ron and Chery can have the AP, those were the first produced.

Yes I want them each to have the two pieces.

Thank you to Ron and Cheryl for their generosity.

I’m asked what are they worth?

They’re worth what someone will pay for it. The Artist’s Proof can be on par with the earlier pieces, 01-10. The lower the number the higher the price, although the later pieces can be a lot prettier and may be worth more.

I’ll estimate what they’re worth at $10,000 per “ED-O”. The whole set of Kennedy’s would have been estimated at $300,000. The two Arnold pieces because of provenance would be hard to estimate. It depends in large part to what happens to us, where this goes, etc. Rarity and demand will determine price. Arnold bought JFK’s golf-clubs which I understand are really kind of ordinary clubs but they sold for a million dollars simply because they were JFK’s and it was probably the coolest thing you could buy. Value would have likely  increased because they were bought by Arnold.

I’ll send more in a few days.

This looks like fun. There is some good horse trading going on now.

I came up with the value of the Ed-O Kennedy based on what a 100 invert stamps might cost, last time I looked. Now there are only about 50 coins but by the end of the end of February there are likely to be 100. I calculated an expanding supply up to the low hundreds (110-120 or so).

Last point-As a rule coins made of more expensive materials like silver and gold are generally expensive.




The “ED-O”

What is an “ED-O” (Ed Oh). “ED-O’s” are coins or ephemera with ED’s name carved into it by ED. It has no added intrinsic value over the value declared by the minting entity or the price of the metal content. The first one’s went out today to Ron Howard’s office. The name “ED-O” is the unofficial term for the piece..

This is in the order the coins were produced and distributed.

    1. Several (10) test pieces were used to practice engraving, made of clad metal, counterfeit pieces (not coins because they are counterfeit) purchased at a flea market, representing other countries on the reverse and Disney images or Superheroes on the obverse. Produced the week of January 12-18, 2018 it was originally to go to Lindsay (Welcome to LA Ed) Lohan who Ed has a soft spot for and has the largest private collection of Ed’s personal items. Ron asked Ed to hold on to these.
    2. Two AP coins, Artist’s Proof coins/Ed-O’s, labeled “AP 1” and “AP 2”.  January 17, 2018. These are actually the first “Ed-O’s” produced. Both were made on 1964 90% silver. I believe one is a P mint mark and one is a D mintmark.
    3. The first 43 coins of Kennedy half-dollar series consecutively number from 01 through 43. Engraved on January 17-18, 2018. After some discussion the engraved collection was designated to go to Ron who will display it at the Ron Howard Secret Museum. The quality of the engraving generally improved as the series progressed and Ed got better with the Dremel. 
    4. One 1964 Kennedy half dollar 90% silver with two names on it. On the left side of the obverse the actual first name of “The BB Queen” and on the right side, the name “EDDIE”. All in caps. Not numbered. Produced on January 18, 2018. This is the only “Ed-0” to date to use “Ed’s” childhood nickname of “EDDIE”.  A second 1964 Kennedy half dollar 90% silver also with two names on it. On the left side of the obverse is the name “KIKI” and on the right side, the name “Ed”. All in caps. Not numbered. These are the first two “Ed-O’s” produced without an identifying number. Produced on January 18, 2018. The coins belong to the daughter and granddaughter of Cheryl and Ron Howard. The ladies have taken possession of the Ed-O’s, I think…oh oh…”Ed…Dad really want’s these!!!” They were opting to wear them as jewelry and have agreed to periodically loan the coins to Ron’s museum, at their discretion. It appears they are doing their best to hold onto the “Ed-O’s”. Someone just screamed, Ok everyone all at once…”LET GO OFF MY ED-O!!”
    5. Two 1971 S, 90% silver Eisenhower dollars, one proof and one uncirculated with ED on both. The coins were given to Ed by his grandfather as part of a larger Eisenhower collection. The proof coin labeled “01” and the Unc labeled “02”. The coins have a US declared value of $1 each or $2 total. These two coins produced on January 18, 2018 were designated by Ed to go to Arnold Schwartzenegger. The back story on this is a new charitable enterprise was being set up in CA. Everyone involved agreed to donate $2 to get the charity going (more of a symbolic nominal fee). Ed being on the east coast could not easily donate and asked “The BB Queen” to borrow $2 but felt embarrassed afterwards and requested the money be returned to her (suspicions are high that it wasn’t actually her but a body double!). Ed then asked Arnold if he could borrow $2 from him, which he was more than happy to do. Ed, personally disliking owing money, no matter how small, machinated over this for a year or two and embraced the opportunity to return the borrowed funds. There were 4  Eisenhower Dollars produced in 1971. Honoring Arnold as a good and close personal friend Ed selected the Proof and the Uncirculated 1971 90% Silver S Mintmark Eisenhower Dollars to repay the debt for which Ed is still grateful.  This represents the first use of an “Ed-O” to pay a debt (Jan 19, 2018.
    6. Up to six “Ed-O’s” will be released into circulation tomorrow. All will be Kennedy halves.

I, Tonya

Review from Facebook

Movie Review: I, Tonya
Warning!!! Contains Superspoilers!!! Stuff no one is supposed to know. First of all I give the film 4/4 stars but in the interest of disclosure I have a soft spot for most of the actors in the film (i.e. the hots for Margot Robbie…and Matt Damon) so I went to look at the tomato scores off Rotten Tomatoes and it did very well which is 89/100 critics and 88/100 audience. Those are high scores so I’ll stick with my 4/4 rating. I wondered why they would do a film about Tonya Harding who was really quite the brat in the Olympics 20 years ago and I almost skipped this film until I heard Margot Robbie was in it (Did I mention I have an intellectual curiosity about her?). Now Tonya Harding skated in the 1992 and 1994 Olympics. The wikipedia gives Tonya Harding’s birthdate as November 12, 1970 (age 47). This would have made her 22 at the 1992 Olympics and 24 and the 1994 Olympics. She was neither 22 nor 24 at these Olympics. She was 12 years old at the 1992 Olympics and 14 at the 1994 Olympics. And the gal playing Tonya Harding in this film, Margot Robbie is actually Tonya Harding. I realized this 20 minutes into the film when Margot started skating and I had seen most of what went on in the 1994 olympics and it was the same gal skating.
The Wikipedia gives Margot Robbie’s birthdate as July 2, 1990 making her 27 years old. Margot was actually born in 1978 making her and therefore Tonya Harding 39 years old.
Now…how do I know this? I met Margot or rather the actress who plays Margot about 16 years ago. How did I do this? She was working a catered event at one of the local synagogues and she shoveled noodle in cream sauce onto my plate but she was really out of place there and I asked her about that, kind of like having the Queen of Engand cook you up a burger at a local saloon. I ran into her again a some years later. Which was pretty cool!

I leave out a couple details but I had a high suspicion that Margot was a figure skater. It’s rare anyone hands me information, my skill set in this regard is researcher and I went looking for her, this was a few months ago. I checked out Nacy Kerrigan, nope. Then I tried Oksana Baiul…no to that one as well. I’d like to tell you I went and checked out Tonya Harding after that, but I didn’t. I gave up. It felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack so I quit. Also, I couldn’t imagine Margot being Tonya that I didn’t even look. If I thought to remember that Margot Robbie was also Harley Quinn I would have nailed this down instantly. I mean really who would make a better Harley Quinn than Tonya Harding? Nobody!! That’s why they gave it to her!

About 1/2 through the film I had a clone alert, I’ve spotted a few. I won’t give details to it but this was great!! Really they’re all great though the first two I spotted were years ago. I asked about these two ladies and I was assured that they were not the 2 people I thought they were. Though one was 100% spot on and the about 80%. It took me a couple years to piece together that they were clones of people in the US. I happened to spot them in a video I was watching from AUSTRALIA!!! I showed the video to some people who knew these two gals but were not aware that they had clones. Some of them started crying during the video. God will help you find a needle in a haystack if he wants you to…what you do with that needle is your business.

Sebastian Stan is in the film as Jeff Gillooly, Tonya’s husband, and sounds amazingly like Matt Damon and in fact it appears to be Matt as the older Jeff Gillooly. Matt is extremely talented as is Margot. They are in fact brother and sister (half-brother and half-sister). I’ve mentioned before that Matt got really pissed off at me when I researched him and his family and found an alternated identity, his wife, his kids, his mom, his dad, his step-dad, his grandfather, what country he grew up in, etc. He came into my office as a fake patient for a few visits, I didn’t recognize him but realized he was psychically berating me calling me a punk when I reviewed a visit later on. Now it was some of my best work and nobody I know could have done this but I don’t think Matt appreciated, at the time, my efforts and felt violated. But there’s no such thing as bad publicity and I think this started to work in his favor so we kissed up, OK, I didn’t kiss him. Maybe it was a relative of mine but things are good now.

So why was this film made? Other than wanting to make a great film it clearly it was done for the soul purpose of showing me that Margot Robbie was Tonya Harding. That may seem excessive or overly narcissistic but that’s my read on it. I’ll review the original individuals from the Tonya Harding history to see if they were used the film. Not as crazy as it sounds. A remake of Pete’s Dragon was done after I cleaned out a bunch of demons from their storage area and found a baby dragon which I gave to a nice gal named KiKi. I asked permission first before I gave it to her. The film was terrific and the KiKi’s dragon got huge and would wrap himself around her…something to behold.


What’s Ed Up To…now?

Well I’ve done about 30 coins. They range somewhere from passable to abysmal but they have been improving. I’ve been getting the feeling that Ron wants the whole set, I don’t blame him. It has great historical value up until I defaced the coins. I’m still going to drop some in circulation and attempt the other things I said…should be fun anyway!

What’s Ed Up To?

FYI, I had the best holiday ever in LA in December!!

I’m inclined to hand money to homeless people and tip well for services like meals. What I quickly figured out was none of the people I handed money to were homeless and  some in the service industry were pretty well off. What cinched it was the gal from Jumanji on a street corner with a cardboard sign asking for help wearing the same clothes as in the film. I saw the film after I saw her. I gave her $20 which I’m sure she appreciated unless of course it’s a franchise or she’s an employee and has to give the money to her employer. Also, if she kept the twenty could she prove I handed it to her in which case it would have some extra value. If I signed a dollar bill it would likely be worth considerably more but it still would always be worth…a dollar! It’s also kind of funny tipping a guy like Jay Z, which I did, or Notorious BIG which I did, or busy studio executives who were already annoyed with me, which I did. All were under cover!

People know I collect coins and I’ve spent the last few days buying and testing a dremel to engrave “Ed” into coins and give them as gifts, tips, and change. If my role in this world continues or even if it doesn’t this will have value beyond coin value or metal content.

I don’t believe I will ever personally sell one of these. It will not be my intention. I was homeless once in LA, as probably everyone reading this has been. I might have sold one for the metal content, to get some lunch or maybe a Carrie Underwood CD.

I will ‘Dremel’ my nickname ‘ED’ into each one with a consecutive number starting with ’01’. The first run will be done on Kennedy Half Dollars. Some may have designs on them as well. Kennedy halves are interesting not just because JFK became Andy Warhol and then Jimmy Carter but because the coins come in 90% silver, 40% silver and clad (no silver). I will attempt to get a picture, the date released, a description of the coin and if possible who got the coins. There is the possibility of copycats down the line and I’d like to make it more difficult.

Soon after I start the Kennedy’s, within a few weeks I will do a couple Eisenhower Dollars. I will start numbering from 01. I might do a couple ‘AP’ see below. A couple years ago I borrowed 2 dollars from Arnold and I’ve wanted to repay him since. It was for a charitable donation and I was 3500 miles away.

I feel like I’m writing my will here. With the Kennedy Halves I will do two ‘AP’ coins, “Artist’s Proof”. ‘ED’ somewhere on the coin and ‘AP1’ and ‘AP2’ I will post as soon as I release any.

The coins are intrinsically beautiful however they essentially become damaged once engraved and are then called “detail” coins. Look it up! The engraving on the coins however are likely to increase the value significantly beyond the damage. Sort of like in the film Mask where the kid is trying to get a rare baseball card and his grandfather gets it for him and promptly sticks a push-pin into it!!! WTF!!!!!!! Thanks writers for traumatizing me and millions of collectors around the world!!! There should have been a warning on the film, “Warning! This film contains a priceless baseball card ruined by some kid’s asshole grandfather. Viewer discretion advised.” They put these warnings up like whenever Halle or Bruce show off the goods they could have done one there as well.

The first group of coins including the two “Artist’s Proofs” will go to the Howard’s. After that I’ll spend some, tip some and donate some. I’ll describe where they went…or not! Every one in each series will be consecutively numbered starting with 01.

I have been practicing with some counterfeit Disney coins which I took off the market and have been meaning to destroy. They’re pretty but inauthentic. They did however serve a great purpose and I’ll send them to Lindsay Lohan as a gift to do with as she chooses in a few weeks. This will work much better than her breaking into my office and stealing my trash to go through. We had a judge run a trial over this because after the theft I destroyed what was stolen which she believed was hers to keep. The judge ruled that the trash was in my possession/office at the time of the theft and it therefore still belonged to me to destroy as I choose. (Absolutely true story!)

These are my intentions, let’s see how it goes and with that…I’m off!!!

Without that I’m off too, but you knew that.

Night all…ED.



Jerry or Jim?

I have both Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Carrey as Ron. What’s the issue? Great show about Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with both these guys in it. Conundrum!!

My money is on Jim Carrey being Ron and not Jerry Seinfeld. Well that’s that.

More to come!

Q and A

Tell Ron thanks…I think the same of him

Go ahead

I had a great time

not too crazy about doing that

I won’t have a choice, or not much of a choice



that was good too

that was also nice


they were awesome

I saw her on the screen before


she was great in that


did he pay for the trip

ok, little weird but nice

at least once, maybe twice

maybe so

cool, i’ll have to watch it more carefully

No , i don’t like to spend i.e. waste other people’s money

i don’t think i typically do it

but I’m not spending it, other’s are

I make a lot of money as well

I don’t care, i’m pretty happy

no, not about them, they got set up but it was gds will



ok, seems to enjoy herself

they’re doing well

they’re fine

must there be an asshole edge to everything?

save it, she’s fine

Ok, I got to make some rice

sure bring her on