
Ran into another patient at Romero’s today, she looked familiar, mostly got passed me in the office. Also saw her and another actress at the table in Black Mirror Season 4 Episode 2, which I really enjoyed.

Nice gal in the office.

Seinfeld find

Ran into Richard Fancy at The Grove.
Above is possibly my favorite scene in all of seinfeld. Close contender is “He treats his body like it’s an amusement park.
Richard Fancy
Richard Fancy (born August 2, 1943) is an American actor known for his long recurring role on Seinfeld as publisher Mr. Lippman, Elaine Benes‘s first major employer on the series. He appeared on the third and fourth seasons of It’s Garry Shandling’s Show as network boss Mr. Stravely.






Thanks Again!

  1. Thanks again to everyone for a great week and…
  2. I am again truly sorry if I missed or offended anyone.
  3. Best Uber drivers ever!! Never saw a smarter group of drivers!!
  4. Loved the museum, especially the exhibit put together really quickly and I spotted some of the people in the exhibit in the museum as well as from todays movie, “Downsizing” with Matt Damon. I saw Matt last night but didn’t recognize him even though we locked eyes, I think with the bald head he looked kind of thuggish!
  5. Dozens of actors over two days including in the museum where some beautiful model/actress was in a few photographs and she looked like some spectacular international supermodel.
  6. Funny when a couple in there sixties rushed off an elevator in the museum and saw me just standing right there! They calmed down and started laughing. It was pretty funny.
  7. I spotted actress Hong Chau outside the museum which was a real treat! She was super with Matt Damon in the film!!
  8. Again, I did spot dozens of people, even from a trailer of a film I saw at the special effects show at Universal.
  9. The guy who got some chicken at end of Downsizing I managed not to give a few bucks to though I think I spotted Florida from Good Times, I’m guessing the whole cast was there.
  10. Very challenging week, and a lot of fun, and not so much fun but hey got to take the good with the bad.
  11. I’ll repeat thank you to everyone especially Ron who I suspect directed this week. Thank you again!!
  12. Humblest apologies if I totally missed you and apologies if I spotted you but didn’t piece it all together. I think I’m doing better with this.
  13. Night all!!!!

Jamal the Uber Driver

I met Jamal probably about ten or twelve years ago or so at the home of “C” and “Z”. I spent just a few minutes with him. He’s a big man and sat in “Z” ‘s chair which was duly noted. I was left with some questions about him, maybe checking me out. Maybe angry about something. Looks like he usually keeps his cool, looks like someone you’d trust with ordnance of types.

Uber driver Paul also looks more important than he lets on

Yesterday’s Breakfast

I know famous people are all around me, and curiosity seekers, and potential brides and husbands. The help at breakfast usually pretty good. One of the gals at breakfast who I suspect is a singer, was in a mood yesterday and I suspect annoyed with me just for who I am. I’m kind of used to it. Now having breakfast every morning there, and spending upwards and over a hundred bucks I was left with a burning question…Why is the bread toasted on only one side? #1 and I thought this was pretty funny and interesting (I think I’m up to 13 now). I suspected the toaster was on bagel settings. So I asked her about this and demonstrated how one side of the toast was brown and the other white. I also explained how the sunny side up egg would slide off the undarkened side of the toast because the coefficient of friction was too low. She explained about the toaster being broken. She left and I could sense her annoyance with me so I decided to listen to her thoughts. I’m from NY and I love hearing crappy thoughts about me just because we New Yorkers dig this stuff. So this is what she was thinking: “This is the most important person on the planet and all he can do is complain about the toast. Doesn’t he have anything more important to do.” I think there was more that that was the meaty gist of it, there may have been some expletives. I said he’d take care of it but I wanted to talk with her so when she came back I said this to her. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I should be doing something more important than complain about the toast. I explained to her how important it is to take care of the little things first as they came up. She realized I was listening to her thoughts and she displayed about as much embarrassment as any actress can muster and said something to the effect, “Yeah, I guess if you handle the small stuff first everything else in the day falls into place.”

I guess I was a little pissed off at her and then royally cursed her out. I work hard in this community and around the world. Serve me my fucking breakfast and shut the fuck up…more or less.” I was surprised I said that cause I’ve been pretty polite lately. She mostly apologized and then provided me with an oral favor which usually works in lieu of an apology as it did yesterday.

I like for people to have a pretty good idea what I’m about epecially since I don’t recall doing anything negative to her and tip well and work hard.

Despite the fact that my bread was only half toasted yesterday I managed to take 30-40 thousand off the game board and still get dicked over.

Make my fucking toast right bitch and this won’t come up again…bitch.


Who I’ve Seen…Martha Stewart!!!

I saw Martha Stewart at Waterworld show, wonderful to see you!!!

Dave Chapelle can’t remember where. Very cool

Suspect tour guide was Chance the Rapper

Suspect Antonio Fargas last night but really dark

I know I spotted others, thank you for everyone playing!

yesterdays breakfast to follow



Rose Tico, Spice Girls, BIG, Homeless Jumanji Girl, rock

I believe I spotted Rose Tico at the hair salon a few days. She’s a terrific off-beat character in the last jedi who completely grew on me during the film.

I believe I spotted the Spice Girls Yesterday in the Mall

BIG showed up again, just to see if I could spot him again (still unnerved by this whole process)

Morgan Turner of Jumanji showed up as a homeless gal wearing the exact same outfit as her final scene in Jumanji.

The rock appeared to be on the street.


Off FaceBook: Hamilton, Cirque: Luzia, Jumanji


Live from Los Angeles! So I managed to get away for a few days to LA. Of course my friends like to mess with me while I’m here and this time was no different, like having me run into the mother of a couple of my clones. They know in advance where I’m going and doing and can set up some fun and funny scenarios. So, we had tickets for Hamilton in the evening and during the day we took a tour bus. What made this funny? Besides having Tia Carrera sitting in the second row (I had just watched some of Wayne’s World) they had the star of Hamilton leading the tour. I didn’t recognize him during the tour but spotted him as Hamilton in the play! Here’s where it got interesting…he left me a few clues during the tour to piece some things together, you know how I pick up on things. From what I could tell it appears that that the guy who played Hamiltong in the show was none other than Jay Z!!! and Aaron Burr was Puffy Sean Combs or P. Diddy. As a matter of fact the play was loaded with rappers!!!! Most of the play is rapped but man do these guys have voices. I spotted Nicki Manoj who I suspect is Lady Gaga and about twenty other world class singer and rappers. Here’s where it got really good. The next day I caught an uber and the driver, a lanky black guy talked about how he’s a trainer and lost all this weight. One of the ladies mentioned we saw Hamilton. My spider sense went up with this guy and I suspected he was a rapper, planted in the Uber, but not in the show. He was a rapper but I eventually figured out he was in the show and was George Washington. So who was he? It took less than a minute or two to figure out who he was, I figured he was a rapper and he lost 70-90 pounds. Now let me see…who could that be? None other than Notorious BIG or Biggie Smalls!!! Not quite dead and you know what? Not too big a jump to go to Rapper Rick Ross who sure looks to be Biggie Smalls. Also not a jump to find his lady, Missy Elliott in the play. This is tip of the iceberg. I’ll try and piece the rest of it together but it’s full of rappers, and Justin Bieber as one of the white guys and Trey Parker who played King George of England, perfectly cast as his dad is George W. Bush. I’ll fill in people as I study them. Incredible musical!!! I never new these rappers could really sing!!! Oh, Missy Elliott who played the Super Bowl with Katy Perry a couple years ago appears to be Scary Spice of the Spice Girls. Bonus points at the concert…I ran into the Reverend Al Sharpton at the concert. He denied he was Al but a big smile gave him away first. That was a real treat. Al was embedded into NYC history and really grew on me after a while. I wish I took a photo. Also, Richard Pryor had a tremendous voice and I suspect he’s in the play. Some of these people may be listed as deceased, forget all that, they’re not. I spoke with Biggie last night and ran into him again today. He was unnerved that I figured all this out, and more but I got green lighted to put this up. Great group of people…. oh wow!!! Javier Munoz appears to be Drake!

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Ed Baruch Also managed to catch Luzia from Cirque du Soleil, my friends messed around with me again but this was pure fun and enjoyment!!! It was brilliant!! It would be worth coming out here to see it. It was largely a Mexican Romance encased as a circus style show. I’d love to see this again. Acting, acrobatics, trapeze, water, flying , spinning, contortionist , juggling, beautiful women, beautiful guys and great Mexican Music and I love horns and Spanish music. The cast was really warm and wonderful. what was missing? Nothing! Absolutely nothing.


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Ed Baruch Follow up on Hamilton: Great facial analysis requires systematic study which takes time, patience and vigilance. I believe every great rapper is in this play but not all at the same time, they switch them around so statistically let’s see who’s probably in the show as well as those mentioned: Lil Wayne, Kendrick Lamar, eminem, chance, kanye, yacht, tupac, 50 cent, dr dre, has, gucci, future, 2 chains, young thug, TI, j cole, common, travis, ice cube, ludacris, Lauren Hill. I’m not saying all these people are in the play but this is the group I would start with. I’d throw some money on beyonce being in the play too. No wonder the tickets cost 5 billion dollars each…how else do you get an ensemble like this together. Not related, saw Jumanji and recognized Gary Coleman in it who was hysterically funny as…you got it…the short black guy. Sadly the family went to the bathroom right before he exploded after eating a piece of cake, good sequel to a great film.


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