Below is an updated review of a small subsection of the complaints against Ed. This includes but is not limited to Ed’s assumed responsibility for the following:
The Nanking Massacre, Tiger Woods’ Indiscretions, Liquid Cat, Captains Edward Smith and Joe Hazelwood, Caligula, Pollen, Nanites, LSMFT, Donnie Dunagan’s involvement in The Kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr. and his Marfanesque appearance, Khmer Rouge, Dysplasia, The Manchac Swamp, Building 7 as well as 1-6, Heterosexuality, The Trail of Tears, Rickets, Rickettsia and Ricky Ricardo, Ricky Martin, Martin Lawrence, Maritime Law, Lockheed Martin’s Use of the Metric System, Cellulite, Ravenously Phlegmy, The 19th Century Basilique Saint Donatien Fire in Nantes France, Jumping Out, Pseudoparkinson’s Syndrome, The Fall of Rome, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Hans Gruber, Seven Deadly Zins, Spiritual Currency, Karmic Debt, Humblest Apologies, Asami Yamazaki, Petard, 2-Mile Island, Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting, Plum Island, Plum Brandy, The George Weyerhaeuser Kidnapping, Alagille Syndrome, Sewer Gas, Nathan Petrelli, The Stolen Generation, Aunt-Woman, The Dutch Act, The Dutch Oven, The Little Dutch Boy Sticking His Finger in a Dyke, Wolfram and Hart, Decimus Maximus, Chernobyl, Jiggle Lucy, Ouija Bored, Habeus Jewboy, Deflategate, The Catcher in the Rye Bread, Cerro Grande, OpSec, The Edsel (Named After Ed), The Comcast Cable Monopoly, The Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse, Waco, Wendi Deng, James Bond Impostors, Dengue Fever, The Nephilim, Sept. 10th, Canned Squid, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, The DMZ, The Ice Age, The Stone Age, The Great Gazoo, Head Cheese, Cheese Without Head In It, Steven-Johnson Syndrome, Habeus Chutney, Mickey Finn, Mickey Donald, Chewable Chocks…in a bottle or a box, The Internment of Japanese Americans, The Alamo, Famine In Ethiopia, Chemtrails, Super-Size Me, Hirsuitism, Chemical Hepatitis, Hepatitis A,B,C,D, and E, Arachnophobia, German Hyper-inflation, Hyperinflation Without Goose-Stepping, Filaria, Tenerife Airport Disaster, The Disastrous Occlumency Lessons, Robo-tripping, Mrs. A, Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus, The Boston Molasses Disaster, The Boston Massacre, The Boston Strangler, The Boston Bombing Hoax, Boston Baked Beans, Termite Damage, Sewer Gas, Term Limits, Saccharine, Cyclamates, Aspartame, Sucralose, Neotame, Sugar, The Guimaras Oil Spill, Borking, Figging, Inflation, The San Andreas Fault, Astroboy, Astrogirl, The Hot Tub Cinema, 7/7, Polite Society, The Jonestown Massacre, Edward Murphy, Making Whoopy, The Ghouta Chemical Attack, Wax Lips, Wax Museums, Waxing Floors, Eosinophilia, Basophilia, Neutrophilia, Neutropenia, Penopenia, The Ming Dynasty, Mr. Mushnik, The Sinking of Britannic, Owen Not Cleaning His Mother’s Ears, Cholera, E.L.James, Dysentery, The MH17 Malaysia Airplane Disaster, ACSI, Moonlight Requisition, Midnight Visits, Five Finger Discounts, and Her Five Sisters, Monkey Mung, Dementia Praecox, Dementia Wally Cox, The Winnipeg General Strike, Biflation, Fluoridation, 420, She Creatures, Creatures Who Aren’t She, Erotic Asphyxiation, Asphyxiation That’s Not Erotic, Doan’s Little Liver Pill, Stagnant Water, The Minnesota Vikings Boat Party Scandal, The Mercantile Exchange, The Panic of 1907, Visitors Who Don’t Bring Assorted Cakes, Fecal Vomiting, Major Depression, Major Major Major Major, Desperate Psychotics, Heath Ledger’s Death, Chelm, Sharon Tate’s Reappearance, Manta, Spam, Spam, Spam, Tim Samaras, New Coke, Mr. Tea Infuser, Moor Hall Studios, Mall Feet, Mall Rats, Malted Milk, Anaphylactic Shock, The Dunblane Massacre Hoax, Hemorrhagic Nephritis, The Son of Sam Hoax, The Euro, The Mandela Effect, The Red Queen, The Red Witch, A Nun Rolling Down a Hill, A Frog in a Blender, The New York Times, Jumbo Shrimp, Collapse of the Atlantic Northwest Cod Fishery, The 1900s British Attack On India, The Aero, Super-sleuths, Abolition of the Klingon Neutral Zone, Special K, Ketamine, BICQ, The Death of Marat, Kopechne, Unrequited Love, Requited love, Static Cling, Charles Coughlin, Trust Falls, Avalanches, The Piper Bravo Oil Rig Disaster, Waffle Cones From The Ice Cream Man, The Leveraxe, Percentage Disadvantage, The Armenian Genocide, Whaling, Collar Stays, Polycystic Ovary Disease, Alex Forrest, La Violencia, Sitting Cross Legged on the Floor, Barium Enemas, Any Kind of Enema, Liquid Latex, Systemic Latex Toxicity, Lucky Guesses, Losing Track of Wives, Jeremy Mayfield, Spam, Sid Vicious Murdering his Girlfriend, Leaches, Leches, Madura Foot, Madura Saddle Bag Thighs, The Temptation of St. Anthony, Holodomor, Hater-tots, Hatriots, Autism, Dave-Dave, Kapusta, Robert Hanssen, Lovers of Toilet Humor, NWO, Tokitsukaze, Being Rubinesque or Marfanesque, Emily and Charlotte Bronte, Aquagenic Urticaria, Maude Needing to See a Shrink, The Controversial Vanity Fair Portrait of Child Star Miley Cyrus, Avarice, The Ten Plaques, Janet Reno, The Branch Davidian Hoax, Karl Marx and Julian Lennon, The 26/11 Attack On India, The Mahdi, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Battle of Okinawa, Boiled Chicken, Tramadol, The Falun Gong Show, Shaneen Allen, Stephan Collins, Billy Jean and False Flags, The Queensland 2011 Floods, Bounced Checks, Bouncing Betties, The Possession of Regan MacNeil, Account Overdrawn, Spider Mites, Liver Sausage Pineapple, The Death of Jerry Garcia, 1992 Los Angeles Riots, The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, Chitterlings, Bernardo, Pete Carroll, Boris and Natasha Poly, Bathrooms Labeled Poles and Holes, Quisp and Quake, Call For Orange Moose, Frankenstein, Wildenstein, Road Kill, The Rwanda Genocide, Gluten Intolerance, Gluten Tolerance, Cancrum Oris, Jeremiah Being a Bullfrog, Permian Extinction, Execution of Anne Boleyn, Moses Stuttering, The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Cersei’s Walk of Atonement (I still cry when I even think about that one), Aaron Stampler, Col. Hans Landa, Eat In Chickens, Lilly Dillon, Madame Serena Merle, Sweeney Todd and His Costar, Growing up with Dyslexia, The Organization DAM (Mothers Against Dyslexia, Dyslexic Agnostics Who Doubt the Existence of Dog, Polyglandular Addison’s Disease, The Hind-lick Maneuver, Marburg, Hemorrhagic Fever, Bellatrix Lestrange, The Murder of Caitlyn Stark, The Countess of Manton, Lee Blair, Jacqueline Breton, La Década Perdida, Economy of Zimbabwe, Witch Way, REICHSSICHERHEITSHAUPTAMT,
8 Track Tape Players, Tooth Decay, Moral Decay, Decay Ballard, Self-Pollution, The Scrum, Scrub Daisy, Parmalot, Nuclear Winter, Captain Japan, Mad Hatter Disease, I’ve Got Mercury Poisoning, The Piltcher, Diphyllobothrium Latum, Charon, AGSSt, Teflon, Overtoun Bridge, Nick Spargo, Aphids, Woolpit, Wooly Bully, The Hemisphere Project, Munchausen Syndrome, Rug Munch, Clutter, Oswald, Burmese Way to Socialism, Flat Feet, Flat Checks, 1984, The Limited Availability of The Pirelli Calendar, MMORPG, Typos, Google Translate, Tarnish, All Work and No Play, Elephantiasis, Gymkata, Methane Gas Expulsion, Tyrannosaurus Bitch, Dr. Christian Szell’s Skill as a Dentist, The Dungan Revolt, Sangfroid, Belle Gunness, The Incarceration of Rorschach, Belleview, Special Green Bedspread, Tarrasch, Knock-off Dresses, The Halt, Muskrat Love, Love without Muskrats, Pole Dancing Being Denigrated as Not Being Therapeutic, Spam, Sang Froid, Capgras Syndrome, Aldrich Ames, Cats Named After Presidents Like Garfield, A Cat named Hercule Poirot, Cheese Eaters, Tamad Shud, Dien Ben Phu, UVB-76, UB-40, DB Cooper, Phyllis Dietrichson, Blended Fabrics, Wet Dog Smell, Women in Black, Urbach-Wiethe Disease, Tetanus Toxoid, Brainerd Diarrhea, Anton LaVey, Yul Brynner, The Mongol Conquests, kiki emoticon, The Fabulous Disappearing Dr. Crusher, Abaddon, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Syphilis Without Anyone From Tuskegee, Haman, The St. Francis Dam Disaster, Dam Disasters without St. Francis, Fallen Arches, BL-5C, Albert DeSalvo, Julia Hoffman, Contrapunctus XIV, NTSIP, Davecat, Ancient Mew, Edlington, Rhoda Penmark, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Eros, Thanatos, Dopplegangers, Gangers Without The Dopples Effect, Rats with Bats, Snitches Who Get Ditches, The Dharma Initiative, Eleanor Shaw Iselin, Sleep Apnea, Apnea Without Sleep, Tom Lantos, Adiposis Dolorosa, Drs. Hannibal Lecter and Arthur Harmon, Rheumatic Fever, Fever Without Rheumatism, Rifampin, Mamzerim, Study after Velazquez’s Portrait of Innocent X, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Operation Northwoods, Operation Dinner Out, Membraneous Retinopathy, Virgil Sollozzo, Necrotizing Fasciitis, The Santa Maria Tragedy in Brazil, Manual Release, Automatic Release, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Plan-9 From Passaic, Shigella, The 1959 Cadillac, EST, Brian Hugh Warner’s Name Change, Lifespring, Insight, Ondine’s Curse, The Irish Curse, Clogged Drains, Clogged Arteries, Lead Poisoning, Arsenic Toxicity, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Monkey 61, Monkey 69, The MKUltra Program, Isabella of Castile, Summa Theologiae, Dante and Virgil in hell, A Henway, A Dickway, Max Cady, Gunichi Mikawa, Blended Scotch, Titan Arum, Gyp’s Killing of Vic Sickles, Click Clacks, Ray Rice, The Secret Government, Hash Tags, Gastritis, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Harlequin Ichthyosis, Harley Quinn, Dishpan Hands, Pol Pot, Smoking Pot, Cornu Cutaneum, Librium, Lithium, Trimethylaminuria, 1985 Mexico City Earthquake, Blaschko’s Lines, Robert Ressler, Cyanosis, Triskaidekaphobia, Parts Becoming Extinct, Corporal Clegg, Leaving a Hat on the Bed, Avogadro’s Constant, Plagiarism, Alonzo Harris, Hammer-toe, Camel Toe, Toleo, Hammer-time, Getting Beat at Your Own Game, Diphtheria, Systemic Latex Toxicity Leading to Multi-organ Failure, Men in Plaid Work Shirts, The Hal Turner Show, Konigstein, Packing the Rabbit, PMS and Mad Cow Disease, Blind Ambitchion, The Fire Bombing of Dresden, Folliculitis, The Death of Harry Houdini, The Chronosynclastic Infundibulum, Fatal Familial Insomnia, Elio Motors, Elio Pizza, Love and Squalor, The Ceti Eel, The New Madrid Faultline, Alan Nierob, Sister Mary Elephant, Talking Tina, Puritan Bennett, Fracking, Lyme, Krippendorf’s Tribe, Aurangzeb, Armin Heinrich, Love and Squalor, Asurion, George Koval, Zany Brainy’s return policy, Adenoid Hynkel, The Aswan Dam, 1906 San Francisco, IVDA, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, Earthquake, Saturn Devouring His Son, Feeling No Pain, Feeling Pain, The Mitchell Report, The Report without Mitchell, Teutoburg, Professor Periwinkle, Myasthenia Grapes, Aflatoxin, Angel Dust, Arachnid Hemorrhage, Harvest Moon, Enterocolitis, Springtime For Mel Brooks, Mitch Brooks, Beverly Allitt, Clothing Masticators, Lap Dancing, Affective Disorder, Cholent, Operation 2×4, Microsoft Bob, Enuresis, Finding The “G” Spot, Dr. William Cosby, South African President, Hemophilus Influenza, Otis Toole, Aristocracy, Stretch Marks, Being Low Key, Being Loki, The Santa Maria Tragedy, Lars Thorwald, Nurse Ratchet, Don Sterling, Spandex, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Panderers, The Salem Witch Trials, Annie Wilkes, Tim Donaghy, The Death of William Wallace, Flankin, Typhoid Mary, Bloody Mary, Mary Poppins, and Lousy Posture.