Ron’s A Righteous Man: Follow Up

The question has arisen for the last few days: “You and Ron have bumped heads and you have some issues with him that are longstanding and you’ve made no bones about. How are you able to attribute the quality of righteousness to him when you have thoughts and feelings which might not mesh with this? (Paraphrased)

  1. This is a declaration which is declared to be self evident which means that my thoughts and feelings on the matter should have limited impact.
  2. Despite #1 my thoughts and feelings do impact on this, in my mind on an overall balance with the world at stake Ron tops over the 50% mark which is enough to save the world. When talking about saving 100’s of millions of lives everything else becomes very small in context.
    {“I’m no good at being noble, but it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.” —Richard Blane}
  3. “I’m saying this because it’s true” —Same

Had to play the final scene

Ron’s response: “Of all the basements in all the towns in all the world he had to teleport into mine!”

I’ll entertain questions as they arise


First Question’s Answer: I was called to Ron’s basement  by the care of one person and the help of others, some things are unlikely to change and only time will tell but time is an ever shrinking quantity, but we’ll always have Paris. I cannot change who am and I’ll go to my dying days with my last two instructions and the prices paid to enjoy even the status quo.

I have but one goal here…just one…and the object of the mission is to stay on track. I’m a good soldier and I do what I’m told from the keeper of my last two instructions, which can never be released as they occurred in another time and place and there is no one with authority over me to release them. The authority lies with God, the Goddess and the Fates to fulfill the instructions or not. No man can fulfill them.

“Vous ne les laisserrez pas passer”

“I said what I meant and I meant what I said.”

Question 2: No my goal is not to piss off Ron. I’m answering questions and dealing with difficult issues. I was asked to express this arena so I stepped into another cauldron.

Question 3: Too minor to address, deals with money and not enough to make a big deal about since I’ve turned down $350,000,000 in the past.

Kiki’s Musik Korner: Piero Umiliani

was humming this today for whatever reason the thought inserters had and my patient hummed it back. She recognized it from Sesame Street, I was humming it from Benny Hill. From an Italian composer it also made it’s way to Sweden and was popular there. Who could have done that?

This is the part where Benny slaps the bald headed guy on his head

Declaration: Monday, December 4, 2017

On this day Monday, December 4, 2017 Ron Howard is declared to be…a righteous man.

Discussion:     I’m posed two different questions at this point 1) Under whose authority am I making such a declaration and 2) Should it not be a proclamation instead of a declaration?

I believe both questions can be answered at the same time.

What is the difference between a proclamation and a declaration?

“As nouns the difference between proclamation and declaration is that proclamation is a statement which is proclaimed; a formal public announcement while declaration is a written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief.” (This is a common definition off the net).

I express this in writing as a declaration, not a proclamation under no one’s authority but as an indication of fact, opinion and belief. I believe that Ron is a righteous man and knowing him as deeply and for as long as I have I hold this to be “self-evident”.

Definition of: self-ev·i·dent
“self-evident truths” Synonyms are: obviousclearplainevidentapparentmanifestpatentaxiomatic, and others.
What is righteousness?
Righteousness (also called rectitude) is “the quality of being morally right or justifiable.”[1] It can also be considered synonymous with “rightness”. [2] It is a concept that can be found in Dharmic traditions and Abrahamic traditions as a theological concept. For example, from various perspectives in ChristianityJudaism, and Islam it is considered an attribute that implies that a person’s actions are justified, and can have the connotation that the person has been “judged” or “reckoned” as leading a life that is pleasing to God.
What constitutes a righteous man? Psalm 37:37 says: “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace.” These are the heritage of the qualities of righteous men and women. They enjoy peace, but there is no peace for the wicked who who broke God’s law, or the believer pretending to worship God.   RIGHTEOUSNESS, the fulfillment of all legal and moral obligations. Righteousness is not an abstract notion but rather consists in doing what is just and right in all relationships; “…keep justice and do righteousness at all times” (Ps. 106:3; cf. Isa. 64:4; Jer. 22:3; Ezek. 18:19–27; Ps. 15:2). Righteous action results in social stability and ultimately in peace: And the work of righteousness shall be peace (Isa. 32:17; cf. Hos. 10:12; Avot 2:7).
Leaving the vast world of entertainment aside Ron has worked diligently to keep his finger on the pulse of society and makes the best choices possible in an often inequitable world. Choosing the lesser of two evils is not choosing evil and this is a fine distinction of a fine character. 
He has come from and created family that increasingly hold to socially responsible thinking because being righteous means doing things that are right..
From my personal perspective I hold Ron in the highest esteem in the way he has reshaped the world. He is committed to a natural flow of life and using resources responsibly. He expanded people’s consciousness through his studies in India and Tibetan and Hindu culture as well as more classical Western thought and spirituality. He helped bring EST/Lifespring to fruition which brought upon us the concepts of: honesty, excellence, relentlessness, and the belief in the ability that you can do anything and I mean anything you set your mind to. (I would not be here now doing what I do and having done what I’ve done without the Lifespring trainings.)God has appointed me abilities which through Ron’s great direction we were able to eliminate current and potential sources of harm working through God’s natural laws. If they weren’t in line with God’s will I could not do them. And ultimately my highest goal came to fruition (I’m sure there’s stuff left to do though). I have miserated on showing up after the fact at some great injustice like the Holocaust or 911. What good is that? The stories were told about what went on are usually void of truth except for a lot of dead people. Here on the two evenings of the Battle of Jade Helm we saved 200million lives. This is a culmination for me in trying to keep the world safe and sound. We didn’t have to miser ate after the fact about what we should have done because we did it.
I provide the declaration: Ron Howard is a righteous man. 
A proclamation can be entered but I don’t feel the need for it since I’m just stating the obvious.

We mourn the passing of Rance Howard…

Top 10 most stressful life events

So what are the top ten most stressful life events on the Holmes and Rahe scale, and how are they used to predict the likelihood of illness? Each event is assigned a “Life Change Unit” score. These are then added together over a year and used to predict illness. For adults, the top ten most stressful life events and their “Life Change Unit” scores are as follows:

  1. Death of a spouse: 100
  2. Divorce: 73
  3. Marital separation: 65
  4. Imprisonment: 63
  5. Death of a close family member: 63
  6. Personal injury or illness: 53
  7. Marriage: 50
  8. Dismissal from work: 47
  9. Marital reconciliation: 45
  10. Retirement: 45

A score of 300 or higher puts a person at risk of illness. 150-299 shows a moderate risk of illness and a score of less than 150 predicts only a slight risk of illness. The scale was modified for “non-adults” and is scored in the same way:

  1. Death of a parent: 100
  2. Unplanned pregnancy/abortion: 100
  3. Getting married: 95
  4. Divorce of parents: 90
  5. Acquiring a visible deformity: 80
  6. Fathering a child: 70
  7. Jail sentence of a parent for over one year: 70
  8. Marital separation of parents: 69
  9. Death of a sibling:  68
  10. Change in acceptance by peers:  67

It is interesting to note that by number ten on the adult scale, the “Life Change Unit” score drops down to 45, but on the non-adult scale it is still relatively high at 67. This may indicate that non-adults are less able to cope with stressful events and need more assistance to navigate stressful times. For a more detailed analysis of each of these, check out HealthStatus’s website. The loss of a character is still a loss…a loss is a loss. We mourn his passing.