Part II What I did on Facebook today…
Ed Chiarini of found a photo containing Walt Disney a few years back that may have been only 10-20 years old now. Walt supposedly died in 1966, and Hitler supposedly died in 1945. Ed had him alive sometime around 2000 give or take 5 years. I found a photo which I correctly interpreted as having him in it from 2015, yes a lot went on that year. Walt was real annoyed that I had found out he was Adolf Hitler from that photo and had doubts that I could have done it. I assured him that I figured it was either him or Joseph Stalin. He then correctly said, “You knew I was alive though.” I told him yes. He said, “From the other guy,” I said yes. He then excused himself went into the next room and then returned. I didn’t know at the time but he had put a major contract out on the other Ed. As I said earlier I managed to help Ed out on that one and also a previous attempt but the second one was way more serious and looked something like Lot and his family fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah sans pillar of salt, as Ed and his friend Richard fled through the carnage.
Ed Baruch I may put up the photo in a day or two. The photo may appear too thin but I’m very good at following the bread crumbs and there is other evidence in the photo that makes it more compelling.
Ed Baruch Ok, here’s the photo. Virtually every person in this photo is either famous or very famous and everyone is identifiable in some fashion. I’ll give you one…there is the back of a man’s head in the bottom right corner, to the right of the guy with the grey sweater on…that’s Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I only missed a couple here. Good luck, I’ll put up some answers later on.

On a lighter subject
On a lighter subject…damn those crunchy Chinese noodles!!! You know they’re not good for you. As luck would have it I tossed the sweet and sour sauce hours ago because it would have been all over by now. Why is there not a snack food on the shelves at WaWa that is essentially crunchy Chinese noodles? And I’ll tell you how to do it… make the stuff, flavor it with either Cool Ranch or Spicy Nacho Cheese and end the name of the snack with “…itos.” So it would be, “Crunchy Chinese Nooditos.” by Frito Lay.
This is off Facebook from today…
For anyone paying attention…the work on this can be found at and

Hero of the Day: Billy Joel!
Who knew that all these years I’ve been masturbating to pictures of Billy Joel!!!

Super Week away
Thanks to everyone who made this a super week!!! I’m posting very little as it has come down to hand to hand fighting in Earth vs. The Flying Saucers and advertising your moves…definitely not helpful.
FYI a few ago I did notice a bunch of you guys at the game in Pittsburgh, thank you for coming. Special thanks to my next door neighbor!!! It turned in some very exciting times. Nothing excites me more and we had a repeat this past weekend.
Incredible people and an event I would never imagine. Thank you everyone, sorry to anyone I missed including jumping off the line at March of the Penguins. I wish I could detail more, all I can say was I had a super great time throughout, met beautiful people, listened to great music, watched acrobats for a second time and ate too much.
What I find funny is what people are thinking about me. Here’s some examples: 1) This is the guy? 2) This can’t be the guy!! 3) Is this the guy?
I told one of the guys on penguins that I was indeed the guy and people think too loud but I love when I hear it!! It shows that my act is working of a disheveled, disconnected, out of touch, pathetic retard! Oh wait, no…not an act…that’s me!!!!
I made some good choices this week, who wouldn’t, There were people who really worked hard at the program…total respect and admiration for them.
I chatted with some people which I understand is a no-no now but it was very cool. One guy thought to me, “We hear you’re pretty normal,” which I thought was great since the only people who actually say that to me are my patients who are used to really whacked out shrinks. it was all very exciting and unexpected, and vastly different from anything I’ve ever been involved in, so thanks again to all.
Oh, and I felt very cared for there…funny…usually I’m on some uphill battle but I felt really very secure especially when we couldn’t get into our room because the lock was changed and there was a security guard stationed down the hall. Maybe he was someone I should have noticed better.
I will leave you to your own devices to go and watch “Hidden Figures” again…loved the film and the actors!
Weinstein’s behavior causes Ed to break communication silence
Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina
Jolie and Others Say
Weinstein Harassed Them
“This way of treating women ends now,” Ms.
Paltrow said as she and other actresses
accused the producer of casting-couch abuses.

This article proves only one thing: Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie are so super hot and smoking that even a super faggoty fag like Harvey Weinstein can’t resist them!
Sorry I just returned to find I’ve been hacked. Someone used this website to ask if Mindy was the same woman from Mork and Mindy!! Foolish hacker!! Well passwords changed and back to normal!!! Later gators …. one kiss for everyone!!
Sensitive issue
I can’t blog at length about this all I’ll say is some are being released which is an absolute pleasure. You’ll have to get info second hand. the walls have ears and i’m in the thick of things.
This is a sensitive issue and timing is needed. I won’t know what’s next until I know so I keep my cards close to my vest. I’ve even said too much already. These are very tricky Muggles!!
I’m taking another stab at the photo, be back soon, one kiss for everybody!!!
The BB Queen strikes again
Sadly I don’t see much of the BB Queen, and I can’t always tell who she is but I’ve learned that in most films/shows if I’ve picked out a favorite actress from a group of greats it’s inevitably her. This was sort of the case during an early encounter when she was serving me some noodles in cheese sauce at my synagogue. I think her dad would send her away in between projects to do normal stuff but I mean really…I took one look at her over the stainless steel warming tray of the noodles and said…Ok…who are you and what are you doing here? To which she smiled and laughed. I figured Sylvia Hoek for BB and judging by my knowledge of neurosurgery I believe I’m correct.
Yes she served me noodle and I gobbled them down so I could go get more. By the fourth time I had stopped eating them and just pretended I needed more. She was wonderful!!
I also told her she was so out of place. She said she needed money for college which did not compute at all.