Is Ron Howard Bobby Fischer?

Is Ron Howard Bobby Fischer?

I’m in my hotel room letting the ducks nibble on my butt (can’t figure how they got in here) and decided it was time to check if Ron Howard was Bobby Fischer.  Haven’t figured this one out yet either way but I was discussing Ron’s proclivity  with chess and I decided to go look for him as a chess master. Ron plays life like chess and generally wins against me and then I have to live my life miserably because even if I won I would not win what was promised just like in quintet when jack lemmon says what do i win and the guy with the mustache says you get to live, that was kind of fucked. But I remembered Bobby Fischer who would be perfect for Ron as this was the chess match to end all chess matches and was televised and made godless of fabulous moolah. He even lost the first couple games because he wouldn’t show up because of money…so I’m going to go straight out of the box  and say I’m at 80% sure it’s him. Let’s look at some photos:

also very difficult to win against Ron because he has super computers, japanese devices and every other gadget under the sun for his genius mind to work with so there’s only a couple ways to win but I won’t reveal them now because the ducks keep nibbling at my choice morsels.

Bobby Fischer

As I recall Fischer played Boris Spassky so I decided to reference the episode of Mayberry where the Russian diplomats stay at Aunt Bea’s house and raid the icebox at midnight and settle a major diplomatic boondoggle without killing a single Yid. It was a most ripping victory!

It’s clear Boris Spassky’s make up was done by the same people who did Dr. Zira’s from the first planet of the Apes movie…you know…the good one!!!

Dr. Zira from Planet of the Apes
This is Linda Harrison as Nova in the original Planet of the Apes, the good one, the one without the guy from Cheers. A role so terrific and undressed that I included her stage name and passed over Dr. Zira’s name even though Linda has nothing to do with Spassky or Fischer other than Fischer may be Woody Harrelson.
Bobby Fischer, why did I put up this photo? Could just be shadow but looks like a problem with his left hand. Lets go check on Richie the C!
Here’s a google clue, this was labeled under Bobby Fischer!



Jack Lemmon’s Tush!!!

How did I come on Jack Lemmon? This is probably George Bush but how did I come on this? I was watching one of the great scenes in Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, the knife fight! I was on my third or fourth watch when I realized that Paul Newman sounded exactly like Jack Lemmon. Let’s have a watch and listen. Close your eyes and listen carefully. If you really don’t know what these guys sound like then go fuck yourself for being so doggan young!

Besides a cute tush he has massive damage to his ham strings on both legs lower aspect right above the word Walter. Also scars on calf muscles.


I went looking for Paul Newman naked and found Tennessee Williams naked which I never expected but he has similar scarring.

Tennesse Williams photographed in 1943 by Jared French.

Can anyone see where this is headed?

Now we’re going to go for the money shot here. If I’m right I answer about 1000 questions i’ve long had and will soon have….stay with me this is likely to be brilliant. I know a few things about the Chairman of the Board and I’ve seen him with his shirt off. Lets see if there’s a match.

From FB: Here is Old Blue Eyes sans shirt. Notice, bilateral wrist damage but more importantly virtually identical chest into abdo scarring. We can see virtually identical right wrist scarring between Frank Sinatra and Paul Newman…this is the same man who turns out to be George W. Bush. It also explains a boat load of things for me. From here I’ll pick up a hundred other people he is. Now I hope you’re all sensitive to the fact that I post top-secret info…but who’s going to believe me? The last piece doesn’t get published here…it goes to another blog.

So here’s the question I finally answered. Why does George W always hang at  The Howard Ranch? …because he’s Rance Howard…father of Ron Howard, Clint Howard and Billy Mummy, and probably a bunch of others. 

but this hole went far and wide and those 1000 questions have just shown up on my door step and I must ask them to return for another time. Good night all! But first I’m left with a burning question which holds a confirmation in it’s hand…let’s look at Peter Sellers…

Right wrist scarring and hair covering up area of lower chest and upper abdomen. We’re on the right track.

Severe scarring of right inner thigh of magnitude of other scars on Jack Lemmon.

And we’ll call it a day, I reviewed a few other more minor scars and we have matches so we have two things here…1) George W. Bush is also Peter Sellers with George also being Liberace you have ostensibly one of the greatest actors/musicians/dancers (I’ve seen him dance) of all time.

And the last piece tonite is who else would play Peter Sellers son in the Magic Christian other than his real life son!

Let’s Play: “Who’s This?” Part II


So who is the black guy? Who are the others? I went up to the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY a few weeks ago. If you’ve never gone it’s worth the trip. Classes to challenge and enhance your life. I seemingly get there and get dicked around but it’s good for me to take my licks. It also helps me discern the various groups targeting me for team stalking: the local constabulary, the federales, and some guy with a knot on his head who looked like Zippy the Pinhead with his pals. Then there was a group of gals one of whom liked my pushback when I went for a massage and they cancelled my masseuse and sent up Zippy to give me a massage…not happening!!! She went home popped some pills and fantasized about me but that was last visit. This visit still too fresh in my bleeding heart to discuss except that I avoided Lyme Disease (I think), had a horrible case of sciatica, took ungodly amounts of Motrin and these guys showed up Saturday night, blew me away and made it all worthwhile. I held off on posting this until now because I saw British Invasion just before them and this would be too unbelievable. The white guy I ID’ed is Uncle Junior from the Sopranos…more to come on him in a bit. The black guy is “Stevland Hardaway Judkins” or as he’s better known……..Stevie Wonder!!!!
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Ed Baruch The band was nothing short of extraordinary. Some may have been in their 80’s, 90’s or more. Some much younger but I’m betting they’re all famous. I’ll go look at some of the big bands and the other’s in the Sopranos because we had Uncle Junior there! See More
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ReplyYesterday at 4:22am


Ed Baruch About the music: third time I’m saying it blew me away but this guy Stevie Wonder or whoever sit’s inside of him is a musical genius!! The band was reliant on him for his expertise and had total trust. I never pretend to be a musical genius…I just like the stuff…but he was speaking a different language Like there was a way to create music that had never been heard or tried before like he was continuously experimenting with the stuff and coming up with new and original notes or chords or beats or whatever I have no clue. The band seemed to understand him and they did kind of a combination of jazz, blues, rock and then some more jazz. It was like my ears and mind had just woken up. I’ll dig up the name of the band in my catalogue. I’m going to see if I recognize anyone else, sadly I lost my glasses on day #1. Oh thanks to Paige who when I scheduled my trip looked appalled and somehow got me to go a week early despite no reservations. The staff at Omega managed to find a place for me for a few nights and that was really cool!


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ReplyYesterday at 4:23am


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ReplyYesterday at 4:23am


Ed Baruch About the music: third time I’m saying it blew me away but this guy Stevie Wonder or whoever sit’s inside of him is a musical genius!! The band was reliant on him for his expertise and had total trust. I never pretend to be a musical genius…I just like the stuff…but he was speaking a different language Like there was a way to create music that had never been heard or tried before like he was continuously experimenting with the stuff and coming up with new and original notes or chords or beats or whatever I have no clue. The band seemed to understand him and they did kind of a combination of jazz, blues, rock and then some more jazz. It was like my ears and mind had just woken up. I’ll dig up the name of the band in my catalogue. I’m going to see if I recognize anyone else, sadly I lost my glasses on day #1. Oh thanks to Paige who when I scheduled my trip looked appalled and somehow got me to go a week early despite no reservations. The staff at Omega managed to find a place for me for a few nights and that was really cool!
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ReplyYesterday at 4:37am


Ed Baruch Last point about Zippy…they went to ask him about me and the Team Stalking. He told them, “Oh, that guy was crazy!” The person making the inquiry replied, “We don’t think so.” He enjoyed my cover letter so much (it was brilliant) that he framed it…that was really cool!

Let’s Play: “Who’s This?” Part I


Let’s play, “Who’s this?”

Image may contain: 1 person, on stage
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Leonard Vernon Randy from American idol
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ReplyYesterday at 9:08am


Jill Sica Bernie Williams ?
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Reply10 hrs


Ed Kagan Martha Stewart?
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Reply6 hrs


Ed Baruch Thanks to everyone who played…the answer is Stevie Wonder!!! All contestants will receive Lee Press On Eyeballs!!! Martha is my Fairy Godmother just an FYI!!
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Reply1 hr
