Ron Howard-Marine

Ron Howard is a Marine who rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel. He’s considered at this time a five star general. I was promoted to four star general roughly six months ago. If I became a ship’s captain, Ron would be an admiral. If I was a five star general Ron would be President or Emperor!.

He does the commercials for the Marines as well

Last word on Cruising unless of course there’s more!

One of the things I suspected while watching Cruising with Al Pacino (Al was in the film I didn’t actually watch it with him….damn!!! That joke never gets old!!!!!!) was that Ron was in it in several places as a matter of fact they must have reused actors over and over, mustache here, no mustache there… mauve hanky on the left in this scene… rust colored on the right in this scene. FYI below is a handkerchief code list, just like the one they described in the film, so you know what the menu is when you’re out cruising and I hate to keep doing this but this film is a historical document…this is what it was like until disaster struck…AIDS! I’m going to make a top 100 film list and make sure Cruising is in the top 50 and hope for a director’s cut (yes I know there are scenes elsewhere, I want them all in one place). 

In any case my suspicions were allayed when I saw Ron as the “Midnight Cowboy” Jon Voight in a street scene! That was really fun. (I noticed Gary Dell’abate in another scene.) This would have been a pretty cool film to have a walk on or cameo in.  Midnight Cowboy hit the theaters in 1969…Cruising in 1980. Cowboy was really also a film about cruising but leaning heavily towards male prostitution…

…this pisses me off (a bit off topic but not that far): I remember Cowboy in the theaters. I really wanted to see it. It was playing at the Benson theater on 86th street in Bensonhurst Brooklyn…however…it was rated X and I was only 11 years old at the time! Here’s my issue…Ron Howard was in it as Jon Voight and he was only 14 years old at the time!!!! 14!!! Although, he did have a son (David Chokachi and David’s Grandpa was Ralph Nader) by then so it wasn’t like he was new to the game…such Mazel!!! Starring in a rated X movie and having a brand new baby boy all at age 14!!! I don’t believe I had reached puberty at 14 despite the barber around the corner playing with my penis while I was getting my haircut and my mom coming to find out what was taking so long. I think he liked me but he liked a lot of guys cause my dad almost punched him out and he left town after they broke his windows…whoever they were. Here’s a nice piece of a piece by Eric Snider from 2011 which notes, “Midnight Cowboy is the only X-rated film ever to win the Oscar for Best Picture.” I couldn’t even ask my barber to take me to see the film as it was rated X !


Yeah, yeah, Midnight Cowboy is the only X-rated film ever to win the Oscar for Best Picture. If nothing else, it stands as the answer to that particular trivia question. But is there anything else? Why is the story of a dimwitted Texan man-whore still mentioned all these years later? Let’s put on our cowboy jacket with the hilarious fringes and investigate.The praise: Midnight Cowboy won the Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Adapted Screenplay. Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman were both nominated for Best Actor but lost to John Wayne for True Grit. There were additional nominations for Sylvia Miles for supporting actress and for the film’s editor, Hugh A. Robertson. (Trivia: Robertson was the first African-American nominee in this category.) Midnight Cowboy came in at No. 36 on the American Film Institute’s 1998 list of the best movies of all time, falling only slightly to No. 43 on the 2007 revised list. It had also appeared on the New York Times’ list of the 10 best movies of 1969.Dustin Hoffman, Ron Howard’s brother Billy Mumy, who I approximate as three years younger than Ron or born somewhere around 1957, roughly my age, would have been roughly 12 when they filmed Midnight Cowboy!! He did a tremendous portrayal of “Ratso Rizzo” in the film…definitely an instant classic and a great NYC ad-lib when he almost gets hit by a taxi….Perfect!!!

Jon Voight aka Ron Howard as Joe Buck and Dustin Hoffman aka Billy Mumy who is Ron’s biological brother as Ratso Rizzo. Jon was 14, and Dustin 12 at the time of filming…approximately!

Trivia question: What was Ratso Rizzo’s actual first name? No, his mother did not name him Ratso! Answer below.

The story of Midnight Cowboy: Convinced of his irresistible appeal to women, Texas dishwasher Joe Buck (Jon Voight) quits his job and heads for New York City, thinking he’ll latch on to some rich dowager. New York, however, is not as hospitable as he imagined, and Joe soon finds himself living in an abandoned building with a Dickensian layabout named Enrico “Ratso” Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman). The two form a rough alliance, and together they kick-start Joe’s hustling career just as Ratso’s health begins to deteriorate.

Answer to today’s trivia…Enrico!!! Enrico “Ratso” Rizzo.

Little known fact about me…my street name is “Z-Pak”.

The above link is the famous Taxi Scene from Midnight Cowboy where Hoffman and Voight almost get hit by a taxi and Hoffman bangs on the cab and yells, “I’m walking here…I’m walking here.” (I’m pretty sure you don’t want to piss off Billy Mumy. Besides the fact that he can wish you into the cornfield I believe he’s a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his work and probably other things and will snap at you.)

I’ve questioned whether the scene is was really improvised or not. I’ve watched it several times and I believe it is. Here’s why: Hoffman actually breaks character while he’s yelling at the cabbie. His voice gets loud and he loses the mousy nasal quality of Ratso Rizzo. Though if he kept in character with that Ratso voice I’m not sure the scene would have made the film. Remember again, Hoffman is only 12 at the time of filming. He follows up with a very funny quip, something like “that’s actually a good way to pick up insurance”. Totally in character and very funny but if someone were writing the line for him and not on the spot I think they they might have added the word money in there for clarification. In any case considered one of the 10 great ad-libs of all time.

I went looking for the “I’m walking here” scene from Forrest Gump where Forrest (Tom Hanks, son of Gary Shandling… shhh!) is pushing Lt. Dan (Gary Sinese) across the street in his wheelchair and almost gets hit by a cab and I found this funny compendium of “I’m walking here!” This great ad-lib took on a life of it’s own!!! Enjoy!

I’ll wrap up with this, since were doing a little bit of Hoffman in the night…

Dustin Hoffman in the 1967 film…The Graduate

Back to dates and ages…this is Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate”. A favorite of mine. I’ve seen this a dozen time. Ron Howard was born March 1, 1954. Bio-brother Billy Mumy was born early November 1956, two years eight months later (I had approximated 3 years later and I was given this correction).

In this film Dustin would have  been ten years old at filming…amazing!! Now, Mrs. Robinson, Anne Bancroft. I have several other people as Anne Bancroft and ages are close enough: 1) Diane Disney-December 16, 1933; 2) Audrey Hepburn-May 4, 1929, 3) Anne Frank-June 12, 1929, 4)Anne Bancroft-September 17, 1931, 5) Millie Perkins-May 12, 1938; 6) Joan Collins May 23, 1933.

A word about Anne Frank first: I’m aware that Millie Perkins played Anne Frank in the film, “The Diary of Anne Frank”. I’ve had a very hard time with this one, personally but here it goes: Walt Disney was Adolf Hitler, (see my work at he was other people as well but this is would be his most famous/infamous character. There are still people who love and respect him and dislike me. It appears that during WWII Walt kept his family in Germany so he could play the Chancellor and plan the war. His number 2 person was Lee Blair who was Walt’s right hand man and a leading architect of the war and the Holocaust. Both men died in 2015 one day apart under “suspicious circumstances”.  Lee Blair also was Spiro Agnew. His daughter is the very lovely Melanie Howard who married who married Ron Howard’s brother Clint. I have tremendous respect for Melanie and she and Clint came to visit me once, though I didn’t realize it was them for many months and I believe I’ve blogged about the encounter earlier.

I had determined that the photos of the Disney family, in Germany, during the war, were used to flesh out the story of Anne Frank and her family who hid in an attic and ended her days in Bergen-Belson, a Nazi Concentration Camp in Poland. I suspect she was a real person and wrote the diary but the photos are of the Disney family: Diane Disney’s images used for Anne Frank and Sharon Disney’s image for Margot Frank. (Note: Sharon Disney is Julie Andrews)

Julie Andrews on the left aka Sharon Mae Disney on the right
Julie Andrews aka Sharon Disney aka Margot Frank
Diane Disney on the left aka Anne Frank, Anne misspelled in slide

The above slide is actually confirmatory. I suspect that the Disney photos were used to flesh out the story of Anne Frank with photos and I believed that Anne Frank was Diane Disney. I went looking for anomalies or scars that would be similar in both people and found an identical scar to the right of the chin. This is confirmatory that they are the same person. Can other people have scars in the same place? Yes but I went looking for this scar on Diane after I found it on Anne Frank. This is the same person.

Diane Disney then went on to actually play Anne Frank in “The Diary of Anne Frank” as Millie Perkins. 

Back to the Graduate

So we have Billy Mumy as Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate (1967). He’s ten years old while filming (Born November 1956). He’s sleeping with Anne Bancroft aka Diane Disney who I’ll approximate as born in 1929. She would be roughly 37 years old at the time of filming, her almost 4 times his age.

Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson and Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock in The Graduate. Anne is approximately age 37 at the time of filming and Dustin is 10, yes 10 years old!

Trivia Question: What is Mrs. Robinson’s first name in the film The Graduate.


We’re left with only one question now: “What is that thing on Aaron Neville’s face?”

Happy Father’s Day and Cruising with Al Pacino (The film Cruising, I wasn’t actually cruising with Al!

Happy Father’s Day to all my family and friends!!!

I just finished watching “Cruising” with Al Pacino! Al wasn’t with me watching the film…he was in the film! I still liked the film at least as much now as when I first saw it.

The only thing I find wrong with the film is there was no sequel and I want to see a director’s cut with the forty minutes put back in. The murder mystery could have been pulled together with an extra 10-15 minutes of film bringing it to a climax like a Dirty Harry film but it is what it is and I still don’t take issue with it. Got to believe that’s Ron laying on the floor at the end.

The film was basically pulled not because the American public are a bunch of pussies but because the homo crowd of it’s time derided the film as non-representative of their community at the time… it was supposed to be non representative! The captain even said the smbd community was, “a world unto itself” (actual or semi quotation). Not every Faggy Jack is going to go full fistula on someone in public.

I’ll compare the film, in a base way, to Caligula which had a fistula scene which was simply rape and worse as opposed to the scene in Cruising where generous amounts of lubricant was sensuously first applied and the actual insertion was done later off camera.

This is from Wikipedia, “Caligula received generally negative reviews.[43] Roger Ebert gave it zero stars, calling it “sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash”. Ebert wrote, “In the two hours of this film that I saw, there were no scenes of joy, natural pleasure, or good sensual cheer. There was, instead, a nauseating excursion into base and sad fantasies.”[44] It is also notable for being one of the few films Ebert has ever walked out of- he walked out 2 hours into its 170-minute length after feeling “disgusted and unspeakably depressed”.[44]

I sat through the entirety of the film, Caligula, (FYI Ron gets killed at the end of that one too!) and did not feel sickened by the film but I did not consider it great cinema. I loved the ending though when the uncle becomes Caesar most of the rest of it not so much.

I think Cruising is real cinema and got panned for political reasons. I thought it was Al Pacino taking a risk in his career and he and everyone else made a great film. I think it’s now a bit of a documentary and a captured piece of history and there’s nothing wrong with that. Al did great acting, the direction was superb and enough room for a third film with Karen Allen impersonating a gay male and becoming a serial killer and ultimately confronted with killing Al.

Any Cruising 9/10 stars crushed by a bunch of misguided gay activists who if they left the film in place would have had more dates with good looking tops and bottoms than they can handle.

Also, crushed by movie mogul pussies who are also clandestine misguided gay activists themselves who turned tale on their own tale…9 stars out of 10 for the film…2 stars for the closeted homosexual movie executives who screwed their own film up it’s ass.

Great film!!! Go see it. Let those queer, faggy movie guys know what you think of it being pulled!


Ron Howard Strikes Again: Billy Bishop Goes to War

Just back in the hotel after watching roughly half of Billy Bishop Goes to War at the Robert Shackleton Playhouse in Cape May…The Cape May Stage! It was only half because every 15-30 seconds I would fall asleep for 15-30 seconds. Fortunately all the actors were warned of this and only one seemed annoyed. There were only two actors so for me batting .500 is not bad!! I  only annoyed half the actors!!! I would have been happy with that stat at the showing of episode 2 of Gazoo!! Yikes!!! It was curtains for me!!

What went right? I recognized this was the work of Ron Howard! How did I do it? I kept catching a song lick reminiscent of the work of Al Stewart. I believe the two man show was written around 1980 which would have been around the hey day of Al Stewart.

Ron has done a lot great work in Canada and this was one of the most popular plays in Canada based on a true story. If this musical wasn’t written in the 1930’s then the only one who could have done it was Ron Howard. As I’ve said before, Ron loves history and loves nothing more than to sing about history and you know what? Ron wrote a great film that contained a fighter plane in it.

Tommy!!! By the Who!!! I’ve gone through the scene where captain Walker comes home earlier in a blog so I don’t want to redo it.

Anyway, as usual Ron was in tears when I figured out the play was his and the Al Stewart lick almost certainly off “Year of the Cat” or one of the other great albums…but you know what? We have another song that has a jet fighter in it by Ron Howard…

Now the king told the boogie men
You have to let that raga drop
The oil down the desert way
Has been shakin’ to the top
The Sheik he drove his Cadillac
He went a’ cruisin’ down the ville
The muezzin was a’ standing
On the radiator grille

The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

By order of the prophet
We ban that boogie sound
Degenerate the faithful
With that crazy Casbah sound
But the Bedouin they brought out
The electric camel drum
The local guitar picker
Got his guitar picking thumb
As soon as the Shareef
Had cleared the square
They began to wail

The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

Now over at the temple
Oh! They really pack ’em in
The in crowd say it’s cool
To dig this chanting thing
But as the wind changed direction
The temple band took five
The crowd caught a wiff
Of that crazy Casbah jive

The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

The king called up his jet fighters
He said you better earn your pay
Drop your bombs between the minarets
Down the Casbah way
As soon as the Shareef was
Chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to
The cockpit radio blare
As soon as the Shareef was
Out of their hair
The jet pilots wailed

The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah

He thinks it’s not kosher
Fundamentally he can’t take it
You know he really hates it

Written by Joe Strummer, Mick Jones, Topper Headon • Copyright © Universal Music Publishing Group
From what I saw of the play it was pure Ron in a way you’d have to understand Ron. Ron can access the Akashic records. I’m not sure he realizes he can do this. (He does realize it…see below) He probably called this climbing into someones head which he does to, or envisioning what would have gone on at the time but I think he actually can access the time and place and play it back. This is very difficult on top of his ability to express back into language and music what he is seeing.

Akashic records

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred, believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane. There are anecdotal accounts but no scientific evidence for existence of the Akashic records.[1][2][3]

Akasha (ākāśaआकाश) is the Sanskrit word for “aether” or “atmosphere”. Also, in Hindi, Akash (आकाश) means “sky” or “heaven”.

Ok, so forget how smart Ron Howard is…how smart am I? So I figured out that Ron cheats and actually looks at the events as they occurred through the akashic records…how do I prove he does that?

line #3 above and now below…

Akashic records

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would have bet before I looked him up that Craig Smith is Ron Howard. If I’m sitting around wondering if Ron Howard accesses the Akashic records and some musician is listed under Akashic Records and has a music label by the same name I have to believe he’s Ron. Lets look at a picture of him…remember it only has to be close because we’re targeting confirmation and not random photos.
I’d call this close enough to Ron Howard to be a yes…this is him though it could be Billy Mumy. Also, the medallion around his neck says, “I love Happy Days!” (that’s a joke).
I’ll call this a match and confirmation that Ron accesses the Akashic Records. His spiritual abilities and my admiration of him has just jumped 100 points in my estimation.
Birth name Craig Vincent Smith
Also known as Maitreya Kali, Satya Sai Maitreya Kali
Born April 25, 1945
Los Angeles, U.S.
Died March 16, 2012 (aged 66)
Los Angeles, U.S.
Genres Pop, folk, rock
Occupation(s) Musician, songwriter, actor
Instruments Guitar, voice
Years active 1963–1972
Labels Capitol Records, Akashic Records, United Kingdom of America Records
Associated acts The Good Time Singers, Andy WilliamsThe Monkees, The Penny Arkade


And here’s another clue for you all…Peter Tork of the monkee’s was Ron and Craig Smith was involved with them.

So why does Ron love movies and music and books around history? Because he can access all of it at anytime by himself.

I’m sam;ing this right now, really good! It’s Ron Hooward as Craig Vincent Smith Also known as Maitreya Kali, Satya Sai Maitreya Kali

“Apache” is subtitled “Sound Track From Yosemite” and is dedicated to Jimi Hendrix.

wow!!! Jimi has a mustache just like Mike Schmidt!!!

Kiki Presents: Who was Paul Newman?

Paul Newman aka George Bush

This took me way too long. Sometimes things just don’t compute. I’ve been looking for Paul Newman for over ten years. Paul Newman was one of the greatest and most beloved actors of his time. He appeared in 70 films and also directed and produced. Many of the films he was in are considered timeless classics: Cool Hand Luke, the Hustler, Exodus, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Torn Curtain, the Sting also with Redford (Howard) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Many of his films are pure pleasure to watch because he is pure pleasure to watch up on the screen. I was asked not to mention his great salad dressing which to me is just the usual oil and vinegar with spices but housewives everywhere like to touch themselves whenever they pull it out.


This also makes Katharine Ross…Laura Bush! Katharine Ross is the daughter of Diane Disney, Walt Disney’s daughter. Making Laura Bush the grand-daughter of Walt.

I got drugged once, MK Ultra style and yes the program is still active and very advanced and Laura Bush had me do some disturbing things. Also she had Images projected onto my frontal lobe while I was drugged which appeared as hallucinations.

Laura is very powerful and can be really scary. I know how crazy this sounds but I have to document as much as I can, as honestly as I can and I still leave some out.

I took this pretty personal and we discussed/argued over this for months. I’m pretty much over it having come to understand that she was engaging in a technique to create closeness using antipathy. The Bush’s can be pretty sensitive but here they had a goal in mind. This gets complex and I’m not sure I understand it all.

For drugging during MK-Ultra training they use Volatile gasses essentially anesthesia. Hallucinations can be created and projected into the brain where it appears to be in the frontal lobe. I was told I was being drugged through the water but I could feel the coldness of dense water vapor on my face as it came out of the vents in the ceiling.

There had been numerous attempts on my life and I have an internal early warning system Defcon (Defense Condition-like the military). I usually sit at 8-13. Defcon 1 is the highest level. Ron became my handler after my previous handler transferred “ownership” to him. One day I got really fed up with him and freed myself which can be done when the handler abuses his power without discernible purpose.  Anyway, it was pretty difficult killing me and Ron had poison gas set up in the room and I got to Defcon 1 and told him so. He told me not to do anything and just stay there. These people like to know they can kill you at anytime or they have stuff on you or can threaten your loved ones. I believe at this point that if Ron had released the gas I would have survived. I would have gone into Defcon-0 and defenses would have enacted automatically without my initiating them. This happened once when I was holed up somewhere and someone was trying to break down my door. Normally I have to hit a metaphysical button to get things started, once they start I often don’t have further control. Here no button pressed and a huge and sustained release of energy occurred….very cool! I wound up destroying the rest of the tanks of chemicals later on as they got on my nerves.


working on Billy Mummy

I think i have a few mistakes with Billy and also I believe he shares more identities with Ron than I realized.

So I’m looking James Spader to be dual roled.

also still working on Jerry Garcia, I realized he’s missing a finger and can’t find one missing on Billy.

I’m getting that I’m correct about more dual roled characters and correct about James Spader and Christopher Walken played by both Billy and Ron and think sometimes Clint may jump in to.

I’ll go out on a limb and say that James Woods can be either and Bruce Willis. Correct on both!

I’ll also say other people have played Bruce Willis, correct again

I’m guessing it’s subtle changes in persona that I note.

I believe Bryce actually played Bruce Willis once, i’m getting no and yes. Yes…one scene in one film.

I try and fill the hole in my heart with other things…it’s the best I can do.