Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone (Simonetta Stefanelli) and Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) (The Godfather, 1972)

Beatrice Howard-Gabel
Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone (Simonetta Stefanelli) and Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) (The Godfather, 1972)
Ron wrote the opening song “Sunny Day” for Sesame Street and worked on the show.
I highly suspect this is Ron from the PBS show, “The Electric Company” this is a sketch called love of chair which assisted in reading and sleeping and popularized the expression, “…and what of Naomi.”
While reviewing Doogie Howser I came up, not literally, his girlfriend Lisa Dean Ryan. Several photos show evidence of scarring in the lower neck. The one below is somewhat useful. I didn’t find any like Erin Moran which was obvious but a lot have subtle signs of either tracheotomy or thyroid disease.
If I find tracheotomy signs I think…motor vehicle accident (MVA). Do we have evidence of this? Anyone? Anyone? Kiki? Kissinger? Bueller? I think so….
This photo shows a couple of areas of probable surgical scarring which are remote from each other pointing to a possible global process affecting different parts of the body as an MVA might produce. See if you can find them…
I have suspicions about who she is and the scars will support any conclusions I come to…but not today!
Night all!!!
Ron Howard is Ed Begley Jr. (see previous Kiki’s Kustard for Kool and Kreamy information!)
Neil Patrick plays Doogie Howser in this show, a 16 year old kid who is a doctor, actually looks about 10-12 years old. Season 1-Episode 3 “A Stitch Called Wanda” turns out to be one of the most memorable episodes of any sitcom ever in Sitcom history.
Doogie goes out on a date with his girlfriend Wanda and slips her some Kaopectate causing her to have intestinal cramping, allowing him to first perform an internal exam on her under the guise of checking for cysts then he performs surgery in order to get a better look at the internal os of her cervix (quote stolen from St. Elsewhere-Ed Begley who’s a crackpot rat fraud as the BS promoter of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth. You’re a piece of crap Begley!!! “We reject the no-plane theory…you ph-cking lamus brainus !!! Piece of garbage!! Other than that I like your acting. Go home and eat some granola…beach!) Keep the environment safe!!!!! Nukes Begley…those were nukes!!! and cgi Begley…deciever of men.
Oh oh!!! I knew I should have checked first if Begley was Ron…Uh… never mind! Wish I’d seen this photo 20 minutes ago. Also, there are some holes in the no-plane theory as you might imagine. and in some cultures being called a crackpot rat fraud is actually a compliment!!
And you know Mr. Begley was so nice and polite and overly solicitous when he was on the Tonight Show, always calling Johnny… Mr. Carson like he had just finished eating out his asshole in the backseat of his electric car. Actually not so bad, more Smarty Farty than Lamus Brainus.
Ok in fact Doogie didn’t Roofie his girlfriend and she was actually having an appendicitis but here’s the ep. enjoy!!!
Doogie loved this girl and wanted a doctor to take a picture so he could look at her from inside as well.
Shout out to Max Cassella, Doogie Howser’s friend Vinnie from Doogie Howser MD for constantly borrowing Doogie’s medical equipment to examine his girlfriend on dates but more importantly from being in one of my favorite films…Ed Wood!!!
Hysterically funny scene from Ed Wood
Ron did the music for The Banana Splits as was one of the creators.
As I understand she actually got them for her boyfriend who she loves who likes a heftier top. The two of them are getting along famously now and even have a child together now who the mother is helping to raise.
Renowned psychiatrist Eduardo?!????
All residents of H-wood have returned home after being banished into the desert for less than 48 hours. Many who were upset with what went on reported as such: “That was the worst banishment I’ve ever been to…I barely got a suntan out there let alone dehydrate and have visions!” Another reported, “I only got to wander for about 40 minutes, those Hebrews did it for 40 years….what’s up with that?” A third person stated, “I finally found a staff to use to walk around with but I had to return before I could figure out how to turn it into snakes!”
In fact most of the families actually never left town! They reported, “We knew it was only a couple of disgruntled souls and it wouldn’t last long so we put on our disguises and covered up those littles pieces of rice Ron stuck under our skin with some aluminum foil and hung out at Disneyland for the day. We ran into pretty much everyone there. We had to hide by riding the monorail for part of the day because everyone started laughing so hard when we saw Ron and his wife hanging with his grandkids in the park!”
“Ron had told us that he deactivated the rice monitors years ago but none of us fell for that though we did thank him for it because he likes when we buy his BS.”
Even the Howard girls turned up at Disneyland after they got bored of hanging out in the underground bunkers. They laughed so hard when they saw everyone there that all their eye make-up ran onto their clothes and they had to get cheesy Disney T-Shirts to cover up.
Ron claimed to know what was his kids were up to as well as everyone else. He’s been berating the girls since this blog went up not for going to Disneyland but for having been seen there. Ron was quoted as saying, “We like shady characters here and my daughters are no different” He said that they needed to listen better and called them, “Disgruntled Sluts.” The girls found this deeply embarrassing and in retaliation decided to have sex tomorrow with anyone who would hold a door open for them in North Hollywood, which for them would be pretty much everyone. One of the girls was quoted as saying, “That will teach dad for calling us disgruntled!!!”
One of the Wooders was quoted as saying, “What’s Ron going to do? Not put us in his next film as extras? It’s not like any of us are gong to get starring roles with all those Howards multiplying like rabbits…forget the fact that they’re now producing clones like they’re planning the next Star Wars fiasco where I’ll get to play a Storm Trooper….again…..yipty-do….Blue For Delight!” “You don’t even know who’s a Howard anymore. Ed picks them out off the net like he’s picking bed bugs off the linen of the Motel-6.”
Another was quoted as saying, “We’re used to trying to grab for the carrot at the end of the stick. We’ve actually stopped trying and only make a show of it when Ron comes into the room. We call him Mr. Howard at those times or simply “Sir” which he seems to eat up and then leaves us alone for several months at a time and we go back to playing Bocce in the court we set up behind the linen return center!”
“We’ve had a couple really fun years here where everyone stopped working and turned out pure shit in the theaters just so everyone could hang out and watch Ed tie up and beat his dick like it was being interrogated by cops in the back of a precinct.” “It’s worth living a life void of major accomplishments just to watch stuff like that.”
Ron generously brought everyone back and treated them to lunch and an orgy. The orgy was particularly loving and of an extended nature and is still going on. The nature of the orgy was to extend love throughout the community and give the older people an opportunity to move at a slower pace with their loved ones.
Ron is working out details with some of the disgruntled souls so at a minimum it has the appearance of being equitable on some unreliable scale of confused measurement like the guys from NASA used to crash their Mars Lander into the surface of Mars.
Just the usual Hollywood Shenanigans with or without….Stubby Kay!!!