Ron asked me, “What do you want?”
and I said, “If I tell you that what’s in it for me?”
Farid used to ask me that when he wanted me gone but Ron is not Farid and who even knows if that was Ron talking to me.
Beatrice Howard-Gabel
Ron asked me, “What do you want?”
and I said, “If I tell you that what’s in it for me?”
Farid used to ask me that when he wanted me gone but Ron is not Farid and who even knows if that was Ron talking to me.
I happened to catch this photo while catching a wave on the net. Appears to be Clint Howard who turns up in my favorite horror film…Phantasm!
Conundrum appears to be resolved. It appears to me that John Savage is David Chokachi…the son Ron Howard had at age 13. In this photo he’s about 12-14 years old. Good looking kid with dad by his side. Ron is Robert DeNiro. I believe I have Walken and the other guy from Godfather who Mo Green slapped around because he was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time and the players couldn’t get a drink. I’ll work on the guy in the back.
Same scar on throat as John Savage above. Nice abdo scar, left antecubital fossa, right palm, upper chest. When you become a Howard they throw you into a meat grinder…if you survive you’re in!!!
Hey David, I don’t care if you were in Deerhunter…your mom is still Hotsy Totsy!!
I know he still doesn’t get the joke. You’d have to be from Brooklyn.
Adding this in today though I noticed it yesterday. Something not right with Robert Crane aka David Chokachi. Looks like he injured an eye and I don’t think he’s standing completely on his own. Something between his knees I believe to prop him up and Bob Crane aka Ron Howard seems to let go of him at the last second for the picture and his elbow is in Ron’s abdomen to prop him up. Looks like he’s supposed to be learning diving, he’s got his toes of one foot wrapped around the edge of what? Diving board looking thing? Kate Moss got into a serious wreck around age 18, this photo reminds me of her first photo after the wreck where she can barely stand up and has one eye closed because the contact lens to simulate her strabismus was either not available or too unwieldy to insert with all her recent surgeries.
Same scarring on neck…perfect!!
I know I’ll catch shit for this because I have this uncanny knack of getting too close to the bone on some of my jokes or observations but people continue to show up, even just for the mood swings so I’ll put it up.
World’s worst Tracheotomy…remember you can’t be a Howard without a Trache. I’m not sure she’s a Howard but I’m sure it’s close enough. She makes me want to think about climbing back into my mother’s womb where it had the appearance of being hospitable. I can remember being able to psychically see out into the community. My mom was so excited to be pregnant. For her it was going to be a dream come true when she would finally give birth to the daughter she wanted so badly…oh man…did that not ever work out!!!
I’m not sure what that is, could be photoshopped, …maybe she had throat cancer and they had to dig up Rich Little to dub her voice.
Keep those cards and letters coming. BTW I was a big fan of Erin…she was a world class dumpling!
Grand Rounds is on!!!!!!!
Did Erin smoke?? I’m guessing some form of cancer. Throat would be at the top of my list
Erin after stem cell therapy
In 1985, People magazine instituted its annual “Sexiest Man Alive” issue. The 1986 winner was Mark Harmon, who went on Saturday Night Live and lampooned his …
Ron and Cheryl Howard wrote the musical “Hair”. Though I didn’t see the show my brother had the album and we listened to it till it was smooth. (For the youngins, it was round and made of vinyl with grooves in it, oh wait they’re popular again. BTW…There is an argument around digitally remastered…here’s an article about it).
The film was pure pleasure with Treat Williams in the starring role. (Probably, going to turn out to be Ron when I vet him.(To vet was originally a horse-racing term, referring to the requirement that a horse be checked for health and soundness by a veterinarian before being allowed to race. Thus, it has taken the general meaning “to check”.)
Let’s go see if Ron is Treat Williams…the horses are at the gate…place your bets!!! And they’re….off!!!!
We have a winner!!! Billy Mumy is Treat Williams
Treat Williams is not Ron but his brother Billy Mumy aka Elton John…also very talented…I know…no shit!
If Ron turns out to be John Savage in the film which he looks more suited to we have a conundrum as John Savage was in Dear Hunter with Robert Deniro who I have as Ron as well.
Now let’s find Cheryl…she has to be in the film. They were probably the stars of the musical.
Oh Wow…Beverly D’Angelo’s in the film…Ok just left the rabbit hole and into the twilight zone…I can’t keep up, but here goes…
Beverly D’Angelo aka Cheryl Howard. World Class Hottie, did “Hair” with Treat Williams aka Billy Mumy, Ron Howard’s brother.
Kellerman did Meatballs with Bill Murray aka Ron Howard…Did Moving Violations with James Keach aka Ron Howard
Who else could these two be? No one!!! James Keach aka Ron Howard and Sally Kellerman aka Cheryl Howard.
Back to Hair…how do we know Ron wrote this??? No one else in Hollywood is smart enough to use the type of language Ron does in songs and musicals and get them published the way he does. The array of songs that follow are pure genius, and the language is exceptional and yes to all the sci fi and science stuff in it which would be Ron. Brilliant climax to film…oh wait…cheryl loves sci fi too….hmmm… complex language = Ron. Great story telling = Cheryl. A mix of all.
Good bet for Ron Howard during Let the sun shine in from Hair, Writer and possibly director as well as star. I just believe Ron directed the film…can’t explain why.
I’m told Ron Howard did direct the film.
The listed director is Milos Forman seen below with a neck vagina.
The link below will take you nowhere unless you add the letters jpg to the end of +049.
Did you add the jpg to the end of the address? This site is still PG and I don’t believe these photos are PG.
Based on scars that’s Ron as John Hamill.
I’m in the middle of something else but go check him out yourself
Not sure I had these two up…James Woods is Ron Howard and Deborah Harry aka Blondie is Cheryl Howard
I have both Bruce Willis and Bill Murray as Ron Howard.
Lot’s of photos of the two together doesn’t mean I’m but it also doesn’t prove me right either.
What to do…right now nothing…will do some research.
I’ll say this…pictures of t he two of them together are a bit overdone with them linking arms and holding hands, or appearing to hold hands.
Ron was Yul Brynner after Yul was probably to old to play Yul Brenner or was already deceased.
Why????? Because it was her turn!
Why? Because we ran out of cute girls so had to go to hot guys!