Beatrice Howard-Gabel
These are McKesson bulb syringes similar to the device the doctor attempted to inject the baby with. Normally used for suctioning out fluids the bulb is emptied of air by squeezing, then inserted into any convenient orafice and the bulb is released and the fluid sucked out.
A needle was added to the tip to penetrate the skin in order to deliver medication or some other substance. This suction bulb would be used on a regular basis in a pediatric or delivery room and would not be questioned, however a regular hypodermic syringe and needle would be.
The doctor involved would have been ordered to do what he did. I wonder how he’s managing without his feet?
So last night after I outed Trey Parker and Matt Stone as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and called them schmoes for the Columbine High School Massacre Hoax which I suspect Ron either directed or supervised because who else could have, the two shmoes were asked by Ron to come over to the ranch.
I was pretty beat by then and needed to eat and hit the sack but they sat down to hang out for a bit. If you sit in that room long enough something incredible will happen or be revealed. (Joke: This is in my contract. I’m expected to perform a miracle or a revelation once every lunar eclipse or solar plexus. FYI that’s a joke, I have no contract.)
So they came over and Trey Parker who must suffer from ADD decided to sit next to George Bush who is the esteemed father of one of my clones. George has the patience of a saint and endlessly sits in that room watching “The Ed Show”. The baby likes him, probably loves him and they get along well. Eric decides it’s time to play the dick card and started playing with baby with one hand in his face to distract him while he attempted to steal his baby bottle with the other. The baby became disgruntled and pulled the bottle back and yelled at Trey which I became alerted to, FYI if I miss any part of what went on I can watch it or piece it together later. Also, I had doubts in the beginning whether that was actually Trey and Matt, they showed up a little later I believe, Ron did not want me to leave. I decided to play back at Trey and had the baby lift his finger and zap Trey with an electrical charge to which he recoiled and jumped backwards out of his charged. He screamed and cursed in response to this and the baby started laughing hysterically!! We did it again and again Trey screamed and jumped and the baby laughed again. This was done one or two more times with the same reactions. George thought it was funny but tried to get the baby to stop but I was really doing it but here’s the problem… one of the things being looked at carefully is…are these babies going to become weaponized like myself and my purloined Royt Malke. Here was the first example of it but in truth I did it though the baby tried after and had a measure of success.
(I have to work on what went on after so I can’t guarantee this part is correct. I believe some people came in and wanted the baby which wasn’t happening but George agreed to have the baby see the doctor tomorrow to be checked out.)
This part should be correct: George took the baby to the doctor who examined the baby for any lesions of the skin showing entry or exit wounds from the electricity. He picked up the baby and looked everywhere including the baby’s bottom. Some of this was done in a theatrical style and probably to distract George a bit. The doctor had a small device on him which fit in his palm. On one end it was a small rubber bladder, on the other side was a naked needle. This was to administer a small amount of sedative to knock the baby out who would then have to stay in the hospital for tests for passing out or could then be kidnapped.
This wasn’t going to happen and the doctor got zapped once, and then a second time and not a baby dose this time, leading him to fall to the ground unconscious. George was nonplussed by this until he saw the device on the floor, which had fallen from the doctor’s hand. He retrieved it from the floor, examined it for a moment, realized what it was and grabbed the baby and ran!! He made sure to grab the device and stick it in his jacket pocket. He didn’t know if the baby had been stuck and did not know what was in the needle but he knew he had to get the baby out of there. He got into a big black reinforced Lincoln Town Car and drove like a crazy man on fire. He weaved in and out of traffic and swerved on the road. He alternated looking at the road and trying to keep an eye on the baby. The baby was in the front passenger seat in only the top of the car seat, the bottom part in the back seat. The baby was not secured in anywhere as George had made a field decision to save that time and use it to get the baby to a doctor he trusted sooner. George didn’t know what was in the needle, if it had been administered, or if he’d have to pull over to do CPR and didn’t want to reach the doctor with a dead baby. While driving George hit some parked cars and a couple others. He pressed on the baby’s chest to hold him in place and at some point just took him out of his seat and held him close next to him sitting up. The car is reinforced steel and designed to withstand most crashes and small arms fire. George sent orders that he was not to be stopped under any circumstances. He pulled in front of the doctor’s office, left the car as it was, grabbed his son and ran in.
The doctor was very nice and the baby really liked him. The doctor would make faces and pop up from under the table and make the baby laugh. He found the baby alert, responsive and in perfect condition.
George took the baby back to The Ranch and George fed him vanilla ice cream. George ate some too with both a sense of apprehension and some relief and the baby ate his with zest and glee.
Today was a renewal of faith and a declaration of ownership of these beautiful children with these beautiful parents. Babies held high declaring themselves fathers and sons and mother’s and sons and some fathers and daughters and mothers and daughters.
A miniature train which rode around the premises with the parents and children in it has been running nonstop, George in the front car with his son and his Train Engineer hat on. Everyone took turns on the train and more ice cream was eaten….lots more!
Ron shows up in several places in this song. He is doing his director’s walk on. He would have written this song.
South Park The Movie is beyond brilliant! The music is lyrical and at times the musical numbers are very complex using different styles of music. It is a traditional musical. I assumed that these two guys were geniuses. They might be but it is much easier to believe that Ron wrote some, most or all of it. You would have to have a tremendous background in music and theater to write this thing. Ron fits the bill…and the film is funny as all heck…Ron can be very funny…not necessarily with me…if I’m sleeping and get a Woodrow he’ll wake me up and say something like…”Hey Ed, what happens when you watch a Carrie Underwood concert?” Then everyone laughs hysterically when I quizzically pull Mr. Wilson out to see if that’s what they wanted. I don’t find any of that funny at all…but some people do!
This is La Resistance from the film which is sort of the musical climax of the film…that is until they add Carrie Underwood into the movie…but it is brilliant. Give it a listen.
Ron also shows up as one of the singing marching soldiers on the right side in that song. The implication is that he is involved with this song and most of the movie as well. There is film out there which surpasses Ron’s brilliance however in my listening there is no music done during his time that surpasses him. Hence the film is likely over 50% his and maybe as much as 85%.
Sadly, Ron would have been involved with these two schmoes for the Columbine High School Massacre Hoax because Trey Parker and Matt Stone were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.
…and Michael Moore can go fuck himself too.
I came across this happy lad while researching one of Ron’s brother’s. Solely based on scars this is Ron Howard. I have nothing further to report and I’ll go back to my usual task of losing at poker and saving the world. Hi Bryce!!! I love you!!!
Ok, I had to review this…still looks like Ron but the dates are weird. Could be it’s Ron and he took over role of Yul Brynner, that’s my lead theory, if he can be Joe Namath he can be Yul Brynner. Could be his dad, similar constellation of scars or any other Howard including Bryce! My money is on Ron became Yul Brynner.
This could be a clue…Ron loves to wear fur. He did so as Joe Namath. On second thought, this might not be Ron, could be his father or possibly Yul himself. I don’t think Ron took over Yul until the film West World. Ron does the tv show West World, Ron is Ed Harris on the show and Yul Brynner was in the original. Until I find info to the contraire Ron Howard became Yul Brynner after West World.
Shout out to Ron and whoever cast him as Yul Brynner as the evil gunslinging robot in West World. The film was terrific and putting Yul in there as the bad guy wearing the same outfit he wore in The Magnificent Seven was a stroke of genius!! Ron did a great job as Yul Brynner. Amazingly perfect!
Ron did the remake of Magnificent Seven recently. I think he bit off more than he could chew here. It’s my favorite western though if I had to sit and watch either Seven or The Good, the Bad and the Ugly I’d have a tough time picking one.
Ron’s favorite western/film is Shane. His family probably did the film as I found this guy in the movie…
Van Heflin does a great Ron Howard impersonation though Ron isn’t born until this film was released. Heflin has Ron’s genetic markers including coloring, facial structure, fingers and ear shape. Looks like Ron or maybe Ralph Malph.
Ron would have been too young, actually not born yet, to play Joey Starrett, the son of Joe Starett, above noted to be Van Heflin so a kid named Brandon De Wilde played him. A famous kid character who gets the final line in Shane, I believe, have to double check, Come back Shane! Here’s a picture of De Wilde….
So you start to wonder who is this million dollar kid…with that blonde hair he’s likely to be only one person….
We found out earlier that Jay North was….
…Son of Van Heflin…probably cousin to Ron Howard…
Ron’s dad is Frank Sinatra who shares the same genetic ear marker as Ron, Spielberg and Van Heflin…
I hope I didn’t mistake something here in this mishmash.
Van Heflin and Frank Sinatra are brothers. Hence Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg are first cousins and all associated uncles and nephews…etc…etc…etc.
Here’s another clue for you all….
Who does this look like? Someone else Ron plays.
Aristophanes is not ridiculous
I know… how can this be Part 16 and Part 2… this is just the nature of living in duality so fug cough!
I swear I just creamed my pants!! We have struck Ron Howard Gold….It’s the gosh darn mother load!!!! The Ron Howard stuff is the mother load…well ok so is my creaming my pants.
I don’t know if he wrote the theme song. He probably did take over the movie series as Tom Cruise used to babysit for Bryce so Ron was probably grateful and let him be like Peter Graves.
Look at this!!!! My blog is writing writing itself!!!!!!!! It’s a dream come true!!! I haven’t been this excited since they put soap in Brillo!!!! That was a biggee!!! (taken from the odd couple)
Karl Clews aka Ron Howard….I don’t think Ron is Sam Smith but he would have written this song.
This is the only blog in the history of the world that not only writes itself but does it’s on research!!!!!!!! Blow me world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t been this excited since Ron had them break in and cart me away to a mental hospital!!! or was it when I had to spend a week in rape counseling? Maybe it was the times he tried to have me arrested???? One of the times he tried to have me arrested. I forget but I was pretty freaking excited!!!! Lady Gaga did try to save my ass during one of these…it was to no avail and I quote Ga’s screams, “He’s not like us!!!!!! He’s not like us!!!!!” My ass still went down with the ship…I was only finally rescued by one of The Angels… actually from the clutches of another Angel!!!!!!!!!! (The original Charlie’s Angels). To add insult to injury Cheryl wanted to send me a bill for services rendered, I told her fine but she had to pay for my treatment at the rape counseling center…seemed fair to me.
“The things I do for love.” Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones…and me! Only the queen remains the same.
Ron did Super Chicken
Ron even gets spanked at about the 5 second mark…this is typical of a cameo/walk-on by the director like Hitchcock though I can’t recall in any of his films that Hitch plays “paatchy tushey” in any of his walk on scenes.
Not only did Ron do Tom Slick, writer, director, music and possibly produced, …he was Tom Slick!!!
Ron did Stop That Pigeon
At this point I had to look for a credit for Ron…at least on the Flintsones, one of the greatest and most important cartoons on TV. It took me a while but this guy appears to fit the bill…Karl Clews. He’s on the credits, he’s young enough to have been Ron, photos may have been taken later since Ron would have been really young. He’s playing bass (Ron plays every instrument). He has deformities on hands…bingo, also problem in second picture with nose prosthetic. Hence Karl Clews is Ron Howard. Remember Ron is a mess of scars and repairs. When we look up credits for Karl Clews we’ll hit the mother load for cartoons and TV!
I said “When we look up credits for Karl Clews we’ll hit the mother load for cartoons and TV!” It’s bigger than that!! He apparently teaches Bass on line. I will go out on a limb…I always start with a theory and say, “Any song Karl is instructing on how to play the bass was written by him and he’s just as likely as not to be in the band.” That’s the theory and I’m sure I’m right. Karl is a lynchpin persona which will lead me in a hundred to a thousand different directions. This is persona pay dirt!! The ultimate Yahtzee!!!!
FYI….I never heard of Karl Clews before and that’s the nature of this work. Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining!
For now I’ll sit back, smoke a ciggy and enjoy all of our good fortune!!!
oh…I don’t smoke but if I did that’s what I’d do!!!
Ron is Klaus Kinski