Kiki checks up on Ed today!

Beatrice Howard-Gabel
Updated April 24, 2019
I decided to give this gal’s full for anyone who might not have been a Hannah Murray fan. Spotted in Pittsburgh and in my mail here she is! Married to Samwell Tarly and has baby Sam…I’m not sure it’s really his but we’ll keep that to ourselves! I’m a huge fan of “Blade Runner” and she was major in the sequel.
I’m back to the relatively stodgy NJ…there’s no place like home!!
Great time with family and friends in Los Angeles.
Wishing everyone a somewhat belated Merry Christmas (first time back on my computer in almost 2 weeks) and a very Happy New Year!!
Much love to all!!!!
Kiki and Ed
I want to be in cast of Crazy Rich Asians 2 and reprise the role of Mr. Yunioshi in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” played by Mickey Rooney who personally set back Japanese-American relations in this country 20 years to immediately post Pearl Harbor.
BTW here’s an episode of Worst Wars which pits Mr. Yunioshi against Dr. Mann (Mickey Rooney vs Matt Damon). I thinks it’s funny that they stuck Matt in battle against Mr. Yunioshi…LOL. Being one of the best looking, most talented leading men in the world…he deserves it. Plus I think Mickey is like a great or great-great uncle of Matt’s. Live long and prosper!
Ignore this recipe. It’s for the indolent. Go look up a good one with hand ground potatoes and onions. This is only for the slothful. Real latkes are made with hand scrapings from grinding potatoes and onions.
Ingredients for “Lazy Latkes” otherwise known as “Low-Brow Latkes” for the lackadaisical and uncouth.
Mix all the ingredients together. Slowly add hot water and stir until nice and thick. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon the concoction in and fry til crisp.
recipe on next post
Happy Chanukah to all our friends and family as we celebrate the Festival of Lights and the miracle of Chanukah. (It’s actually kind of a minor miracle. Would have gone unnoticed except we need an excuse to stuff ourselves with greasy potato pancakes with apple sauce and sour cream. It also shows we managed to avoid getting annihilated…again!)
I mean really, any miracle which is not caught on film with Charlton Heston declaring…. “BEHOLD” has got to be a minor miracle.
Enjoy this festive holiday!!!
Much love…
Kiki and Ed
Remember Kiki…you had me at Shalom!!
Happy Thanksgiving All!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving as we celebrate the harvest and the abundance that life gives us, with love, peace, joy and a spirit of mutual respect and admiration for each other.
Happy Harvest!
Much Love
Ed and Kiki
So I’m on Season 6 of Shameless and having the best time of it. Today I met Nick, Carl’s 6’2” Africanish friend from Juvie driving my Uber. I was going to give him a $25 tip but the ride was like 8 bucks and they only allowed me to give him $18.32 but I wrote some nice stuff about him. I’m always tempted to write, “Good in bed,” as a compliment but I think they’ll ban me again like the time I wouldn’t talk to federal agent driving me who I made instantly upon his pulling up. The ride back appeared to feature the guy who clocked Carl with a gun. I gave him $5, which despite having used too many onions was still a very good sauce.
So I’ve met a bunch of people from the show, which I love, I wont go through them though Bill looked unnerved that Connie told me who he was, I saw Connie on something else. I’m pretty sure Bill was Bill as I’ve been looking for him for a long time unsuccessfully and there he was. I was sad and lonely when my main squeeze left and moved to somewhere near New Orleans. I haven’t seen Jr. in a while either. I saw Debbie, who insisted I mention her tonight, it was a pleasure meeting her and Monica with and without makeup and Sammi’s mom who looks a lot like Monica
Margaret Cho showed up who is a riot and I introduced her to Keaton’s brother-in-law, which pleased her to no end. I’m a big fan of both though Keaton may still hate me. I loved Cho with that gal Awkwafina in their video who can really be a bitch sometimes but I love her anyway.
Let there be lip. So I went to Haddonfield for dinner with some friends, and ran into a bunch of interesting people, I’ll go through them a bit later but Lip’s family was in the entranceway, hard to miss his brother who looks just like him. Dad too and probably mom and sis but it occurred to me how talented everyone is. Talent like that doesn’t occur in just one generation. I doubt I could do 1/100th of what these people can do though I’m comforted by the contrary as well. So I spotted that Lip looks like Harpo who is Jascha Haefetz with his son being Itzhak Perlman but where did this start? Talent like this doesn’t just start in one generation, has to be handed down from very young ages, probably in the womb. OK so who do these people appear to be the progeny of? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!!! I’d bet dollars to donuts on this.
Last point FU Ron for turning my effing computer off all the time. Go stuff your face at the Piggly Wiggly…beach.
Watching the other side of the wind I ask the question did orson welles finish any of his effing films?
I spent a week one night watching three versions of “a touch of evil” in a self imposed film studies class
what have I been up to?
recovering from a heart attack, having my eyes fixed, and evading the authorities
Thank you to Lady Gaga for visiting me in the hospital!
You guys there?
cricket cricket cricket cricket
more questions?
that came from the other Ed, but I found the surgical scars to confirm
unless that’s his clone
I had a request to review this film, by Ron, I believe, good bad and indifferent. I wasn’t going to do it because I did love the film but I thought there were some minor issues with it. First of all…thank you to…
Rami Malek!!
Rami Malek was kind enough to find his way into my favorite Japanese Restaurant, “O’Sushi”, while I was in there having lunch with my daughter. A few hours later I saw the film. I can’t say I recognized him at the time but I had a good feel that he was someone I should take careful note of and he made sure of that. Bravo Rami!!
Audience score on the film from Rotten Tomatoes was 95%, critic score was 60% as I recall. In my estimation the last 30 minutes were the best of the film, the part at the “Live Aid” concert.
Here’s my issue with the film and I guess it would be the same issue I have with films about major entertainers. I think the film wasn’t big enough. How do you make a film about Freddie Mercury which even comes close to Freddie and Queen, very difficult.
The story was fine, no problem, the darn film was just too small for Freddie. Here’s a couple ideas: The party scene with the midgets, giants, etc that should have blown up the screen like something out of “The Greatest Show on Earth”. There could have been a fight scene and a chase scene, more craziness and more excitement. The music was lip synced and that was fine because who’s going to sing that other than Freddie. I think it needed more spectacular even at the risk of losing some of the original story.
Also, singus interruptus: The film is called Bohemian Rhapsody and the song was never played in it’s entirety in the film…ever!!! I know…too long…six minutes. Come on guys, one of the greatest Rock Opera songs of all time…I think the songs should have been played through, not just bits and pieces.
Let’s compare this to “Tommy” by The Who. In my mind why did that film work 100% and this averaged roughly 80% on Rotten Tomatoes (Critic and Audience). The film Tommy improved on the album Tommy…vastly! They got bigger actors than the Who and bigger singers than the who…sorry Roger. It was like candy to the eyes visually stimulating and visually insane. It drew from deep emotions.
The album Tommy, respectfully because I love it, is a bit monotone and a bit flat, the film is none of that. The issue with Bohemian Rhapsody is you’re already using music that is at it’s peak…how do you improve on it? I would say make it visually appealing like “The Greatest Show on Earth.”
Anyway, that’s my hit on it, loved the band, White Boy Ricky, the Howard Stern looking guy and everyone else, good film, really good film…though kinda gay I thought!
Off the record: Freddie was one of the Village People and they say something about them in the film.
Also: Freddie’s still alive and is John Stossel
I feel bad for Freddie in this one, I hope this was faked
This is the work of “The Other Guy” or “The Other Ed”. Once he had Groucho it took me twenty minutes to find Harpo and Chico. I worked on the two or three others but they were less discernible so I moved on.
Wow, check this out…Isaac Stern! Looks a heck like Jascha Heifetz. This is the problem with going down the rabbit hole…there’s no end to it!
Work to do here but we’re on the right track, I’ll throw one more in here…Jackie Mason!
Jackie could have been Harpo, tremendously funny and talented guy. This needs some work, look for scarring and ears and we have a great hand here but it’s late so I bid you all…adieu!
God said let there be lips, and. there were, and they were good!
Just returned from the Bucks County Playhouse and saw The Rocky Horror Show. What a performance! I recognized a few of the performers but not enough and I’m never one hundred percent sure, well seldom, well I make mistakes. Took me two viewings to recognize my nephew last year
but I got Matt Damon right away.
I think I saw Camren Bicondova as Magenta, I’d hate to make a mistake here but she was also terrific in 42nd street.
Also Adam DeVine from Pitch Perfect as Rocky. Sorry if I missed you or make a mistake but I loved the show!! Great energy!! Hysterically funny and I’ve seen it a million times on the screen, stage definitely kicks ass.
I’m not 100% on this but I believe JA White played Frank N. Furter in the performance I saw. If it wasn’t him it must have been a relative. If it was him them OMG what a talent. Amazing acting and singing. I’m watching shameless and JAW reminds me of someone else but I couldn’t nail it down until today. Could be a grandchild, or maybe not related at all. I’ll post a picture of him and let everyone puzzle this one out, whether I’m right or wrong. Also, why did everyone get their panties in a bunch over Dana Carvey and the guy from Casablanca?
If I’m right this would explain the enormous musical talent of this kid.
Much love to friends and family…I miss you guys!
Seems like a pretty good kid!
Might make a good stepdaughter for Kiki!
Have you ever noticed how much “Punk Rock Girl” by The Dead Milkmen…
…sounds like…
Maria from “West Side Story”?
Coincidence? I think not!
also apologies if I called the Dead Milkmen, the Dead Kennedy’s (probably the same guys anyways).
Reminds me of how much the song Hamilton, from the musical of the same name, sounds like the song Bangla Desh from the concert of the same name.
…and remember, you’re for me Punk Rock Girl!
Hey!! Don’t shoot the messenger! It’ not like I wrote My Sweet Lord!!
Ron Howard was involved in this film, I believe he appeared in it and may have helped with some of the later writing of the songs such as Maria.
Not sure what Ron had to do with this but somehow the lyric, “The thingamabob, that does the job, is biddibobbidi boo. I also reviewed this and discovered this was not from Mary Poppins.
Ron worked on this episode of Star Trek and came up with the name Quatloo for a form of currency:
I’m going to pick up where I left off… so go back to 9/15/2018 Kiki’s Tawk Show Host: David Letterman easier for me to pick up at the original post
Oh oh! I have George Harrison and Bob Dylan as the same guy…boo…me! Will need to work on this!
I’m going to pick up where I left off… so go back to 9/15/2018 Kiki’s Tawk Show Host: David Letterman easier for me to pick up at the original post
“Whereas comedy that is boring is unacceptable, porn that is boring is inexcusable.”
From what I can tell Ron Howard worked on La Choy commercials and came up with the slogan… La Choy makes Chinese Food, swing American. I never much understood the slogan and we had great Chinese Food in Brooklyn but the crunchy noodles were good and we’d throw them in with our chicken soup and lokshen.
I used to watch Katie The Farmer’s Daughter. Inger Stevens was really smoking’!
Above is from the episode where William Windom made her wear a bucket on her head to win a contest from National Lampoon. OK, they just had big hair back then.
Here’s an opening from the show…it changed around a bit in some seasons.
From what I can tell Ron Howard wrote the lyrics to the song, Katie the Farmer’s Daughter and worked on the show.
This is an episode with Davy Jones on the show.
Lives I’ve Touched…Wives I Have Not
I don’t think Ron Howard had much to do with this but what do I know? I’m betting it was a favorite of his growing up (like everyone else) just like Herman and Katnip.
Ron Howard wrote the song Punk Rock Girl performed by The Dead Milkmen. Great song, one of the anthems of the Punk Rock movement. Enough clues in it to show it was probably Ron. The video is hilarious as is the song. Love it!!
Ron Howard wrote Myths and Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. I’m not sure if he’s Rick Wakeman, I have to do the research. FYI, just a super album! He could be Rick. Lots of great music. Theater like music, change ups…it’s brilliant!!!
Ron Howard did Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and wrote the song…world class stuff!
Ron came up with the idea of Fluff, The Fluffernutter, the song and the commercial for Fluff and the Fluffernutter! This was a big deal because it was delicious and a change up from Jelly which I could take or leave. This was a godsend!
Ron Howard worked on this commercial for Nutter Butter Cookies including writing the song…and remember…have another nutter butter peanut butter sandwich cookie!
Not only did he write the song and do the commercial but as I suspected he created the cookie!! Should not be a surprise if you listen to song I’m the Man by Joe Jackson
Ron Howard did this terrific commercial for “Van Camp’s Pork and Bean” In it was a song he wrote that stated: “Simple Pleasures are the best!” We couldn’t eat the stuff in my house for obvious reasons but the commercial was great!
From what I can Ron Howard wrote this opening theme for the show, “The Magic Garden”
He might have had more to do with the show but I’m not sure. Remember he’s been involved with a lot of kids programming like, “The Electric Company” and “The After School Special”, probably Sesame Street”
I was fortunate to see an Off-Broadway musical at “The Village Gate” theater in Greenwich Village in the 70’s. I took a first date, might have been second to see it on a whim while we were there.
Lot’s of nudity and sexual skits. Really fun, we had a good time. I had to believe this was Ron’s since there was nudity in Hair, Oh Calcutta, and sexual situations in The Rocky Horror Show. Hard to pick apart the photos looking for everyone but I do recall in the show one guy about Ron’s build singing stage right. He was terrific but in part because when he hit the big notes his jar of Nutella pulled up to his abdomen. (I’m told that was Ron! He swore to his kids he wasn’t in the show but looks like I spotted him and they didn’t believe him anyway.) Why was I looking there? I have no clue why I was even in the theater but it was a great show except the strongest voice was a big black lady who wore a nightgown instead of going in puris naturalibus. Oh she would have been a lot of woman but what a voice!!
So I did my research and saw a clue from the Wikipedia: See below…vocal arrangements were Billy Cunningham…that is a clue since I figured Ron was Allen Cunningham the poker player when I found his wife was a player.
Let My People Come was originally produced and directed by Phil Oesterman.[2] The show was choreographed by Ian Naylor, musical direction and vocal arrangements Billy Cunningham, scenery, lighting, and production stage manager Duane F. Mazey, scenery and costumes supervised by Douglas W. Schmidt, lighting supervised by John Gleason, stage manager Robert Walter, and press by Saul Richman. The Broadway opening night cast starred Brandy Alexander, Dwight Baxter, Lorraine Davidson, Joelle Erasme, Yvette Freeman, Paul Gillespie, Tulane Howard II, Bob Jockers, Empress Kilpatrick, Dianne Legro, Allan Lozito, Bryan Miller, Bryen Neves, Don Scotti, Dean Tait, Lori Wagner, and Charles Whiteside.
I’ll call it quits here, do your own research now
I just binge watched Norm MacDonald Has a Show on Netflix. My whole life is Netflix. If I don’t watch the recommended feature at the top of my screen when I get to the opening page Ron Howard turns off my computer which then takes five minutes to reboot, so I inevitably watch it. Usually whatever’s up is pretty good and I get to meet some of the people from the show. Made the mistake of watching some show about abortions during dinner and yakked all over the place.
I watched Norm’s show which was pretty good, perhaps a little rough around the edges but entertaining. David Spade was the first guest and the guy is pretty funny, so is Norm. The sidekick grew on me but he looks like he’s sitting at the kids table off to the right. There’s a sketch with andy kaufman I think from SNL, maybe the Andy Kaufman Show where he’s the host of a talk show but is sitting way way higher than the guest. this reminded me of it.
Drew Barrymore was real good then Judge Judy. After watching half of Drew I had to sample the rest so I could get a taste of each show. When Jane Fonda came on if I were Norm I would have asked her why she looks so much like Judge Judy, and maybe Laura Bush. I loved the singer Billy Joe Shaver and skipped ahead to the songs, super stuff. Looked like he had a touch of emphysema and could have dropped dead any second.
Chevy had me laughing out loud, very funny. M. Night Shyamalan very interesting. Michael Keaton and Lorne Michaels only spent a bit with them. Overall Norm’s show holds up. I’ll come to Dave in a minute. I could do with less of all the nervous twitches of the comics where they do their little shticks in between the jokes and stories. I’d rather hear the stories and the jokes some of which they never got to with everyone just doing whatever their non-verbal, partially verbal shticks are. Chevy did it too but some of what he does is so funny and unexpected like drinking his water through his nose it’s forgivable. (Still love memoirs of an invisible man!)
David Letterman: Of all of Norm’s shows I found David Letterman to be the most interesting. I watched the entire thing, didn’t get bored or distracted, still a bit too much shtick from Norm on this one and it’s not necessary. It’s a talk show, let ’em talk. David is really smart, seasoned and kind of slick. I know pretty much everyone in Hollywood has another life and I found myself thinking that David is probably a college professor somewhere, likely in psychology and does counseling or psychotherapy. Just a guess but the guy was fascinating, has a great manner and a silky voice. I thought the show moved along well and some of that might be David’s comfort with the talk show venue and he basically ignored some of the nervous shtick. (Follow up on Letterman in the next post)
Great guests, good show and a very funny story by Judge Judy about three hoodlums going to a store at midnight looking for Matzohs. A1 rating for the show, mostly because I’m sucking up, people used to hate when I said lousy things about them but now it’s usually regarded as good but I still don’t want to insult anyone, so it’s really a B.
In my mind the talk show to beat similar to Norms was The Dennis Miller Show. The show was so funny and it was on late when I was pretty tired and I used to pray it wasn’t too funny because I was so tired and my ribs would hurt from laughing. He made a gay spelling bee joke that was so funny he had to come on the next week and apologize saying, “Sometimes I’m an A-S-S-H-O-L-E.” I think he toned the show down after that a bit which he should have avoided because for thirty minutes it was pure hysteria and I believe Norm MacDonald was on the show and he and Dennis talked about when they fly together they use a female name for the airplane. Dennis was saying they call the plane “The Lady” but Norm confided they were calling the plane, “The Bitch”. He also told Dennis that Joe the Camel looked like “a giant cock”. He over the topped Dennis that night, even Dennis feigned leaving the set after that.
Later gators
FYI: Running around LA in my underwear was just a metaphor. I was fully clothed the whole time. Also, thanks to the Hispanic actors and actress who took me back to my hotel when I got blindsided at the Hollywood Bowl Overlook, wish I could have hung with you guys but the object of the mission was to stay on track. Thanks to the BB Queen for the brew.
Keeping this brief but I loved the film despite it being a bit of a downer at the end. Rick sure reminded me of Camren Bicondova aka Selina Kyle aka Catwoman who I’m pretty sure I saw in 42nd street and my gym!
I was miserating that I knew a lot of the players in film and had insulted some of them in the past but I wasn’t in the film (something about banning me from Los Angeles in someone’s contract but they can’t enforce it) plus I may be difficult to take direction (too PTSD from being run around LA in my underwear) just as I hit the heights of despair White Boy Rick went in to see the goldfish named of all things Ed! My heart lightened that is until Rick got shot in the stomach 2 seconds later and has to crap into a bag for the rest of the film while he’s banging some very hot black chicks. Other than that how was the play Mrs. Lincoln? Thanks for the shout out guys!
Robin Williams AKA Art Garfunkel. This is as close to 100% correct as possible (unbelievably). I went looking for Art Garfunkel and figured him for someone else. When I saw this picture of Art Garfunkel sans shirt he resembled Joe Pantoliano who played Guido the Killer Pimp in “Risky Business”. Joe, I identified as Robin a while back and I knew Robin had a massive diagonal neck scar which was left open to heal. Here the scar, going up to the ear is virtually identical and would be a lot closer but the scar on Robin is smeared (photoshopped) and hence they are not completely identical. What about the voice? Art has one of the great voices of our time…so does Robin (yes the man who was Robin Williams still breathes) Robin Williams was incredibly talented and I heard him sing and he is literally breathtaking!!! For anyone paying attention
I’ve suspected this for a while and took some time to set about and prove it. Identical scarring on the right knee of both men (also the left) also arm and abdo scarring that is similar but the right knee is most convincing. Eastwood and Lennon are both tall as well and let’s not forget The Donald! Very talented man. My suspicion derived from similar friends of both men and the height. George, Ringo and John all have terrible scarring and the person playing Paul McCartney did change at one point. It’s possible Paul was badly injured, I’ll work on this. The first Paul McCartney went on to become another famous singer…Sir Elton John! IMHO
Said by Ed immediately preceding the most exciting event of his life…bar none!
(Sidebar-The director was the only one there who seemed the least apprehensive about what the answer would be!)
I got this off BabbittBlog on FaceBook. Disney must have put out some new ice cream product that everyone was trying. Find Ron’s dad in this photo.
The last person to be filled in was George Peppard who I saw today in the film, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
I had the pleasure of watching “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” early this morning. I had tried to watch it in the past with limited success as it is a very mature film and requires careful study and it appears my head was not in that place when I first sat with it. I enjoyed it thoroughly except they really abused the cat and I felt bad for Buddy Ebsen as Doctor Golightly who gets dumped by Holly and he recovers about as quickly as he did from the pulmonary disease he acquired from the Tin Man make up in the Wizard of Oz.
The film is a sophisticated tome reminiscent of “The Own and The Pussycat” and “The Graduate”. I don’t think anyone could have done a better job playing Holly than Audrey Hepburn except for maybe Shirley Jones, IMHO.
George Peppard and the rest of the cast were terrific and I loved seeing Patricia Neal in the film who played a pretty hot cougar. I think the only actress who might have filled her shoes in film is Myrna Loy.
Anyway the film continues to be timely despite being made about 60 years ago.
This is Audrey Hepburn singing Moon River.
My sources tell me that Ron Howard did in fact write Moon River. This is the musical equivalent of splitting the atom at age 6. Ron was and still is a musical genius of the likes of Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart. There is a list of the modern musical genius and Ron occupies 4 of the 10 spots if you include the Beatles; Prince, Dylan and Hendrix are the others.
So what’s the deal here? Ron was sworn to secrecy. He was told never to reveal to anyone he wrote the song. Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer are attributed to it but I was pretty sure Ron had a hand in it and it was confirmed he did it.
So sworn to secrecy virtually no one is aware that a six year Ron Howard wrote it. This was a game changer for Ron and the musical and entertainment community demonstrating Ron’s capabilities as a writer and composer.
I’ve gone through the issues with Ron’s song “Windmills of Your Mind” which he wrote and was stolen from him. The song is pure genius and continues to be a sore point for him.
BTW Audrey Hepburn is Diane Disney.
Ron wrote, “The Chapel of Love” performed by, “The Dixie Cups”
I believe Ron had a hand in the song Moon River. He may have written some or most of it but I don’t know. I reviewed the lyrics for clues and it could have been Ron’s style at the time.
Ron worked on the TV show “H.R. Pufnstuf”
Ron did the 1969 commercials for Ultra Brite Toothpaste
Ron worked on a film for Disney called “The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin”
This film may have been the best thing ever shown on “The Wonderful World of Color/Disney”. Sometimes the show would be as boring as dirt but this was terrific with great music, special effects, direction, script, and acting. It starred Roddy McDowall. I suspect but have not confirmed this is Ron. Roddy was a super over-the-top actor who was really captivating. I remember seeing him in a horror film in a haunted house which just blew me away. I believe Bullwhip Griffin was shown in two parts and was super entertaining. Nice job Ron!
When in doubt…take a pawn.
Cant remember which show this was from, I suspect it was Secret Agent Man and it was a code to trigger someone to do something. I suspect Ron wrote this along with an episode of Secret Agent Man where a guy is trying to get out of a foreign prison and needs an assistant and is a chess master.
Ron worked on terrific cartoons called, “The Marvel Super Heroes”
I’ll run with this though I cannot find a copy of the commercial. I will use my vast resource or instincts, my memory and dumb luck!!
Ron, I believe, did a classic commercial for a candy called Razzles. As I recall here’s how it ran.
A geeky guy comes out on stage, probably Ron because who else could do this better…no one!
He says, “I dreamed I was a Razzles. I put me in my mouth. First I was a candy, then I was a gum. I blew a little bubble but the noise did wake me up, and I don’t know what became of me.”
I believe he stuck his thumb in his mouth and blew, walked off somewhere and exploded.
On some level the ad had to work because the candy is still around and I remember most of the ad.
Hail Ron
“He’s here for one hour and look at all the problems he’s caused!”
Quote from community leader of New Egypt, NJ upon Ed’s visit there. Ed explained that he was there for three hours not one hour giving him plenty of additional time for mischief.
“One of the best and most familiar character actors of the first four decades of sound films, although few who knew his face also knew his name, John Qualen was born in Canada to Norwegian parents. His father was a minister. The family moved to the United States and Qualen (whose real name was Kvalen) grew up in Elgin, Illinois. He won an oratory contest and was given a scholarship to Northwestern University. His interest in acting was piqued there, and he began appearing in tent shows on the Lyceum-Chautauqua circuit and in stock. He went to New York in 1929 and got his big break as the Swedish janitor in Elmer Rice‘s Street Scene. He repeated the role two years later in the film version. That same year he first worked for director John Ford in Arrowsmith (1931). He became a member of Ford’s famed stock company and had prominent roles for Ford for the next thirty-five years. He became a most familiar character player, specializing in Scandinavians of various nationalities, but frequently playing a wide variety of other ethnicities. Perhaps his greatest work among many memorable roles was as the pitiful Muley, who recounts the destruction of his farm by the bank in Ford’s masterpiece The Grapes of Wrath (1940). Although plagued in his later years by failing eyesight, he continued to work steadily into his final years. He was treasurer of The Authors Club and historian of The Masquers, Hollywood’s famed social group for actors. He had three children, Elizabeth, Kathleen, and Meredith. Qualen died in 1987.”
I noted this guy in the film Casablanca. He played Victor Lazlo’s (Paul Henreid) resistance fighter contact in the film. He shows Victor a ring he is ostensibly trying to sell that has a Cross of Lorraine inside of it and it demonstrates that he is part of the French Resistance movement.
“The Cross of Lorraine (French: Croix de Lorraine) is a heraldic two-barred cross, consisting of a vertical line crossed by two shorter horizontal bars. In most renditions, the horizontal bars are “graded” with the upper bar being the shorter, though variations with the bars of equal length are also seen. The Lorraine name has come to signify several cross variations, including the patriarchal cross with its bars near the top.”
Disney used their employees as actors, nobody did just one thing their. Here composer Henry Reid was Paul Henreid.
So what attracted my attention so much that I am posting about John Qualen?
I have a strong suspicion John Qualen is the father of Dana Carvey or some other close relative (or clone).
Go see the film and study Dana for a bit and it becomes pretty clear. Same look same voice, same mannerisms. Same luscious thighs.
This was really just too wonderful. Enjoyed it so much I rewatched The Fisher King which may be my second favorite film of Robins…huge fan of Jumanji which is my favorite.
Fisher King has Jeff Bridges who I love and I don’t think I’ve seen him in a bad film. Big shout out for Jeff in “Thunderbolt and Lightfoot” with Clint Eastwood and George Kennedy and in the remake of True Grit with Matt Damon and Hailee Steinfeld.
I complained to Ron once that the remake of True Grit showed it was written by the Coen Brothers but does not mention Charles Portis who wrote the novel considered one of the great Western novels of all time, taking nothing away from Zane Grey and Louis L’Amour. Ron picked up the phone and spoke with one of the Coen Bros. I listened in to the conversation and the Coen brother pled ignorance. He said he had no idea they were doing that. I don’t believe it said screenplay by the Coen Brothers it simply said True Grit written by the Coen Brothers. Still the film is one of my favorites and i’ve seen it over and over. The original version had John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn and Glen Campbell as the Texas Ranger with Kim Darby as Mattie Ross.
I also had the pleasure of meeting Terry Gilliam who directed The Fisher King. I’ve loved pretty much everything I’ve seen of his: Time Bandits (1981), The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988), The Fisher King (1991), 12 Monkeys (1995), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998). I’ve missed a few of his films and I’ll try and catch up.
I tried watching Brazil on a couple of occasions and had a hard time of it. Before I try again I went to read the reviews and I resonated with Roger Ebert’s review: Roger Ebert was less enthusiastic in the Chicago Sun-Times, giving the film two out of four stars and claiming that it was “hard to follow”. He felt the film lacked a confident grasp on its characters’ roles in a story “awash in elaborate special effects, sensational sets, apocalyptic scenes of destruction and a general lack of discipline”. Ebert wrote positively of certain scenes, especially one in which “Sam moves into half an office and finds himself engaged in a tug-of-war over his desk with the man through the wall. I was reminded of a Chaplin film, Modern Times, and reminded, too, that in Chaplin economy and simplicity were virtues, not the enemy.”[51]
So I met Terry Gilliam at one of the live Ed Shows (The Ed Show Live), written, directed and produced by Ron Howard (I helped out but Ron oversaw all aspects of the show and made it work. As I recall Terry was kind of unsatisfied with the work he was doing. I told him I believed he was operating at somewhere between 80-90 % of his potential which for a genius like Terry would be really pretty good, but not good enough for a genius like Terry. He was hanging with a bunch of “Yes” people which is better than hanging with a bunch of “No” people but again not good enough. I brought up he was not pursuing his great love which is cartooning and he had a good deal of work he was doing locked in his safe. I don’t know where it went from there but it was a pleasure meeting him and again I’ve loved his films and of course Monty Python!
Next: The Ed Show Live
So I went to see British Invasion Years for about the sixth time:
If you haven’t seen them shame on you! You know you’re not getting any younger. They are too amazing for words and I sit there and grab my chest while they sing so my heart won’t break out of my chest. I went up to get a BIY Tee Shirt because frankly you can’t have too many of them. When I encountered this gorgeous creature asking her dad for something,
It happens I have always been a huge fan of Pippi Longstockings. I read all the Pippi books including Pippi In The South Seas. I even know her full name: According to Pippi herself, her full name is Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraim’s Daughter Longstockings (in Swedish, it’s Pippilotta Viktualia Rullgardina Krusmynta Efraimsdotter LÃ¥ngstrump). It would give me great pleasure to tell you I read the books in Swedish…but I didn’t but I saw both movies and the “Clint Howard Reboots Pippi Longstocking with Milla Jovovich and Fred Willard” Which was hysterically funny.
I pieced this together after remembering the skating scene in the 1988 remake, “The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocks” which was terrific!! Super talents!!!
FYI lots of great photos of Tami as an adult!
I had the pleasure of meeting Evan George Vourazeris the other day in one of my favorite hangouts. He was as relaxed and natural in person as he is on the show. Of course he denied being Tuck but come on…who are we kidding?! Great on the show and great in person he later confided in me that it’s a bit much that people are hugging and kissing him all the time at which point I hugged and kissed him but he knew I was just kidding with him, well sort of kidding! We became fast friends and can hang out together any time we want. Tuck!
Just to show you I’m still paying attention!
Calla will be so proud of me!!!
I forgot to mention that I was a huge fan of Ellison when I was in HS going into college. My friend and I read everything we could find written by him including his nonfiction stuff like The Glass Teat about television.
People did not know that I was aware of his prophetic stories but I took note of them a few years ago. I also thought when I read them how cool it would be to have those abilities. As I questioned Harlan is still alive and I juiced him up yesterday, gave him a good charge. 🙂
Harlan Ellison was a prophet. Some of his stories were identical to events that have recently gone on that would have been impossible to predict because they were impossible.
Ron Howard wrote the show “Monkey, Monkey, Bottle of Beer, How Many Monkeys Have We Here”. I saw it on PBS many long years ago and I don’t remember much of it, perhaps something about a teacher and a special child. I’ll find some more info about it.
This psychological mystery is set in the waiting room of a clinic where five mothers await word on the futures of their mentally handicapped children. They have been given the opportunity to change their children into geniuses, and the play explores the hopes, fears, and guilt of each woman. As the drama moves forward, the very nature of parent child love is examined.
This is pretty much what I remember.
2013 Midtown International Theatre Short Lab Festival presented Debbie and Me, directed by Cailin Heffernon.
2013 Outworks Festival at Louisiana State University produced Pioneer Women: The Wild Boar, directed by Evleen Nasir. Produced Off-Broadway, Off-Off Broadway, television, regional, community, university, and high school theatres across the US. Also produced in Japan, Canada and England.
The 2011 Midtown International Theatre Festival presented her one-act comedy-drama, Lost And Found(nominated for Best Production and Best Director) at the Jewel Box Theatre in NYC and the 2011 Downtown Urban Theatre Festival also presented Lost And Found. Mirror Repertory produced her 2009 stage adaptation of John Colton’s Shanghai Gesture Off-Broadway at the Julia Miles Theatre, directed by Robert Kalfin, starring Tina Chen.
As an original playwright-in-residence at Playwrights Horizons in NYC she participated in nine productions of her work. Sheiness has written plays about a 40-year old woman’s past selves; about the most extraordinary of twelfth century Europe; about a Jewish Texas couple in their 70s; about gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual teenagers; about mothers of mentally retarded children; about an eccentric college professor and his/her students; about characters with dementia; about spelling bee contestants, and many others.
As a director, Sheiness has been at the helm of more than thirty plays, guiding actors to their full potential in fulfilling their roles in a way that best enhances the playwright’s intent. Her background as a playwright and years of directorial experience gives her tremendous insights into all facets of production.
As a teacher, Sheiness currently mentors individual playwrights. She has taught playwriting at The New School and at Eccentric Circles Theatre in NYC, as well as at the Harbor Playhouse School of Dramatic Arts in Corpus Christi, Texas. She has served as Guest Lecturer in playwriting at Drake and Rutgers University among other educational institutions. In the words of Robert King, a playwright she has mentored, “Marsha is one of the few true experts on plot, character development, and motivation. And she provides a safe and nurturing space to grow as an artist, never judging, always encouraging.”
Best All ‘Round was produced Off-Broadway at the Perry Street Theatre in NYC, Professor George and The Spelling Bee were first presented by the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference, and her play, Monkey, Monkey Bottle Of Beer, How Many Monkeys Have We Here? (Available on DVD) aired on “Theater in America” produced by PBS Channel 13/WNET following its premier production at Cincinnati Playhouse in the park directed by Harold Scott.
Her musical adaptation of Great Expectations, music and lyrics by Robert Bendorff, was a 1997 finalist for the Richard Rodgers Award, and the Festival of Contemporary Musical Theatre. ASCAP Musical Theatre Workshop presented forty-five minutes of Great Expectations, and AMAS produced the entire musical as a staged reading directed by Gabriel Barre.
A Virtual Woman/Lipstick Politics (conceived by Donna Trinkoff), a musical review dramatizing the plight of women around the world had two developmental staged readings at AMAS Musical Theatre and a developmental presentation at Theatre Building Chicago under the title Half The Sky.
Becoming Eleanor, comedy-drama about the early life of Eleanor of Aquitaine, opened to excellent reviews at its World Premier at Theatre Conspiracy in Fort Myers, Florida directed by Robert Kalfin. (Published 2010, Dramatic Publishing)
With a BA in Speech and Drama she began her professional career as an actress in Los Angeles performing both on stage and television. After moving to New York City she toured with the National Repertory Theatre Company under the direction of Margaret Webster, performing onstage with Eva Le Gallienne, Sylvia Sydney and Leora Dana. She was Artistic Director of The Young People’s Theatre at The Harbor Playhouse in Corpus Christi, Texas and Interim AD of The Harbor Playhouse. She has directed many productions of her own work as well as Bus Stop, Little Shop Of Horrors, and The Miracle Worker. Other directorial credits: New York’s HB STUDIO – ten-minute play festivals.
I highly suspect the Film “Welcome to Marwen” was created soon after I blogged about Ron Howard creating, directing, producing and doing it all on the show, “Captain Scarlet.” Ron was brought to tears when I blogged about it and I’m brought to tears whenever I watch the trailer to “Marwen”. It looks amazingly creative and wondrous and the only thing I really hate about it is it won’t hit the theaters until November 10th. Well good things are worth waiting for and in the same vein here’s another show Ron worked on called, “The King Kong Show”. Here’s the intro for it from 1966 when Ron was about 11 or 12 years old:
after 50 years that song is still stuck in my head and guess what?! Ron is in the show as the little boy!! Damn good likeness!!! Nice change over all the waif women like Fay Wray, kind of a bit of a gay Kong version but why not?
Now let’s look at Johnny Quest, also worked on by Ron
What was really cool about this show? It was an action adventure cartoon geared as much to adults as kids with adult centered themes and non-cartoonish looking characters. It also had an
Asian-Indian boy named Hadji who was mystical. This was kind of a big deal as I don’t believe I ever saw an Indian in a cartoon as a major lead character, and he was a great character. Finally without doing any research, as I recall, the cartoon was on prime time TV, maybe 7:30 or 8PM, which was like a big deal for a cartoon, and it was terrific!!!
Ron also worked on Tobor The 8th Man
and if I’m not mistaken he worked on Top Cat…
Thanks to everyone for the warm Father’s Day messages and a Happy Fathers day to all my family and friends.
Ok…I don’t really think I got any Father’s Day messages let alone warm ones; maybe a few early risers looking for M but it was nice to see them.
The Boy (previously known as The Inhabitant) is a 2016 horror film[5] directed by William Brent Bell and written by Stacey Menear. The film stars Lauren Cohan and Rupert Evans. Filming began on March 10, 2015, in Victoria, British Columbia. The film was released by STXfilms on January 22, 2016. It is an international co-production between China and the United States.[2]
I watched this 2016 film today and was surprised by how much I liked it. It got a relatively low grade on Rotten Tomatoes but who doesn’t enjoy creepy doll movies.
I found this film to be really well done, script was good, camera, direction, acting all very good. I thought it was intelligent and filmed beautifully. It lumbers along but it was really satisfying.
A sequel is due. I strongly suspect that the caretaker-Malcom is actually the son of the elderly couple and my be Brahms himself or a second son. Well worth a view.
Looks like I became sort of a minor hero with my Fauda post. Perez was apparently held in high regard and I should probably quit while I’m ahead. I appreciate the people who came out to say hello over the last few days. Special shout out to Heston who was on the treadmill next to me on Saturday and I believe I spotted Itzik today who gave me a big smile. Lot’s of the ladies I saw looked much like the ladies in the show, or during the week. Special shout out to them. I wish my skill set was better with this but I’m honored as always when people show up for me.
Here’s where I should quit while I’m ahead. Abeer Zeibak Haddad bears a striking resemblance to Golda Meir and Qader Harini bears a resemblance to Clancy Brown from Carnivale, a show I loved. There’s also a Palestinian with a beard who looks like Qader and is likely his brother or his clone.
I’m in a tough spot posting this because where I came from the early leaders like Golda were held in high regard so this is difficult but this is what I do. While Perez was held in very high regard…Golda was not, surprisingly so. Though the woman was played by Lucille LaVerne who was in early Disney films, this might explain it, some of the Disney people had some issues around religion. I don’t want to belabor this but not all the money earmarked for the State of Israel either got to Israel or stayed there at a time it was sorely needed. I’ll leave it as such and wait for confirmation on this, sadly with stuff like this I’m seldom wrong.
The sins of the parent should not fall on the child…let the kid sin on their own then condemn them for that.
Thanks again for everyone who showed up, including Ito last week!
So I’m watching a show called “Fauda” which takes place in Israel and The Palestinian Territories. It’s kind of soap opera’ish but with people exploding. I really enjoyed the first season and I’m assured the second season is just as good if not better.
What I’ve learned from watching the show is that if an actress is going to wear a Hijab as part of the role, eye make-up becomes really important. Carrying a high-powered weapon doesn’t hurt either.
A couple people stand out as possibly related to other famous actors. Here Itzik Cohen looks considerably like Bela Lugosi, could be his son or it might just be the make up but they went out of their way to have them look alike.
Next is Yuval Segal who has a strong resemblance to Charlton Heston.
Funny he also looks like Tony Goldwyn from Ghost
Also funny and also from Ghost, I identified Vincent Schiavelli as the son of Vincent Price
What’s interesting about Heston and Yuval is that “the other Ed” aka “the other guy” has Heston as Shimon Perez.
This continues to add up for Heston as here is a photo of Heston with Golda Meir so we are able to place Heston in Israel.
Also Heston did a lot of films in the Middle East.
Based on her name Rona-Lee Shim’on could also be a relative of Heston and this could be part of his acting family/crew.
As the other Ed says, Charlton is Shimon Perez and I have Golda Meir as Lucille LaVerne which I’m 100% on and I usually hedge my bets and say I’m 99% but here because Golda and Lucille have the same circular anastomosis on their hands it’s a 100% match. I believe I’ve posted on this before.
Off the record, for the people who get this I was pleased to spot Charlton in Orlando a couple summers ago though they kept bringing out fake ones after the original and Golda in New Egypt not too long ago. I saw her once before in Asbury but sadly I didn’t recognize her. She looked more vibrant this last time and I wish I’d gone up and said hello, maybe get a close look at her hands. What a treat!
Since we’re on the topic of Israel I’ll wrap up with the Marx Brothers
The other guy found Groucho which really annoyed me because I had gone looking for him but I did find Harpo and Chico. There’s a couple other “brothers” which I worked on but never nailed down to my satisfaction
Ron did the 1964 Christmas Special, “Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer” . Ron did much of the animation and music for the special.
at 25:07 you can hear an early R2D2
Ron did Pump Boys and Dinettes
The Battle of Bryce (Second Draft)
Frustrated by the endless Battle for Bryce
By some men she cared for little
Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal
Or perhaps a combination of both
She took to a plan
“Let’s infuriate Ed”
“That should be the end of Bobby”
but it wasn’t enough and in the end
she took The Battle on herself.
“Bobby it’s you I really love, not Ed”
“But he simply won’t leave”
“Let’s prove to him how much we love”
“By bringing our sweet bodies near”
With that they joined
Bobby and Bryce
And she called for Ed
“Darling come see what we’ve done”
And from the distance watched Ed
As Bobby rhythmically jumped her
Ed unmoved by the sight
Because he knew it meant nothing
Sex was a commodity that could be bought and be sold
And personal feelings could be kept on hold
It didn’t mean anything, it had no value to him
They could have been eating a burger with fries
As a matter of fact
Ed would have found
Bryce sharing her fries
To be much more saddening
Than Bryce sharing her thighs
She needed Ed to anger
Then with all his rage
He’d end the Battle for Bryce
And her potential cage
“I love you Bobby and I want you so much”
“Let’s madden Ed and he’ll lose his trust”
“Rip off my top, right in his front”
“Let’s see if he can stand this terrible affront”
With that Bobby tore
The shirt from her chest
Leaving her topless
And seeming aghast
And saddened Ed watched it
Knowing an act and not simply real
Powerless to save her
From the terrible fate that she must await
So began The Battle of Bryce
The most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a fight
The most beautiful thing I’ve seen
Evertime, everplace
I looked at the photos
Costumes of demons
wondered to self
Who would even wear ‘em
Beautiful colors with amazing sheen
Skin tight from headtoe
Razor sharp nails, gleaming like pearls
And demon like lenses completing the drobe
My breath taken away
But not the first time
Quietly she sat
She bided her time
Her dad, The Director, glanced over at her
He had an uncanny knack
of sizing it up and taking it in
for putting it out
He trusted his players
He knew what they’d do
Don’t know if he set this all up
‘cause Bryce could direct as well as the lot
She was also super magical
With great super powers
And a magical ability
To turn rainbows into flowers
But there were no rainbows today
Nor were there flowers
It was time for a battle
And in the etheric, I found her in garb
Things in etheric are somewhat different
I could not her recognize
Still the most beautiful thing
I’d seen between her and earth
Though breathtakingly beautiful
I was truly frightened
I’d never seen anything like her
A Female Demon enlightened
I kept myself calm I knew not what to do
A Lady Demon From Hell
All shimmering aglazed
“It’s time my love Eddie, it’s finally time”
And the Battle began, The Battle of Bryce
And she cut and she tore with nails that were long
And chewed and she ate, with teeth that were sharp
And then best of all she invited me to enjoin
Though generous in spirit, I had to demur
It wasn’t my taste
And for business at hand
She had changed to a more practical form
Like I, the Golem, a gray etheric mass
She was a demon of similar tass
I left her to dine with the man on the floor
His throat belied the rage of the man she abhorred
Of a woman who’d had
simply enough
Of multiple attempts
on her suitor’s life
More than enough
Enough scheming
Enough planning
Enough Bobby too
From men so rich
They could buy whatever they want
Or steal it, or own it
Like chattel eschewed
Two things though
They could not buy
One would not leave
And one would not die
Far and Wide found him
Ripped simply to shreds
Eaten there bodily
For anyone to share
And he went to The Director
And said, “She killed my son”
“And now you’ll pay dearly”
“For that what she done”
Of things he began to strip
The Director bare
He lectured and he raged
for more than anything else he loved his son
The Director was done but did keep his cool
Too seasoned a man, he takes things in stride
But I finally realized that the time had come
As there would be no end to this man’s vengeance
The time had come to take stock in The Battle for Bryce
And finish the final maneuvers of The Battle of Bryce
I raged and I angered and I found him alone
I wrapped my fingers around his throat…
And I squeezed
Leave no important job undone
And six minutes would be to long to wait
To asphyxiate
And harder I squeezed
Until the man separated from his shoulders
A too tragic end
Embarrassed at what I had done
I left the scene
And the Director called me in
Like God calling Cain
To a large group of friends
“Ed, what did you do?”
“I strangled him,” I said
“But you did so much more,”
“Do tell us, Ed,”
“tell us what more?”
“His head did he separate,”
“From his shoulder to toes”
“I didn’t mean this as such”
“It’s just, six minutes I had not”
The Director kept cool
As he saw the bigger picture
Of a symbolic ending
And an outsider unleashed
Of a man who had sold
All that he owned
For that was the price
Of a woman called Bryce
So ended The Battle of Bryce
A woman who undertook
The end to the most dangerous warlords
And their nefarious plans
And a man who was chattel
Who joined her bold plan
And followed her lead
Into the end
The Battle of Bryce (First Draft)
Frustrated by the endless battle for Bryce
By some men she cared for little
Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal
Or perhaps a combination of both
She took to a plan
“Let’s infuriate Ed”
“That should be the end of Bobby”
but it wasn’t enough and in the end
she took the battle on herself.
“Bobby it’s you I really love, not Ed”
But he simply won’t leave
“Let’s prove to him how much we love”
“By bringing our bodies near”
With that they joined
Bobby and Bryce
And she called for Ed
“Darling come see what we’ve done”
And from the distance watched Ed
As he rhythmically jumped her
Unmoved by the sight
Because he knew it meant nothing
Sex was a commodity that could be bought and be sold
And personal feelings could be kept on hold
It didn’t mean anything, it had no value to him
They could have been eating a burger with fries
As a matter of fact
Ed would have found
Bryce sharing her fries
To be much more saddening
Than Bryce sharing her thighs
But she needed to anger Ed
Then with all his rage
He’d end the Battle for Bryce
And her potential cage
“I love you Bobby and I want you so much”
“Let’s madden Ed and he’ll lose his trust”
“Rip off my top, right in his front”
“Let’s see if can stand this terrible affront”
With that Bobby tore
The shirt from her chest
Leaving her topless
And seeming aghast
And saddened Ed watched it all
Knowing it was simply an act and not simply real
Powerless to save the woman within
From the terrible fate that she had to await
But so began The Battle of Bryce
The most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a fight
The most beautiful thing I’ve seen
Evertime, everplace
I looked at the photos
Costumes of demons
I wondered to self
Who would ever wear ‘em
Beautiful colors with amazing sheen
Skin tight from head to toe
Razor sharp nails, gleaming like pearls
And demon like lenses completed the drobe
My breath taken away
But not the first time she’s done it
Quietly sat on a chair
And waited her time
Her dad, The Director, glanced over at her
He had an uncanny knack of seeing right through
I don’t know if he set this all up
‘cause Bryce could direct as well as the lot
She was also super magical
With great super powers
And a magical ability
To turn rainbows into flowers
But there were no rainbows today
Nor were there flowers
I found in her in etheric
Fully in costume
In the ether things are different
And I could not her recognize
But she was the most beautiful thing
I’d seen in the etheric
Though spectacularly beautiful
I was truly frightened
I’d never seen anything like her
A Female Demon enlightened
I kept myself calm as she looked me in the eye
A Lady Demon From Hell
All shimmering inside
It’s time my love Eddie, it’s finally time
And the Battle began, The Battle of Bryce
And she cut and she tore with nails that were long
And chewed and she ate, with teeth that were sharp
And then best of all she enjoined to invite me
Though generous in spirit, I had to demur
It wasn’t my taste
And for business at hand
She changed to a more practical form
Like I, the Golem, a gray etheric mass
She was a demon of similar tass
I left her to dine with the man on the floor
His throat belied the rage
Of a woman who’d had enough
Of multiple attempts
On her lover’s life
She simply had enough
More than enough
Enough scheming
Enough planning
Enough Bobby
Far and wide found him
Ripped simply to shreds
Eating there bodily
For anyone to share
And he went to The Director
And said, “She killed my son”
“And now you’ll pay dearly”
“For that what she done”
and he began to strip The Director bare
and he lectured and he raged
for more than anything he loved his boy
and do what he could, she would not love
The Director was done and frankly quite stunned
But he was one to keep his cool and take things in stride
But I finally realized the time had come
As there would be no end to this man’s vengeance
The time had come to take stock in The Battle for Bryce
And finish the final maneuvers of The Battle of Bryce
I raged and I angered and I found him alone
I wrapped my fingers around his throat…
And I squeezed
Leave no important job undone
And six minutes would be to long to wait
To asphyxiate
And harder I squeezed
Until the man separated from his shoulders
And lay dead
And I embarrassed at what I had done
Left the scene
And the Director called me in
To a large group of friends
He said, “Ed”
“What did you do?”
“I strangled him,” I said
“But you did more,”
“Do tell us, Ed”
“Tell us more”
“His head did he separate,”
“From his shoulder to toes”
“I didn’t mean this as such”
“It’s just, six minutes I had not”
The Director kept cool
As he normally does
This was a time of heroics
And both loss and celebration
I tried to instruct him, Far and Wide
But he couldn’t listen and was planning great demise
“You’ve lost touch with the common man” I gently would say
“Go sell some shoes, and connect in that way”
He felt that was an insult
“So go sell some suits”
but connecting with the commoners
was not on his shelf
So ended The Battle of Bryce
The woman who courageously undertook
The end to the most dangerous warlords
And their nefarious plans
And a man who was chattel
To her bold plan
And followed her lead
Into the end
And the spoils were divided
“Ed how bout a million”
Said Arnold in
his Armenian accent
and checks that were written
long through the night
to reward those associated
with any aspect of this plight
Me I took nothing
but I asked for a star
though I still await her
she can’t be too far.
Ron was a major force on “Love American Style”. He also wrote the theme song. The pilot for his mega hit show, “Happy Days” aired on “Love American Style”.
And now a “Happy Days” question (no calling out answers…douchebags): The show Happy Days was widely regarded as taking a large hit in quality, otherwise known in common vernacular as, “Jumping the Shark.” In which episode did Happy Days…jump the shark?
Winners will will one pound of belly button lint from L. Ron Hubbard or if you prefer Granda Al Lewis.
Good luck!! and always let your conscience be your guide!!!
The Principal seems to be doing fine. Going for a cath in a couple of days. They have apparently said that he’s too mean to die. I like to think he’s too loving to die. One things for sure, he’s not too lean or moving to die.
He won’t be in attendance at tonite’s show. The whole place flipped out when he went for coffee.
Sorry for this, too much to explain but I anticipate being back in shape and back to my original weight very soon!!! Five pounds, eight ounces!
Working theory: Bud Cort is Billy Mumy
sure looks the same to me…Paul McCartney #1 aka Billy Mumy aka Bud Cort
I was a big fan of Bud and loved Harold and Maude, a personal favorite and Brewster McCloud also very good
Ron Howard wrote, produced and directed the puppet show “Captain Scarlet”!!! It was pretty good as I recall and he was about 12 years old when he did it.
Coming soon on Moor Hall Studios:
The Beatles Revealed
By Mitchell E. Brooks
Had a really great birthday!
Best birthday present ever…Justin Bieber!!!
Welcome back anytime as are you all!!
There’s always room at our table for kin.
I didn’t realize how funny that was until I looked up his stage name here.
The line is from Carnivale
I didn’t realize it was him until he walked up at the end and I went to the kitchen and there was birthday cake. I would have had him in for cake!!
Always room at our table for Kin!
Body habitus and posture gave him away.
So I’m watching this show and really enjoying it in large part due to the great job that is done with the Bieber character offset by somewhat dour Mirelle Enos (Ok who is she?)
Justin does a great job in the role, super writing and directing. Who knows maybe I’ll go back to watching TV!
Thanks for the tip!
If you’re not in the photo you probably have a relative here.
Happy Valentines Day!
I have to take full responsibility for the current crisis with the ED-O. I was told not to send anything to friends or family in the hometown…of the planet Earth and despite my anti counterfeiting measures, the ED-O’s are virtually all counterfeit although it may be considered that those are real and mine are counterfeit. I should have known when someone said, “These are beautiful” there was a problem. It’s like drug abuse…I missed the signs.
I will continue to manufacture ED-O’s. My understanding is people are holding on to theirs even though they are beautifully done unlike mine which are kind of shabby. I will apologize once more if I have hurt or disappointed anyone. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m sorry if I made you cry.
The ED-O will continue to be produced from my end much like crack babies with minor regard for quality and translated into spectacular clones of beautiful actors on the other side.
Mea Culpa…I forgot Ron said not to send anything ever again, so this is my fault. I don’t think I’v’e quite gotten used to this. I don’t know what else to say. My HSP sometimes fails me. I missed something here. Sorry if I disappointed anybody I care about which is pretty much every one.
I do my best to resist the temptation to erase my previous posts on this topic. There’s important information here for me. I remember finding some video on the net of the BB Queen and her sister. I was assured the two gals were not them, so I erased a lot of the photos I had, but not all. I didn’t have the heart to erase them all. The girls turned out to be their clones. I’m sorry I erased a single photo.
Nite all; stay safe!
We’ll have snow here in a bit and that also counts!
I took top billing on this one…Billie took top Billie.
I discovered my good friend Billy Lieberman was in Hollywood working as a producer. We were good friends for a lot of years and I had mixed feelings about talking about this largely because the relationship ended badly. This relationship kicked up a lot of feelings for me while I decided what I wanted to do with it. There were two choices talk about Billie or not talk about him. Talking about Billie could be good, bad or indifferent. Not talking about Billie could be only one thing, not good. It’s the same concept as publicity; there’s no such thing as bad publicity. The most hostile thing I could do would be to not post anything. the issue was we had a good relationship for many years which finally broke down and ended badly.
Billie was way ahead of his time for our humble neighborhood and he was a pretty cool guy, but not too many people understood that. We went to the same Hebrew School and same grade school. He must have moved into the neighborhood in grade school. We decided after meeting to get together to hang out. He asked me though I was thinking about how we could get together to hang. We hung out at his house. His mom was pretty nice, kind of a generic mom though once she complained that we left the bathroom sink dirty, “You left all black in my sink!” Billy agreed, “Yeah, we did leave it dirty.” This befuddled me as we diligently washed up. My mom would have been happy with this. I think I also used the guest towels which I’d never heard of such a thing. We didn’t have guest towels, I’d never heard of them. We both had really humble homes and guest towels was an upgrade that didn’t make much sense. Put other than this she was really nice.
His dad was kind of “high-strung” which told me he probably worked for Disney or something similar in hind-site. I’ve actually never met any more high strung people than Disney employees. He came home once early and was screaming about someone eating all the “Bac-O’s”. We never had Bac-O’s in my house. I think I did taste them there, they were good. I think he was on a tight budget.
Billy had a little sister who was really cute but like most of us kind of alone and always stopping in to visit and flying out like a wisp of air.
I didn’t know that Billie was gay. As a matter of fact I didn’t know that anyone was gay. I’d never heard of being gay and had a hard understanding it. When I talked to my brother about it he mentioned something about sword fighting but that was as far as it went.
Billie had an amazing voice and loved music especially musicals. On one occasion we went to the record story and he bought one album and one single. You know what they were? The single was, “The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde” and the album…was Julie Andrews in, “Star!”
Now Billie would do an interesting thing when he bought a record: He’d play it, listen diligently, then play it again…and again…and again…and again!!! “I’m Burlington Burtie I rise at 6:30 then Buckingham Palace at eight….and so on.
We were friends for years and I think he would feel me out to see if I was gay or more likely to see if I even knew what gay was.
Billy moved out of Bensonhurst to a neighborhood closer to Ocean Parkway maybe closer to Ave I or J, a nice area but something terrible happened soon after he left. We were leaving Hebrew School, I was walking ahead with another friend when I turned around to see Billy being pummeled by one of the kids neither of us associated with, kind of a rough neck. To this day I have never seen anyone take a worse beating than Billy did that day. This kid held the back of Billy’s head and repeated punched Billy in the face, rapidly over and over while Billy attempted to cover his face. The kid attempted pull his hands away but it looked like Billy had become paralyzed and could do nothing but protect his face while this kid attempted to beat him to death. I think one or two of the teachers broke it up. We got Billy and I asked him what happened. He said all he did was wave to the kid after school and he was waiting for Billy after school. The story doesn’t make much sense unless you’re from Brooklyn where this kind of stuff went on all the time.
I suspect in hindsight Billy either sent him a love note or told him he liked him and the guy wanted nothing to do with him in the worst way. I guess Billy liked bad boys.
My mom patched him up with a nice frozen steak to his face, Billy took a pretty bad beating. Billy went home where his parents called the kid’s parents and got together. The kids parents agreed to pay all of Billly’s medical bills.
When I went to Billy’s new apartment his father asked me why I didn’t help Billy. I told him I was too far away to intervene. Which was partially true but in reality I really didn’t want to get in the middle of this. It would be another year until I learned some karate and at the time we mostly did a lot of running when confronted. This would change later on.
I think, Billy and his dad, especially his dad, needed someone to blame other than the bully or themselves. I remember on only one occasion his dad being nice to me or frankly anyone else. Except recently where Bily and his dad found out about me and were happy and sweet as sugar to me which tells me there’s an element of opportunism here but still I decided to post this. Why? In three words…”The Sterile Cuckoo.”
Billy and I went to a lot of films and I saw some things I never would have seen, “The Sterile Cuckoo” is one of those films. When I turned up in Ron and Cheryl’s basement I managed to call Ron by two of his very personal nicknames, the first one I can’t remember. The second one was, “Pookie”. And while I can’t remember exactly what went on, I think Paige intervened and said that’s what mom called Dad I remember thinking, “Pookie? Sterile Cuckoo?” Billy and I went to see Sterile Cuckoo and a bunch of other interesting films.
Now me, Billie, and my friend Louis were sitting one day and Louis said, “I want to be a baseball player, they make 60 thousand a year. I chimed in and said I want to be a doctor; they make 80 thousand a year. Of course larger than life Billy said, I want to be a movie director. “What do they make a year Bille, I asked?” He said 2-3 million a year. Well Billy from what I understand produces film, I true to form became a doctor, and Louis…he became a dentist.
Lost track of how many Ike ED-O’s I put out so I’ll restart at #33. I picked up some beautiful 1971 D (correction-they should be S mint marks, from 71 to 74 the S mint marked Eisenhower dollars contained 40 percent silver and were known as blue Ikes because of the blue medal contained in the packaging) Ikes from my buddy Bo. These are 40 % silver and gorgeous. 14 or 15 they are beauties!!!
I also am putting out some Kennedy ED-O’s. I have about 26. The good stuff will go out to LA today and some circulated ones will go where? Into circulation!
Then I have a special treat…you will like this. oops sorry thought I was Otto Preminger. I’ll share what it is later.
I have ten British churchill commemoratives which went out today as well as ten test pieces that went to Lindsay.
I have discovered that my work is greatly improved if I cover the coin in saran or other plastic wrap before using the dremel. It holds the dremel in place nicely and i have much better control. Starting to look nice!
Nor does Cher!
Popeye does not wearing fucking red!!!!!!
Evening wear or not!!!!!!!!!!!
I thank you
Just watched first ep of Grace and Frankie which I could not find Will in but it was well written and incredibly funny and no laugh track!!! Yay!!!.
Despite not having a laugh track I knew when to laugh.
Very funny ensemble and a shout out to Jane who’s always great and to Lilly who’s one of the few people who only gets funnier as she gets older and can out act anyone doing a soliloquy.
The direction was good which in my mind, being a casual viewer, means I couldn’t give a shit what the director was doing. The show ran smoothly and I didn’t notice any hitches and I didn’t notice the director being overly stylized like an Altman or Allen film which means the direction was fine. BTW I love Altman and Allen.
I noticed recently that it smells behind my ears. Now I usually shower 2 or even 3 times a day so I find this surprising. If anyone has noticed this and been refusing to nuzzle me behind the ears rest assured I will be more diligent about my behind the ears hygiene, I mean I already clean in places that aren’t supposed to be clean.
Someone commented that the whole ED-O’s thing was being overdone.
One ED-O was sold for somewhere between 300 and 350 thousand dollars!
Do you still think this all being overdone?
The ED-O sold for 300 thousand. The buyer paid the person who brokered the deal 50 thousand. (must have been his agent!)
Someone came to the door at 6:30 AM claiming his car broke down and his phone was dead and if I could give him a jump. I called the police and they came out checked him out and gave him a jump. The officer said he was good.
From what I hear it appears the people who sent him lost a lot of electronic equipment soon after though how this happened is a mystery to me…oh…and some of them started to vomit up needles. That’s really kind of queer.
I just finished turning some beautiful Ikes (Eisenhower Dollars) into ED-O’s and they look great!! The Ike is a big beautiful dollar that was really unpopular and like most attempts at dollar coins they don’t circulate. These are really too big and clunky, The Suzie (Susan B. Anthony Dollar) looked and felt too much like a quarter, and the Sacagawea (The Golden Dollar) I don’t know. Americans just don’t like dollar coins. From a collector’s perspective I don’t think coins should look like gold unless they are in fact…gold. Too much risk of shenanigans (the real kind, not the one with Bernard Solomon Kotzin).
Anyway, the Ike is big and beautiful if a bit clunky and is perfect as a gift for heads of state, especially if they’re male. Men have have a predilection for things unwieldy. This is why this men vape and women e-cigarette.
The Ike was also perfect to repay my loan from Arnold: He’s big and beautiful if not a bit clunky. A couple giant silver dollars in his pocket is not going to add up to anything.
These will go off to Ron today. These were also from my grandfather’s collection.
Margot Robbie!!
Ron’s mopiness quickly resolved when people expressed their gratitude to him for the dissemination of the priceless collection of Kennedy “ED-O’s”. Ron was heard as saying, “Those things could have been worth a kings ransom in a hundred years and I planned on being around for that…and longer!!”
Cheryl’s kind heart has brought joy to the people of LA.
Some close fans, friends and family quietly gave tribute to BB whose gentle touch and loving manner was worth much more than the piece of metal in their hands. Some others left the home as soon as possible with their joyous treasure.
Overall a great evening, even people who did not get one had a great time with singing dancing and horse trading.
After getting into the first “Ed-O” argument Ron has generously decided to disseminate the coins to friends and family as was Ed’s original intent. He will give out the piece holding onto a few and the Artist Proof coins for him and his wife. Paige got “ED-O” #3, a very close and personal friend of Ed as was Ed’s want.
Many people please to receive the “Ed-O” quietly commented to each other how badly the coin was produced. People who received the later coins stated, “Well, it’s not as terrible as the earlier ones but it’s still really bad!” And, “We can see why he’s a psychiatrist and not a surgeon!”
To these and more I reply, “Hey George Washington’s teeth are as ugly as hell but they still are priceless!”.
Lady Gaga got coin 04, another close and personal friend of Ed but not quite as close as Paige. She once implored me to stop stalking her when I responded to her, “You know you’re actually on my Facebook page…and I have no friends on this page but your still looking at it. You’re stalking me!!” After which she went into a laughing fit that took about twenty minutes to stop.
Some people are saying they’re beautiful! (must have gotten a later piece!
I’ll send some more in a few days. Kiki’s crying, I think it’s joyous!!! Her’s was the last one produced on January 18, 2018.
Who got 01 and 02? Bryce and Kiki
Ron and Chery can have the AP, those were the first produced.
Yes I want them each to have the two pieces.
Thank you to Ron and Cheryl for their generosity.
I’m asked what are they worth?
They’re worth what someone will pay for it. The Artist’s Proof can be on par with the earlier pieces, 01-10. The lower the number the higher the price, although the later pieces can be a lot prettier and may be worth more.
I’ll estimate what they’re worth at $10,000 per “ED-O”. The whole set of Kennedy’s would have been estimated at $300,000. The two Arnold pieces because of provenance would be hard to estimate. It depends in large part to what happens to us, where this goes, etc. Rarity and demand will determine price. Arnold bought JFK’s golf-clubs which I understand are really kind of ordinary clubs but they sold for a million dollars simply because they were JFK’s and it was probably the coolest thing you could buy. Value would have likely increased because they were bought by Arnold.
I’ll send more in a few days.
This looks like fun. There is some good horse trading going on now.
I came up with the value of the Ed-O Kennedy based on what a 100 invert stamps might cost, last time I looked. Now there are only about 50 coins but by the end of the end of February there are likely to be 100. I calculated an expanding supply up to the low hundreds (110-120 or so).
Last point-As a rule coins made of more expensive materials like silver and gold are generally expensive.
What is an “ED-O” (Ed Oh). “ED-O’s” are coins or ephemera with ED’s name carved into it by ED. It has no added intrinsic value over the value declared by the minting entity or the price of the metal content. The first one’s went out today to Ron Howard’s office. The name “ED-O” is the unofficial term for the piece..
This is in the order the coins were produced and distributed.
Review from Facebook
I leave out a couple details but I had a high suspicion that Margot was a figure skater. It’s rare anyone hands me information, my skill set in this regard is researcher and I went looking for her, this was a few months ago. I checked out Nacy Kerrigan, nope. Then I tried Oksana Baiul…no to that one as well. I’d like to tell you I went and checked out Tonya Harding after that, but I didn’t. I gave up. It felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack so I quit. Also, I couldn’t imagine Margot being Tonya that I didn’t even look. If I thought to remember that Margot Robbie was also Harley Quinn I would have nailed this down instantly. I mean really who would make a better Harley Quinn than Tonya Harding? Nobody!! That’s why they gave it to her!
About 1/2 through the film I had a clone alert, I’ve spotted a few. I won’t give details to it but this was great!! Really they’re all great though the first two I spotted were years ago. I asked about these two ladies and I was assured that they were not the 2 people I thought they were. Though one was 100% spot on and the about 80%. It took me a couple years to piece together that they were clones of people in the US. I happened to spot them in a video I was watching from AUSTRALIA!!! I showed the video to some people who knew these two gals but were not aware that they had clones. Some of them started crying during the video. God will help you find a needle in a haystack if he wants you to…what you do with that needle is your business.
Sebastian Stan is in the film as Jeff Gillooly, Tonya’s husband, and sounds amazingly like Matt Damon and in fact it appears to be Matt as the older Jeff Gillooly. Matt is extremely talented as is Margot. They are in fact brother and sister (half-brother and half-sister). I’ve mentioned before that Matt got really pissed off at me when I researched him and his family and found an alternated identity, his wife, his kids, his mom, his dad, his step-dad, his grandfather, what country he grew up in, etc. He came into my office as a fake patient for a few visits, I didn’t recognize him but realized he was psychically berating me calling me a punk when I reviewed a visit later on. Now it was some of my best work and nobody I know could have done this but I don’t think Matt appreciated, at the time, my efforts and felt violated. But there’s no such thing as bad publicity and I think this started to work in his favor so we kissed up, OK, I didn’t kiss him. Maybe it was a relative of mine but things are good now.
So why was this film made? Other than wanting to make a great film it clearly it was done for the soul purpose of showing me that Margot Robbie was Tonya Harding. That may seem excessive or overly narcissistic but that’s my read on it. I’ll review the original individuals from the Tonya Harding history to see if they were used the film. Not as crazy as it sounds. A remake of Pete’s Dragon was done after I cleaned out a bunch of demons from their storage area and found a baby dragon which I gave to a nice gal named KiKi. I asked permission first before I gave it to her. The film was terrific and the KiKi’s dragon got huge and would wrap himself around her…something to behold.
Well I’ve done about 30 coins. They range somewhere from passable to abysmal but they have been improving. I’ve been getting the feeling that Ron wants the whole set, I don’t blame him. It has great historical value up until I defaced the coins. I’m still going to drop some in circulation and attempt the other things I said…should be fun anyway!
FYI, I had the best holiday ever in LA in December!!
I’m inclined to hand money to homeless people and tip well for services like meals. What I quickly figured out was none of the people I handed money to were homeless and some in the service industry were pretty well off. What cinched it was the gal from Jumanji on a street corner with a cardboard sign asking for help wearing the same clothes as in the film. I saw the film after I saw her. I gave her $20 which I’m sure she appreciated unless of course it’s a franchise or she’s an employee and has to give the money to her employer. Also, if she kept the twenty could she prove I handed it to her in which case it would have some extra value. If I signed a dollar bill it would likely be worth considerably more but it still would always be worth…a dollar! It’s also kind of funny tipping a guy like Jay Z, which I did, or Notorious BIG which I did, or busy studio executives who were already annoyed with me, which I did. All were under cover!
People know I collect coins and I’ve spent the last few days buying and testing a dremel to engrave “Ed” into coins and give them as gifts, tips, and change. If my role in this world continues or even if it doesn’t this will have value beyond coin value or metal content.
I don’t believe I will ever personally sell one of these. It will not be my intention. I was homeless once in LA, as probably everyone reading this has been. I might have sold one for the metal content, to get some lunch or maybe a Carrie Underwood CD.
I will ‘Dremel’ my nickname ‘ED’ into each one with a consecutive number starting with ’01’. The first run will be done on Kennedy Half Dollars. Some may have designs on them as well. Kennedy halves are interesting not just because JFK became Andy Warhol and then Jimmy Carter but because the coins come in 90% silver, 40% silver and clad (no silver). I will attempt to get a picture, the date released, a description of the coin and if possible who got the coins. There is the possibility of copycats down the line and I’d like to make it more difficult.
Soon after I start the Kennedy’s, within a few weeks I will do a couple Eisenhower Dollars. I will start numbering from 01. I might do a couple ‘AP’ see below. A couple years ago I borrowed 2 dollars from Arnold and I’ve wanted to repay him since. It was for a charitable donation and I was 3500 miles away.
I feel like I’m writing my will here. With the Kennedy Halves I will do two ‘AP’ coins, “Artist’s Proof”. ‘ED’ somewhere on the coin and ‘AP1’ and ‘AP2’ I will post as soon as I release any.
The coins are intrinsically beautiful however they essentially become damaged once engraved and are then called “detail” coins. Look it up! The engraving on the coins however are likely to increase the value significantly beyond the damage. Sort of like in the film Mask where the kid is trying to get a rare baseball card and his grandfather gets it for him and promptly sticks a push-pin into it!!! WTF!!!!!!! Thanks writers for traumatizing me and millions of collectors around the world!!! There should have been a warning on the film, “Warning! This film contains a priceless baseball card ruined by some kid’s asshole grandfather. Viewer discretion advised.” They put these warnings up like whenever Halle or Bruce show off the goods they could have done one there as well.
The first group of coins including the two “Artist’s Proofs” will go to the Howard’s. After that I’ll spend some, tip some and donate some. I’ll describe where they went…or not! Every one in each series will be consecutively numbered starting with 01.
I have been practicing with some counterfeit Disney coins which I took off the market and have been meaning to destroy. They’re pretty but inauthentic. They did however serve a great purpose and I’ll send them to Lindsay Lohan as a gift to do with as she chooses in a few weeks. This will work much better than her breaking into my office and stealing my trash to go through. We had a judge run a trial over this because after the theft I destroyed what was stolen which she believed was hers to keep. The judge ruled that the trash was in my possession/office at the time of the theft and it therefore still belonged to me to destroy as I choose. (Absolutely true story!)
These are my intentions, let’s see how it goes and with that…I’m off!!!
Without that I’m off too, but you knew that.
Night all…ED.
I’ve said it before but not in the actual context…It’s an honor just being nominated. I could not be more proud and grateful!! So thanks to everyone involved.
Remember, “It’s an honor just to be nominated!”
Happy New Years Kiki…thank you for loaning me your website!
Happy New Years to all my family, friends, spouses, children, clones and everyone else.
Tell Ron thanks…I think the same of him
Go ahead
I had a great time
not too crazy about doing that
I won’t have a choice, or not much of a choice
that was good too
that was also nice
they were awesome
I saw her on the screen before
she was great in that
did he pay for the trip
ok, little weird but nice
at least once, maybe twice
maybe so
cool, i’ll have to watch it more carefully
No , i don’t like to spend i.e. waste other people’s money
i don’t think i typically do it
but I’m not spending it, other’s are
I make a lot of money as well
I don’t care, i’m pretty happy
no, not about them, they got set up but it was gds will
ok, seems to enjoy herself
they’re doing well
they’re fine
must there be an asshole edge to everything?
save it, she’s fine
Ok, I got to make some rice
sure bring her on
Ran into another patient at Romero’s today, she looked familiar, mostly got passed me in the office. Also saw her and another actress at the table in Black Mirror Season 4 Episode 2, which I really enjoyed.
Nice gal in the office.
I met Jamal probably about ten or twelve years ago or so at the home of “C” and “Z”. I spent just a few minutes with him. He’s a big man and sat in “Z” ‘s chair which was duly noted. I was left with some questions about him, maybe checking me out. Maybe angry about something. Looks like he usually keeps his cool, looks like someone you’d trust with ordnance of types.
Uber driver Paul also looks more important than he lets on
I know famous people are all around me, and curiosity seekers, and potential brides and husbands. The help at breakfast usually pretty good. One of the gals at breakfast who I suspect is a singer, was in a mood yesterday and I suspect annoyed with me just for who I am. I’m kind of used to it. Now having breakfast every morning there, and spending upwards and over a hundred bucks I was left with a burning question…Why is the bread toasted on only one side? #1 and I thought this was pretty funny and interesting (I think I’m up to 13 now). I suspected the toaster was on bagel settings. So I asked her about this and demonstrated how one side of the toast was brown and the other white. I also explained how the sunny side up egg would slide off the undarkened side of the toast because the coefficient of friction was too low. She explained about the toaster being broken. She left and I could sense her annoyance with me so I decided to listen to her thoughts. I’m from NY and I love hearing crappy thoughts about me just because we New Yorkers dig this stuff. So this is what she was thinking: “This is the most important person on the planet and all he can do is complain about the toast. Doesn’t he have anything more important to do.” I think there was more that that was the meaty gist of it, there may have been some expletives. I said he’d take care of it but I wanted to talk with her so when she came back I said this to her. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I should be doing something more important than complain about the toast. I explained to her how important it is to take care of the little things first as they came up. She realized I was listening to her thoughts and she displayed about as much embarrassment as any actress can muster and said something to the effect, “Yeah, I guess if you handle the small stuff first everything else in the day falls into place.”
I guess I was a little pissed off at her and then royally cursed her out. I work hard in this community and around the world. Serve me my fucking breakfast and shut the fuck up…more or less.” I was surprised I said that cause I’ve been pretty polite lately. She mostly apologized and then provided me with an oral favor which usually works in lieu of an apology as it did yesterday.
I like for people to have a pretty good idea what I’m about epecially since I don’t recall doing anything negative to her and tip well and work hard.
Despite the fact that my bread was only half toasted yesterday I managed to take 30-40 thousand off the game board and still get dicked over.
Make my fucking toast right bitch and this won’t come up again…bitch.
I saw Martha Stewart at Waterworld show, wonderful to see you!!!
Dave Chapelle can’t remember where. Very cool
Suspect tour guide was Chance the Rapper
Suspect Antonio Fargas last night but really dark
I know I spotted others, thank you for everyone playing!
yesterdays breakfast to follow
I believe I spotted Rose Tico at the hair salon a few days. She’s a terrific off-beat character in the last jedi who completely grew on me during the film.
I believe I spotted the Spice Girls Yesterday in the Mall
BIG showed up again, just to see if I could spot him again (still unnerved by this whole process)
Morgan Turner of Jumanji showed up as a homeless gal wearing the exact same outfit as her final scene in Jumanji.
The rock appeared to be on the street.
Live from Los Angeles! So I managed to get away for a few days to LA. Of course my friends like to mess with me while I’m here and this time was no different, like having me run into the mother of a couple of my clones. They know in advance where I’m going and doing and can set up some fun and funny scenarios. So, we had tickets for Hamilton in the evening and during the day we took a tour bus. What made this funny? Besides having Tia Carrera sitting in the second row (I had just watched some of Wayne’s World) they had the star of Hamilton leading the tour. I didn’t recognize him during the tour but spotted him as Hamilton in the play! Here’s where it got interesting…he left me a few clues during the tour to piece some things together, you know how I pick up on things. From what I could tell it appears that that the guy who played Hamiltong in the show was none other than Jay Z!!! and Aaron Burr was Puffy Sean Combs or P. Diddy. As a matter of fact the play was loaded with rappers!!!! Most of the play is rapped but man do these guys have voices. I spotted Nicki Manoj who I suspect is Lady Gaga and about twenty other world class singer and rappers. Here’s where it got really good. The next day I caught an uber and the driver, a lanky black guy talked about how he’s a trainer and lost all this weight. One of the ladies mentioned we saw Hamilton. My spider sense went up with this guy and I suspected he was a rapper, planted in the Uber, but not in the show. He was a rapper but I eventually figured out he was in the show and was George Washington. So who was he? It took less than a minute or two to figure out who he was, I figured he was a rapper and he lost 70-90 pounds. Now let me see…who could that be? None other than Notorious BIG or Biggie Smalls!!! Not quite dead and you know what? Not too big a jump to go to Rapper Rick Ross who sure looks to be Biggie Smalls. Also not a jump to find his lady, Missy Elliott in the play. This is tip of the iceberg. I’ll try and piece the rest of it together but it’s full of rappers, and Justin Bieber as one of the white guys and Trey Parker who played King George of England, perfectly cast as his dad is George W. Bush. I’ll fill in people as I study them. Incredible musical!!! I never new these rappers could really sing!!! Oh, Missy Elliott who played the Super Bowl with Katy Perry a couple years ago appears to be Scary Spice of the Spice Girls. Bonus points at the concert…I ran into the Reverend Al Sharpton at the concert. He denied he was Al but a big smile gave him away first. That was a real treat. Al was embedded into NYC history and really grew on me after a while. I wish I took a photo. Also, Richard Pryor had a tremendous voice and I suspect he’s in the play. Some of these people may be listed as deceased, forget all that, they’re not. I spoke with Biggie last night and ran into him again today. He was unnerved that I figured all this out, and more but I got green lighted to put this up. Great group of people…. oh wow!!! Javier Munoz appears to be Drake!
I’ll take questions:
I’ll reveal it to the world!!!!!
No, I won’t do anything if you say no, however, pretty much everyone I blog about becomes more successful and happier if I talk about them, but if you tell me no it’s no.
I have a question for Biggee
No, not angry , stunned but not angry…and I love it!!! Coolest thing ever!!!
NO not angry, no you must have wanted me to know
someone did photo of a beautiful lady online with you
kanye there?
listen I’m beat…quite a day
Not going to do anything other than write up my notes
good nite everyone….one kiss for all
thanks you suck too!
I’m going to ID some of the rappers. Be patient with me. I know these are famous people, I stopped listening to rap when I resigned from UPS.
I think Nicki Manoj looks like Lady Gaga and might have been there
I’ll go out on a limb and guess that my Uber driver today was Notorious BIG who might also be Rick Ross.
Someone please tell Chris Rock I found Biggie Smalls…… thank you
You know…he also looked like one of the singers last night…George Washington?
Rick…you gave me most of the info I needed
I believe P.Diddy was Aaron Burr
I’ll go out on another limb…I believe that Jay Z was our tour guide driver and is Alexander Hamilton
Fell asleep during my blog last night, now I have to play catch up. Having a really great time here as are we all. Thank you to all who played their roles here and sorrow if I missed or snubbed you. I hear I’m doing ok which is important. I’ll back track to yesterday. Loved Hamilton and loved the bus tour. Tia Carrera in row 2 with her son. I believe the driver was one of the actors, my best guess was Hamilton himself but I think he’s related to Burr and possibly washington, brothers or close cousins. I suspect there were a bunch of relatives. Our driver did a great job, gave me lots of clues. We first went to Ron’s house though he said it was someone else’s, which sadly I can’t recall the name because that would have been important. He brought up two rappers JZ and P Diddy and with that I was able to figure out after the show that Hamilton had famous rappers in it. It was only after the show I realized all the great clues on the tour. Went past Agnes Moorhead’s, Frank Sinatra-Ron’s dad, Madonna-Ron’s Mom, oh wow-he mentioned Lady Gaga, I thought she was in the play!!! though toned down a bit. I figured that King George was Trey Parker, I think he’s George Bush’s son because of his resemblance to Paul Lynne, and the King could have passed for George W and Trey did some great impersonations of Jack Lemon and some other characters, Justin Bieber was in the play mentioned on the tour and looks like a combination of Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon. I’m reviewing all the rappers and I thought Jay Zee was there but he was kind enough to be sitting in the mall this morning so I knew it wasn’t him. I believe Beyonce was in the play and a gal I saw a couple nights ago at Lala land. I’ll come back and review the guys again. Sadly I spent little time listening to Rap Music but these guys were amazing!!! Respectfully, never much cared for rap and thought it was for people who couldn’t sing but man was I wrong!!!! OMFG!!!! What voices!!!OMFG. BTW, ran into Lady Gaga on the streets possible twice and three clones of Ron at different ages near Rodeo drive and a clone of GaGa about twenty minutes ago in the hotel, and a son of mine at the Cirque, who apparently came from very good stock, someone who I like very much, more on Le Cirque later.
I hate to single anyone out at the play but two things 1) really sorry I missed the singers outside the theatre who were amazing and I’m sorry I short changed them and 2) Reverend Al Sharpton!! Al was kind of a big deal in NYC about 30 years ago or so and a hero to the black community, I believe and a bit annoying but he turned up on Howard Stern and a couple other talk shows and turned out to be really relaxed and personable, kind of fun. So it was a thrill to see him. A while back he had lost a great deal of weight, like Al Roker and looked really drawn but whatever procedure he had done must have been reversed because he looked like the Reverend Al of old only ten times more beautiful, a bit tired but really awesome to see him and I wish I’d gotten a photo with him. I almost never talk to celebrities but it was Reverend Al and if you were a New Yorker he was practically family. I apologized and introduced myself and ask him if he were Al. He said “no” but not before this big smile on his face gave him away. Really Great!!
The play was phenomenal and I chatted with the two people next to me who were two beautiful for words. I kind of freaked them out a bit knowing they had a couple of the last seats in the place. there were six seats left down there we took four and i thought a lot about buying the other two because I figured the powers that be knew something I didn’t. My wife’s niece was in town so that might have been a possibility. I asked if they were actors. He outed her but denied that he was. He didn’t know me and was kind of unnerved that I already knew too much about them. (oh the tour guy mentioned Trey Parker as well, but I figured him out before that) She was fit and I miserated that I could only play character actors like Ted Kennedy and could never play a guy like Ghandi though I am walking around in my only piece of homespun and trying to sleep with a couple twins I know.
The guy must have been told to correct it in some way that he wasn’t an actor but I had doubt in my mind anyway, again too beautiful for words.
Walked around went into Sweet which is the greatest candy store in the wold, bar none!
I had a really big moment on the stairs to my hotel or nearby and that was running into a really beautiful woman I know. She walked past me, I said I know her, now I don’t typically chase, my feeling is if someone wanted to talk with me they would come over but I actually chased after her a few seconds after I figured who she was but she lost me in the mall and that was Ivy Snitzer!!!!!! I guess I’m getting bolder in my old age. BTW thanks for leaving a car there for us at the stadium tonite!!
Ivy is wonderful and starred in Shallow Hal!!! There was another gal in it who I like but her name escapes me right now. All I could think of is all those sensuous curves as she hung over the kitchen counter in her shorts while Gwyneth, remembered her name, played her body single.
Ivy cares for a whole bunch of my clones in a makeshift day care and teaches and has two of my clones of her own but I’m told they belong to the State whatever that is now.
FYI, Happy Christmas Eve!!!
I’ve had this one up before. This is Golda Meir, front right. I don’t know who the cartoon looking character is with the glasses, if anyone recognizes him let me know. The guy between them sipping a martini is Charlton Heston aka Moses. I saw him a couple years ago, alive and well and just as beautiful as ever. My compatriot Ed Chiarini at Wellaware1.com has theorized who he is amongst others. Worth a look and fits in with this photo. I’ll identify Golda in a minute…see below first.
Movie Review: November Criminals https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/november_criminals
Saw this one yesterday which got something like 29 tomatoes. Ok so it’s not exactly a blockbuster but it was a good film, a murder mystery, drama, love story and it works on all levels. Ansel Elgort is a favorite actor of mine though I’m never sure which actor he’s playing since either him or his alternate identity was in Baby Driver and he was in American Horror Story Freak Show and the one …
Below is an updated review of a small subsection of the complaints against Ed. This includes but is not limited to Ed’s assumed responsibility for the following:
The Nanking Massacre, Tiger Woods’ Indiscretions, Liquid Cat, Captains Edward Smith and Joe Hazelwood, Caligula, Pollen, Nanites, LSMFT, Donnie Dunagan’s involvement in The Kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr. and his Marfanesque appearance, Khmer Rouge, Dysplasia, The Manchac Swamp, Building 7 as well as 1-6, Heterosexuality, The Trail of Tears, Rickets, Rickettsia and Ricky Ricardo, Ricky Martin, Martin Lawrence, Maritime Law, Lockheed Martin’s Use of the Metric System, Cellulite, Ravenously Phlegmy, The 19th Century Basilique Saint Donatien Fire in Nantes France, Jumping Out, Pseudoparkinson’s Syndrome, The Fall of Rome, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Hans Gruber, Seven Deadly Zins, Spiritual Currency, Karmic Debt, Humblest Apologies, Asami Yamazaki, Petard, 2-Mile Island, Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting, Plum Island, Plum Brandy, The George Weyerhaeuser Kidnapping, Alagille Syndrome, Sewer Gas, Nathan Petrelli, The Stolen Generation, Aunt-Woman, The Dutch Act, The Dutch Oven, The Little Dutch Boy Sticking His Finger in a Dyke, Wolfram and Hart, Decimus Maximus, Chernobyl, Jiggle Lucy, Ouija Bored, Habeus Jewboy, Deflategate, The Catcher in the Rye Bread, Cerro Grande, OpSec, The Edsel (Named After Ed), The Comcast Cable Monopoly, The Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse, Waco, Wendi Deng, James Bond Impostors, Dengue Fever, The Nephilim, Sept. 10th, Canned Squid, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, The DMZ, The Ice Age, The Stone Age, The Great Gazoo, Head Cheese, Cheese Without Head In It, Steven-Johnson Syndrome, Habeus Chutney, Mickey Finn, Mickey Donald, Chewable Chocks…in a bottle or a box, The Internment of Japanese Americans, The Alamo, Famine In Ethiopia, Chemtrails, Super-Size Me, Hirsuitism, Chemical Hepatitis, Hepatitis A,B,C,D, and E, Arachnophobia, German Hyper-inflation, Hyperinflation Without Goose-Stepping, Filaria, Tenerife Airport Disaster, The Disastrous Occlumency Lessons, Robo-tripping, Mrs. A, Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus, The Boston Molasses Disaster, The Boston Massacre, The Boston Strangler, The Boston Bombing Hoax, Boston Baked Beans, Termite Damage, Sewer Gas, Term Limits, Saccharine, Cyclamates, Aspartame, Sucralose, Neotame, Sugar, The Guimaras Oil Spill, Borking, Figging, Inflation, The San Andreas Fault, Astroboy, Astrogirl, The Hot Tub Cinema, 7/7, Polite Society, The Jonestown Massacre, Edward Murphy, Making Whoopy, The Ghouta Chemical Attack, Wax Lips, Wax Museums, Waxing Floors, Eosinophilia, Basophilia, Neutrophilia, Neutropenia, Penopenia, The Ming Dynasty, Mr. Mushnik, The Sinking of Britannic, Owen Not Cleaning His Mother’s Ears, Cholera, E.L.James, Dysentery, The MH17 Malaysia Airplane Disaster, ACSI, Moonlight Requisition, Midnight Visits, Five Finger Discounts, and Her Five Sisters, Monkey Mung, Dementia Praecox, Dementia Wally Cox, The Winnipeg General Strike, Biflation, Fluoridation, 420, She Creatures, Creatures Who Aren’t She, Erotic Asphyxiation, Asphyxiation That’s Not Erotic, Doan’s Little Liver Pill, Stagnant Water, The Minnesota Vikings Boat Party Scandal, The Mercantile Exchange, The Panic of 1907, Visitors Who Don’t Bring Assorted Cakes, Fecal Vomiting, Major Depression, Major Major Major Major, Desperate Psychotics, Heath Ledger’s Death, Chelm, Sharon Tate’s Reappearance, Manta, Spam, Spam, Spam, Tim Samaras, New Coke, Mr. Tea Infuser, Moor Hall Studios, Mall Feet, Mall Rats, Malted Milk, Anaphylactic Shock, The Dunblane Massacre Hoax, Hemorrhagic Nephritis, The Son of Sam Hoax, The Euro, The Mandela Effect, The Red Queen, The Red Witch, A Nun Rolling Down a Hill, A Frog in a Blender, The New York Times, Jumbo Shrimp, Collapse of the Atlantic Northwest Cod Fishery, The 1900s British Attack On India, The Aero, Super-sleuths, Abolition of the Klingon Neutral Zone, Special K, Ketamine, BICQ, The Death of Marat, Kopechne, Unrequited Love, Requited love, Static Cling, Charles Coughlin, Trust Falls, Avalanches, The Piper Bravo Oil Rig Disaster, Waffle Cones From The Ice Cream Man, The Leveraxe, Percentage Disadvantage, The Armenian Genocide, Whaling, Collar Stays, Polycystic Ovary Disease, Alex Forrest, La Violencia, Sitting Cross Legged on the Floor, Barium Enemas, Any Kind of Enema, Liquid Latex, Systemic Latex Toxicity, Lucky Guesses, Losing Track of Wives, Jeremy Mayfield, Spam, Sid Vicious Murdering his Girlfriend, Leaches, Leches, Madura Foot, Madura Saddle Bag Thighs, The Temptation of St. Anthony, Holodomor, Hater-tots, Hatriots, Autism, Dave-Dave, Kapusta, Robert Hanssen, Lovers of Toilet Humor, NWO, Tokitsukaze, Being Rubinesque or Marfanesque, Emily and Charlotte Bronte, Aquagenic Urticaria, Maude Needing to See a Shrink, The Controversial Vanity Fair Portrait of Child Star Miley Cyrus, Avarice, The Ten Plaques, Janet Reno, The Branch Davidian Hoax, Karl Marx and Julian Lennon, The 26/11 Attack On India, The Mahdi, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Battle of Okinawa, Boiled Chicken, Tramadol, The Falun Gong Show, Shaneen Allen, Stephan Collins, Billy Jean and False Flags, The Queensland 2011 Floods, Bounced Checks, Bouncing Betties, The Possession of Regan MacNeil, Account Overdrawn, Spider Mites, Liver Sausage Pineapple, The Death of Jerry Garcia, 1992 Los Angeles Riots, The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, Chitterlings, Bernardo, Pete Carroll, Boris and Natasha Poly, Bathrooms Labeled Poles and Holes, Quisp and Quake, Call For Orange Moose, Frankenstein, Wildenstein, Road Kill, The Rwanda Genocide, Gluten Intolerance, Gluten Tolerance, Cancrum Oris, Jeremiah Being a Bullfrog, Permian Extinction, Execution of Anne Boleyn, Moses Stuttering, The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Cersei’s Walk of Atonement (I still cry when I even think about that one), Aaron Stampler, Col. Hans Landa, Eat In Chickens, Lilly Dillon, Madame Serena Merle, Sweeney Todd and His Costar, Growing up with Dyslexia, The Organization DAM (Mothers Against Dyslexia, Dyslexic Agnostics Who Doubt the Existence of Dog, Polyglandular Addison’s Disease, The Hind-lick Maneuver, Marburg, Hemorrhagic Fever, Bellatrix Lestrange, The Murder of Caitlyn Stark, The Countess of Manton, Lee Blair, Jacqueline Breton, La Década Perdida, Economy of Zimbabwe, Witch Way, REICHSSICHERHEITSHAUPTAMT,
8 Track Tape Players, Tooth Decay, Moral Decay, Decay Ballard, Self-Pollution, The Scrum, Scrub Daisy, Parmalot, Nuclear Winter, Captain Japan, Mad Hatter Disease, I’ve Got Mercury Poisoning, The Piltcher, Diphyllobothrium Latum, Charon, AGSSt, Teflon, Overtoun Bridge, Nick Spargo, Aphids, Woolpit, Wooly Bully, The Hemisphere Project, Munchausen Syndrome, Rug Munch, Clutter, Oswald, Burmese Way to Socialism, Flat Feet, Flat Checks, 1984, The Limited Availability of The Pirelli Calendar, MMORPG, Typos, Google Translate, Tarnish, All Work and No Play, Elephantiasis, Gymkata, Methane Gas Expulsion, Tyrannosaurus Bitch, Dr. Christian Szell’s Skill as a Dentist, The Dungan Revolt, Sangfroid, Belle Gunness, The Incarceration of Rorschach, Belleview, Special Green Bedspread, Tarrasch, Knock-off Dresses, The Halt, Muskrat Love, Love without Muskrats, Pole Dancing Being Denigrated as Not Being Therapeutic, Spam, Sang Froid, Capgras Syndrome, Aldrich Ames, Cats Named After Presidents Like Garfield, A Cat named Hercule Poirot, Cheese Eaters, Tamad Shud, Dien Ben Phu, UVB-76, UB-40, DB Cooper, Phyllis Dietrichson, Blended Fabrics, Wet Dog Smell, Women in Black, Urbach-Wiethe Disease, Tetanus Toxoid, Brainerd Diarrhea, Anton LaVey, Yul Brynner, The Mongol Conquests, kiki emoticon, The Fabulous Disappearing Dr. Crusher, Abaddon, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Syphilis Without Anyone From Tuskegee, Haman, The St. Francis Dam Disaster, Dam Disasters without St. Francis, Fallen Arches, BL-5C, Albert DeSalvo, Julia Hoffman, Contrapunctus XIV, NTSIP, Davecat, Ancient Mew, Edlington, Rhoda Penmark, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Eros, Thanatos, Dopplegangers, Gangers Without The Dopples Effect, Rats with Bats, Snitches Who Get Ditches, The Dharma Initiative, Eleanor Shaw Iselin, Sleep Apnea, Apnea Without Sleep, Tom Lantos, Adiposis Dolorosa, Drs. Hannibal Lecter and Arthur Harmon, Rheumatic Fever, Fever Without Rheumatism, Rifampin, Mamzerim, Study after Velazquez’s Portrait of Innocent X, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Operation Northwoods, Operation Dinner Out, Membraneous Retinopathy, Virgil Sollozzo, Necrotizing Fasciitis, The Santa Maria Tragedy in Brazil, Manual Release, Automatic Release, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Plan-9 From Passaic, Shigella, The 1959 Cadillac, EST, Brian Hugh Warner’s Name Change, Lifespring, Insight, Ondine’s Curse, The Irish Curse, Clogged Drains, Clogged Arteries, Lead Poisoning, Arsenic Toxicity, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Monkey 61, Monkey 69, The MKUltra Program, Isabella of Castile, Summa Theologiae, Dante and Virgil in hell, A Henway, A Dickway, Max Cady, Gunichi Mikawa, Blended Scotch, Titan Arum, Gyp’s Killing of Vic Sickles, Click Clacks, Ray Rice, The Secret Government, Hash Tags, Gastritis, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Harlequin Ichthyosis, Harley Quinn, Dishpan Hands, Pol Pot, Smoking Pot, Cornu Cutaneum, Librium, Lithium, Trimethylaminuria, 1985 Mexico City Earthquake, Blaschko’s Lines, Robert Ressler, Cyanosis, Triskaidekaphobia, Parts Becoming Extinct, Corporal Clegg, Leaving a Hat on the Bed, Avogadro’s Constant, Plagiarism, Alonzo Harris, Hammer-toe, Camel Toe, Toleo, Hammer-time, Getting Beat at Your Own Game, Diphtheria, Systemic Latex Toxicity Leading to Multi-organ Failure, Men in Plaid Work Shirts, The Hal Turner Show, Konigstein, Packing the Rabbit, PMS and Mad Cow Disease, Blind Ambitchion, The Fire Bombing of Dresden, Folliculitis, The Death of Harry Houdini, The Chronosynclastic Infundibulum, Fatal Familial Insomnia, Elio Motors, Elio Pizza, Love and Squalor, The Ceti Eel, The New Madrid Faultline, Alan Nierob, Sister Mary Elephant, Talking Tina, Puritan Bennett, Fracking, Lyme, Krippendorf’s Tribe, Aurangzeb, Armin Heinrich, Love and Squalor, Asurion, George Koval, Zany Brainy’s return policy, Adenoid Hynkel, The Aswan Dam, 1906 San Francisco, IVDA, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, Earthquake, Saturn Devouring His Son, Feeling No Pain, Feeling Pain, The Mitchell Report, The Report without Mitchell, Teutoburg, Professor Periwinkle, Myasthenia Grapes, Aflatoxin, Angel Dust, Arachnid Hemorrhage, Harvest Moon, Enterocolitis, Springtime For Mel Brooks, Mitch Brooks, Beverly Allitt, Clothing Masticators, Lap Dancing, Affective Disorder, Cholent, Operation 2×4, Microsoft Bob, Enuresis, Finding The “G” Spot, Dr. William Cosby, South African President, Hemophilus Influenza, Otis Toole, Aristocracy, Stretch Marks, Being Low Key, Being Loki, The Santa Maria Tragedy, Lars Thorwald, Nurse Ratchet, Don Sterling, Spandex, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Panderers, The Salem Witch Trials, Annie Wilkes, Tim Donaghy, The Death of William Wallace, Flankin, Typhoid Mary, Bloody Mary, Mary Poppins, and Lousy Posture.
Once again I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who showed up Saturday night. The band was great as always though I still miss Ron who has an amazing voice and everyone else from Peaky Blinds, Game of Thrones, Pawn, and my waitress who has followed me from FLA, to Voorhees, to Asbury Park. She’s really tiny but exquisite.
My humblest apologies if I did not recognize you. I think we picked up a bunch of people this time, I was a bit more prepared. I believe Broderick Crawford was there yikes, Judi Dench omg, one or two sand snakes one of whom I believe were in the new star wars film and did a terrific job and is probably Maisie’s sister, Tommy’s sister at my table with a Sand Snake, one of the kids from Peaky Blinders at the door (I had to remind myself I only saw one season and that would have been 4 years ago and he growed up, I think a couple Basket Ball coaches (we had a big victory with the dept and we became well respected), at least two of my patients both looked great, one quit smoking (he was kind of a pain but it was good seeing him) and the other lost a lot of weight and I was really taken by the fact she was there, she’s a tremendous spirit and I was honored she was there), a couple of my favorite Pawn stars…nice and nasty, a gal from a 70’s or 80’s sitcom (I’m working on it), Iddo, annabelle Wallis, possibly either Kim Bassinger or Christie Brinkley (take one or both for all I care) it was some gorgeous blonde, Freddie Thorne, possibly Tony Pitts, Lobo Chan at the bar in the hotel, super place one woman said she knew who I was and wanted to know why I was there…psychically, Billy Kimber, sophie Rundle at my table. Sorry for the blondes at the next table who I didn’t recognize.
Here’s where I’m always left sad, I try desperately to ID everyone I can, I also know you all have lives and take time out to come do this. I’m extremely honored that you do this. I’m saddened when I can’t ID the person but I had new glasses on so I did better. I also know people don’t leave until they are ID’ed, sorry for that and thank you for coming.
Again, the band is beyond expectation.
When I was doing my early work and people like Amy, Elvis and Freddie came up on my radar I knew somewhere in this world there was a place where the greatest singers of all time held concerts for special groups, for close friends, and I so badly wanted to go to one, not just etherically so this is a wish come true.
Forgive me if I missed you and thanks to everyone once again.
FYI: The new Star Wars film was delicious!!!
Hello to my ladies
So the evening wrapped up at the Gorilla compound last night with the Gorilla caretaker reading my blog to all the gorillas while they hung out playing games, reading and the the matron knitting.
They laughed uproariously at the my antics and miserated that they were locked up and I was allowed to roam free. I assured them that there were multiple attempts to lock me up including stealing my wallet and trying to get a spoor sample to frame me with.
I’ll be coming back to see them soon unless they either shut me or the exhibit down. I’ll try and sneak some Fritos in or anything that ends in ‘itos. I’m sure they will enjoy.
Next: Fun and games at the Penguin house.
I had a good talk with him about getting out of the compound which I’m sure he could do. He said he’s afraid to get out because they’ll kill him or put him in jail. He was really frightened about going to jail which is really a small cage and you can’t go outdoors and you’re stuck there endlessly. He said it’s terrible. He called it jail and it was very clear that it was. He had a lot of anxiety around this and didn’t want to go back and he kept an eye on everyone there to make sure no one got out of line, he was a protector of them but he lived in fear. I guess most great protectors live in fear. He was pretty much PTSD but he was really forthcoming with me and again, he and the others thought I was funny and not a harm to them. So I once again made a new friend at Disney-world but as with all my friends at some point they either want to kill me, try to kill me or get ordered to kill me…it’s a gift!!!
Normally this would be the part of the story where Dian Fossey begins to think like Katherine the 2nd but this has nothing to do with it.
Right now the animal handlers/trainers are working with the gorillas to look uneducated. They have removed their copies of the New York Times informing the Gorillas that it’s virtually all propaganda created by the Jews to take over the world and instead gave them copies or Brave New World, 1984 and Animal Farm informing them that some animals are more equal than others.
However, they are training them to jump up and down and look more dumbed down rather than the blue furry creature in xmen who wears glasses and hangs upside down by his feet.
So I went back a second time, mostly to see the monkeys and gorillas again. There was a female wandering around the compound which is pretty nice except for the Arbeit Macht Frei sign and a clock stuck at the same time.
The female carried around on her foot a tarp and she would wander around and sit on the tarp periodically and stay nice and clean. I don’t know if she was trained to do that but if I owned gorillas worth about ten million dollars each I’d be really careful what’s in the cage so they don’t choke or go eat-in chicken on you.
One of the males passed by where I was standing and I psychically spoke to him. I asked him how he was doing. He pretended not to acknowledge me, I’m sure lots of people do this with him all day, but I managed to get through but he didn’t want to play along…that is until… I said to Marcia climb in the cage and go take the tarp from the other gorilla, (I figured out later it was a female. A few seconds later the gorilla charged at me, stopped dead in his tracks by the ravine and engaged in a staring contest with me. My heart started pounding and I was sure he could jump the ravine and get me. We continued to stare at each other while I reviewed my karate moves learned from Mr. Bobby and decided a side kick would be my best defense as my leg might actually connect with his bread basket before he murdered me.
I then remember that you’re supposed to stay perfectly still, ignore the animals or crap in your pants so the smell repugnates him. I had no problem crapping my pants and decided I would ignore him and play dead while he feasted on my carcass. We stared at each other for about 25 minutes…ok, 2 minutes at most seemed a lot longer, then he looked askance a bit and smirked. A young gal who I psychically spoke with later as I did the gorilla asked me what happened. I told her I had a sling shot and kept bopping his girlfriend in the ass cause I wanted to go full Fossey on her…no I didn’t say that…i think I said he didn’t like what I was saying to my wife. She said later on psychically she doubted that was it but this is the reason I don’t get out much…if you think I get in trouble on line try me in vivo. I went to see Penn and Teller in NYC a few years ago and got banned from the city and had to leave under safe passage. (True story). Hell I’m banned from LA but I still go back…oh and Maccabi games…and Boca Raton….and this bar near the junction by Brooklyn College and an old girlfriend’s father’s underwear drawer (haha made that one up!)
I spoke to the Gorilla when I got home and he was very enlightening. He didn’t like what I said about the tarp and needed to show me a lesson then he and the others decided I was really pretty funny and started laughing with each other.
Here’s where it gets sad…
I love Animal Kingdom. It’s now my favorite theme park. Also a plea for Sea World… go visit it. It was my favorite park but I hear they’re getting rid of the whales and there used to be a guy who sang before the dolphin show who I really liked.
Anyway, Animal Kingdom used to be a bit of a snooze but I’ve had a great time the last two times. The monkeys are a riot but I’m loving the gorillas.
The next to last time one of the gorillas, a male, got up onto a rock and ate some Romaine lettuce while he looked at the crowd. I decided to tune into his thoughts. Here’s what he was thinking: “Oh yes, I remember that one…oh yes that one too! He’s new and so is she.” It went something like that. He pulled off each leaf and munched on it thoughtfully.
I went home and thought all this over for a few weeks and realized something…This was all an act. He didn’t just happen onto that rock. He was trained to go there. Not only that this whole thing was scripted for the people who are psychic…cause I cant be the only one. Someone must have handed him the lettuce and told him to go sit on the rock, look at the people and decide who he’s seen before….Total Act!!! Not only that as confirmed during my next trip the gorillas spoke perfect English! See, a lot of people who work for Disney are either extremely bright or genius’s and so are the Gorillas.
So it was all pretense, an act but also an act for psychics. I then reasoned that if these gorillas could speak perfect English, psychically they could do pretty much anything including being used in battle and by law enforcement. They would probably have battle gear, flack jackets, helmets, etc. They would also be unstoppable. They might be trained in weaponry like guns, or swords and shields. They’d probably train them like attack dogs and also have them work under more realistic conditions with men who are considered enemies or undesirables as well as woman and children. Some of this would be pure and simple blood sport for sadistic delight.
The other thing I pondered was whether those Gorillas could get out of that place. I came to the conclusion that they could which one of them confirmed to me.
Part II to follow
I’m preparing Mochi right now…otherwise known as Gateau De Riz Decoupe en Tranches or slice rice cake.
Mochi (Japanese: 餅, もち) is Japanese rice cakemade of mochigome, a short-grain japonica glutinous rice. The rice is pounded into paste and molded into the desired shape. In Japan it is traditionally made in a ceremony called mochitsuki.[1]
Little known fact: While also eaten year-round, mochi is a traditional food for the Japanese New Year and is commonly sold and eaten during that time.
Every New Year in Japan dozens of families wake up to find out that their beautiful elderly relatives in nursing facilities have choked to death on this virtually inedible rice product. Sadly, their last dying words inevitably are…what the fuck is this shit?” Then something about Rosebud and mistakenly switching from Scotch to Martinis.
The families then hunt down the Nursing Home owners and make them stand on a street corner wearing “Ribbons of Shame” and then force them to perform Hari Kari while they drop eggs on them and yell, “Bombs away” while they play Barbra Streisand songs.
Mochi was featured in an episode of the Patty Duke Show when Patty Lane, played by Patty Duke, accidentally adopts a kid from South East Asia who won’t eat anything until Patty tries to brush his teeth and the kid grabs the toothpaste and starts eating it yelling Mooci…Moochi. Me and my brother ran around for weeks yelling Moochi….Moochi!!! It was great college fun!
This is a band you don’t hear too much about. Ron wrote the song and it rose to #3 in the US. Sweet performing “Little Willy” on BBC’s Top Of The Pops in 1972. The song was written by Mike Chapman & Nicky Chinn and produced by Phil Wainman The single was originally released by RCA Records in June 1972. Single Chart Positions: UK: 4 Germany: 3 Canada: 1 Denmark: 1 Finland: 2 Switzerland: 2 USA: 3
Ron’s probably in the band but who can tell. That was back when everyone looked like David Cassidy. FYI, I’m thinking a couple of them might be gay. they had another super song, “Ballroom Blitz” The song shows up in a lot of films but probably best known for being in Wayne’s World, a film described by Dana Carvey as “A popular movie but really not that good” or something like that which I agreed with since I watched about 2/3 of it and kept saying “…it sold $200,000,000 worth of tickets…it’s got to get better.” it didn’t unless I missed something in the last third which is possible.
This is from Wikipedia as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ballroom_Blitz “The Ballroom Blitz” (often called “Ballroom Blitz“) is a song by the British rock band The Sweet, written and produced by Nicky Chinnand Mike Chapman. It was featured on the popular musical The Rocky Horror Show.” It was not in the movie, I’ve seen the stage production twice recently and listened to it multiple times and never saw or heard of it in the play or film.
from http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Trivia/TheRockyHorrorPictureShow
If this is a mistake on Wikipedia it needs to be corrected.
Here’s Ballroom Blitz by Sweet
Here it is from Wayne’s World
The question has arisen for the last few days: “You and Ron have bumped heads and you have some issues with him that are longstanding and you’ve made no bones about. How are you able to attribute the quality of righteousness to him when you have thoughts and feelings which might not mesh with this? (Paraphrased)
Had to play the final scene
Ron’s response: “Of all the basements in all the towns in all the world he had to teleport into mine!”
I’ll entertain questions as they arise
First Question’s Answer: I was called to Ron’s basement by the care of one person and the help of others, some things are unlikely to change and only time will tell but time is an ever shrinking quantity, but we’ll always have Paris. I cannot change who am and I’ll go to my dying days with my last two instructions and the prices paid to enjoy even the status quo.
I have but one goal here…just one…and the object of the mission is to stay on track. I’m a good soldier and I do what I’m told from the keeper of my last two instructions, which can never be released as they occurred in another time and place and there is no one with authority over me to release them. The authority lies with God, the Goddess and the Fates to fulfill the instructions or not. No man can fulfill them.
“Vous ne les laisserrez pas passer”
“I said what I meant and I meant what I said.”
Question 2: No my goal is not to piss off Ron. I’m answering questions and dealing with difficult issues. I was asked to express this arena so I stepped into another cauldron.
Question 3: Too minor to address, deals with money and not enough to make a big deal about since I’ve turned down $350,000,000 in the past.
Quiz: What song is contained within the song “Manha Manha”?
This took me two days to answer, maybe three.
was humming this today for whatever reason the thought inserters had and my patient hummed it back. She recognized it from Sesame Street, I was humming it from Benny Hill. From an Italian composer it also made it’s way to Sweden and was popular there. Who could have done that?
This is the part where Benny slaps the bald headed guy on his head
I’ve listened to about ten versions of this song…this one knocks it out of the park!
On this day Monday, December 4, 2017 Ron Howard is declared to be…a righteous man.
Discussion: I’m posed two different questions at this point 1) Under whose authority am I making such a declaration and 2) Should it not be a proclamation instead of a declaration?
I believe both questions can be answered at the same time.
What is the difference between a proclamation and a declaration?
“As nouns the difference between proclamation and declaration is that proclamation is a statement which is proclaimed; a formal public announcement while declaration is a written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief.” (This is a common definition off the net).
I express this in writing as a declaration, not a proclamation under no one’s authority but as an indication of fact, opinion and belief. I believe that Ron is a righteous man and knowing him as deeply and for as long as I have I hold this to be “self-evident”.
As a result of the newly celebrated Thanksgiving Holiday homeless shelters virtually emptied out except for a few shut-in recluses and a paranoid schizophrenic who insisted this was a secret plot by the new head of The NWO to control the masses by feeding them hormone and tryptophan laden turkey in order to put them into deep hypnotic states and subject them to unprecedented mind control that the MKUltra movement could only dream of…bitch. (Remember, never end a sentence with a preposition.)
The shelters remained 20% under capacity for the first few days after the holiday then burgeoned beyond capacity when the word got out that starlets were showing up at the shelter, cleaning them up and taking them home ostensibly to do kitchen work, and join in a festive meal which they did after the drugs wore off and they were untied. The homeless awoken to find pools of wax on their bodies and a body part that looked like it had been in a Brillo ad. The starlets blamed the hormones in the turkey and a guy named Ed for the fiasco until the homeless realized they hadn’t eaten yet. After the festive meal the starlets convinced the homeless that they were unskilled at tying knots by doing a demonstration that would make a boy scout jealous and a seaman blush. The starlet (ok, it was mostly one gal) then showed a video a masked gent resembling the homeless man to prove to him that it could not have been him while her husband greatly comforted the man in ways a wife or a fresh warm apple pie.
The upgraded homeless shelter now called, “The Homeless Agency” raised additional funds by getting a fat commission, upwards of the 20-25% (maximum allowable by the screen actors guild), and selling tickets to the starlets’ boudoir.
The bonanza came to a virtually screeching halt when the homeless already rubbed raw began to seek additional remuneration quoting SAG guidelines, “Commision is payable only when the employment contract provides for overscale residual payments. Agent may commission 1st and 2nd rerun if original employment is overscale, and residuals check is more than $100. Commissionable if over scale residual; otherwise known as the Gilligan’s Island clause or the, “Werner promised me Maryann and Ginger were going to be here, though Lovey did give me a handy so there is that”…clause.
Some of the homeless actors began to be recognized as actually actors which put a damper on the Cinema Verite. Matt Damon got outed soon after starting a scene which then turned into a tickle movie where they engendered to tickle him until he urinated on set. This lasted about 40 minutes until he begged them to stop and began quoting from Dziga Vertov. The urine was collected and sold to benefit the Joshua House and the National Association for Incontinence. Joshua House plans on using the extra funds to raise their online rating from 3 to 5 stars. Matt has gone on to star in Bourne Incontinent and represent a new brand of Huggies for adults.
Reality check…people are really enraged with my previous post In a couple of hours the secular holiday of Thanksgiving will start. For most it is a wonderful occasion to get together with family, friends, extended family, and future friends. It’s relatively low pressure holiday, it requires about a week or two of preparation for the hosting family and for a holiday is relatively low cost for most…some poultry, and some sides. Special efforts are made for vegans and vegetarians to have a replacement dish for the poultry. I saw some fake lemon chicken in the fridge though why they couldn’t make fake lemon turkey I don’t know.
Life changes, people change, times change and holidays do change. Chanukah was a celebration of a Hebrew battle victory. It now celebrates a fairly minor miracle of a small bottle of oil lasting 8 days…not exactly Moses parting the Red Sea. Christmas was the holiday of the birth of the Messiah.,, many still celebrate it as such.
In part the holiday of Thanksgiving celebrates the Harvest. Along with it is a story of cooperation between European settlers and Native Americans which leaves out a larger more troubling issue that occurred. The story has become a fairy tale we tell our children while…
As I tell this I realize how enraged people are with me and my previous post from Seinfeld. I’m guess the evening before Thanksgiving is a solemn day and I have the appearance of making light of it…my ignorance is vast.
I have encountered a troubling issue here which is far bigger than myself and I don’t have a solution, Earth borne issues are seldom solved from pink clouds.
As part of a greater culture we subsume the culture we exist in. Can the holiday be changed sufficiently to celebrate great tenets like the earth, the harvest, the rain and a truer lesson of mutual cooperation?
I hate to give up the holiday. My family has gotten together for years in celebration for years…but celebrating what? An ear of corn hanging on the door? It’s not like the holiday of Passover where we literally spend hours discussing every aspect of the Exodus and the representation of each crumb of Matzoh laying on the table. In all the years we celebrating Thanksgiving I can only once remember discussing the origins of the holiday…only once…but what is clear is it was a holiday of family and cheer and abundance and I again hate to give it up.
At one point in this story my host family made disclosures about themselves and without issue I agreed to make major changes in some of my external defining characteristics. Not that it would have been a deal breaker but I would have had a really hard time giving up Thanksgiving.
I think the holiday could be better managed to maintain the respect to the true events of the time, maintain integration into the greater culture and again celebrate the goodness of the earth and it’s abundance during the harvest which is in fact a tenet of virtually all religions.
Humblest apologies to those toes I’ve step on and a greater thanks to all those who’ve patient with me.
text unchecked for errors
Answering questions
I was excited to see that Matthew McConaughey was already on this, getting ahead of the curve advertising turkey like he does beef…turns out it was Wild Turkey Bourbon.
Search Results
Sep 14, 2017 – Matthew McConaughey is back in front of (and behind) the camera for his latest Wild Turkey ad campaign. The actor, 47, first teamed up with the whiskey brand to write, direct and star in commercials in September 2016, and this is his second project with them. In the new spot (above), McConaughey can be …
any other questions or comments?
can i do this again? yes anytime I feel like jumping into a boiling cauldron of oil to see what it’s like in there
fix your arm…yes
she’s nice!
ok hold on
give this a few days to fully correct…you guys have a lot of aches and pains and spine problems
you don’t need my permission to eat turkey, I would check with the elders to come to wise counsel about how and if to proceed
I’m hearing from the elders that there are no sanctions against thanksgiving anymore.!
I advise stuffing yourself silly with turkey and gravy and so on. The holiday celebrates, the good earth, the harvest, the rain, good fortune, family and the world! Enjoy!!
Good night all and Happy Thanksgiving!!!
“Happy Festivus” is the traditional greeting of Festivus, a holiday featured in the Season 9 episode of Seinfeld named “The Strike“, which first aired on December 18, 1997. Since then, many people have been inspired by this zany, offbeat Seinfeld holiday and now celebrate Festivus as any other holiday.
According to the Seinfeld model, Festivus is celebrated on December 23rd. However many people celebrate it other times in December and even at other times throughout the year.
The slogan of Festivus is “A Festivus for the rest of us!” The usual holiday tradition of a tree is manifested in an unadorned aluminum pole, which is in direct contrast to normal holiday materialism. Those attending Festivus may also participate in the “Airing of Grievances” which is an opportunity to tell others how they have disappointed you in the past year, followed by a Festivus dinner, and then completed by the “Feats of Strength” where the head of the household must be pinned. All of these traditions are based upon the events in the Seinfeld episode, Strangely enough, our Festivus traditions also have roots that pre-date Seinfeld, as it began in the household of Dan O’Keefe, a television writer who is credited for writing the Seinfeld episode.
I’ll begin to post who I’ve seen, or who I think I’ve seen. If you gave me a random photo I probably could figure out who it is but I’m embarrassed by how many I miss but here goes:
Seen on 11/20/17 at Echelon Health and in the fall at Pittsburgh Football and quite an actress!
In case you don’t know what that is.
Ed Chiarini of Wellaware1.com found a photo containing Walt Disney a few years back that may have been only 10-20 years old now. Walt supposedly died in 1966, and Hitler supposedly died in 1945. Ed had him alive sometime around 2000 give or take 5 years. I found a photo which I correctly interpreted as having him in it from 2015, yes a lot went on that year. Walt was real annoyed that I had found out he was Adolf Hitler from that photo and had doubts that I could have done it. I assured him that I figured it was either him or Joseph Stalin. He then correctly said, “You knew I was alive though.” I told him yes. He said, “From the other guy,” I said yes. He then excused himself went into the next room and then returned. I didn’t know at the time but he had put a major contract out on the other Ed. As I said earlier I managed to help Ed out on that one and also a previous attempt but the second one was way more serious and looked something like Lot and his family fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah sans pillar of salt, as Ed and his friend Richard fled through the carnage.
Ed Baruch I may put up the photo in a day or two. The photo may appear too thin but I’m very good at following the bread crumbs and there is other evidence in the photo that makes it more compelling.
Ed Baruch Ok, here’s the photo. Virtually every person in this photo is either famous or very famous and everyone is identifiable in some fashion. I’ll give you one…there is the back of a man’s head in the bottom right corner, to the right of the guy with the grey sweater on…that’s Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I only missed a couple here. Good luck, I’ll put up some answers later on.
On a lighter subject…damn those crunchy Chinese noodles!!! You know they’re not good for you. As luck would have it I tossed the sweet and sour sauce hours ago because it would have been all over by now. Why is there not a snack food on the shelves at WaWa that is essentially crunchy Chinese noodles? And I’ll tell you how to do it… make the stuff, flavor it with either Cool Ranch or Spicy Nacho Cheese and end the name of the snack with “…itos.” So it would be, “Crunchy Chinese Nooditos.” by Frito Lay.
For anyone paying attention…the work on this can be found at WellAware1.com and MoorhallStudios.com...
Who knew that all these years I’ve been masturbating to pictures of Billy Joel!!!
Thanks to everyone who made this a super week!!! I’m posting very little as it has come down to hand to hand fighting in Earth vs. The Flying Saucers and advertising your moves…definitely not helpful.
FYI a few ago I did notice a bunch of you guys at the game in Pittsburgh, thank you for coming. Special thanks to my next door neighbor!!! It turned in some very exciting times. Nothing excites me more and we had a repeat this past weekend.
Incredible people and an event I would never imagine. Thank you everyone, sorry to anyone I missed including jumping off the line at March of the Penguins. I wish I could detail more, all I can say was I had a super great time throughout, met beautiful people, listened to great music, watched acrobats for a second time and ate too much.
What I find funny is what people are thinking about me. Here’s some examples: 1) This is the guy? 2) This can’t be the guy!! 3) Is this the guy?
I told one of the guys on penguins that I was indeed the guy and people think too loud but I love when I hear it!! It shows that my act is working of a disheveled, disconnected, out of touch, pathetic retard! Oh wait, no…not an act…that’s me!!!!
I made some good choices this week, who wouldn’t, There were people who really worked hard at the program…total respect and admiration for them.
I chatted with some people which I understand is a no-no now but it was very cool. One guy thought to me, “We hear you’re pretty normal,” which I thought was great since the only people who actually say that to me are my patients who are used to really whacked out shrinks. it was all very exciting and unexpected, and vastly different from anything I’ve ever been involved in, so thanks again to all.
Oh, and I felt very cared for there…funny…usually I’m on some uphill battle but I felt really very secure especially when we couldn’t get into our room because the lock was changed and there was a security guard stationed down the hall. Maybe he was someone I should have noticed better.
I will leave you to your own devices to go and watch “Hidden Figures” again…loved the film and the actors!
Sorry I just returned to find I’ve been hacked. Someone used this website to ask if Mindy was the same woman from Mork and Mindy!! Foolish hacker!! Well passwords changed and back to normal!!! Later gators …. one kiss for everyone!!
I can’t blog at length about this all I’ll say is some are being released which is an absolute pleasure. You’ll have to get info second hand. the walls have ears and i’m in the thick of things.
This is a sensitive issue and timing is needed. I won’t know what’s next until I know so I keep my cards close to my vest. I’ve even said too much already. These are very tricky Muggles!!
I’m taking another stab at the photo, be back soon, one kiss for everybody!!!
Brief review of Blade Runner 2049. Terrific film, especially for a sequel. I can’t think of a single major complaint about the film.
I think most importantly about the film it stuck to the temper and tenor of the original film, Blade Runner, which is somewhere in my top 5 science fiction films, it may be at the top. Waterworld would be in that list too, which i loved. I believe science fiction has to be judged differently than other films but I digress.
Stuck to the themes and overtones of the first film in what could be called a film noir detective science fiction film. Acting was superb, not a stiff in the bunch. I’m not going to single anyone out but you know who you are, Sylvia Hoeks. I’m glad Harrison didn’t get killed off. It’s a pain bringing back great characters after they’re killed like Sigourney Weaver in Alien or Bill Shatner or Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek.
I give this film an A+. Under normal circumstances I’d give it just an A but I give the additional + for not fucking it up! Not so easy making a sequel and this hit it out of the park.
FYI, I spotted Gilly in the film…omg!!!! super super super job!!!! A pleasure to watch on the screen even as an Asian.
Also shout out to Edward James Olmos who I loved in the original but I suspect would never have let Harrison in his new flying car with an open bowel of ramen noodle soup.
one of my favorite dylan songs but I love My Chemical Romance’s version. they manage to distill and 10+ minute song to under 4 and knock it out of the park.
Loved it at the end of Watchmen.
Something wrong with this kid?
Look for a post vaccination syndrome if yes.
possible floppy baby , eyes don’t track together, possible low cognition
sweet and beautiful but likely developmental issues, physical and likely cognitive.
Major Error
I knew Ron Howard was one of the Beatles. Sadly, I chose the wrong one and I apologize to Ron and anyone else this affected. I know I have a bunch of errors around Cheryl and I was not aware of Diane Keaton’s role of importance in this family so I have sins of omission with her. Also, sins of omission with Robin Williams.
I went to see “British Invasion Years a few times now.” I’ve been impressed with everyone up there (why shouldn’t I be?) I recognized Robin Williams up there and was blown away by his magnificent voice and knowledge and handling of the songs. The others are tremendous as well but this was a real surprise for me and I was left with a nagging feeling that he must have been one of the original Beatles. Admittedly my work here was sloppy but I had other information and thought I had George Harrison nailed down. I went to look at Ringo again and noticed the resemblance between Ringo and Bono. I don’t believe there are enough quality photos of Ringo with Bono and I had just identified Bono as Robin Williams. I then thought that there may have been two Ringos, one Robin one Ron, but I started to look at George Harrison again. I realized that George looked like two other identities of Ron: Nureyev and Mapplethorpe:
I now have Robin Williams as Ringo Starr.
I’m double checking on Paul McCartney.
Again, humblest of apologies to all. As I’ve said earlier.
“In this craft when learning don’t be afraid to make mistakes; when skilled don’t make mistakes.”
So today I was reviewing all the people who came in to see me in my office from my newfound family and most of them came in a couple of years ago but interestingly enough Matt Damon came in, in disguise for a few sessions of therapy within the last couple months, which did not go well. I believe he came in with depression and I put him on some medication but somewhere around the fourth session or so he stated he wasn’t improved at all, previously he had been progressing nicely. I knew something was wrong with this, it was incongruous, and I had a feeling I was being played. I ended the session relatively quickly and got him out and he never came back but it occurred to me today, why was Matt there in the first place. A few people came in after fact, people mostly came in from the Cayman Naib is missing scenario a couple years ago but Matt came in well after that…then I remembered. I outed him. There are two previous posts about him and I must have rattled his cage and he became pretty angry with me. I found one of his alter identities by looking up the writer of Penny Dreadful and noticing it was him. FYI so he wrote Penny Dreadful which is now my favorite comedy of all time, also loved most of the Jason Bourne films and his other work, so I’m a fan but i also figured out who his dad is (Ron), his mom (not Cheryl), his kids, found a picture of his wife in the alternate identity, found his maternal grandfather, his maternal great-grandfather, where he grew up (Iceland), photos of him not seen before from Iceland, and his mother’s husband (stepfather) Creepy Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook.
I figured he showed up because he was a curiosity seeker. Wrong! He was angry, really angry and I spoke with him today. He expressed some of his anger but it was hard to focus looking for the DMV. I didn’t realize he would be angry. The work I did was some of my best but it revealed too much and must have put his life into chaos. He may have felt vulnerable, violated and betrayed. Here’s what I said in one of the posts, dates above:
“…and (I) got to bust on Matt Damon which was really kind of fun seeing how good looking, wonderful and famous and all…sadly that always seems to be fun and I get to meet a lot of new, curious and often pissed off people like this.”
Case in point, this is how I met Damon, he was curious and pissed off. I have to believe he sat there and thought, “You don’t recognize me…do you…punk!!” or something like that. He may also have been seeking some kind of revenge, he may still be doing that.
I’d like to tell you that we came to some resolution…but we didn’t. But it was fun busting his balls and I’m glad to meet him because I’m a huge fan. It was also some of my best work and I thought he’d appreciate it. This is not so peculiar as it sounds…people have come to love when they come up in this blog or I’ve outed them. Good things tend to happen but if you’re Matt Damon already, a great writer, son of Ron, wonderful mother and maternal family, Danish or Icelandic Royalty how much better can things get?
I’m sorry he’s angry at me but I really don’t regret what I’ve done. I think it was a story worth telling and I wouldn’t have done it if it didn’t need to be done.
I’ll leave with this thought which I’ve made before…stop making Bourne movies that you are not physically in and do more choreographed fight scenes in the ones you’re in.
Last thought…I know people think I’m a genius with facial recognition, I’m really not, I’m a genius when it comes to research and facial recognition on paper and film. My vision is not sharp enough to make people out and I’m best with 2D and not 3D. I am also avoidant of people and don’t want to run into or talk to most people…besides if I ran into any of you you’re not allowed to talk about anything anyway.
Matt wants an apology… Ok Matt, I am truly sorry if I have upended your life and your family’s and made you miserable. Next time I see you I’ll make it up to you by Simonizing your balls with Turtle Wax…it leaves a hard-shell finish… Turtle Wax. I’ll even get Paul, Neil or Cowell to help with the Simonizing.
Just as I expected…Ron Howard!
Movie Review
I saw 2 horror films this weekend. Usually not my favorite genre but it’s about the tomatoes and not much else. OK, so saw “It” and “Mother”. “It” was a pretty good film, kept my attention and I’ll go see the sequel. The kids were great in it and so was the clown. It had a nice pace. Empty your bladder before the film actually starts. Skip the last trailer to do it because if you go out at any point you’ll miss something. I’ll give it 4/5 stars. Not highbrow entertainment but then again Stephen King seldom is.
Now “Mother”: It with the psychotic killer clown was like a walk in the park compared to Mother. OMFG!!! Simultaneously the best and worst film of all time. The film left me speechless. I had to run out of the theater when it was over to escape. Bring plenty of Xanax or other benzodiazepine sedative as long as it’s prescribed to you and you consult with your doctor as to how much you should take to go see “Mother” and make it clear it’s for the film and not your actual mother or he may double or triple your dosage. The writer, director, producer and Lady Gaga are all comfortably resting in a mental hospital after being involved with this sick f–king piece of crap but it was the best thing I’ve seen this year. I’m giving it 5/5 stars, yes 5/5. Don’t see it if you’re pregnant, planning on getting pregnant, have children, don’t have children, don’t have medical insurance, have cardiac arrhythmia, a weak stomach, a weak constitution, weak bowels or hemorrhoidal tissue. Remember what I’m about to tell you…do not forget this… you cannot unwatch this film once you’ve seen it. It’s kind of like going on a tour of Auschwitz but in 1943. Oh and don’t bother wearing clean underwear…you won’t need them by the end of the film. Best piece of crap from some really sick ph–ks I’ve ever seen. Special kudos to Gaga who was amazing, as was everyone. Did I mention that the Ga-meister is Jennifer Lawrence…haha I know who she actually is…I think. I’m sure this film will lead to another round of Helter Skelter. Don’t miss it!
So I believe I have Ron as Jerry Seinfeld. Seinfeld was my favorite show on TV and I’ve credited it’s demise with my cessation of Television viewing.
Here we see issues with the right shoulder, hints of scarring in a letter T or W under the breast plate with a New World Order scarring triangle in the center with a circle dead center of the triangle. This then gives me Clint Howard as Jason Alexander (note: he was in Pretty Woman with Ron as Richard Gere) and Donald as Michael Richards. Not sure about Elaine yet, I’ve made too many mistakes with Cheryl but she’d be top on my list. We also have Wayne Knight (Newman) who shows up in Jurassic Park.
Ron in part with Arnold feigned disappointment when I said I stopped watching TV because Seinfeld when off the air. He must have had a good reason but I didn’t know he was Jerry. whatever his reason I respect it. I saw him feign disappointment once before after The Battle of Jade Helm when he said, “We’ve (NWO) have been set back 20 years.
Ron is a precision actor as I’ve alluded to before. His perfection in acting would be his undoing except he adds imperfections to his acting to make it seem more natural…very sophisticated!!! For example: someone went to see Woody Allen’s stand up act. He saw it twice and noted that in both acts Woody seemingly loses his place in the telling of a story and rubs his eyes like he’s trying to remember where he was. Adds a touch of humanity to an otherwise super-man like actor, an Ubermensch if I haven’t lost touch with my meager understanding of Nietzsche.
“See most guys around here don’t go around quoting Nietzsche.”– Coming to America.”
Last point for now. Jerry Seinfeld’s new hairstyle is close to the same as Jeff Alai from British Invasion Years, both men made from the best stuff on earth.
Ed: “Hey Ron… do you remember a TV show called, ‘Love American Style?”
I remembered after asking him the question that his mega-hit show “Happy Days” aired it’s pilot show on Love American Style.”
He was also a major writer of the show.
He wrote the theme song for the show as well
OMG!!!!! I picked the intro to Ron’s Happy Days pilot episode!!! It shows Ron and Marion Ross!! Totally cool!!!
Oh wow…an episode with Harrison Ford!!! I think that’s Darren McGavin on the right who was in a great TV movie called “The Night Stalker”. “There’s a man out there who thinks he’s a vampire!” The TV series was only fair but the movie was tremendous. I’ll guess thats Ken Berry but I’m not sure.
FYI…the show was a lot of fun and never failed to please!
While perusing the above I came across the pilot to: “The Hillbillies of Berverly Hills” aka “The Beverly Hillbillies”. This was really funny, I don’t believe it lost any of it’s original charm.
26/29 found as of october 8, 2017
Sorry, I can’t even tell you why these people are blocked out
Having trouble cutting and pasting…
Go to Youtube and find: 1960s Chocks Chewable Vitamins Commercial
Ron was involved in this commercial
He wrote the slogan: “Chewable Chocks in a bottle or a box” which I thought was inane in hindsight but I remember the ad 50 years later so as advertising I guess it worked. He also did the voice for that statement.
Ron has been doing commercial since he’s very young. He also did the opening song for Winky Dink.
I’ll try and post the videos later.
I’m going out on a limb…again…to reckon’ who Baryshnikov is as we found out that Rudolf Nureyev was Ron Howard. And my best Guess is…….Billy Mumy!!!!
How did I get this? I had the photo below up recently. Baryshnikov, on far right reminded me of someone I had up recently as he listened intently…
Very similar looks on Baryshnikov and Pacino. Also, Billy is very talented and would be as likely as anybody, actually more likely to be as adept in ballet as his brother and hang with him/.
Just from these two photos. Head cocked at same angle, same intensive listening.
Herman and Katnip! Ron’s father worked on these cartoons and they were Ron’s favorites when he was growing up.
I stood in one spot once for 24 hours. People told me it was actually 32 hours but I considered those first 8 hours just the warm up.
I saw Dunkirk this evening, it was the World Premiere…f or me! I think war movies just get better and better and if it wasn’t for the dead bodies and stuff they’d be really good. It did set off my PTSD from the Battle of Jade Helm and I had flashbacks during the film of what went on. I’ve gone through this before but I picked up some details and some emotions so except for the crying and the shit blowing up around me it was a really good experience.
Hopefully this will be my last post about Phantasm.
I’ve mentioned before it being my favorite horror film though in my mind “Reanimator” runs a close second.
If I could do an update of the film I would take the material from the second film that was shot at the time of the first one…essentially the true ending of the first and put it back into the film…voila!! A masterpiece.
Perhaps this has been done already, I know it’s not going to happen but hey…how many fucking times have they recut Blade Runner?!! Admittedly they didn’t splice two movies together…that’s all I have to say about that.
Ron can be hysterically funny. He was a writer on some of the best sitcoms ever which I not only watched but studied over carefully…you can’t help repeating some of the lines that get caught in your head. Previously we covered Felix telling Oscar (upon falling in love with a football player) that he was going to take care of the player because, “Love has made me strong” Felix responded, “Strength has made him stronger,” which me and my brother pissed ourselves over for weeks.
Today we cover the “Let’s Make a Deal” episode. Where Felix and Oscar get on the show with Monty Hall. Things don’t go well for the two dressed as a horse and they wind up winning a can of canned squid. Fast forward…Monty Hall gets invited to dinner at their home and while Felix and Oscar get nice juicy steak Monty winds up with “canned squid”. Trust me I do no justice to the sketch but a shout out toTony Randall’s great acting (not negating Jack Klugman) who deadpan looks to right center stage and deadpan says, “Canned Squid”. I’m not sure if they made up the horse to look different but he delivers the line in a brilliant fashion. whoops gtg.
suggest download file, below is missing photos
The Ear as a Biometric
D. J. Hurley1 B. Arbab-Zavar2 and M. S. Nixon3
1 Introduction
The potential of the human ear for personal identification was recognized and advocated as long ago as 1890 by the French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon. In his seminal work on biometrics he writes [7],
“The ear, thanks to these multiple small valleys and hills which furrow across it, is the most significant factor from the point of view of identi- fication. Immutable in its form since birth, resistant to the influences of environment and education, this organ remains, during the entire life, like the intangible legacy of heredity and of the intra-uterine life”.
Ear biometrics has received scant attention compared to the more popular techniques of automatic face, eye, or fingerprint recognition. However, ears have played a significant role in forensic science for many years, especially in the United States, where an ear classification system based on manual mea- surements was developed by Iannarelli, and has been in use for more than 40 years [25], although the safety of ear-print evidence has recently been chal- lenged [28, 14]. Rutty et al. have considered how Iannarelli’s manual tech- niques might be automated [34] and a European initiative has looked at the value of ear prints in forensics [17].
Ears have certain advantages over the more established biometrics; as Bertillon pointed out, they have a rich and stable structure that changes little with age. The ear does not suffer from changes in facial expression, and is firmly fixed in the middle of the side of the head so that the immediate background is predictable, whereas face recognition usually requires the face to be captured against a controlled background. Collection does not have an associated hygiene issue, as may be the case with contact biometrics, and is unlikely to cause anxiety as may happen with iris and retina measurements. The ear is large compared with the iris, retina, and fingerprint and therefore is more easily captured at a distance.
2 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
Burge et al. [5, 6] were amongst the first to describe the ear’s potential as a biometric using graph matching techniques on a Voroni diagram of curves extracted from the Canny edge map. Moreno et al. [30] tackled the problem with some success using neural networks and reported a recognition rate of 93% using a two-stage neural network technique. Hurley et al. used force field feature extraction [18, 22, 23] to map the ear to an energy field which highlights “potential wells” and “potential channels” as features. By achieving a recognition rate of 99.2%, [23] this method proved to yield a much better performance than PCA when the images were poorly registered. The approach is also robust to noise; adding 19dB of Gaussian noise actually improved the performance to 99.6% [24]. Abdel-Mottaleb et al. [1] used the force field transform to obtain a smooth surface representation for the ear and then applied different surface curvature extractors to gather the features.
Statistical holistic analysis, especially Principal Components Analysis (PCA), has proved to be one of the most popular approaches to ear recog- nition. Victor et al. [40] applied PCA to both face and ear recognition and concluded that the face yields a better performance than the ear. However, Chang et al. [8] conducted a similar experiment and reached a different conclu- sion: no significant difference was observed between face and ear biometrics when using PCA. The image dataset in [40] had less control over earrings, hair, lighting etc. and as suggested by Chang et al., this may account for the discrepancy between the two experiments. Chang et al. also reported a recog- nition rate of 90.9% using a multimodal approach. Zhang et al. [48] developed a system combining Independent Components Analysis (ICA) with a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network and showed that better performance can be achieved using ICA instead of PCA. However being pure statistical measures, both PCA and ICA offer almost no invariance and therefore require very accurate registration in order to achieve consistently good results.
Yuizono et al. [47] treated the recognition task as an optimisation problem, proposing a system using a specially developed genetic local search targeting the ear images. Given that their work does not include any feature extraction process, it has no invariant properties. Some studies have focused on geo- metrical approaches [31, 13]; Mu et al. [31] reported an 85% recognition rate using such an approach. Alvarez et al. [3] proposed and intend to implement an ovoid model for segmentation and normalization of the ear.
Yan et al. [45, 43] captured 3D ear images using a range scanner and used Iterative Closest Point (ICP) registration for recognition to achieve a 97.8% recognition rate. Chen et al. proposed a 3D ear detection and recognition system using a model ear for detection, and using ICP and a local surface descriptor for recognition, reporting a recognition rate of 90.4% [9, 12, 10, 11].
A number of multimodal approaches to ear recognition have also been considered [8, 42, 26, 35]. Iwano et al. [26] combined ear images and speech using a composite posterior probability, and showed that the performance improves using ear images in addition to speech in the presence of noise. In this study, PCA was applied to extract the ear features. Chang et al. [8] and
Rahman et al. [35] proposed multimodal biometric systems using PCA on both face and ear. Both studies reported an increase in performance when using multimodal biometrics instead of individual biometrics, achieving multi-modal recognition rates of 90.9% and 94.4% respectively. Yan et al. [42] conducted multi-modal experiments to test the efficacy of various combinations of 2D- PCA, 3D-PCA, and 3D-Edges with the recognition results shown in Table 1. For further details of multi-modal ear and face biometrics see the chapter by Bowyer. An introductory survey of ear biometrics has been provided by Pun
Table 1. Yan et al. Multi-Modal Recognition Results
2d-pca, 3d-pca, 3d-edge, 3d-pca+3d-edge, 2d-pca+3d-edge, 2d-pca+3d-pca, all 3
71.9% 64.8% 71.9% 80.2% 89.7% 89.1% 90.6%
et al. [33].
In related studies Akkermans et al [2] developed an ear biomeric system
based on the acoustic properties of the ear. They measure the acoustic transfer function of the ear by projecting a sound wave at the ear and observing the change in the reflected signal. Scandia Corp. patented a similar technique [37].
We will start this chapter with a review of the anatomy and physiology of the ear and how this is likely to affect its biometric properties. The ear biometrics field is still so small that we will be able to touch on most of the main techniques. In particular, we will describe PCA in some detail as this has proved to be one of the most popular techniques. Despite its intricate mathematical nature, it is quite easy to implement and even easier to use, and should allow the reader to do some simple experiments with ear biometrics in order to confirm their biometric potential. Finally, we will consider the future of ear biometrics and related issues such as 2D and 3D ear databases.
2 Evidence and Support for Ears as a Biometric
The structure of the ear is not quite so random as Bertillon seems to suggest; it has a definite structure just like the face. Most people when asked could easily draw the outline of the ear but only the experienced artist would be able to reproduce from memory its detailed intricate structure. As shown in Figure 1, the shape of the ear tends to be dominated by the outer rim or helix, and also by the shape of the lobe. There is also an inner helix or antihelix which runs roughly parallel to the outer helix but forks into two branches at the upper extremity. The inner helix and the lower of these two branches forms the top and left side of the concha, named for its shell-like appearance. The bottom of the concha merges into the very distinctive intertragic notch, which
The Ear as a Biometric 3
4 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
due to its very sharp bend at the bottom can form a useful reference point for biometrics purposes. Note also the crus of helix where the helix intersects with the lower branch of the antihelix. This is one of the points used by Iannarelli as a reference point for his measurement system, the other point being the antitragus or the little bump on the left of the intertragic notch [25]. The front of the concha opens into the external ear canal or acoustic or auditory meatus, more commonly referred to as the ear hole, although this is usually somewhat concealed by the flesh around and above the tragus. It is interesting to note [32] that the embryonic ear has a small number of about 6 individual growth nodules which eventually develop along with the foetus to become the fully formed auricle in the newborn infant, striking a note with Bertillon’s earlier observation.
Fig. 1. Anatomy of the ear. In addition to the familiar rim or helix and ear lobe, the ear also has other prominent features such as the anti-helix which runs parallel to the helix, and a distinctive hairpin-bend shape just above the lobe called the intertragic notch. The central area or concha is named for its shell-like appearance.
Figure 2 shows a small sample of human ears indicating the rich variety of different shapes. Notice that some ears have well formed lobes, whereas others have almost none. These latter are called “attached lobes” and make measurement of the length of the ear difficult.
Because of the tendency of the inner and outer helices to run parallel, there is quite a degree of correlation between them which detracts somewhat from the biometric value of the ear; indeed it could also be argued that the concha is simply the space that remains when the other parts have been accounted for, so that it is also highly correlated to its neighbouring parts and therefore contributes less independent information than might appear to be the case at first.
The outer ear called the auricula or pinna forms only part of the total ear organ which has evolved to locate, collect, and process sound waves. Many other mammals like horses, dogs, and cats can articulate their ears to better
The Ear as a Biometric 5
Fig. 2. Examples of the human ear shape. Notice that helices, concha, intertragic notch, etc. are present in all the examples, but that some ears have so called attached lobes, where the lobes are poorly formed or are almost non-existent.
locate particular sound sources. Fortunately for the purpose of biometrics we humans can hardly articulate our ears; our ears are held rigidly in position by cartilaginous tissue which is firmly attached the bone at the side of the head. The ear owes its semi-rigid shape due this stiff tissue which underlies its soft flesh.
The face has roughly the same visual complexity as the ear. Quite simple changes in the parameters which define the size and shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, and cheek-bones can lead to a wide range of facial appearances. In this we regard perfect symmetry as a mark of beauty, but we should note that the ear lacks all symmetry. It is also worth noting that since the face is symmetrical about its centre-line, therefore its structure really only represents half-a-face from a biometrics perspective because the information on the left side reflects that on the right. The ear has no symmetry and therefore does not suffer from this drawback giving it an advantage over the face, and of course the face is contorted during speech and when expressing emotions, and its appearance is often altered by make-up, spectacles, and beards and moustaches, whereas the ear does not move and only has to support earrings, spectacle frames, and sometimes hearing aids, although of course it is often occluded by hair. As such, the ear is much less susceptible to covariate interference than many other biometrics, with particular invariance to age.
3 Approaches to Ear Biometrics
3.1 The early work of Iannarelli and Forensic Ears
Alfred Iannarelli developed a system of ear classification used by American law enforcement agencies. In late 1949 he became interested in the ear as a means of personal identification in the context of forensic science. He subsequently developed the Iannarelli System of Ear Identification [25]. As shown in Figure 3 his system essentially consists of taking a number measurements around the
6 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
Fig. 3. Iannarelli’s manual ear measurement system.
ear by placing a transparent compass with 8 spokes at equal 45 intervals over an enlarged photograph of the ear. The first part of registration is achieved by ensuring that a reference line touches the crus of helix at the top and touches the innermost point on the tragus at the bottom. Normalisation and the second step of registration are accomplished by adjusting the enlargement mechanism until a second reference line exactly spans the concha from top to bottom. Iannarelli has appeared personally as an expert witness in many court cases involving ear evidence, or is often cited as an ear identification expert by other expert witnesses [28]. In the preface to his book Iannarelli states,
“Through 38 years of research and application in earology, the author has found that in literally thousands of ears that were examined by visual means, photographs, ear prints, and latent ear print impres- sions, no two ears were found to be identical – not even the ears of any one individual. This uniqueness held true in cases of identical and fraternal twins, triplets, and quadruplets“
When Iannarelli suggests that “not even the ears of any one individual are unique” he has unwittingly touched on the nub of the biometrics problem. It is not an advantage, as he seems to suggest, that the ear samples from the same individual are not unique. On the contrary the less these samples are unique, then the less are we entitled to claim that an individual’s biometric is unique. If we think of individuals’ samples as forming points in a feature space, then these points will form clusters for each individual. It is the extent to which these different clusters are separated from one and other and the extent to which the individual clusters are closely grouped around their own averages, that determines how good a particular biometric system performs. In recent times attempts have been made to automate Iannarelli’s system [34].
3.2 Burge and Burger Proof of Concept
Burge and Burger [5, 6] were the first to investigate the human ear as a biometric in the context of machine vision. Inspired by the earlier work of Iannarelli [25], they conducted a proof of concept study where the viability of the ear as a biometric was shown both theoretically in terms of the uniqueness
and measurability over time, and in practice through the implementation of a computer vision based system. Each subject’s ear was modeled as an ad- jacency graph built from the Voronoi diagram of its Canny extracted curve segments. They devised a novel graph matching algorithm for authentication which takes into account the erroneous curve segments which can occur in the ear image due to changes such as lighting, shadowing, and occlusion. They found that the features are robust and could be reliably extracted from a dis- tance. Figure 4 shows the extracted curves, Voronoi diagram, and neighbour graph for a typical ear. They identified the problem of occlusion by hair as
Fig. 4. Graph model: Stages in building the ear biometric graph model. A general- ized Voronoi diagram (centre) of the Canny extracted edge curves (left) is built and a neighborhood graph (right) is extracted.
a major obstacle and proposed the use of thermal imagery to overcome this obstacle.
3.3 Principal Components Analysis
Principal Components Analysis, closely related to Singular Value Decom- position, has been one of the most popular approaches to ear recognition [40, 8, 23, 26, 41, 35]. It is an elegant, easy to implement and easy to use technique, so we will attempt to describe it in sufficient detail for the reader to be able to understand and implement it readily with a view to being able to set up a simple ear recognition experiment to confirm the basic biometric potential of the ear. The underlying mathematics can be found in [39, 27].
We will first show how images can be looked upon as vectors, and how any picture can be constructed as a summation of elementary picture-vectors. We will then show how PCA can process these vectors to achieve image compres- sion, and how this in turn can be used for biometrics.
We are familiar with the real coordinate space R3 where any point can be represented as a linear combination of 3 unit value basis vectors mutually at right angles to each other. For example, the point (3,4,5) can be expressed as,
The Ear as a Biometric 7
8 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
3(1, 0, 0) + 4(0, 1, 0) + 5(0, 0, 1) = (3, 0, 0) + (0, 4, 0) + (0, 0, 5) = (3, 4, 5)
We could also express any point as the sum of non-standard basis vectors, providing that none of the chosen basis vectors is a linear combination of the other two. For example, we can also write,
(3, 4, 5) = 1.333(1, 2, 3) + 0.333(2, 3, 1) + 0.333(3, 1, 2)
Now if we admit the possibility of negative value pixels, then pictures can also be treated as vectors so that any picture can be expressed as a linear combination of unit value basis picture-vectors. For example, a trivial four element picture can be expressed as,
?12? ?10? ?01? ?00? ?00? 34=100+200+310+401
In the example which follows taken from [23] we will be dealing with 111×73 pixel images. This would require 111×73 = 8103 sparse elementary picture- vectors, each with only one pixel set to 1 and the remaining pixels set to 0, and a set of 8103 weights to specify a particular picture, obviously not resulting in any compression advantage.
In this real example we use a subset of the XM2VTS face profiles database [29], consisting of 4 ear images for each of 63 subjects giving us a total of 252 images . Now here is how the “magic” of PCA works. By taking one of the four samples from each of the 63 subjects we produce a special projection matrix P which enables us to compute a set of 63 weights for each of the 252 images which when used to scale a set of 63 special picture-vectors already encoded in P produces a reasonable facsimile of the original image. Instead of requiring 8103 weights we can make do with only 63 which is a very high degree of compression of well over 100:1, albeit lossy compression. These weights form convenient 63 element feature vectors representing each picture and are perfect for biometric comparison as they allow us to calculate the Euclidian distance between pictures by doing a simple vector subtraction.
We will now give the details of the calculations involved. In order to carry out matrix multiplication of the 111×73 picture-vectors we first have to encode them as 8103×1 column vectors by stacking the 73 columns on top of each other. Any results can be recoded as rectangular matrices for display purposes.
The projection matrix is calculated as follows
Let p be any of the 63 first of four picture samples
Let m be the average over the 63 pictures i.e.(? p)/63
Let d = p − m be the difference between each picture and the average Let D be the array formed by the 63 columns of difference pictures d Then the projection matrix is given by,
P = DS(DTD) (1)
where S(M) is a function that returns a matrix whose columns are the nor- malised eigenvectors of matrix M
The basis-pictures or eigenvectors are simply the columns of P The weights for picture p are given by
w = dTP (2) The compressed image for a given picture p is given by
c = PwT + m (3)
Figure 5 shows the first 36/63 eigenvctors, whereas Figure 6 shows the pro- jections and eigenvector spectra for 3 subjects. Notice the that the leftmost projections are the best facsimiles because they been used in forming the pro- jection matrix. Notice also that the eigenvector spectra, consisting of the 63 weights, do not rapidly diminish to zero, in fact all of these 63 weights are used for comparison. Each set of 63 weights is treated as a vector and the Euclidian distances between these vectors are used as a suitable metric,
distance = ∥wi − wj ∥ (4)
The means and standard deviations of the inter-class and intra-class distri- butions can then be calculated to gauge the efficacy of the technique. The spreads or standard deviations of the two distributions should be small com- pared to the separation of their means for a good biometric. It is customary to consider the 63 samples used in forming P as having been “sacrificed” and not to include them in the biometric comparison so that only 252 − 63 = 189 ears would be used. In this experiment a recognition rate of 186/189 or 98.4% was achieved [23].
3.4 Force Field Transform
Hurley et al. [18, 20, 22, 23] have developed an invertible linear transform which transforms an ear image into a force field by pretending that pixels have a mutual attraction proportional to their intensities and inversely to the square of the distance between them rather like Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. Underlying this force field there is an associated energy field which in the case of an ear takes the form of a smooth surface with a number of peaks joined by ridges as shown in Figure 8. The peaks correspond to potential energy wells and to extend the analogy the ridges correspond to potential energy channels. Since the transform also turns out to be invertible, all of the original information is preserved and since the otherwise smooth surface is modulated by these peaks and ridges, it is argued that much of the information is transferred to these features and that therefore they should make good features.
The Ear as a Biometric 9
10 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
Fig. 5. The first 36 of the set of 63 eigenvectors for the subset of 63 ear images selected from the 252 image database. The first of the four samples from each of the 63 subjects was used in forming the projection matrix. These are the basis picture- vectors which will be scaled by the computed weights to produce the compressed or projected images.
Fig. 6. PCA projections and eigenvector spectra for 3 subjects. The top rows show the original images whilst the middle rows are their corresponding projections into the eigenvector subspace. The bottom row depicts the eigenvector spectrum for each image consisting of the 63 weights used to render its projection.
Fig. 7. Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. The earth and moon are mutu- ally attracted according to the product of their masses me and mm respectively, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. G is the gravitational constant of proportionality.
F(rj) = P(ri) i j ∀i ̸= j,0∀i = j (5)
Fig. 8. Generating an ear energy surface by convolution. The energy field for an ear (right) is obtained by locating a unit value potential function (left) at each pixel location and scaling it by the value of the pixel and then finding the sum of all the resulting functions. For efficiency this is actually calculated in the frequency domain.
method depicted in Figure 9a is algorithmic, where test pixels seeded around the perimeter of the force field are allowed to follow the force direction joining together here and there to form channels which terminate in potential wells. The second method depicted in Figure 9b is analytical, and results from an analysis of the mechanism of the first method leading to a scalar function based on the divergence of the force direction. The second method was used to obtain a recognition rate of over 99% on a database of 252 ear images con- sisting of 4 time lapsed samples from each of 63 subjects, extracted from the XM2VTS face profiles database [29].
Equations 5 and 6 show how the force and energy fields are calculated at any point rj. These equations must be applied at every pixel position to generate the complete fields. In practice this computation would be done in the frequency domain using Equation 7 where I stands for FFT.
Energy = √MN ?I−1 [I (potential) × I (image)]? (7)
Convergence provides a more general description of channels and wells in the form of a mathematical function in which wells and channels are revealed to be peaks and ridges respectively in the function value. This function maps the force field F(r) to a scalar field C(r), taking the force as input, and returning the additive inverse of the divergence of the force direction, and is defined by,
The Ear as a Biometric 11
i |ri −rj|3
E(rj)=? P(ri) ∀i̸=j,0∀i=j (6)
i |ri−rj|
Two distinct methods of extracting these features are offered. The first
? f(r)·dl ∆A→0 ∆A
? ?
=−∇·f(r)=− ∂fx +∂fy ∂x ∂y
12 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
where f(r) = F(r) is the force direction, ∆A is incremental area, and dl is |F(r)|
its boundary outward normal. This function is real valued and takes negative values as well as positive ones where negative values correspond to force di- rection divergence. Note that the function is non-linear because it is based on force direction and therefore must be calculated in the given order.
Fig. 9. Force and convergence fields for an ear. The force field for an ear (left) and its corresponding convergence field (centre). The force direction field (right) corresponds to the small rectangular inserts surrounding a potential well on the inner helix.
3.5 Three Dimensional Ear Biometrics
The auricle has a rich and deep three dimensional structure, so it is not surprising that a number of research groups have focused their attention in this direction.
Yan and Bowyer ICP Approach
Yan et al. [46, 42, 44, 45, 43] use a Minolta VIVID 910 range scanner to capture both depth and colour information. The device uses a laser to scan the ear, and depth is automatically calculated using triangulation. They have developed a fully automatic ear biometric system using ICP based 3D shape matching for recognition, and using both 2D appearance and 3D depth data for automatic ear extraction which not only extracts the ear image but also separates it from hair and earrings. They achieve almost 98% recognition on a time-lapse database of 1,386 images over 415 subjects, with an equal error rate of 1.2%. The 2D and 3D image datasets used in this work are available
to other research groups. For further details see the chapter by Flynn in the appendix.
Ear extraction uses a multistage process which uses both 2D and 3D data and curvature estimation to detect the ear pit which is then used to initialize an elliptical active contour to locate the ear outline and crop the 3D ear data.
Ear pit detection includes: (i) geometric prepossessing to locate the nose tip to act as the hub of a sector which includes the ear with a high degree of confidence; (ii) skin detection to isolate the face and ear region from the hair and clothes; (iii) surface curvature estimation to detect the pit regions depicted in black in the image; (iv) surface segmentation and classification, and curvature information to select amongst possible multiple pit regions us- ing a voting scheme to select the most likely candidate. The detected ear pit is then used to initialize an active contour algorithm to find the ear outlines. Both 2D colour and 3D depth are used to drive the contour, as using either alone is inadequate since there are cases in which there is no clear colour or depth change around the ear contour.
Fig. 10. 3D ear extraction. From left to right, skin detection and most likely sector generation, pit detection and selection, ear outline location, 3D ear extraction
Fig. 11. Voxelization: Left: 3D Image space is partitioned into voxels. Right: Two voxel centres P1 and P2 and their closest points on the gallery surface P1′ and P2′.
3D shape matching: ICP [4] has been widely used for 3D shape matching due to its simplicity and accuracy, however it is computationally expensive.
The Ear as a Biometric 13
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Given a source point set P and a model point set M, ICP iteratively calculates the rigid transform T that best aligns P and M. At the ith iteration, the transform Ti is the transform that minimizes the mean square differences between the corresponding points of Pi and M. The corresponding points are the closest points between the two point-sets. Pi is then updated using Ti.
Yan et al. [46] have developed an efficient ICP registration method called ”Pre-computed Voxel Closest Neighbours” which exploits the fact that sub- jects have to be enrolled beforehand for biometrics. Since the most time con- suming part of the ICP algorithm is finding the closest points between the probe and the gallery (of order Np ∗ logNm) the main idea of this method is to approximate each point of the probe with a nearby point whose nearest point in the gallery point set is pre-computed. They proposed a quantised 3D volume using voxels, as shown in Figure 11. Placing the 3D probe image into this volume, each point of the probe falls into a voxel. Each probe point is then approximated by the voxel centre wherein it is placed. For each voxel the closest point in 3D space on the gallery surface is computed ahead of time. Figure 11 shows the closest points to the two voxel centres P1 and P2.
Chen and Bhanu Local Surface Patch Approach
Chen et al.[9, 12, 10, 11] have also tackled 3D ear biometrics using a Minolta range scanner as the basis of a complete 3D recognition system on a database of 52 subjects consisting of two images per subject. The ears are detected using template matching of edge clusters against an ear model based on the helix and antihelix, and then a number of feature points are extracted based on local surface shape. A signature called a “Local Surface Patch” based on local curvature is computed for each feature point and is used in combination with ICP to achieve a recognition rate of 90.4%
Feature points extraction Shape index Si is a quantitative measure of surface shape [16] based on principal curvatures which classifies surface shape as one of 9 basic types represented by values in the interval [0,1].
Si(p)=1−1tan−1 k1(p)+k2(p) (9) 2 π k1 (p) − k2 (p)
where k1 and k2 are the maximum and minimum principal curvatures re- spectively. Chen et al. then choose as feature points those where the index is locally maximum or minimum.
Local Surface Patch A local surface patch (LSP) [9] comprises the neigh- bourhood of points N around a feature point P which are close enough to the feature point in Euclidean distance and surface normal.
N ={Ni :Ni pixel,∥Ni −P∥≤ε1,acos(np •nni)<A} (10)
For each feature point, shape index values of its LSP points and the dot product of surface normal vectors of the feature point and its LSP points are
computed, and accumulated in a 2D histogram. The 2D histogram accumu- lates this information in bins along two axes. These two axes are the shape index with range [0,1] and the dot product of surface normal vectors which is in the range [-1,1]. A surface type of “concave”, “convex”, or “saddle” is also allocated to each LSP. Taken together the 2D histogram, the surface type and the centroid of the local surface patch make up a distinctive signature for each patch.
Fig. 12. Local Surface Patch. The LSP constitutes a characteristic signature con- sisting of a 2D histogram, a surface type, and a centroid.
Recognition This is a two stage process based on LSP for coarse align- ment and ICP for fine alignment of probe and gallery images. Probe images are compared against all images in the gallery; each comparison is started by identifying the best match for each probe LSP in the gallery. Assuming that the true set of matches which pairs the patches that depict similar features in both probe and gallery is a subset of the total matches, a geometric constraint is applied to divide the matches into groups where each pair of matches in a group must satisfy the following condition,
dC1,C2 = |dP1,P2 − dG1,G2 | < ε2 (11)
where C1 = {P1,G1} and C2 = {P2,G2} are the matches for probe and gallery patches P and G respectively, and dP1,P2 and dG1,G2 are the Euclidean distances between patch centroids. The above constraint guarantees that a group of matches preserves the mutual position of the patches. In other words dP1 ,P2 should be consistent with dG1 ,G2 . Note that with this definition a match can be placed in more than one group. The biggest group is then declared as the true match subset.
The Ear as a Biometric 15
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Starting with an initial rigid transform based on the true match subset, ICP is applied to find the refined alignment between the probe and the gallery image. Having compared all the gallery images to the probe, the gallery image with least root mean square (RMS) error is classified as the correct match.
3.6 Acoustic Ear Recognition
Akkermans et al. [2] have exploited the acoustic properties of the ear for recognition. It turns out that the ear by virtue of its special shape behaves like a filter so that a sound signal played into the ear is returned in a modified form. This acoustic transfer function forms the basis of the acoustic ear signature. An obvious commercial use is that a small microphone might be incorporated into the earpiece of a mobile phone to receive the reflected sound signal and the existing loudspeaker could be used to generate the test signal.
Fig. 13. An ear signature is generated by probing the ear with a sound signal which is reflected and picked up by a small microphone. The shape of the pinna and the ear canal determine the acoustic transfer function which forms the basis of the signature.
Akkermans et al. measure the impulse response of the ear by sending a noise signal n(t) with a spectrum N(ω) into the pinna and ear canal and mea- suring the response r(t). Next, the response is transformed into the frequency domain by using an FFT to calculate the output frequency spectrum R(ω). Finally, an estimate is obtained of the transfer function H(ω) = R(ω)/N(ω) where H(ω) is the cascade of the transfer functions of the loudspeaker, pinna and ear canal, and microphone as shown in Figure 14.
The test database consists of 8 ear signatures collected from each of 31 subjects using headphones and a separate set of 8 signatures from 17 subjects using a modified mobile phone with a small microphone incorporated into the earpiece. The correlation metric,
C= x.y (12) ∥x∥ ∥y∥
The Ear as a Biometric 17
Fig. 14. Calculating the impulse response of the ear
was used for comparison where x and y are the feature vectors taken relative to the mean of the population. Using Fisher LDA analysis equal error rates of 1.5% – 7% were obtained depending on whether headphones were used or mobile phones.
4 Conclusions and Outlook
The ear as a biometric is no longer in its infancy and it has shown encouraging progress so far – which is improving, especially with the interest created by the recent research into its 3D potential. It enjoys forensics support, it’s structure appears individual, and it appears to have less variance with age than other biometrics.
It is also most unusual, even unique, in that it supports not only visual recognition but also acoustic recognition at the same time. This, together with its deep 3-dimensional structure will make it very difficult to fake thus ensuring that the ear will occupy a special place in situations requiring a high degree of protection against impersonation.
The all important question of “just how good is the ear as a biometric” has only begun to be answered. The initial test results, even with quite small datasets, were disappointing, but now we have regular reports of recognition rates in the high 90’s on more sizeable datasets. But there is clearly a need for much better intra-class testing, both in terms of the number of samples per subject and of variability over time. However we will not dwell on this topic as it is treated in depth in the chapter in the the appendix on databases by Flynn.
Most of the recent work has focused on the overall appearance or on the shape of the ear, whether it be PCA, force field, or ICP, but it may prove profitable to further investigate if different and particular parts of the ear are more important than others from a recognition perspective. There is also a need to develop techniques with better invariance perhaps more model based, and to seek out high speed recognition techniques to cope with the very large datasets that are likely to be encountered in practice.
We must not forget that the inherent disadvantage of the occlusion of the ear by hair will always be a problem, but even this might be ameliorated by the development of thermal imaging schemes. But one thing is for certain, and
18 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
that is that there are many questions to be answered, so we can look forward to many interesting papers addressing these issues.
2005, pp. 145- 148.
Dordrecht, 1998, pp. 273-286.
Biometric Person Authentication, NY, 2005.
pp. 164-169.
Medicine, 2005, no.6, pp. 335-343.
Robotics, 2005, Oita, Japan.
The Ear as a Biometric 19
20 D. J. Hurley B. Arbab-Zavar and M. S. Nixon
(AutoID), October 2005, New York, pp. 213-218.
Evolutionary Computation, 2002, pp. 237-242.
Some of those actors in Outlander look sort of familiar…thought I was watching Game of Thrones!
Sadly the two on the right look all too familiar.
Ron Howard loves to collect things…all sorts of things…pretty much everything…including people I’m afraid…including me! He can claim ownership over pretty much anything he wants but apparently a lot of Hollywood types love to collect things. Lindsay Lohan may be one of the most notorious collectors. She had someone break into my office and go through my trash and steal a prop from one of my shows. (Ok, it was a rope but unless you saw the show you’d be hard pressed to figure what it was used for…I’ll give you a hint…it was used for tying something up. Now this went to arbitration because I took the rope away from the man who stole it. She claimed because it was in the trash it no longer belonged to me. I claimed that the man broke into my office and technically it was still mine because it was in the office and I owned everything there. I prevailed on that one.
Ron has an extensive coin collection but keeps ones that have special value to him in a separate coin drawer and some very valuable ones in a secured display case. Coin collecting is generally methodical but not necessarily and his special drawer holds coins of special interest to him either historically, like Lewis and Clark who he loves, or sentimental as gifts he’s received either personal or from visiting emissaries.
He may also give them as gifts. He appreciates them as works or art, representatives of history or pieces of high value. He has an extensive and huge collection which occupies a large piece of space in the museum though nowhere near as large as his \exploration of space section.
The only thing I watch on TV bar none, no news, no sports, no sitcoms (sadly), nothing…nothing…nothing but this…thank you again! Ed
I’m working on the winery as well.
It was on another page…yes I did find it
“It’s what I do!” George Hamilton, wining and dining a poodle
No, simply what I do!
diligently go through a fb page then look at the friends and go through theirs and their friends friends and so on until you sense you’re on a dead end, if you can make copies of everything you see
I’m asked to address searching other peoples FB pages and why not to do it…my response is…
GO LOOK AT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING (except illegal porn and pictures of my belly).
and learn to fly
and remember…Jet Fuel Can’t Melt Steel Beams Debra
14 or Fight!!!!
and just know…that when I was your age…
I was your age
dont fret I haven’t been thrown out of anything for several days now
nite all!
<iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fphoto.php%3Ffbid%3D1760679023960893%26set%3Da.429884897040319.110366.100000564376542%26type%3D3&width=500″ width=”500″ height=”443″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true”></iframe>
I’m going to go out on a limb here and continue with some assumptions I drew a few years ago. Remember I said earlier I never saw Diane Keaton in all the years I’ve hung out at the Howard’s. It doesn’t mean she wasn’t there, I just never saw her and I’ve found a lot of people that I had no business finding. Why have I never seen her? I suspect she has gravely disliked me, maybe hated-maybe not, maybe angered her, hurt her, all or none of the above; again I’m drawing some assumptions.
Not that long ago I had some issues with a man name Farid Naib. His kid went missing and the FBI sent me an email asking me to help find him. I dug up some photos and wound up finding him and about 50 or so famous actors and actresses. This got really heated and led to over 50 attempts on my life by Farid and his son Bobby. There have been approaching 300 attempts on my life leading to a death toll approximating 3.8 million deceased. I’ll repeat that 3.8 million deceased. Once I open the door to the other side after my business is done the powers that be take over and either avenge or make the world a safer place. One day 850,000 Cossacks found their way to god. Ron didn’t like me discussing this but I asked Eli Wiesel about this and he said the Cossacks were the most virulent anti-Semites on the planet. He then proceeded to die three days later. (Note-very good date attachment to this story).
I’ve blogged about this before. Neither Bobby or Farid are still with us. I wound up finding Farid’s son hiding in the skin of another actor. He gravely dislikes me for a number of reasons though he’s been dating one of my nephews. Stranger things have happened but not much stranger.
The scenario was created by Ron as a test and a game for me and I did pretty well…except for the attempts on my life.
I had discovered Farid’s son’s Facebook page and found a really beautiful girl on the page. It took me a few weeks to recognize that the girl was Emma Stone. Now it’s rare to find out an actor’s “real” identity, if they actually have one. Here I found out her name and address which I posted on my Facebook account. I was routinely finding people in this missing person scenario, and posting them. Some of the actors/sports figures actually liked when I figured them out, some didn’t. Some were horrified to find I had posted pictures of the actress with her top off when she was another actress and one person used it as an opportunity to try and get closer with me.
Everytime I found somebody one of the FBI agents who was monitoring my account and what I was up to on FB would jump into his car and drive to the person’s house to tell them that they had been outed. It was the man I called Captain Glasses. He wore clothing and a pair of glasses above his pay scale. I respected him but one day he suffered a small stroke in his brainstem and went to meet his maker. He also happened to be headed to my house to kill me after he was suspended from his job. All the excitement must have given him the stroke in a very inopportune location of the brain. The part of the brain that in part controls breathing.
Captain Glasses one night drove to Delaware to speak with the VP. On this particular night he drove North to the home of Emma Stone’s family’s secret identity and location.
Captain Glasses sat down with the father of Emma Stone and explained the situation. I can’t remember if Emma’s mother came in and out, I believe she did but the father did most of the talking. He asked good questions.
He asked if they were in danger. Capt. Glasses could have lied but didn’t. He said probably not. Emma’s Dad then asked, “Is he attempting to extort money from us?” Captain glasses thought about it for a second and said, “We don’t believe so.” If I paraphrased some of that I’m pretty sure the last quote was spot on. I remembered it because of all the hesitation in his voice and the use of “we” which means this had been discussed before with others likely at the bureau. He didn’t stay much longer, just a few minutes then Emma’s mom came back in to talk with her husband. I think she may have sat out of the room for most or all of the discussion.
(Just got confirmation that the story is with a couple minor details a hundred percent true…which I knew, but you didn’t)
Here’s where it gets more interesting: I believed Emma Stone was the daughter or Sharon Stone. I don’t think you be in Hollywood and act under the last name of Stone unless you’re related to Sharon Stone. It says Emmas mom is Krista Stone who doesn’t look at all like Sharon Stone.
When I was looking up Diane Keaton this familiar gal showed up on google next to photos of Diane Keaton. I remembered who she was after a few seconds…Emma Stone.
I Decided to see if Diane Keaton was Sharon Stone which I believe she is (photo to follow). I also looked for resemblance to Emma…not too shabby.
So I believe though she could be the Grandmother that Diane Keaton is the mother of Emma Stone. I believe the FBI showed up at her house and asked questions about me (I think Glasses also asked if they knew me or had ever seen me around, I’m pretty certain about that and they denied knowing anything about me). I believe Diane and her family went through a very difficult time because of me which ultimately led to the “break up” of Andrew and Emma. Emma’s father decided it would be best if Emma distanced herself from Andrew and they split up for a while, then got back together. I am truly sorry for the difficulties I may have caused you and am grateful you still danced with me. You’re an icon and I still love you Diane!
Grace Slick,
Gloria Steinham,
possibly Patti Smith
Gal from Phantasm
Hand of God: Capt. Glasses turned out to be part of a murder for hire program at our local fibber hq. When he passed through they found $350,000 buried in the swamp behind his house in contractor bags with rocks in them…and oh did I mention 3 1/2 bodies, missing people who the fibbers pull out of the freeze periodically to show they’re doing there job. He was employed by Far and Wide’s attorney for a price of $100,000 to put an end to me. Far and Wide eventually raised the price on my head to $250,000,000. and when that didn’t work he offered me $350,000,000 to leave. I offered him about $300 to leave, not much but all I had in my bank account.
He didn’t care about the money because Jade Helm was around the corner and his game plan included after wiping out the country by 2/3 taking out the military and then everyone in acting. Hand of god rests on our heads. Blessed be his soul and praise be Allah… it happens he’s the same god most of us worship.
I’m not sure this guy is that helpful for you. He’s a backstabber and only wants me gone so he can go back to his murdering for hire ways. God’s master plan applies to him too though god hates more than anything murder for hire and slaughter of the innocent. Make a decision if you want to let go of past trespasses that were by an angel, an avenging angel but still an angel.
In part I we surmised Ron’s sister is Diane Keaton.
The other thing that clued me in about Keaton was the films she was in. She had a great role in The Godfather as Kay Adams Corleone, the wife of Don Pablo Corleone… oops… no … Don Michael Corleone. I must have wanted a margarita. Ron is in there as James Caan, his brother Billy is Al Pacino and Clint is the guy who tried to stand up for Moe Green. Here’s a favorite scene of mine in this film comprised of favorite scenes. BTW… Al Pacino was like 14 years old when they began filming Godfather.
Diane was also in Annie Hall with Woody Allen aka Ron Howard.
We’re going to go onto Part 3 which I promise will be one of the most interesting blogs I’ve done, one of the most wicked and one of the most disturbing. I wish you all well with it.
In our last episode of Kiki’s blog we discovered that Leslie Howard is Ron’s dad and Ron has a sister. So who is she? I will offer my best guess without checking physical characteristics. This is looking at the puzzle pieces and see what fits.
My best guess is…… drumroll….
Diane Keaton!
How did I come up with Diane? I’ve checked out Diane before unsuccessfully. I wanted to see if she was Cheryl Howard or not but I’ve seen Diane and Cheryl in the First Wives Club which I enjoyed especially the scaffold scene which was hysterical especially Diane who practically brought me to tears and a great dance number in the end with all in white though I’m guessing it was after September.
I have this fantasy of watching Goldie dancing in her laugh in bikini while I go full Mr. Goodbar on Keaton and then I let loose a super packed load when Bette starts talking in that whiny Brooklyn Jewish accent voice just like my first five girlfriends, and my wife… pure packed enjoyment!!! FYI I love Diane Keaton and I hope she never reads this. It was a thrill seeing her a few weeks ago and dancing with her…too yummy!!!!!!!!
Anyway Cheryl could not be Diane Keaton and I hadn’t seen her until recently… in person!! So what tipped me off? Annie Hall and the Godfather! Once I saw Ron and the boys had a sister I had to think through her roles. Also, there are two issues with doing this work. When you find an actor you haven’t reviewed before…btw…I made up that fantasy… my usual fantasy has to do with me being a captive on a Viking warship but I shouldn’t share that one either… When you find an actor you haven’t reviewed is this actor someone new or another one of a prolific actor. I decided Diane filled the bill for a new actor. She would fit for a number of actresses that I could not locate or believed was Cheryl. Without looking I believe she is the gal from Last House on the Left (a movie so disturbing my eyes are still bleeding and yay!!! they made a remake…WTF!!! maybe Patty Hearst-nope mistaken, Karen Philipp, aka Lt. Dish from M*A*S*H, Donna Godchaux, and that ever yummy Susan Dey!
I’ve had my issues with Ron but things are pretty good these days. I’m posting this as the family historian. I think it’s part of the story, important and should be told. It’s also a wealth of information that shouldn’t get lost or only found inside of some iron mountain.
Leslie Howard…
Nice picture of Leslie Howard. I mostly remembered Leslie from Gone with the Wind. The computer tells me he has a brother, Trevor Howard. The above photo was labeled as Trevor Howard incorrectly.
I really liked the work of Trevor Howard.
He was one of those actors who you saw up on the big screen and you immediately understood his role and trusted him. A good clean consistent actor. I saw him in Brief Encounter in film studies class…yes I took some film studies classes, saw him in Father Goose with Cary Grant which I loved and saw in the theater, I believe the Benson in Bensonhurst Brooklyn, I bemoaned how could they show this great film one week and the following week show something like Rumplestilskin or Puss in Boots, that freaking marquis refused to change for what seemed an eternity, Von Ryan’s Express which was a great film with Frank Sinatra, Probably saw him in a dozen other things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trevor_Howard
I only remember Leslie Howard in Gone with the Wind. I must have seen him in other things but only remember Gone with the Wind.
Howard met and fell in love with Violette Cunnington in 1938 …love this
Early on in the game I was hanging in the basement with Ron and I had posted the slide below, maybe all three. I can’t remember the exact circumstance. Ron asked me how sure I was that Ernst Kaltenbrunner was Leslie Howard. I told him 99% sure. You can never be 100%, case in point Jon Benet Ramsey who Ed Chiarini had as Lady Gaga doing ear analysis.
He then asked me if I would remove this from my video. I agreed to and asked him if he was a relative, I figured him for any uncle. What I didn’t realize until tonite was that it’s his father, Rance, who would turn out to be GWB and a bunch of other cool people.
Ron changed his mind a moment later and said I should leave it in. Ron didn’t know his father played Ernst Kaltenbrunner, a fairly unsavory character. Cheryl and Paige asked him if he knew, he pretended to know and matter of factly explained how he knew. They didn’t buy his pretense. It was at that point that Ron began to think through a plan how to “acquire” my material and put his name on it, which I was not going to let happen. I worked very hard for years on these videos (moorhallstudios.com) and didn’t want anyone’s name on it other than my own… Mitch Brooks!! The videos were all derived from public domain and were now part of public domain. I went onto my Facebook page and told everyone to copy and spread the videos as there was a famous director who wanted to “borrow” my work and put his name on it. Paige, Cheryl and family were really taken with my work and Paige declared to me, “You have information that nobody else does.” Paige is the cleanest, neatest, straight shooter I know. I generally trust what she tells me, she’s beautiful and wonderful. We’ll pick up under the next three slides.
I decided to check out if Leslie Howard was Ron’s dad. I did what I usually do which is dig up pictures without clothes on.
I recognized the scarring on Leslie Howard on the chest and below the breasts…like a big W (hats off to mad world). I found that scarring when checking out Rance as Frank Sinatra. So it’s him.
The boy is his son and is Ron Howard. He has similar scarring to his dad and has the appearance of having scoliosis.
Here is Ron as Donald Sutherland in MASH showing an exaggeration of the scoliosis as he sets back the field of medicine by twenty years by oggling a chest X-ray.
That man was totally oggling at my boobs · #staring#looking#checking out# observing#eyeing with interest. by Allie B. February 14, 2006. 77 27. Mug icon …
Tomorrow we go looking for Ron’s sister, I have a guess and we go look for Danny Kaye who I loved as a kid. Nigth all
Listen up: I had a couple possible cases of Rheumatic Fever this week in the office. The internet made it much easier to make the possible diagnosis. It’s a complex illness and you need one major criteria and two minor. Both cases had these and a probable history for strep throat. They were told it was a viral syndrome which it does not appear to be, streptococcus is a bacteria and the docs did not want to treat with an antibiotic because they thought viral. If you have mysterious severe aches and pains in joints which may move around and a history possible for strep throat bring this possibility up to your doctor. It’s a tricky diagnosis because the symptoms can occur weeks after the strep infection. If I have two possible cases in one week in my small office then there’s got to be a lot more of it out there.
Kindergarten sweethearts marry 20 years later: Matt declared that he loved Laura so much because her head was actually twice the weight and volume of his own which is a real turn on for him. He doesn’t mind the absurd heft of his own head because his giant ears help maintain a certain amount of buoyancy when the barometric pressure is low. Matt stated, “It’s a phenomena because though the weight and volume of my head is twice hers the average radius is only 50% more!!” He also added, “With my giant head not only do I look as cute as a bugs ear but I can do all the cyphering I want to figure out math problems like this!”
My personal thanks to everyone who showed up Friday night and made the evening insanely special !!! If I could wish anything it would be that I recognized everyone who was there because I know people desperately wanted me to do so and they desperately tried to have me recognize them. I know it pleases people when I spot them. I would love to please everyone like that. If it’s any consolation I didn’t piece together two of my next door neighbors until I was almost home or the gal who successfully sued me for a quarter mil despite the fact that she was sitting right at my table.
There’s a piece of me that says…who am I to deserve this type of attention and would rather hide in the rafters than come out and play with everyone…I’m glad I get dragged out to spend this kind of time with all of you.
The band was as awesome as awesome could be and were really sweet to me when they noticed I was there or went up to them…it was a lot of warmth! It’s nice to be out of those early really unsure days and into something that resembles a more natural place and less fear and desperation.
I think we’ve all done some great stuff in this world. Someone told me years ago that there’d be a great turn around in this world and we’d enjoy a thousand years of peace. I think we’re off to a rousing start.
I miserated on any open seats in the place and thought…if people only understood who these people are and what they can do and what an experience of a lifetime they’re missing so thanks to everyone in the band and everyone who pulled this together.
When I started doing this work I discovered that Elvis and Amy were still alive and I knew that somewhere in this vast world there were concerts going on with some of the greatest musicians/singers of all time that were have supposed to have passed and I desperately wanted to go to one of these concerts and see and hear these greats and now I have! What a treat!!!
And of course thanks to Ron the greatest friend and director a guy could ever want. In some way I think we’re cut from the same piece of cloth, and on the same road, on the same mission, led by some great cosmic force, which is why we haven’t killed each other yet despite the fact that we’ve both tried, and yet we continue to fight side by side sword in hand. I now see there is a god who does meter out justice and sets the world in balance again there’s no other explanation for what has gone on here.
Remember…the best is yet to come!
Early on The Howard’s did spend some pretty good effort trying to get rid of me. I believe they felt I was an unknown quantity and had already gotten too close to their kids which is a tribute to the girls powerfulness and some of the female elders of the family. I also had sight and the ability to know things I shouldn’t. The Howard’s were assigned with getting me out of my JCC where I had identified that the place was being used as a training facility for FBI and other federal agencies and none of the money that was being paid by the Feds wound up in the JCC coffers…all of it was skimmed by a bunch of well trusted and greedy members/attorneys. They’ve been trying to get me thrown out of the gym for ten years doing everything under the sun to smear my name: including all sorts of false accusations and dirty tricks. They finally succeeded a few weeks ago which signaled the start of: “The Battle of the FBI” (some people call it; “The Battle Against the FBI”). It’s a battle of significance, like that at Jade Helm, Far and Wide, Hitler and Agnew (still sorry about the last one). So the battle continues until now with roughly 4800 souls sent to their next incarnation upon the marching orders of a low level administrator. Some of Ron and Cheryl’s daughters worked hard at harassing me including laying on the floor in front of me and writhing which I wasn’t interested in. One of the lady staff who I later connected with on a heart felt level was instructed, which she did, to put on a Micky Mouse wife-beater and point her significant tits at me, possibly the creepiest thing anyone’s done to me there. She did it on a few occasions as a not so disguised threat against me. I had complained that the staff there were wearing gym uniforms of black and an off-red color which I said would be perfect if Adolf Hitler were to wander around the facility, as it turned out…he was! When I saw Walt there he looked to me like he was about 90 years old but in great shape for a ninety year old except he had two giant external hearing aides. I didn’t piece together who he was at the time but he struck me as just a really nasty business man. So anyway, Ron’s girls spent some time sexually harassing me but the culmination was when Lady Gaga was assigned to do Jumping Jacks up on the second floor track. I could jog past her. I couldn’t jog past her because if you’ve seen her without her shirt on in one of her many roles she has absolutely the most magnificent breasts on the planet…bar none! They are absolutely breath taking and in the past when I was studying her I could ID her in other roles by how beautiful her breasts were. One of the their other daughters was assigned to cut me to shreds in a nearby park while on some swings while a local deceptive was “supervising”. If I got close enough he would have been out of his mind pulling her off me while she repeatedly sliced me to pieces. They would have told some kind of story like, “He went over to her and propositioned her and she was only thirteen and then he pulled a knife on her which she wrestled away and managed to stop his attack on her. BTW, I’m good friends with her now and she really didn’t know that was me. She is also extremely beautiful and passionate as are all of their ladies. I’m sure the guys are hot too…just not my thing.
Anyway the Howard’s do super secret things that no one is supposed to know about like play Barack and his wife so they really couldn’t have me around. One thursday they were going to a premiere of a movie of Ron’s and I saw Ron preening in a mirror in a tuxedo. He was straightening his bow tie. I asked one of the girls if her dad was wearing a tuxedo. She said yes, so Ron came up and asked me how I knew he was wearing a tux and I said, “The bow tie is a giveaway.” The didn’t realize the extent of my sight and Ron and Cheryl went to the theater. While in the theater Ron turned to Cheryl and asked her, “How did Ed know I was wearing a tux?” and Cheryl, one of the funniest ladies you could meet as are the other Howard ladies said to Ron, “The bow tie is a giveaway.” Hysterically funny!! Of course I was not supposed to see any of this or hear it but when you have the eyes of Laura Mars this is just what happens but they couldn’t have me there. The issue wasn’t just second sight, I could also figure things out. Cheryl is a prolific writer and I figured out she was J. K. Rowling which was a big find for me because I never believed the BS about JK being impoverished or homeless or whatever she was and I had found JD Salinger and some other authors so I knew she had to be someone else. I also figured out that she had written other science fiction books like “Divergent” but here’s where things got ugly…I figured out that she had written “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” which I never should have been able to. It was out of her genre and out in left field. This stunned them and they asked me how I knew that and I wouldn’t tell them. It actually wasn’t so hard once I figured she was JK, and authored Divergent and I think I knew Maze Runner as well, I won’t reveal how I knew those but here’s how I got “Diary”. When you search on Google it uses an algorithm, which ranks not just most popular searches but who you search next. Often who you just searched and who you search next are related. I’ve found some missing people and some ugly people doing this. Here when I searched for the author of Divergent I found laying right between Jk Rowling and Divergent Author on the top of the page the author of Diary of a wimpy kid. Some people know these are the same writers and look for them sequentially or possibly the same books appeal to the same crowd, in any case the three series of books sat together. I didn’t figure this out about google, I got it from my mentor…the other guy or the other Ed! Ron and Cheryl were disturbed that I figured this out and I wouldn’t tell them. Sadly I don’t do this but they have which is keep track of every page on the internet I go to and I watched them as they saw the page I looked at with the three books series on the top heading and the jig was up!! Now they knew my secret!
So soon after Cheryl said to me, “We figured out how you do things so we don’t need you anymore…so goodbye Ed! Take care!” Now I was really connected with the gals and frankly having one of the best times of life hanging in the Howard basement so I decided it was worth giving it a fight. So I threatened Cheryl. I had found a nude picture of her from a Pirelli calendar which they knew about, no big deal, so what was the threat? I pulled up the photo and told her I was going to pleasure myself every day to the picture and “oh wow…is that a whip you’re holding in your hand? Ithought it was a golf club!!” “Look how hot you look!! I may start pleasuring myself right now!!” Now I didn’t threaten to expose her or publish the photos or extort her…none of that! I threatened to masturbate to her photo wearing a black leather corset, black boots, holding a whip and nothing else and this really freaked her out!! Then things went really right! While she was freaked I heard a song in my head and went to youtube and pulled up a copy of it and here is the song…
This was the song that went into Cheryl’s after I told her I was going to take care of myself to her photo. I didn’t realize right away that Cheryl was Dolly Parton, it was still really early in the game and this would have been a big find but less that a minute of so later I realized what I had…Cheryl Howard was Dolly Parton!!! She had already left the computer to go talk with Ron about this and report Ed figured this out without the benefit of researching Google, he just put it out there. This was really cool on a number of levels since I love Dolly (and who doesn’t!) but it tied into a lot of other things which helped make my work easy plus did I mention I love Dolly!!!
So the Howard’s decided I was there to stay (I think, they did try a couple other ploys but I can’t remember the time course) and of course he was offered a quarter billion dollars to have one his daughters tie me up and murder me which would have been really traumatic for the girl so I insisted that if she was going to have to do this she should do it slowly and painfully. Telling her this seemed to have a healing effect kind of like making it more over the top and like I was a willing participant like…ok I’ll let you do but only if you do it like this…it didn’t hurt that we were etherically making love at the time which was very nice because she is emotionally very powerful! She’s the kind of person who can inspire you to do things that at a minimum are improbable and at a maximum seemingly not possible.
Ok I’m done…who wants to see that photo of Cheryl?!!!
People are asking if Adolf Hitler was actually walking around there. The answer is uncategorically yes! It was him! He lived until about 115 years old. I’ve gone through some stuff in the past about life extension and I don’t want to belabor it while I’m setting up for the picture of cheryl…btw she’s also wearing back stockings, and it’s not really a corset cause it has the bottom attached so I don’t know what’s it called.
Also, I now resent anyone including Cheryl who gave me grief about saying “Num…num…num…num…num!” when Jack Lemmon did “Under the Yum Yum Tree,”!!!! Hippocrates!
Ok…here it is…in all of Cheryl’s glory!!!
Scroll Down
Scroll Down
Scroll Down
Scroll Down
Scroll Down
Scroll Down
Isn’t it everything I said…and more!!! num num num yum yum yum yum!!!!
Is Ron Howard Bobby Fischer?
I’m in my hotel room letting the ducks nibble on my butt (can’t figure how they got in here) and decided it was time to check if Ron Howard was Bobby Fischer. Haven’t figured this one out yet either way but I was discussing Ron’s proclivity with chess and I decided to go look for him as a chess master. Ron plays life like chess and generally wins against me and then I have to live my life miserably because even if I won I would not win what was promised just like in quintet when jack lemmon says what do i win and the guy with the mustache says you get to live, that was kind of fucked. But I remembered Bobby Fischer who would be perfect for Ron as this was the chess match to end all chess matches and was televised and made godless of fabulous moolah. He even lost the first couple games because he wouldn’t show up because of money…so I’m going to go straight out of the box and say I’m at 80% sure it’s him. Let’s look at some photos:
also very difficult to win against Ron because he has super computers, japanese devices and every other gadget under the sun for his genius mind to work with so there’s only a couple ways to win but I won’t reveal them now because the ducks keep nibbling at my choice morsels.
As I recall Fischer played Boris Spassky so I decided to reference the episode of Mayberry where the Russian diplomats stay at Aunt Bea’s house and raid the icebox at midnight and settle a major diplomatic boondoggle without killing a single Yid. It was a most ripping victory!
It’s clear Boris Spassky’s make up was done by the same people who did Dr. Zira’s from the first planet of the Apes movie…you know…the good one!!!
How did I come on Jack Lemmon? This is probably George Bush but how did I come on this? I was watching one of the great scenes in Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, the knife fight! I was on my third or fourth watch when I realized that Paul Newman sounded exactly like Jack Lemmon. Let’s have a watch and listen. Close your eyes and listen carefully. If you really don’t know what these guys sound like then go fuck yourself for being so doggan young!
Besides a cute tush he has massive damage to his ham strings on both legs lower aspect right above the word Walter. Also scars on calf muscles.
I went looking for Paul Newman naked and found Tennessee Williams naked which I never expected but he has similar scarring.
Can anyone see where this is headed?
Now we’re going to go for the money shot here. If I’m right I answer about 1000 questions i’ve long had and will soon have….stay with me this is likely to be brilliant. I know a few things about the Chairman of the Board and I’ve seen him with his shirt off. Lets see if there’s a match.
From FB: Here is Old Blue Eyes sans shirt. Notice, bilateral wrist damage but more importantly virtually identical chest into abdo scarring. We can see virtually identical right wrist scarring between Frank Sinatra and Paul Newman…this is the same man who turns out to be George W. Bush. It also explains a boat load of things for me. From here I’ll pick up a hundred other people he is. Now I hope you’re all sensitive to the fact that I post top-secret info…but who’s going to believe me? The last piece doesn’t get published here…it goes to another blog.
So here’s the question I finally answered. Why does George W always hang at The Howard Ranch? …because he’s Rance Howard…father of Ron Howard, Clint Howard and Billy Mummy, and probably a bunch of others.
but this hole went far and wide and those 1000 questions have just shown up on my door step and I must ask them to return for another time. Good night all! But first I’m left with a burning question which holds a confirmation in it’s hand…let’s look at Peter Sellers…
Right wrist scarring and hair covering up area of lower chest and upper abdomen. We’re on the right track.
Severe scarring of right inner thigh of magnitude of other scars on Jack Lemmon.
And we’ll call it a day, I reviewed a few other more minor scars and we have matches so we have two things here…1) George W. Bush is also Peter Sellers with George also being Liberace you have ostensibly one of the greatest actors/musicians/dancers (I’ve seen him dance) of all time.
And the last piece tonite is who else would play Peter Sellers son in the Magic Christian other than his real life son!
Blown up photo of Jack
Update: lower aspects of the hamstrings have massive damage!! what can cause this type of damage?
Movie Review: The Dark Tower
(See previous post for a review of the theater)
I can’t sugar coat this one, I liked the film but not the strongest effort out of Hollywood. The Tomatometer came up at 18%…not too good and the Audience Score was a tepid 63%.
What I liked about the film…1) Jake Chambers who played the kid role…Tom Taylor! My issue is that if the kid is not compelling in an action movie the movie sinks to the bottom. The kid in Terminator 2… Edward Furlong was perfect in his role… enough serious and enough smart alec… great choice! The kid in Last Action Hero… Austin O’Brien… not so much. I hate complaining about a film with Arnold in it but Rotten Tomatoes bears me out on my assessments of the film. It may not have been the kids fault and he may have done great things since then but…that’s all I have to say about that. 2) Idris Elba who played Roland the gunslinger was terrific too. 3) The handgun was really cool and some of the fight scenes as well.
What I didn’t like about the film… 1) Matthew McConaughey… I can’t spell his last name and he was really kind of stiff in the role, I didn’t read the book/s and perhaps this was perfectly laid out but I think the film could have used somebody a bit off kilter, maybe that was what was missing from the film… needed a bit more jokerish or more disturbed; I hate how dark the film, it may be that the theater keeps the light down low on the bulb to save money, I hate 3D for the same reason…too dark… if they can pretend to fly planes into the trade centers and nuke the buildings from 70 meters below ground to take them down with a cylindrical thrust of energy at a million degrees and convince everybody to walk through the nuclear fallout for months because it was safe… even The Donald walked through and was not aware what it was but managed to squeezed the person responsible for 911 for 10 Rocks after I informed him that the buildings were nuked and he walked through the fallout of 4th or 5th generation nukes… with his wife!!! then why can’t they make 3D glasses that don’t have darkened lenses.
Spoiler Altert:
John (Jake) Taylor is Billy Mumy’s son…for anyone paying attention.
Movie Theater review:
One of the worst experiences in movie going ever!!! I believe the Carmike in Voorhees in now under new management and is an AMC. I’m sure they’ll get their feet on the ground but not now. They’ll probably put in those great seats like in Marlton 8 AMC eventually but not now. The seats were cheap about 6 bucks each. I brought my wife and sister so it was about twelve bucks….hahaha old joke I learned in West Va. We walked into the theater…it was a disgusting mess. It had not been cleaned from the previous show/s. Crap in the cup holders. It was overly humid and smelled like mildew. I started to cough. Why didn’t we leave? I wanted to see the film…The Dark Tower! After the film I went out to let the people know how dreadful the theater was…Ok so what could go wrong now? Thugs!!! Five of them!!! Just hanging out…movie theater staff!! One guy had a security T-shirt on, the others wore black and hung around him like they were ducklings and he was Conrad Lorenz. None of them were rushing into the theater to clean but security was really tight in case the Voorhees Marauders showed after a screening of Crush Groove. I opted out of complaining. I’ve seen these things go bad before and didn’t want a repeat of having to explain to the local constabulary why these guys were laid out.
I’ll summarize my experience with this historical quote, “Other than that how did you enjoy the play…Mary Todd?
Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin!!!
Taken from Facebook:
Website is: www.BritishInvasionYears.com
For Anyone Paying Attention: The band British Invasion Years is touring our area. Ostensibly a cover band for the great bands of the sixties including The Beatles. Off the record these guys are from the original bands and playing their original songs, albeit in disguise. At least two of the guys are original Beatles and all of the songs performed were done by at least one of them originally. It’s painstaking work to identify everyone involved and seldom does anyone hand me any of this information but I almost always get confirmation if I’m correct or incorrect and this is correct.
JPJ of Led Zeppelin gave me shit one day when I asked him if he, Paige, Plant masquerade as a cover band just so they can play their music which they love… he said yes and told me, “Don’t ever bring this up again!”but I have! I was pretty sure this was happening here with this band and it took me about a half an hour at the beginning of the concert to figure out who was who but I had trouble with the drummer because I could not believe he was here. (Sorry about that big guy!)
It’s a super concert by the most talented musicians ever born bar none and should not be missed!
Marv Albert aka Billy Mummy
Al Pacino aka Billy Mummy aka Marv Albert
Extremely Kool Koin, The Queen of England on the front and Hans Solo (Harrison Ford) on the reverse encased in Carbonite! Roughly 120 bones for the coin. Is it worth it? Absolutely!!!! To have Hans Solo/Harrison Ford on a coin is worth everything!! Will I buy it? Probably not at this price but it’s still priceless and worth it!!!! But a bit pricey for an ounce of silver.
I’ll find it on the secondary market at something closer to melt… a couple of Hamiltons.
My error…. this is a mint state 70 graded coin…nearly perfect! It is worth a dozen sawbucks! It’s a great collectors piece. would I pay 120 smackers for it? Probably not but I might pay 60 on the secondary market if I see it in this grade.
Any true Star Wars fan will instantly recognize the image of the unfortunate rogue, Han Solo, frozen in carbonite by the evil Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. That iconic scene represents one of the most famous cliff-hangers in film history. Would Han Solo survive to reappear in the next film, Return of the Jedi, or would he stay frozen in carbonite forever — doomed to remain the ultimate bounty hunter’s trophy displayed in the lair of Jabba the Hutt?
Now, just as an older and wiser Han Solo steps back onto the silver screen in the newest Star Wars movie The Force Awakens, the Pacific island nation of Niue has just released a brand new, officially licensed one-ounce silver proof featuring the image of Han Solo frozen in his carbonite slab. But, most any collector will tell you that pure silver beats dirty old carbonite any day! As an official $2 legal-tender coin, it features the royal portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, as well as the 2016 year date and the two dollar denomination. This impressive one-ounce silver proof is minted in 99.9% silver with a mintage of 10,000. It has been professionally graded as Proof-70 Ultra Cameo (PF70UCAM) by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) and comes in a sonically-sealed acrylic case with a unique black core insert that gives a phenomenal contrast in color — allowing each intricate detail to shine even more brilliantly! Each comes with a numbered certificate of authenticity and the original mint packaging. It never hurts to have the Force with you, but to seize your Han Solo proofs, all you need to do is order now!
I went looking for Cuddles and Hans from the original film Polyester. My eyes and nose are still bleeding from watching and smelling it but realized that it was Heinz not Hans but the film was hysterical and here are Cuddles and Heinz and a guy named Tab Hunter. This was put up by public demand.
I really wish I was that beautiful!!! I might get a date with supermodel Kate Moss!!!
Doesn’t John Waters look suspiciously like Steve Buscemi? Who does Steve look suspiciously like?
Ron Howard wrote the song Help performed by The Beatles where he was Ringo Starr.
The Magic Mirror….Lost in Space…Season 1…Episode 21
This is my favorite LIS episode. It’s below but maybe you can get a better copy of it. It works on a very emotional level like many of the earlier episodes. Terrific stuff. Michael J. Pollard is in this episode who did a stunning job. I believe he was also in Bonnie and Clyde.
I strongly suspect Michael is Clint Howard. Clint is a good looking guy yet makes himself at times as really creepy or unsavory. Billy seems to get the good looking characters, Ron….gets a mishmash of things but leans towards good looking.
Clint has one ear that’s mangled and this photo reflects it, I believe. The ear appears to have been damaged in forceps delivery.
As a cosmic radiation storm approaches the planet, but Don is confident because Dr. Smith had been assigned the task of installing cosmic arrestors, but Judy tell him that she has seen them still lying on a pile of equipment. Don confronts Smith and insists he begin the job before it is too late. Meanwhile, Penny is missing and the adults fan out to find her before the storm strikes. Penny, out for a walk, has come across a large, ornate mirror. Smith finds her just as the storm strikes and they take shelter underneath, unaware that the cosmic radiation is having some effect on the mirror. After the storm has passed, Johnfinds the pair at the mirror, but Smith insists he not investigate, saying it is only worthless trash. In fact, Smith suspects the mirror’s frame is made of platinum.
The next day, Smith sets out to strip the mirror of its platinum coating, but Don insists he finish installing the cosmic arrestors. Smith complies but quickly abandons the task. Meanwhile, Penny and Judy have gone to the mirror and have set it up to view their reflections. Smith sees them in the distance and mutters for them to get away from his mirror—it is his platinum. The girls are examining themselves in the mirror but end up quarrelling over Judy’s comment that Penny is not interested in the things a girl her age should be. Penny ends up very upset and both girls say things they regret. Penny tearfully insists that she will stay the way she is forever.
Later, Penny goes back the mirror in search of Debbie who has discovered a small bell somewhere. She eventually realizes that the bloop has been able to pass through the mirror somehow, and then return to the real world with the bell. Penny herself falls through the mirror and finds herself in a dark, mysterious world. There she meets a nameless boy about her own age who invites her to stay and have fun. He tells her he heard what she said about staying as she was forever, and entices her by promising that if she stays with him, she will never grow up or have to change. Penny wavers and decides to spend some time with the boy, but she soon discovers that his idea of having fun—playing hide and seek with a monster and spying on the outer world through mirrors—to not interest her at all. She insists on returning home, but the boy says there is no way back, even when Penny asserts there must be, for the bloop entered and returned.
Dr. Smith actually witnessed Penny enter the mirror but disbelieved his own senses, sure that he was suffering from hallucinations. Later, though, he returns to destroy the mirror, the root of his problems, but he too falls through into the other world. He refuses to believe any of what he sees is real until he is attacked by the mirror monster. He grabs a rifle and flees toward the exit. There he lets off a random shot that hits a pool of water in front of the inside of the mirror and he is able to pass through to the outer world. Penny quickly understands what happened and begs the boy to go with her as the monster approaches closer and closer. At the last second, she shoots at the pool and passes back into the real world. Left behind, the boy only says that he cannot follow her… he has no reflection. Outside the mirror, as Penny stands in horror watching it be destroyed, we hear the tinkling of a bell.
You can watch it below. The episode
Besides Peter’s glasses there was one other thing in Robert’s office I wanted to take and I think Peter left them there to see if I would take them which I didn’t. Robert had in the main room a box roughly 1 foot cubed which was labeled Radar Love master tapes (Golden Earring).
I couldn’t imagine how Robert could get hold of these, btw check out these boys fine asses in this video. This is an unbelievable song and appeared in the film, “Baby Driver”. It is a great driving song. I asked if I could have them, he said no that they’re important and they have to go to someone. I wonder if he was being tested there too. Enjoy the song.
Why is the 11th Doctor Who everywhere I turn?
Murder on Orient Express Trailer…this blog has spoilers
…everyone on the train murdered the victim
I warned you there were spoilers.
I try and pay attention to genetic markers and the name game, we just got through spending some time with Bob Denver who I would lay double money is from Farid’s blood line, along with Peter Lorre, Buddy Hackett, and Budd Cort. That’s all I have to say about that.
Thanks for a crazy remarkable evening everyone.
Much love to all!!!
Just back from alpha centauri!!!
Hope you are too!!!
This is a good piece, well, a piece of the second Lifespring Movie. It must have been time for the demise of Lifespring because this probably signaled it. The movie was shown at guest events where graduates attempted to ‘enroll’ family, friends, strangers, homeless people, into the next Basic Training which ran a few hundred bucks somewhere between $450-600. I forget the exact sum. The advanced training ran about a thousand. The basic ran wed, thurs, and friday night…all day Saturday and most of Sunday. If you didn’t benefit from the training you got your money back until they changed that policy. Was it worth it?? Yes…every dime and then some. It was probably the single most influential, life changing experience I’ve ever been through and I’m forever grateful for everyone involved in putting this together on the grand scale and the local scale. Not enough time to go through the details but this was a no holds barred experiential training to help you confront your issues and your place in the world. I did the basic training then got thrown out of the advanced course, came back redid the basic training and went on and completed the advanced training, did the Leadership Program, got thrown out of senioring a Basic Training, then seniored a Basic Training, the seniored an Advance Training, did the Masters Course, seniored a Master’s Course and Captained a Master’s Course. I was the Medical Director for Lifespring in NYC. I did the relationship workshop and never made it into the Money Workshop. Worth every dime I spent and more, much more.
We all loved the first Lifespring video, the second one…not so much. We must have jumped the shark at Lifespring (a Happy Days reference to the show tanking after the episode where Fonzy, played by John McCain, jumped his motorcycle over a tank with a shark in it) after that video.
The video was basically terrible. It had none of the excitement and warmth of the first video. It was so bad we were forced to use it but early on the director of Lifespring NY broke ranks and wouldn’t show it but instead showed the first one which was a breath of fresh air.
From recall the movie showed a bunch stuffy, rich, overly removed people squawking about how magnificent they were and their lives since Lifespring. You felt like vomiting by the time the video was over. It basically said over and over…we are marvelous, regale in us, you can never accomplish what we have because we’re too fucking marvelous for words. Enjoy the training but you’ll never be who we are because we’re marvelous. I don’t think I’m so far off. The video featured a bunch of Narcissistic losers who were so filled with their own sense of excellence they really couldn’t give a shit about anyone or anything else except for how the world could treat them. The video was removed from the common man and elitist in attitude. Based on what I had seen I wanted nothing to do with the people on the screen, I could not relate to them and I had too much to do become one of these marvelous sloths telling me how wonderful their lives were thanks to Lifespring when it was pretty clear their lives were already marvelous.
Who was going to sign up with this piece of crap? Nobody! It’s harsh but it’s true and it was simply time for Lifespring to head the way of the dinosaur as the film was deplorable.
EST preceded Lifespring so I went to look for Werner Erhard, the founder and suspected I’d find Ron there and here’s what I found…
Bob Denver is Werner Erhard founder of EST
These are really smart guys who can do almost anything and don’t forget L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology was Grandpa Munster…Al Lewis. So all bets are off, all very smart and talented.
That appears to be Ron above and wherever Ron goes usually Cheryl goes as well so I’ll call this Ron and Cheryl.
I suspect Ron was about Lifespring somehow. He shows up here at least a couple times. See below:
Ron above possibly with Tim Curry
Sure looks like Freddy Mercury, kind of young for Sacha Baron Cohen who could be a son of Freddy’s.
Very beautiful woman around Ron at that time usually equals Cheryl Howard.
I didn’t recognize John Hanley, founder of Lifespring. I was LP 45.
Ron Howard in background.
I have a possible few others from the video but too much work for now and I’m happy for this inroad.
(also shows how to keep the worms warm!)
Ron Howard wrote “I Was A Teenage Zombie”. Performed by The Fleshtones and supposably written by Peter Zaremba. I’ve seen these guys perform a few times….really good and hung with them as well.
Here’s the album and….
…here’s the film.
I hung out with them with their manager Robert Singerman, now Robert Hansingerman I believe as his wife is Chinese named Hansing. Something like this.
Peter Zaremba looks very Elton John’ish so he might be Billy Mumy while Ken Fox could pass for Ron. As a matter of fact I dug up this photo of the Fleshtones.
This appears to be the same venue where they shot Elton John doing Pinball Wizard!
They really were terrific and super nice guys for the most part. Like I said Billy is a precisionist and onetime got into during a performance with another band member and screamed at him… “I’m walking here!!!” ok that parts a joke he screamed at him, “I know the song!!” They didn’t come out for an encore which was sad. This was at the Texas Roadhouse.
My claim to fame… Peter Zaremba aka Billy Mummy came up to Robert’s office one day at Singer Management and managed to leave his very cool sunglasses which I put on when I noticed them on the table. Robert said to me…”Where did you get those glasses?” I said, “they were on your desk.” He said. “Peter must have left them, I knew they were too cool for you.’ He made me leave them.
Robert and I were business partners for a while at SingerManagement. He still owes me some money and I have his childhood baseball card collection which I think he still wants cause he contacted me for it once for his son. I feel mildly guilty about this but I figure I won’t once I’m dead and it’s part of the estate.
We were in a bar with the Fleshtones after a rehearsal once and I noticed Peter wasn’t drinking, I wasn’t either at the time and I offered him a drink which he politely declined. He said it would just give him a hangover the next day which he didn’t want. He then complemented the drummer for doing a great job. The drummer couldn’t stop drumming and was air drumming at that point who appreciated the complement and said “Thanks”.
Peter and probably Ken would climb up on top of tables while playing their guitars hard and play standing on them which was really cool just like Slash on the piano. As a matter of fact when the two band members were arguing they were standing on the tables, exciting stuff.
Peter was a consummate gentleman, once Robert was cluing me in on some lyrics in a song and Peter said, “Hey you’re not supposed to give that away!!! That’s for when you listen to the album a few times.” The lyrics were about some psychotropic meds, maybe Elavil. Peter was pleasantly perturbed because Robert loved the band and music.
If I’m not mistaken they did a song called, “Hey Disco,” with lyrics something like “Don’t tell my wife but I’m going to…hey disco.” Robert confided in me that the original lyrics and song were called “Gay Disco”. I petitioned Robert to go back to the original lyric, “Gay Disco”. I think the song, the album and the band might have gotten some legs on it. Perhaps they’d still be pertinent today.
I believe Cheryl was a groupie for them. At one venue the fans were supposed to be a foot away from the stage and periodically some big black guy would walk between the stage and the fans to clear the space. Cheryl would be banging on the stage and singing along. She’d back up when the guy came and go right back to it when he left. It was pretty funny but she was great and I believe blonde at the time…and pretty yummy!
If that’s Peter on the right that’s pretty confirmatory as there is an uncanny resemblance to Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate”
I can’t remember why Peter showed up at Robert’s office; a pretty unmemorable meeting which leads me to believe he was scoping me out. I was pretty new at the office and met Robert at a Lifespring advanced group I was senioring. He was so wild and discordant I wanted to hang with him which is what we did. I hate to put words into Peter’s mouth but I think he thought I was an asshole which on any given day could be true. He thought I was pretty much not harmless which is interesting since it makes only minimal sense and “We have to keep an eye on him.” I guess that’s a pretty good summary. They were worried about me poisoning the pot. I write this as I see it which sometimes doesn’t fully make sense.
Ron wrote the theme song to Casino Royale, the Peter Sellers/ David Niven/ Woody Allen version… the second version of the film.
Trailer for 1967 Casino Royale. This is one of my favorite films…lot’s of fun and some great action. (“No one knows who Le Chiffre is…not even Le Chiffre!”)
Below is the first version of Casino Royale from a show called Climax in 1954.
Here’s the trailer for the third one with Daniel Craig as 007, Eva Green who was great in Penny Dreadful and really terrific here and Mads Mikkelsen aka Ron Howard as Le Chiffre.
Musical Interlude with Dire Straits and guest!
Ron Howard was Chuckles the Clown on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. FYI Mary Tyler Moore is Cheryl Howard.
Ron Howard did the theme song for the Jetsons and was a writer on the show.
Just back from the world premiere of Spiderman Homecoming…well actually it was a premiere for me. I liked the film. I thought it was well done without most of the usual spiderman stuff that can drag the film down like explaining how Spiderman became Spiderman. (Kind of like seeing Lex Luther as the evil villain in a Superman film with total respect to Kevin Spacey who I still remember being the best thing about “Wiseguy” although if I’m not mistaken there were an older couple with a bowling ball and pin who were really good. I believe that would be the Howards!!
The film was clever with Tony Stark updating Spiderman’s suit and a Chinese kid who kept tabs on Spiderman. I loved see Marisa Tomei and Gwyneth Paltrow and wished I could combine the two and send them over to my house so I could personally blog with them.
Tom Holland did a terrific job as Spiderman. So the question of the day was: Who is Tom Holland? I had a couple guesses like Reed’s kid and I figured his age to be about 10 or 11 years old as I’m now used to kids playing much older roles. I studied him carelly as there were dozens of possibilities and I finally came to the conclusion that the was….. Ron Howard!!!!
Holland was simply too close to Ron in his face, actions and characters which shone through to be anyone else. He just fit like a glove. I’m looking forward to more of his films, he did a great job! Fyi…this is not the first clone identified on this blog!
I got caught off guard and delivered this threat with a message on Facebook stating if the six teams of hit men did not return back in 30 seconds I would release countermeasures. It took them closer to 90 seconds but I was patient. I ‘ll comment at a later time further.
these are the slides that angered Farid the most and caused his attorney to call the FBI to complain, “If you can’t handle this we will!”
This was a really important find which I showed to Farid. Long story for another day.
Connie Nielson aka Jacqueline Smith, Charlies Angel…she’s another of Farid’s wives.
White guy looks like Ed Asner
Watch for notes and unfinished work. When slides are complete work is usually over 90% accurate.
Unfinished work here.
Lot’s of unfinished work, some will turn up later finished.
The guy who played Creepy Gene Rosen at the Sandy Hook Massacre Hoax to the right of Isold Uggadotir. Isold is Ron Howard’s lover and the two of them are the parents of Matt Damon. Gene Rosen must be Isold’s husband.
Key slide with Neanyahu and Elie Wiesel.
These were tough photos and there’s likely to be several mistakes…on the other hand some are terrific finds. Slides without explanations are unfinished.
How did I find Chandler Parsons? Very tall=basketball. Then I looked up white guys in the NBA…for real!!!
Gymnasium shoot
Gaga is gorgeous!
They could have used a body double but I suspect it’s her because they had her appear at my health club and in my waiting room.
Many raw slides below. Generally noted as raw if they give information without making a point…no explanations and no comparisons.
Raw slide…unpolished
Raw slide…I believe that’s Laura Bush to the left of Rima Al-Sabah
Error: Hitler born in 1889 not 1989
Walt quizzed me at length about this. He questioned how I knew this was him based on a mustache drawn on a coffee cup. The real point of this wasn’t just the mustache, it was that someone thought this through and took the time to do this. He said to me, “You knew I was still alive.” I said yes. He said, “from the other guy?” I said yes. Now this might have put the other guy, Ed, at risk but as a rule I don’t lie to these people. They know if I’m lying and I have too much respect for everyone to lie to them. I also don’t want to lose my credibility. Ed fortunately is still safe, alive and questioning my methods!
I’ve ignored the guy in the background of the above photo. I suspect this is Piltch’s son aka Greg Brinkley’s son.
Radhe Psau is an Angel as well…Cheryl Ladd of Charlie’s Angels is Christie Brinkley’s mom. Radhe and Greg should have never left their home and just kept on producing more children!!! Radhe eventually got jealous because Greg used to think about Christie when they were together so they stopped having children.
Whole family of cuties!
I believe Radhe as Cheryl Ladd was blonde!
In the world of narcissism I asked myself…who is the coolest person in this scenario who might actually know a black or hispanic person…maybe even friends with one. I was left with Billy Joel. I also suspect he’s related biologically with Farid.
I’m told I got all of the Kardashians below wrong. Please note this!
Taylor Swift is the daughter of Steven Tyler with a different mother
This is an unpolished slide. I’m glad it’s here because I wasn’t sure it was correct but the more I thought of it the more I believe it is, so here it is.
FYI…I love Bruce Villanch…except I caught him wearing a white skirt after September!
I had never heard of this guy, Farid Naib, Cayman’s dad. My research showed him to be a business man and entrepreneur. He turned out to be a lot more than that. He was an extremely wealthy king in the Middle East, likely from Egypt. Extreme wealth, at the time of his passing one of the five wealthiest clandestine/endeavor/people on the planet. Possibly only surpassed by the Vatican and a couple of other people. The richest man on the planet right now is Ron Howard. Farid offered Ron at one point $250,000,000 to have my lover, his daughter murder me. She was taken to a slaughter house and trained how to stab beeves repeatedly on command without thinking. I managed to psychically glean the plan and wrote an extensive poem about the murder plot and forced Ron to “take away the curse.” Ron sounded like Vinny Barbarino from Welcome Back Cotter which he happened to be anyway aka John Travolta, “What?” “Huh?” He said he would take it away but I made him say it twice, “I remove the curse.” I felt secure after that. Witches are kind of funny like that. To remove a curse, or release someone from servitude i.e. slavery you or they need to say things twice. Great wealth fell to Ron when Farid passed on as Farid’s life was snatched from this planet by a Royal Blooded slave of Ron who assisted Farid into the next life. I would go into greater detail on this but there is no statute of limitations on idiocy. For the right price someone can sell themselves into slavery. I had promised myself I would never conduct business with these people. Deals with the Devil seldom go well. Ron’s daughter was really shaken up after her, “Training”. She had some aspects of Borderline Personality with a Post-Concussive Syndrome and some systemic latex toxicity on top of it and we had worked really hard for months on this… as friends on a path. When Ron removed the curse I had to reweave some of the split but we caught it in time before any major dissociation. This was patently terrible…I hated seeing what was done to her. Once, earlier in the game I found out she was going to kill me. She spent a lot of effort and enlisted some powerful women to draw me into her fold. The notion of finally getting me only to have to murdered was untenable for both of us. I insisted to her that if she was going to murder me she’d have to do it slowly and painfully. I had her repeat this over and over again while we made passionate love as I sat on a chair and she sat on my lap facing the other way. This was the first time we made love via intercourse in the etheric. I’d ask her, “Are you going to kill me?” She’d say yes. Then I’d ask her, “How?” and she’d say, “Slowly and painfully,” while I’d penetrate her deeply over and over. She was really wonderful and deeply disturbed which I also loved. I hope we get together before her mental health recovers.
Farid wanted her for his son Bobby Cannavale and one day he asked me why I was there and what did I want. I said, “I want the same thing as you.” And Farid said, “and what’s that?” and I said the woman’s name which sent him into a tizzy. Farid wanted her badly for his son as she was and still is a glowing creature but more important was to build the bloodline up with suitable spouses and Howard blood was very desirable. She didn’t want Bobby. She had self trained in spiritual practices and I help her cross over certain lines. In the moment of truth she went full demon and ripped Bobby to shreds and consumed his body, offering me to join her. Farid was furious with Ron and began separating business dealings with him which I could not abide and in the process of strangling him to death I managed to rip his head off having gone full Golem and seeking only to break his neck so I wouldn’t have to wait the six minutes to asphyxiate.
Not too long before this Farid had offered me $350,000,000 to simply leave which was pretty much useless to me especially in comparison to what or who was at stake. I would not have left or taken any sum of money. Much of Farid’s wealth went to Ron because at that time I was chattel. Even if I wasn’t I doubt I would have taken any money. My Kingdom is that of the Lord and a thimble of my faith would be worth all the wealth of this planet and more!
I was poorly prepared yet still prepared to understand that things between Ron and Cheryl had been working poorly for years. Cheryl was addicted to Essence of Nightshade and became psychotic with it and Ron had to separate from her, she stopped it completely a few years ago after some education and interventions of mine.
Ron’s daughter is extremely talented as they all are, as are the sons and this one particularly precious to Ron who took her as his wife though never spiritually sealed as such she served as such in all matters of life. So talented if you combine all her work endeavors she would be the highest paid entertainer on the planet. This was lost to me at that time but not now as I believed we would and could walk off into the sunset and manage on meager wages. I would tell everyone that we were going to live near a bodega and a subway and we’d be able to get formula and diapers at the bodega. Whenever I’d say that the room would go cold in horror of this notion. Ron and Cheryl had bought us a house which I’ve never seen. I never cease to be amazed at how Ron can either do things or pretend to do things which never actually happen. It left me at times furious and his daughter deeply depressed, angry and stupid. (I’m not 100 percent sure why this word fits but it does. I suspect her level of frustration exceeded mine and she had a difficult time processing things in the midst of a traumatic depression. This women is far from stupid and thinks faster than anyone I’ve ever seen, but was unable to think or process for a while. She very likely dissociated under the stress. We had worked really hard to make this happen and were played for tools! She also had to be complicit in Chuckles the Clown pulling all sorts of BS on me.) One day she confided in me, “Don’t believe a word my dad says.” This was really helpful. She was often placed between a rock and a hard place and it pained her to see me being used as Ron’s plaything. Ron would keep promising her things as he would with me but nothing would come of it. I think the worst and most painful thing for both of us was that each of us was powerless to help the other in their personal plight. Ron is king of what country I’m not sure, and what do kings want? Whatever they want.
Here’s Farid and his wife, Rebecca Malcolm-Naib who is a stunningly beautiful woman. I later found out that she was Kate Jackson of Charlie’s Angels fame. It turned out that Charlie’s Angels were all over the place and Ron’s wife turned out to be Farrah Fawcett which stunned the heck out of me. Rebecca turned out to be a great ally as Farid kept hiring lawyers to try to either sue me or have me murdered. She and Farid are the grandchildren of Mary Pickford, and the late great Buddy Rogers. There’s tremendous inbreeding in royal families and the two of them would be cousins. Farid was a terrific lover and would undress Rebecca and suspend her wrists over her head, feet still on the floor and put on different gloves for different sensations and run his hands over her body. She especially liked the rougher gloves that would scrape over the skin. He had a pair that had thumbtacks all over them and he would grab fleshy parts of her body and squeeze…slowly at first and then with more force.
I had the pleasure of having etheric relations with her which was just wonderful. One day at Ron’s kitchen table she held a jagged piece of white marble from Cheryl’s fountain which I had destroyed at Ron’s request and was testing my psychic powers with it. Soon after it crumbled to dust and she complained that “That’s what you think of me?” I could not control that and the dust was used to reform another fountain…as I recall.
Alec Baldwin is a terrific guy! He’s a business man as well as an actor and when he needs to be he means business but he’s very warm, loving and genuine. I guess that’s reflected in his acting and films because people love him up on the silver screen. Two particular favorites of mine are, “Hunt for Red October” and “The Cooler”.
The “Other Ed” Ed Chiarini has been considered the #1 amateur expert on hoaxes and false flag operations. I’ve studied much of his work and he has mentored me at times. He got annoyed with me once when someone came to his house to put an end to his well beingness and I intervened. Ed’s from South Philly and probably could have handled it himself but I would not have been called in if this was a slam-dunk for him. He told me to check with him first next time before I took any action. Some time later and I take some responsibility for this Walt put in a kill order on Ed. I didn’t know what he was doing. Five minutes later he came back to talk to me and I got under his skin and he went to put in a kill order on me which went through but his life ended before he could hang up the phone as did the lives of 750 people in Walt’s network. It took more or less a minute for them all to pass and sounded like popcorn as each one went. Pretty much Walt’s final words/thoughts to me were, “I should have finished you when I had the chance,” a reference to his work during WWII. Some time after that I was awoken from sleep in the predawn hours to find Ed’s house surrounded by 75-85 men, hell bent on ending his life. Their prize would have been a million dollars divided between all in some fashion. Ed has a small revolver, this is a matter of public record, and I’m sure he would have made good use of it if Plan A, getting the “F” out of there didn’t work. He was frantically running around his apartment and lit up like a Christmas tree when I asked him if he needed some help for which he was truly grateful. When he walked out it looked like a war zone. He got into his car and left. The 75-85 men (and one woman) died under unnatural and suspicious circumstances…all at once. A couple minutes later he let me know his buddy Richard was with him and asked me if I could spare them some money. I sadly, for logistical reasons had to decline but they were able to borrow some later.
I’m leaving the Baldwin stuff as it was, I still think it’s funny.
Alec used to date Martha Stewart. They have since split up and Martha now sees Prince Charles and Alec is with one of the beauties from “Lost”.
I still think this funny. It’s the humor which gives the slide legs. The slides that out people might go to a hundred people, if they’re really funny they’ll get to a thousand or more.
FYI… I was told yesterday that the lady who I mockingly labeled as the town librarian turned out to be…the town librarian!!!
This slide led to more attempts on my life than most of the others. When I put it up one of Farid’s attorneys called up FBI headquarters to talk with a guy I call “Captain Glasses” because of the high end glasses he wore. “Glasses” was really smart and turned out to belong to a witches coven hence he was a witch. He was the only one there who had any wherewith-all. The lawyers final words to him was, “If you can’t handle it…we will.” “Glasses fell to a brain stem lesion on Route 95 in Philadelphia while heading to my house screaming, “I’m going to kill you!” The 25 foot tall Golem and crashing his car twice would not stop him. He had just been suspended for monitoring my Facebook page when he was told not to. I had moved from Diplomatic Protection to Executive Protection to Royal Protection. In his backyard swamp was found 3 and 1/2 dead bodies and $350,000. I guess he only got $50,000 for the half body. The man was no choir boy and I guess figured if he didn’t do these things someone else would.
The FBI sent me this missing person case. I knew it was going to be trouble and I normally do work from the twenties through the forties. I simply couldn’t resist. This led to roughly 250+ attempts on my life (not my statistic, I estimated only over 100 attempts!). This work is a few years old and I’ve toned down my insults/sarcasm/derision, though truth be told probably only one in 50 slides is purposely insulting/mocking; it’s just the truth really can hurt.
I’ve made great friends with a lot of the people who devised this missing person case and it was done just for me as part of some testing/trials I was put through. The case took on a life of it’s own with rampant death and destruction, hit squads, murder for hire, conventional and non-conventional weapons, chicanery, back handed dealings, lies, cheating, stealing, love and fun! Lot’s of love and lot’s of fun. One of my favorite quotes occurred after my lover cursed me out in song, (though the quote was not by her), “You know we weren’t exactly innocent in all this…” “Yes but she doesn’t need to know that!” My faith in God increased exponentially with help like that from the Lord. I know this doesn’t make sense, one day I’ll clarify. Anyway…here it is…for the first time together except for when my lover sold all my files to Cayman’s dad for $13,000,000. I was offered a similar sum but I never take money for my work and every scrap of information at that time was taken off the net or other public record. There were attempts to have me arrested, not just killed, for extortion but I never sought money, just justice, safety and love! (I’m an extortionist for your love). Plus someone had to find Cayman…he was missing after all!!!
And now…without further ado I give you… Cayman Naib is Missing!! (As much fun as person could have without actually getting themselves killed!)
Mitch Brooks (Mitchell E. Brooks) is my “Nom de Plume”. Why Mitch Brooks? Because Mark Twain was already taken! You can find my other videos on youtube or at moorhallstudios.com
I was inspired to see if George Bush Jr. was Liberace. It may have also been me running around with just a t-shirt on yelling, “That’s my brother George” perhaps a nod to George Bush.
The question has been asked of me…”How do you create so much mischief without every leaving your home?” and I answer, “Very well!!” If you’re on medicare explain that to the younguns.
So I have George Jr. as Paul Newman, Richard Crenna, Murray Hamilton, Soupy Sales, Oral Roberts, Paul Lynde and now my suspicions lie towards Liberace. George Jr. is very talented; I even got to watch him dance at an evening dance party and he set the room on fire!!! He was amazing!! Very talented!! Though he looked like he was having either a heart attack or a panic attack when he found out I was watching the festivities on my George Burns TV set. I felt bad but he did look beautiful and I was jealous…but just a bit. It was a pleasure watching him.
Ok so here’s a photo of Liberace and he’s got a giant bow tie
Giant Bow Tie is a great link between the two, I’ll call it a match and George Bush Jr is Liberace.
Now in the crease of bjs left hand above his thumb appears to be a letter M
I believe it stands for Musical interlude
Ron worked for Mad Magazine and wrote and performed this song. The record was included in every magazine that month.
Billy Mumy is not exactly a perfectionist… he’s more like a precisionist. I suspect Ron gave him the name Mumy…these guys love monsters and monster movies.
Ron Howard is a Marine who rose to the rank of Lt. Colonel. He’s considered at this time a five star general. I was promoted to four star general roughly six months ago. If I became a ship’s captain, Ron would be an admiral. If I was a five star general Ron would be President or Emperor!.
He does the commercials for the Marines as well
One of the things I suspected while watching Cruising with Al Pacino (Al was in the film I didn’t actually watch it with him….damn!!! That joke never gets old!!!!!!) was that Ron was in it in several places as a matter of fact they must have reused actors over and over, mustache here, no mustache there… mauve hanky on the left in this scene… rust colored on the right in this scene. FYI below is a handkerchief code list, just like the one they described in the film, so you know what the menu is when you’re out cruising and I hate to keep doing this but this film is a historical document…this is what it was like until disaster struck…AIDS! I’m going to make a top 100 film list and make sure Cruising is in the top 50 and hope for a director’s cut (yes I know there are scenes elsewhere, I want them all in one place).
In any case my suspicions were allayed when I saw Ron as the “Midnight Cowboy” Jon Voight in a street scene! That was really fun. (I noticed Gary Dell’abate in another scene.) This would have been a pretty cool film to have a walk on or cameo in. Midnight Cowboy hit the theaters in 1969…Cruising in 1980. Cowboy was really also a film about cruising but leaning heavily towards male prostitution…
…this pisses me off (a bit off topic but not that far): I remember Cowboy in the theaters. I really wanted to see it. It was playing at the Benson theater on 86th street in Bensonhurst Brooklyn…however…it was rated X and I was only 11 years old at the time! Here’s my issue…Ron Howard was in it as Jon Voight and he was only 14 years old at the time!!!! 14!!! Although, he did have a son (David Chokachi and David’s Grandpa was Ralph Nader) by then so it wasn’t like he was new to the game…such Mazel!!! Starring in a rated X movie and having a brand new baby boy all at age 14!!! I don’t believe I had reached puberty at 14 despite the barber around the corner playing with my penis while I was getting my haircut and my mom coming to find out what was taking so long. I think he liked me but he liked a lot of guys cause my dad almost punched him out and he left town after they broke his windows…whoever they were. Here’s a nice piece of a piece by Eric Snider from 2011 which notes, “Midnight Cowboy is the only X-rated film ever to win the Oscar for Best Picture.” I couldn’t even ask my barber to take me to see the film as it was rated X !
Trivia question: What was Ratso Rizzo’s actual first name? No, his mother did not name him Ratso! Answer below.
The story of Midnight Cowboy: Convinced of his irresistible appeal to women, Texas dishwasher Joe Buck (Jon Voight) quits his job and heads for New York City, thinking he’ll latch on to some rich dowager. New York, however, is not as hospitable as he imagined, and Joe soon finds himself living in an abandoned building with a Dickensian layabout named Enrico “Ratso” Rizzo (Dustin Hoffman). The two form a rough alliance, and together they kick-start Joe’s hustling career just as Ratso’s health begins to deteriorate.
Answer to today’s trivia…Enrico!!! Enrico “Ratso” Rizzo.
Little known fact about me…my street name is “Z-Pak”.
The above link is the famous Taxi Scene from Midnight Cowboy where Hoffman and Voight almost get hit by a taxi and Hoffman bangs on the cab and yells, “I’m walking here…I’m walking here.” (I’m pretty sure you don’t want to piss off Billy Mumy. Besides the fact that he can wish you into the cornfield I believe he’s a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to his work and probably other things and will snap at you.)
I’ve questioned whether the scene is was really improvised or not. I’ve watched it several times and I believe it is. Here’s why: Hoffman actually breaks character while he’s yelling at the cabbie. His voice gets loud and he loses the mousy nasal quality of Ratso Rizzo. Though if he kept in character with that Ratso voice I’m not sure the scene would have made the film. Remember again, Hoffman is only 12 at the time of filming. He follows up with a very funny quip, something like “that’s actually a good way to pick up insurance”. Totally in character and very funny but if someone were writing the line for him and not on the spot I think they they might have added the word money in there for clarification. In any case considered one of the 10 great ad-libs of all time.
I went looking for the “I’m walking here” scene from Forrest Gump where Forrest (Tom Hanks, son of Gary Shandling… shhh!) is pushing Lt. Dan (Gary Sinese) across the street in his wheelchair and almost gets hit by a cab and I found this funny compendium of “I’m walking here!” This great ad-lib took on a life of it’s own!!! Enjoy!
I’ll wrap up with this, since were doing a little bit of Hoffman in the night…
Back to dates and ages…this is Dustin Hoffman in “The Graduate”. A favorite of mine. I’ve seen this a dozen time. Ron Howard was born March 1, 1954. Bio-brother Billy Mumy was born early November 1956, two years eight months later (I had approximated 3 years later and I was given this correction).
In this film Dustin would have been ten years old at filming…amazing!! Now, Mrs. Robinson, Anne Bancroft. I have several other people as Anne Bancroft and ages are close enough: 1) Diane Disney-December 16, 1933; 2) Audrey Hepburn-May 4, 1929, 3) Anne Frank-June 12, 1929, 4)Anne Bancroft-September 17, 1931, 5) Millie Perkins-May 12, 1938; 6) Joan Collins May 23, 1933.
A word about Anne Frank first: I’m aware that Millie Perkins played Anne Frank in the film, “The Diary of Anne Frank”. I’ve had a very hard time with this one, personally but here it goes: Walt Disney was Adolf Hitler, (see my work at moorhallstudios.com) he was other people as well but this is would be his most famous/infamous character. There are still people who love and respect him and dislike me. It appears that during WWII Walt kept his family in Germany so he could play the Chancellor and plan the war. His number 2 person was Lee Blair who was Walt’s right hand man and a leading architect of the war and the Holocaust. Both men died in 2015 one day apart under “suspicious circumstances”. Lee Blair also was Spiro Agnew. His daughter is the very lovely Melanie Howard who married who married Ron Howard’s brother Clint. I have tremendous respect for Melanie and she and Clint came to visit me once, though I didn’t realize it was them for many months and I believe I’ve blogged about the encounter earlier.
I had determined that the photos of the Disney family, in Germany, during the war, were used to flesh out the story of Anne Frank and her family who hid in an attic and ended her days in Bergen-Belson, a Nazi Concentration Camp in Poland. I suspect she was a real person and wrote the diary but the photos are of the Disney family: Diane Disney’s images used for Anne Frank and Sharon Disney’s image for Margot Frank. (Note: Sharon Disney is Julie Andrews)
The above slide is actually confirmatory. I suspect that the Disney photos were used to flesh out the story of Anne Frank with photos and I believed that Anne Frank was Diane Disney. I went looking for anomalies or scars that would be similar in both people and found an identical scar to the right of the chin. This is confirmatory that they are the same person. Can other people have scars in the same place? Yes but I went looking for this scar on Diane after I found it on Anne Frank. This is the same person.
Diane Disney then went on to actually play Anne Frank in “The Diary of Anne Frank” as Millie Perkins.
Back to the Graduate
So we have Billy Mumy as Dustin Hoffman in the Graduate (1967). He’s ten years old while filming (Born November 1956). He’s sleeping with Anne Bancroft aka Diane Disney who I’ll approximate as born in 1929. She would be roughly 37 years old at the time of filming, https://ewedit.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/casting-the-graduate.jpg?w=610making her almost 4 times his age.
Trivia Question: What is Mrs. Robinson’s first name in the film The Graduate.
We’re left with only one question now: “What is that thing on Aaron Neville’s face?”
Happy Father’s Day to all my family and friends!!!
I just finished watching “Cruising” with Al Pacino! Al wasn’t with me watching the film…he was in the film! I still liked the film at least as much now as when I first saw it.
The only thing I find wrong with the film is there was no sequel and I want to see a director’s cut with the forty minutes put back in. The murder mystery could have been pulled together with an extra 10-15 minutes of film bringing it to a climax like a Dirty Harry film but it is what it is and I still don’t take issue with it. Got to believe that’s Ron laying on the floor at the end.
The film was basically pulled not because the American public are a bunch of pussies but because the homo crowd of it’s time derided the film as non-representative of their community at the time… it was supposed to be non representative! The captain even said the smbd community was, “a world unto itself” (actual or semi quotation). Not every Faggy Jack is going to go full fistula on someone in public.
I’ll compare the film, in a base way, to Caligula which had a fistula scene which was simply rape and worse as opposed to the scene in Cruising where generous amounts of lubricant was sensuously first applied and the actual insertion was done later off camera.
This is from Wikipedia, “Caligula received generally negative reviews.[43] Roger Ebert gave it zero stars, calling it “sickening, utterly worthless, shameful trash”. Ebert wrote, “In the two hours of this film that I saw, there were no scenes of joy, natural pleasure, or good sensual cheer. There was, instead, a nauseating excursion into base and sad fantasies.”[44] It is also notable for being one of the few films Ebert has ever walked out of- he walked out 2 hours into its 170-minute length after feeling “disgusted and unspeakably depressed”.[44]
I sat through the entirety of the film, Caligula, (FYI Ron gets killed at the end of that one too!) and did not feel sickened by the film but I did not consider it great cinema. I loved the ending though when the uncle becomes Caesar most of the rest of it not so much.
I think Cruising is real cinema and got panned for political reasons. I thought it was Al Pacino taking a risk in his career and he and everyone else made a great film. I think it’s now a bit of a documentary and a captured piece of history and there’s nothing wrong with that. Al did great acting, the direction was superb and enough room for a third film with Karen Allen impersonating a gay male and becoming a serial killer and ultimately confronted with killing Al.
Any Cruising 9/10 stars crushed by a bunch of misguided gay activists who if they left the film in place would have had more dates with good looking tops and bottoms than they can handle.
Also, crushed by movie mogul pussies who are also clandestine misguided gay activists themselves who turned tale on their own tale…9 stars out of 10 for the film…2 stars for the closeted homosexual movie executives who screwed their own film up it’s ass.
Great film!!! Go see it. Let those queer, faggy movie guys know what you think of it being pulled!
Just back in the hotel after watching roughly half of Billy Bishop Goes to War at the Robert Shackleton Playhouse in Cape May…The Cape May Stage! It was only half because every 15-30 seconds I would fall asleep for 15-30 seconds. Fortunately all the actors were warned of this and only one seemed annoyed. There were only two actors so for me batting .500 is not bad!! I only annoyed half the actors!!! I would have been happy with that stat at the showing of episode 2 of Gazoo!! Yikes!!! It was curtains for me!!
What went right? I recognized this was the work of Ron Howard! How did I do it? I kept catching a song lick reminiscent of the work of Al Stewart. I believe the two man show was written around 1980 which would have been around the hey day of Al Stewart.
Ron has done a lot great work in Canada and this was one of the most popular plays in Canada based on a true story. If this musical wasn’t written in the 1930’s then the only one who could have done it was Ron Howard. As I’ve said before, Ron loves history and loves nothing more than to sing about history and you know what? Ron wrote a great film that contained a fighter plane in it.
Tommy!!! By the Who!!! I’ve gone through the scene where captain Walker comes home earlier in a blog so I don’t want to redo it.
Anyway, as usual Ron was in tears when I figured out the play was his and the Al Stewart lick almost certainly off “Year of the Cat” or one of the other great albums…but you know what? We have another song that has a jet fighter in it by Ron Howard…
Now the king told the boogie men
You have to let that raga drop
The oil down the desert way
Has been shakin’ to the top
The Sheik he drove his Cadillac
He went a’ cruisin’ down the ville
The muezzin was a’ standing
On the radiator grille
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
By order of the prophet
We ban that boogie sound
Degenerate the faithful
With that crazy Casbah sound
But the Bedouin they brought out
The electric camel drum
The local guitar picker
Got his guitar picking thumb
As soon as the Shareef
Had cleared the square
They began to wail
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
Now over at the temple
Oh! They really pack ’em in
The in crowd say it’s cool
To dig this chanting thing
But as the wind changed direction
The temple band took five
The crowd caught a wiff
Of that crazy Casbah jive
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The king called up his jet fighters
He said you better earn your pay
Drop your bombs between the minarets
Down the Casbah way
As soon as the Shareef was
Chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to
The cockpit radio blare
As soon as the Shareef was
Out of their hair
The jet pilots wailed
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The Shareef don’t like it
Rockin’ the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
He thinks it’s not kosher
Fundamentally he can’t take it
You know he really hates it
In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred, believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane. There are anecdotal accounts but no scientific evidence for existence of the Akashic records.[1][2][3]
Akasha (ākāśaआकाश) is the Sanskrit word for “aether” or “atmosphere”. Also, in Hindi, Akash (आकाश) means “sky” or “heaven”.
Ok, so forget how smart Ron Howard is…how smart am I? So I figured out that Ron cheats and actually looks at the events as they occurred through the akashic records…how do I prove he does that?
line #3 above and now below…
Birth name | Craig Vincent Smith |
Also known as | Maitreya Kali, Satya Sai Maitreya Kali |
Born | April 25, 1945 Los Angeles, U.S. |
Died | March 16, 2012 (aged 66) Los Angeles, U.S. |
Genres | Pop, folk, rock |
Occupation(s) | Musician, songwriter, actor |
Instruments | Guitar, voice |
Years active | 1963–1972 |
Labels | Capitol Records, Akashic Records, United Kingdom of America Records |
Associated acts | The Good Time Singers, Andy Williams, The Monkees, The Penny Arkade
And here’s another clue for you all…Peter Tork of the monkee’s was Ron and Craig Smith was involved with them.
So why does Ron love movies and music and books around history? Because he can access all of it at anytime by himself.
I’m sam;ing this right now, really good! It’s Ron Hooward as Craig Vincent Smith Also known as Maitreya Kali, Satya Sai Maitreya Kali
“Apache” is subtitled “Sound Track From Yosemite” and is dedicated to Jimi Hendrix.
wow!!! Jimi has a mustache just like Mike Schmidt!!!
They lie, steal and cheat while we have to beg borrow or shmear!
Paul Newman aka George Bush
This took me way too long. Sometimes things just don’t compute. I’ve been looking for Paul Newman for over ten years. Paul Newman was one of the greatest and most beloved actors of his time. He appeared in 70 films and also directed and produced. Many of the films he was in are considered timeless classics: Cool Hand Luke, the Hustler, Exodus, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Torn Curtain, the Sting also with Redford (Howard) and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Many of his films are pure pleasure to watch because he is pure pleasure to watch up on the screen. I was asked not to mention his great salad dressing which to me is just the usual oil and vinegar with spices but housewives everywhere like to touch themselves whenever they pull it out.
This also makes Katharine Ross…Laura Bush! Katharine Ross is the daughter of Diane Disney, Walt Disney’s daughter. Making Laura Bush the grand-daughter of Walt.
I got drugged once, MK Ultra style and yes the program is still active and very advanced and Laura Bush had me do some disturbing things. Also she had Images projected onto my frontal lobe while I was drugged which appeared as hallucinations.
Laura is very powerful and can be really scary. I know how crazy this sounds but I have to document as much as I can, as honestly as I can and I still leave some out.
I took this pretty personal and we discussed/argued over this for months. I’m pretty much over it having come to understand that she was engaging in a technique to create closeness using antipathy. The Bush’s can be pretty sensitive but here they had a goal in mind. This gets complex and I’m not sure I understand it all.
For drugging during MK-Ultra training they use Volatile gasses essentially anesthesia. Hallucinations can be created and projected into the brain where it appears to be in the frontal lobe. I was told I was being drugged through the water but I could feel the coldness of dense water vapor on my face as it came out of the vents in the ceiling.
There had been numerous attempts on my life and I have an internal early warning system Defcon (Defense Condition-like the military). I usually sit at 8-13. Defcon 1 is the highest level. Ron became my handler after my previous handler transferred “ownership” to him. One day I got really fed up with him and freed myself which can be done when the handler abuses his power without discernible purpose. Anyway, it was pretty difficult killing me and Ron had poison gas set up in the room and I got to Defcon 1 and told him so. He told me not to do anything and just stay there. These people like to know they can kill you at anytime or they have stuff on you or can threaten your loved ones. I believe at this point that if Ron had released the gas I would have survived. I would have gone into Defcon-0 and defenses would have enacted automatically without my initiating them. This happened once when I was holed up somewhere and someone was trying to break down my door. Normally I have to hit a metaphysical button to get things started, once they start I often don’t have further control. Here no button pressed and a huge and sustained release of energy occurred….very cool! I wound up destroying the rest of the tanks of chemicals later on as they got on my nerves.
I think i have a few mistakes with Billy and also I believe he shares more identities with Ron than I realized.
So I’m looking James Spader to be dual roled.
also still working on Jerry Garcia, I realized he’s missing a finger and can’t find one missing on Billy.
I’m getting that I’m correct about more dual roled characters and correct about James Spader and Christopher Walken played by both Billy and Ron and think sometimes Clint may jump in to.
I’ll go out on a limb and say that James Woods can be either and Bruce Willis. Correct on both!
I’ll also say other people have played Bruce Willis, correct again
I’m guessing it’s subtle changes in persona that I note.
I believe Bryce actually played Bruce Willis once, i’m getting no and yes. Yes…one scene in one film.
I try and fill the hole in my heart with other things…it’s the best I can do.
So who is this handsome young boy? None other than the son of Matt Damon!! and what does he have to say??? Daddy…put in some more choreographed fight scenes in your Bourne movies!! and don’t call it a Bourne movie if you’re not in it playing Jason Bourne!! Thats what he’s saying.
This would also be the grandson of Ron Howard! Also the great grandson of Frank Sinatra and Patsy Cline.
Here’s how we found it: Chelsea Atkinson aka Luciano Barroso is communicating with this young man on Twitter and I looked at his pics and figured good looking kid likely to be her’s and Matt’s son.
In one photo he appears to have a sister. Let’s see who she is!
This very talented dancing mom shows up on Jacob’s paige…
And I’m told we have a winner and you should go watch her dance! This is Matt’s daughter and Ron’s granddaughter. there may be more and I’d love to stay but there’s bills to pay and I just don’t have the time.
Back later gator!
I had actually never heard of Hrafn Gunnlaugsson but I figured the guy above to be a director of some sort because of the perfection in the picture in black and white so I went to look for Icelandic directors…also who else is Ron going to show the most respect to and go visit and give his daughter a child…a studied and famous director. BTW I had no help on any of this just confirmation if I was correct on the steps I took including Creepy Gene Rosen.
I decided to check out the royal family of Iceland next and came across this photo which was unusual at best. I’ll leave it alone because I have other things to do. I think it’s from 2010
The above was a video of Creepy Gene Rosen at Sandy Hook. You can see him studying his lines off index cards
this one is also good
I’m getting a yes here! Totally different separate son, not Cheryl’s son.
I’m being asked how I got this…
A while back I identified Matt in a photo as screen writer Shane Atkinson.
FYI, Shane Atkinson wrote Penny Dreadful the short film with Kiki in it! Reminds me of a patient I had. Shane not Kiki though Kiki reminded me of a few patients I’ve had and some friends now! the patient left after his case stopped making sense.
now one of my favorite films!!!
I decided to double check if Atkinson was Damon by checking the wives to see if they were the same person.
Now I cam across this sliver of a picture of Chelsea Atkinson while researching Atkinson and decided it was a pretty good match for Luciano Barroso.
Here’s where it gets fun and I shouldn’t give away all my secrets but it’s really fun and you get a lot of information back when you post something and leave out a few if not all of the steps it took to get you there. This would make the fibbers crazy and they’d be up all night trying to figure out how to arrest me for espionage when my contention was always everything I do is off public domain. Here what I did (and sorry Matt but it paid off handsomely) was figure out that Chelsea Atkinson was Luciano Barroso after I figured out that Shane Atkinson was Matt Damon and put up the picture above of Chelsea with a post that read, random picture off the net.
Here’s where I got the info about Matt being Ron’s son: Matt asked Ron….”Is this really a random photo off the net?” Ron said to Matt, “Nothing Ed does is random.”
What came through in that interation was the warmth between Ron and Matt, the need for guidance and the guidance provided. These two were close and Matt could have been a four year old boy seeking help from his father there. It was a beautiful interaction. You’d have to be pretty close with Ron to do this.
Anyway this was very cool, I got a bunch of info, learned about myself and how the world perceives me and got to bust on Matt Damon which was really kind of fun seeing how good looking, wonderful and famous and all…sadly that always seems to be fun and I get to meet a lot of new, curious and often pissed off people like this.
Got to head out. Night all…see you in our shared dreams! Good night to all the kids and the Missesses!!!
People looking for some Eddiefication: Ron manages to get around a bit and probably has a bunch of other kids out and about here and therefore finding another one is not that big of a shocker. Also, the jump from a small interaction with Ron to being his son is in part talent but also educated assessment. Same coloring, looks are close enough, and they’re close enough with each other to talk so it has to be someone very close. I think when you’re doing analysis if all the pieces are in place you’re left with the endcome which is the one piece that falls into place and ties it all together and solves the riddle as opposed to the outcome which could have been anything that occurred. The endcome should feel good when it happens.
Change the name of the book, “A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka” to “Beg, Borrow or Shmear” and create a film much like, “The Twelve Chairs” in it’s somber sweetness yet toned down enough to deal with the serious nature of a family of Jews escaping from the Ukraine in the 1970’s.
alternative is a couple of jewboys from brooklyn trying to get into a) a poker tourney or b) a couple gay jewboys trying to get into a Barbra concert or c) whatever else makes for a good story needing begging, borrowing or shmearing
Use the visual image of spreading of cream cheese onto a bagel as a metaphor for bribing….a shmear!
It’s big! Really big!!
And to Paige….Ha Ha!!! Soulmate of Hate was never done before!!!
Restaurant review…Romero’s Breakfast and Mexican at the Berlin Flea Market Clementon Road, Berlin NJ.(Warning! Contains Spoilers!!!) I’m going to give this humble little eatery at the Berlin Flea Market…5/5 stars. The location and restaurant are humble but the food is not! Huge portions of very tasty food. I had some eggs with Mexican spices and veggies and refried beans and rice and was pleased to get tortillas that were piping hot and stayed hot through the meal which I could only eat half. The Mrs. had a giant sandwich bigger than Kliban’s head. A fresh baked loaf of bread with grilled dark meat chicken, some kind of shredded mild cheese, local veggies on top spice sauce and who knows what else with fries. She got through about a third of it. You can’t finish the food. The people in the restaurant are interesting probably not to each other but I liked ’em. Ran into a patient who didn’t recognize me in my disguise as the Duke of Edinburgh. She was with her friend who regarded me with about as much distain as is possible for any one person to muster up so I felt right at home! Very reasonable prices considering one meal would feed most of Istanbul which was Constantinople on a hungry day. Bring money for the indoor and outdoor flea market where I found a real dinosaur head last year but paleontologists from the local universities have told me to phuck off when I contact them because of course no one can find a dinosaur head that isn’t marked Hasbro at a flea market and they have 90 years combined experience looking at grainy pictures of petrified rocks and immediately discerning that the photo merely represents the delusional ravings of an insane lunatic…did I mention 90 years combined experience? Hey Drexel boys… no kidding…ID’ing a dinosaur is no BFD. I dissected a human body once I sincerely doubt any of you can make the same claim about about a dinosaur and we’re not talking about those puny reptiles that live today. These are the same guys who once a month get excited because they get to go to the school cafeteria and stick their Johnsons into the pickle slicer who takes offense at that name because she says, “I do so much more than that!” So…if you’re free on Friday, Saturday or Sunday break-lunch go to the Berlin Flea Market and find Romero’s Mexican and Breakfast at the front of the building when you first drive into the big parking lot and if anyone knows a paleontologist who does not examine dinosaur fossils through their large intestinal bowel wall or from grainy photographs and report that they’re rocks, I already know it’s a rock…it’s a 100 million phucking years old, it underwent petrification during that long dirt sleep (thank you Billy Mumy for that line) only to wind up now on my front lawn with one of my lawn gnomes as it’s pet who keeps trying to fondle it like it’s like it’s Dino’s wife Juliet from the Flintstones who he had 15 puppies with while he was still banging Sassy the star of some dinosaur reality TV show where they cut off the head of a live dinosaur and leave it buried somewhere in NJ where it can slowly drive some boy psychiatrist insane trying to prove that dinosaurs do exist in Berlin but try the food, bring an extra small intestine to help with digestion.
Billy Mumy is Dustin Hoffman. He is also: Elton John, Graham Nash, Treat Williams, Al Pacino, Paul McCartney, Jerry Garcia and Christopher Walken.
Another Howard genius!
Billy Mumy is Paul McCartney!
After a cataclysmic dump of information regarding Ron Howard the kind not seen since the heyday of Wiki-leaks; exhausted friends, family and able bodied employees pulled an all-nighter reviewing all the information dumped onto net. Cots and mattresses were pulled out and information was carefully studied amidst singing and dancing to as many songs as Ed produced attributed to Ron. It was a crazy frenzied evening, the kind not seen since the last time Ed pulled something nutty out of his hat… or maybe the Russian Roulette Orgy. Quiet music is currently being played and those resting were checked on by staff and family to make sure they were in good health and well hydrated.
Hits of ecstasy had made their way in last night and the frenzied dancing accelerated after that like something out of the Palladium with an ongoing orgyfest running concurrently.
Ron and Cheryl aka Madonna at the Palladium
Dancers were advised to remain well hydrated and instructed not to slide down the bannisters on their feet or handstand on them like they were on the Verrazano Bridge in the film “Saturday Night Fever”. Ron could not resist the fun and turned some handstands himself pissing himself in the process from staying a little too well hydrated.
Currently Frank Sinatra music, Ron’s father, wafts through the Ranch.
Ron, ever-grateful to Ed, was even more so when Ed released the treasure trove of Ron Howard and then declared that he and Ron were good friends and buried the hatchet for most past indiscretions. Ed was quoted as saying, “Ahhh WTF…I’ve been getting some really good sustained boners and banged the hell out of my old lady for over a half hour not including a couple episodes of oral and some really good spankings! We have to be good friends! We’re practically brothers!” Ed reportedly even attempted to slide into third base head first but was called out.
Things are really happy in Mudville!!!
This also came on the heals of a rousing victory against the G-Man at O in a culmination of a meeting of minds last october… The mindfulness of “O” versus the mindlessness of Ed… a meeting of the mindful vs. the mindless! Guess who won. The emperor penguin got to keep his hot mistress who went home after our confrontation, popped some pills and masterbated thinking of me (the mistress, not the Penquin, though he may have and this was confirmed). She had been psychically saying I’d do a better job with you than any of those gals here. I don’t recall seeing her name on the menu but they would have sent up clarified butter if I ordered her.
It was a most ripping victory!
Things are really happy in Mudville!!!
Just to show you that Ron didn’t just get by on his good looks as Mike Schmidt here’s a few articles about his accomplishments.
Look at him!!! Isn’t he beautiful!!! 100% pure Ron Howard wrapped up in a Mike Schmidt uniform!!
Ron Howard aka Mike Schmidt!!!
OK, how did I get this one? I saw Ron on some sort of Network TV show like “Battle of the Network Stars”…or something like that. Grizzly Adams was in the dunk tank. Grizzly must have known what was coming because he didn’t kid around with Ron the way he did with Penny Marshall. Ron smiled, took the baseball and unleashed it in a split second, looked like sidearm to me and almost all wrist and Grizzly was in Davy Jones Locker or is that John Paul Jones… I forget.
I thought at first it would be impossible for Ron to be a major league player because of all the other things he does…silly me. After I got to know him I realized nothing was out of his reach and I had seen him as Roy Scheider answer questions to Stuttering John while playing ball.
Addendum: I checked out my hunch and it’s true…Ron Howard was the person who initiated the idea of having Stuttering John become the announcer for the tonight show with Jay Leno. Howard Stern was angry with John for leaving the show. They gave John something like a million dollars a year to do this. Ron would have seen and met John repeatedly on the Stern Show, probably dozens of times and you can see below Ron’s very respectful to the smoking lady, reminiscent of him playing that cock-sucker Ed Begley (Mr. 911 Truth) but really does enjoy the interview with John.
Go to 1:22 for the start of the interview:
Also, as Woody Allen he caught a well hit pop up and declared it was, “a can of corn.” A perfect metaphor for Woody meaning a relatively easy catch.
OK so I figured he was a major league ball player…how did I find him. I googled red headed baseball players which churned up a lot of players. I then looked for Le Grande Orange which didn’t look like Ron. Then I just happened to find a picture of Mike Schmidt who looked promising but I was out of time so I just jotted his name down in my handy dandy notebook! The rest is history.
This and the last find are really big…Mike Schmidt and James Clavell. I’m proud to call him my friend. I hope I can live up to that without getting murdered in my sleep!
I saw much of the miniseries Shogun by James Clavell with my grandparents. I can’t remember why I didn’t see the end but I loved what I saw and I was a big fan of Richard Chamberlain who was just terrific in the film. I remembered that he and one of the Lords of Japan do a scene where they get drunk together. Richard dispenses with the tiny saki cup and drinks out of a bowl which the Warlord mimics. Chamberlain does a seaworthy dance and a ditty with it which the Warlord insisted on learning.
I remembered that Ron Howard was Richard Chamberlain and Ron would prefer to act in shows written by himself or someone in the inner circle or someone otherwise truly worthy of his talents. A buddy of mine read the book and I remember him saying you needed an axe to get through it because it was so long. He wound up killing himself in medical school in Mexico but I don’t think the two were related.
This book, the dance number, and the miniseries all had the hand of Ron on it though I think at the end of the ditty he should have lifted the Warlord over his head using just hand the way he did in “Staying Alive”!
Correctly, I considered that while Ron could turn out two dozen songs in one day while winding up in the ER as Rod Stewart in the morning, Richard Gere in the afternoon and filming Tim Curry enjoying a nice corn dog in the evening as Robert Mapplethorpe I have never found Ron to be able to write a novel by himself. I doubt that’s completely correct but I’ve found most of the great writing from that pair in terms of novels comes from Cheryl though his kids are very creative and productive as well. I thought Shogun would be more of a book by Ron because of the history involved. Cheryl went through the notes I posted and let me know that Ron wrote Shogun, and probably most of the other books “by” Clavell but Clavell fleshed them out.
Ron has some aspects of ADHD and has trouble with some tasks that might require sustained attention for long periods of time. He does so many things at once that a novel like Shogun would be a very daunting task to undertake by himself. Ron had a head injury and this may explain some of the issues with focus. He uses “ADHD” to his advantage; if an idea tanks he can move off it really quickly and on to something else with a minimum of mourning period and a notion that he can always come back to it.
Ron wrote James Clavell’s “The First Woman on the Moon” at the age of 5 years old and many other of Clavell’s works with Clavell as his ghost writer or better yet…beard.
Shout out to Ron Howard as Woody Allen in “The Front” where Woody becomes a “beard” during the time of McCarthyism. McCarthyism also shows up in an episode of “Happy Days” where Potsy was blowing Richie and Mrs. C wanted to know why the door was closed. Richie yelled back, “We’re studying McCarthyism!”
I’m afraid it would take me a hundred years to get all these down and give each one the justice it deserves and I’ve been moving toward other people. Remember I never publish everything I have but I’m going to get out as much of Ron as I can so there may be a Part III coming up soon. I’ve enjoyed this and lately following the Rabbit Hole even deeper and further out.
I’m told there’s no way I should know some of this stuff and yet…I do! It also started with a nick-name I can’t remember and then Pookie….the rest just wrote itself!
These are earlier files, same rules apply here, all songs likely written by Ron. If Ron wrote the song he’s likely in the band or wrote the song for someone he likes.
Second list may have duplication from above list
I decided to put up all my raw notes on Ron…They are just that Raw Notes. I didn’t want to lose them and everyday the paper boy brings more. If you decide to explore my notes most are songs written by Ron probably over 95 percent correct here and close to 100 percent elsewhere. My notes are pretty accurate when it comes to songs he wrote. If Ron did the song he’s likely in the band. IF he’s not in the band then someone he really likes got to perform the song. There’s stuff from other places, some stuff has been changed by spell check and i have no idea and somethings are hunches and can be completely wrong. There are commercials, lots for cigarettes. Here’s the issue I may never make it through most of this and I’m about to post another file that’s bigger that this. Some I’ve gone through, some I haven’t. Happy hunting if you’re on the prowl.
You make me feel brand new
Green green grass of home
put it in the want ads
Out of the darkness and into the light
Roger ramjet
They’re coming to take me away
Aristophanes one of the great episodes and great lines from odd couple!!!
When u get caught between the moon and nyc
Florida sunshine tree
Paul volker
K is Kenny he’s the king
Oompa loompa
If u like raisins. Fat juicy raisins
Dona promesa eres tu eres tu
Give your cold to contact
I’m choke eat banana
Buffalo soldiers
Theme to courtship Eddie
Ron wrote Marrakech express
Billy joel traveling prayer
Attack of the killer tomatos
I’m a believer
Annie get your gun
Bear necessities
Red rubber ball
Shogun written by Cheryl?
This diamond ring
What’s the matter with kids today
Theme to munsters
Shout shout. Let it all out
Check Clifton Webb
Hang on sloopy
Longest hundred miles
Check Mike Schmidt
Ain’t she sweet
I wish they all could be California girls
A boy like that who’ll kill another
She was an American girl
Lady marmalade
Witchita lineman
Jerrold Tull teacher
No more Rice Krispies
Can u tell me how to get to sesame st
Do the mouse
The world is a carousel of color
It had to be blue not Ron or anyone else new crayon
Bikini bottom Blue not here because of Ron but new crayon
The entertainer Billie Joel
Cheap trick surrender
Under my thumb
Talking heads wild wild nights
Saw sons (swan son’s) cooking just for you
You’re fooling yourself
Night moves
Yellow brick road
Or am I standing still
Wouldn’t it b lovely robin?
Well alright
Goodbye yellow brick road
Would u rather swing on a star
Silent running
Play it sweet. Oh jazzman
Age of Aquarius
wild Horses
Bungalow bill
Low spark of high heeled boys
We’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got
Oki phanoki swamp
You can do magic
To get right to the heart of the matter.
John Paul john
Check arsinio
Ron wrote Mrs Robinson
RC cola so misunderstood
Marakesh express
Crawling from the wreckage
Levis. Lee e e e vies. Ah ah Lee e e e e vies
Snitch central nothing to do with Ron
New York. Big lights
My baby went out last night with 007
Jeff gar deer nothing with ron
Check grant tinker
Look for the union label
Hr puff and stuff
Gladys knight
There’s a new you coming every day milk
My naps k on my back
Here comes the sun
Baby baby. Tell me u never wanted my loving
Hair cow sills
If u really love me
Dipsey doodleitis
Killing me softly
Signed dear abbey
I remember finding all about you
A song of love is a sad song
All who are faithful follow me
Unchained melody
Hall and Oates
Freddie’s dead check
Who said anything about love
Alexander you were great
First thing I remember Paul simon
I guess that’s why they call it the blues
If u really love me
Xavier cougat and charo
I love the sound of breaking glass
I want to know what love is
Check honey west
Did u happen to see the most beautiful girl that walked out on me
Coronet commercial
One after 909
Hold on to me
How gentle is the rain
Don’t ask me what I think of you u might not get the answer that u want me too
Brings out the tiger in u
Kids are people too
Doug Henning Magic is fun
World famed skier Jean Paul jean
Death of a clown
Check it’s easy As rolling off a log
High Cotten
As we poor sailors go skipping to the top
Edmund Fitzgerald
Close the window shut the lights and it’s going to b allright
Stronger than dirt. Doors.
Lee eeee eee eeee. We. Levis
Us and them
Check Robert deme kid
The flavor of a Clark bar
Call the uh oh squad
Mr terrific.
Do i.e. Gillis
Screaming yellow zonkers
Macho man
Old Milwaukee beer
Put on that happy face
In the navy
George Steinbrenner and Billie matin
Overture bugs
There’s a new u coming
While strolling through the park one day
When will I be loved
See u on the other side
Kinks shangrila
He’s my brother
Miles Davis
Tell it to the marines
I love the colorful clothes u wear
Do u know where your going to
Electric co
You’re beautiful just the way u r
Anita oj
Jimmy dean.
Somewhere along the line
Tell me something good
U get the most out of mildness with parliament cigarettes
Peaceful easy feeling
Jennifer love hewitt
Hugh Hefner
We’re an American band
Edmund Fitzgerald
Ruby red dress
What the hell is wrong with u tonite
Donna Summer’s let’s dance
More more more
10000 maniacs
Soul train
Penny lane
Aura Lee
Ron Jon
Terrapin station
Malloking tide The seas of desire
Peace train
Put the load right on me
Manchester england
I’m in love with a wonderful girl
sally fields
Alexander u were great. Double check
Aura Lee
Marketed wallet to on
Sally strut hers
Losing my religion
I want u to want me
Coo coo for Cocoa Puffs
When my baby smiles at me I go to rio
Walking through the park and reminiscing
Walk away walk away I will follow
Look up cat Stevens
Melanie Griffith
Hoist up your john b sail
Cherokee people
Hit me with your rhythm stick
It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature
I’m your mother
Please go away. Don’t hold me close
Surf side six
Whitney Houston
Sharing horizons that r new to us
Uptown girl bj
Lionel richie
Mr crowley
I will always love u
We put lemon in the tidy bowl for you
You really got me dinosaur ad with ken in convertible
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me something good
I like keep my mind exogenous. I don’t understand why my life is pretty plain I express my point of view and I’m insane
Islands in the stream
In my little town
Hi ho hi ho
Give a little whistle
Have u never tried to find some comfort from inside
Doll parts
Girl talk
Crawling from the wreckage
Let the side show begin
I’ve been lied to. When will I b loved
The long and winding road
Speak to me of summer though winters longer
Would u like to swing on a star
Though u see them please don’t say a word
Somethings coming. West side
Hold on I’m coming
Nikkala stott. Or nickels
No sugar tonite in my coffe
Yellow bird
Maybe he’s no Romeo. Let’s here it for the boy
Cinnamon. Girl
I’m looking over my dead dog rover
We got to get out of this place
La visa loca
Losing my religion
So me things coming from west side story
Glen close.
Don’t ask me what I think of you
Somethings coming. I don’t know what is but it
Miss you girl rolling stones
Podesta spirit cooking
Ooo what a lucky man he was
Hot town summer in the city
Dear abbey
Dust in the wind
Hey lets do the limbo rock
Cruel to be kind
Lipstick and powder for talk
Eve of destruction
Echo and the bunny men
Oh lord won’t u buy me
Wrote that ladies a star
Wrote angry young man
Mcclane Stevenson
Richard from patty duke
Dobie gillis, he’s not dobie though
Down on the corner
Take the money and run
Kid rock is reed?
Everybody loves u now
Still carries the scar on her cheek to remind her of hiss smile
Come on over to the l and m side
Terrapin station
I’m the man too
Muswell hillbilly boy
Man in the mirror
Wichita lineman
Walt Whitman high. Rm 222
Take the money and run
Allison Cornell. Mother?
Casino Royal herb Alpert
For the longest time
Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde
We shall overcome
Aww heavy my heart is full of love and desire for you
Adams family
Solitaires the only game in town
I Would u like to swing on a star
Living in the material world
I’ve grown acostened to her face
Huckleberry hound
Looking for a heart of gold
Dennis the menace
Sesame Street
Theme to flint stones
Ron Howard was a member of The Firm and wrote the song “Star Trekken” Now I’m seeing a lot of great music done by Ron Howard and The Firm. Must have missed it while I was doing that medical school thing.
I hit this by mistake but I mentioned earlier that Ron Howard was John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin. This is really kind of yummy…must have missed this as well!https://www.youtube.com/watch?
this is good too
The movie, “Cruising” got beat up worse than a gayed-up Al Pacino in a police precinct…
Al Pacino and some Jim Brown looking guy in Cruising
…and as I recall Al Pacino got crapped on worse than Hilly Holbrook in “The Help”.
I glanced at wikipedia for a bit to see why the film took a worse licking than a gamer with a Nintendo switch cartridge.
It appears gay groups did not embrace it… not like the ballet dancers who game out in droves for the Black Swan which was way creepier than Cruising could have ever been!
Well TFB, I liked Cruising. I thought it would surely be another hit for Big Gay Al but it wasn’t. Maybe it will go down somewhere in history as a historical piece because what went on in the film was in part what went on at the time in NYC.
I thought it was an open film, tough, at times difficult to watch, kind of like watching for the first time Frank N. Furter (Tim Curry) undress into his corset, panties and stockings in Rocky Horror Picture show. I still blush at that.
I’ll lay down ten bucks Curry is in this film somewhere.
When I have a chance I’ll rewatch it and post an update to this column.
Don’t forget the great Al Pacino turns out to be Billy Mumy so don’t piss him off!!!
This episode of Twilight Zone only gets creepier and scarier the older I get!
So we have members of the Grateful Dead from the Howard Family and after looking for him for ten years I believe I found Jerry Garcia, alive and well! I asked Ron once who acknowledged he was alive but not much else. I think I also have Paul McCartney leaving me only John Lennon to find, and Dustin Hoffman and Richard Dreyfus and Sonny Bono. I’ve been looking for these three for a while and I’ll post them soon. I think I have Graham Nash as well.
This is from yesterdays post on Clint Howard. Most of what I’m posting now are exclusionary diagnoses of Billy Mumy. This is people I’ve looked for for months or years. You know it has to be a Howard but you’ve run out of them except for Billy. Now Elvis is floating out there, and The Donald, and a few others but largely I’m going with where the money is and today it’s on Billy Mumy. Kind of like diagnosing Fibromyalgia; you know it’s painful and you’ve excluded every other diagnosis so you’re left with Billy Mumy. This will have to do until I find a smoking gun on Billy like we see in the Marilyn Monroe/Jackie Kennedy post.
Since we have three brothers: Ron Howard, Clint Howard and Billy Mumy we get to fill in some people. We already identified Elton John as Billy Mumy.
He looks tired. Neck appears peculiar, hint of V-Neck at the base. Possibly swollen and sick. Ostentatiously dressed, hints of possible homosexuality.
Now using basic logic if David Crosby is Clint Howard and Ron Howard is Stephen Stills then the third member of CSN, Graham Nash, has to be Billy Mumy. So have all three.
Smoking guns need to be relatively consistent through different characters. You know it’s good if the powers that be try to hide it like on George Bush where he only wears collared shirts.
So far we have Billy Mumy as Elton John, and Graham Nash. Let’s look at Treat Williams who we worked with earlier.
Hard to make out V-Neck here but such a great photo I had to put it up. Also very likely to be a Converse sneaker ad with Treat making sure the Converse logo is facing the viewing audience.
We’re at three now: Billy Mumy is Elton John, Graham Nash and Treat Williams. What’s the theme? Good looking guys. So far each one of the characters that Billy plays is some good looking yummy muffin. Let’s look at the Beatles!
Let’s Break and watch Riverdale!
I am rejuvenated!
Beatles coming up. Here we have in the front row all three Howard brothers and Ron Howard’s first son. I had this up before but did not ID Christopher Walken as Billy Mummy.
We’re at four now Billy Mumy is Elton John, Graham Nash, Treat Williams and Christopher Walken.
I would have sworn Ron was Christopher Walken except he’s Woody Allen and they were in one of the funniest scenes from any Woody Allen film together. Christopher Walken could pass for any of the Howard brothers. He looks a bit like Clint in the above clip and below could pass for Ron but he’s got Billy’s V-Neck so we’ll call it Billy Mumy. I would bet that at some point Ron has played Christopher Walken. He’s an easy one to impersonate, but I could be wrong.
I received confirmation that Ron has played Christopher Walken and on 2 or 3 occasions so has Clint. This may solve the conundrum of Bill Murray and Bruce Willis who I both have as Ron Howard though the appear together in Moonrise Kingdom. I suspected when I watched the film that Bill Murray and Bruce Willis were brothers because the film was a labor of love and there’s no reason to have Bill Murray and Bruce Willis in any film together except if they’re related and doing a labor of love film. I’ll have to double check them again at some point.
Lot’s of people showed up in my office. I had warned my staff there would be curiosity seekers. I identified none of them though I heard “Little Miss Sunshine” in my head when I met with her and said someone looked like Christie Brinkley and she made me dizzy. I went steady with her for about two years…OK…it was actually a Sports Illustrated magazine with her in it that I went steady with but it was a nice relationship none the less.
I was fairly certain of all the people, if no one else, I would pick Clint Howard out. Wrong! Nope! Not even close! OK so how did I get here today?
I started watching “Phantasm” my favorite horror flick though I didn’t see it in the theaters. Great story, some horror, some science fiction, super characters, weapons, elvis and Reggie. We’ll come back to Elvis later. On the screen Clint Howard may be easy to ID but usually not. He is another true Master of Disguise however they left enough of him as is to make the ID. “This is Tranya…I hope you relish it as much as I.”
In the film Reggie Bannister near the end picks up a guitar and starts playing a song which is really difficult to hear but I make it out as “Uncle John’s Band”. A clue!! I’m a big fan of the Grateful Dead but some of the details get lost on me so I went to see who wrote it… Robert Hunter! I went to see what Robert Hunter looked like…Yahtzee!! Looked like Clint Howard!
In the film Reggie Bannister near the end picks up a guitar and starts playing a song which is really difficult to hear but I make it out as “Uncle John’s Band”. A clue!! I’m a big fan of the Grateful Dead but some of the details get lost on me so I went to see who wrote it… Robert Hunter! I went to see what Robert Hunter looked like…Yahtzee!! Looked like Clint Howard! It looks like Clint wrote “Uncle John’s Band”!
This article parallels my opinion regarding Robert Hunter and his work. Here is the link and the first two paragraphs.
As a result of their well-deserved reputation as the preeminent live act of their era, it’s understandable that the studio recordings of The Grateful Dead can be somewhat overshadowed. Along those same lines, the songwriting prowess of the band, which often boiled down to the music of Jerry Garcia and the lyrics of Robert Hunter, doesn’t always get the credit it deserves.
Yet in 1970, the Dead released a pair of studio albums within months of each other that seemed to both capture the unease of an entire generation unmoored from their ideals and act as a balm to soothe those disappointments. Workingman’s Dead was quickly followed by American Beauty, and from that latter album came “Ripple,” perhaps the quintessence of both the band’s delicate studio magic and the Garcia/Hunter partnership.
How do I know that Clint Howard wrote this song and not Ron Howard? (Ron Howard is Phil Lesh). Ron writes a lot of music but he can’t write everything that’s out there. I saw Robert Hunter do an interview about three songs he wrote while he was in England. Now Clint is a premium actor and could have faked the interview but I found it really authentic and he welled with emotion when he talked about getting to England which he was really excited about and with it having a full case or two of Retsina. He then penned down these three songs. If this is the truth then Clint Howard wrote most of the songs off my favorite album of all time, “American Beauty” by “The Grateful Dead” and my favorite song, “Ripple”. I wore out my first copy of it and still gifted it to someone I loved, ironically also named… Robert! It is a truly beautiful and spiritual album that is unsurpassed though there is ton’s of great Dead music out there.
The theme for Clint Howard in terms of appearance is receding hair line. You don’t see him shirtless much and Ron shows up shirtless half the time and fully naked the other half in his characters. I think I once saw him with his clothes on!!! LOL!
Below is the classic tracheotomy of a Howard. I’m pretty sure a lot of these are from motor vehicle accidents but I have a theory that life extension has gotten so advanced that the Howards change their internal organs once every 15 or so years. Why they can’t change their necks as well I don’t know but I think they’re only replaced as need be but happy and willing clones who don’t really get that they’re about to be used for spare parts.
So we have members of the Grateful Dead from the Howard Family and after looking for him for ten years I believe I found Jerry Garcia, alive and well! I asked Ron once who acknowledged he was alive but not much else. I think I also have Paul McCartney leaving me only John Lennon to find, and Dustin Hoffman and Richard Dreyfus and Sonny Bono. I’ve been looking for these three for a while and I’ll post them soon. I think I have Graham Nash as well.
So the king of receding hairlines has to be David Crosby of Crosby, Stills and Nash. Steven Stills is Ron Howard and I probably have Graham Nash for tomorrow.
Here’s just about my favorite performance from TV. The biggest possible sound you can get out of three acoustic guitars with a great tune that could only have been written by Ron Howard because who else can incorporate geography into both his songs and his children!
But that’s not what nailed down for me that David Crosby is Clint Howard. “You’ve seen my razzle… now here’s my dazzle!”-Felix Unger…
A terrific singer named Melissa Etheridge reportedly had a baby with her lesbian paramour. Now between the two of them neither was able to produce any semen so as the story goes they had to come up with the one person they could think of who’s sperm would produce a great musician. They wouldn’t reveal at first who it was but later on revealed it was David Crosby which was really kind of a big deal elevating David Crosby to stratospheric levels being the modern lesbians choice of sperm donors!!!
I decided it was a good time to see what Melissa Etheridge looked like because if she looked like Clint’s wife, Melanie Howard, which I was pretty sure she did, then David Crosby was in fact Clint Howard. Let’s look at the two:
oh oh dead end here!!!
Not so sure this is going where I thought it would. Made an error earlier and mistook Linda Blair for his wife. I’m going to leave this dead end for a while so people can see what can go wrong.
10th Annual Palm Beach International Film Festival – “Hitters Anonymous” Portraits
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April 18, 2005
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Linda Blair looks a bunch like Melissa Etheridge certainly more than Melanie Howard and I’m going to call this a win with Clint Howard nuzzled up to Etheridge. Clint Howard is David Crosby. Also his brother Ron is in the band that should have been enough.
More to come but now…
Some Dance Music!!!!
Shout out for Riverdale on Netflix. Super job on updated Archie comics to TV show. I give the first episode a 10/10. Awesome show with a murder mystery running through it. Oh and BTW…that’s Mrs. Baruch as Mrs. Grundy.!! Question of the day… Mrs. Grundy’s first name on the show is Geraldine…what is it in the comics? First prize gets a video of my kolonoscopy!!! Good luck!!
Bonus Question: What is Jughead Jones’ first name?
They seek her here…
They seek her there…
Those Frenchies seek her everywhere
Be she in Heaven…
or be she in Hell
That darned elusive…
Mrs. Grundy’s first name in the comics is Grisensnable and Jughead’s is Forsyth.
Her first name is most often given as Geraldine. However, at least once, another staff member called her “Amanda”.[volume & issue needed] She was also called “Alice” in at least one mainstream story.[volume & issue needed] In Archie’s Double Digest (#41), she was revealed to be an alumna herself of Riverdale High School, and had run for class president, in a joke about the need to clean off the bulletin board. Her forename was given as “Elizabeth” in The Archie and Sabrina Hour, and as “Doris” in the animated series Archie’s Weird Mysteries. In one story about Jughead‘s correct first name, it was revealed as Grisensnable.[volume & issue needed] In an earlier Archie book that listed the names of the characters, her name was also “Gertrude”. Nevertheless, Geraldine remains her commonly accepted name.
Some days you just feel like Joe DiMaggio
I missed this one earlier. Ron is taller than Cheryl here he’s crouching down to appear shorter though he does make it appear that he’s hiding a Woodrow.
In the post regarding George Bush, Trey Parker and the electric baby, the boy who sat next to George W. was not Trey Parker but possibly Trey’s son. An added possibility is that Trey Parker is the son of George W. He’s almost certainly a close resident. This would make the boy who sat next to George a grandson or possibly a grand nephew. What’s the clue? In the electric baby story the boy came in and sat right next to George with only a minimal of acknowledgement of each other. He might have been about 8 years old. He sat down as if he’d done this a hundred times or more. Perfectly natural, no introductions needed.
Also Trey Parker and Matt Stone did a TV show about the president called “That’s My Bush”. I don’t think that would have made that onto network TV without either a request for the show to be done or an internal approval process. Bush was purposely portrayed as an idiot president of which the man is not. As Al Gore said, “He’s plenty smart!”
I defined earlier that the brilliant Cheryl Howard was Joey Heatherton. Here she is doing her New Dance…”The Hulabaloo” on the show “Hulabaloo”.
We’ll look for Ron and Cheryl to have created a lot of these dances and songs. Ron does a great reprisal of some of these dances from the 60’s in pulp fiction as John Travolta with that ever bright light Uma Thurman!
This was really good too! Dance along if you know the steps!
I’ve studied West Side Story for months. Ron wrote some of the musical, wrote at least one song danced and, choreographed aspects of the dancing. I also believe he came up with the names Jets and Sharks for no other reason than who else could do that!
Don’t forget Ron was the famous ballet dancer…Rudolf Nureyev.
Ignore Nureyev’s date of birth as March 17, 1938. What about the Russian thing? He’s Opie Cunningham from little middle America? Ron speaks 15 languages and hales from a northern European country which I have earlier but can’t remember now but suspect it’s Norway at this time which was my earliest belief. It’s in a previous post.
He directs in different countries in different languages for example he’s Tom Six in The Netherlands.
He’s a chess master (I’m looking for that). A black belt, Chuck Norris. Trained in multiple forms of martial arts. I suspect he was a professional baseball player. He was Poker Player Allen Cunningham…that one was easy when I went looking as his wife is the ever yummy Jennifer Tilly. When I figured out who she was I figured Ron couldn’t be far behind and duh…Allen Cunningham…that took me about 30 seconds and I’m sorry it took so long.
He’s considered to be one of the two most intensively studied people of all time (I’m the other and now were friends) and unless you’re a deep insider you barely know who he is.
I’m going to go out on a limb now. I get some feedback here and there from my friends so I’ll risk this. From the same musical number in West Side Story we have two of the sharks. Look at the one on the right. He’s easier than the other one. Does he look familiar? Then look at the one on the left…much harder but we’ve seen him before.
Realize these are all very talented people. Not just actors, dancers, singers but people. They are all business people, doctors, nurses, etc. They are all military…all of them. They all do under cover work and some, but not all are…killers.
You can also have sex with pretty much anyone in Hollywood for a price. Some of the actors enjoy it but for many it’s just another acting job. It costs a significant amount of money to have relations with one of the higher end actresses. Without naming names a price tag of $30,000 would be the going rate for an A+ actress, give or take a few thousand. Again, this is mostly just a job and it is only considered, “Entertainment Industry,” no different than anything else. I can’t tell you how much of that the actor or actress gets…if any! I’ve heard that sum or close to it on a couple of occasions. Some approach this with great kindness, and feel it’s a ‘giving’ on their part and have a loyal following. Many who love the actor/actress simply can’t afford the price tag often enough to satisfy their wants.
I have served in several ways as a spiritual advisor and at times as a medical advisor. In the beginning serving as a medical advisor was difficult because they were not prepared for the kind of case analysis and diagnostics I was able to do from 3000 miles away. There was an attempt to defame as a fraud when I diagnosed someone with Systemic Latex Toxicity. I’ve talked about this earlier. The girl was heading south (metaphorically) and I sent instructions to get Liver Function Tests quickly. She turned out to be in full liver failure and wound up in some nightmarish hospital settings (plural) with demonic nurses, not to insult all demons because most can be very nice and usually not much different than we are…just scarier looking. In hindsight I don’t think the doctors were that bad….I take that back…there were some misdiagnosis there too. I now question the rapid spread of Mrs. A. especially in view of the cost of AB for treatment and I encountered the most horrid of creatures, a serially killing dialysis unit nurse who had her on this lady. She had killed in excess of 100 patients. Most of the hit men I’ve encountered killed between 17 and 38 with one outlier killing over 80 because he killed off the job for pleasure. Two people I encountered killed millions of people. As people are dying, as these people did, I can ask them any questions I want. Inevitably I started asking them, “How many people have you killed?” It seemed to be a popular question. One person who ordered many hits replied “None.” He never murdered anyone with his own hands. One guy responded to me, “None of your fucking business.” That surprised me, I can’t remember exactly who it was. The funniest was when the decided to fake Cheryl Howard’s death. They were afraid she and I wouldn’t get along when I got there so they faked her death. Everyone stood around her while she laid in bed and they said some words to honor her. One of her really young grandchildren turned to her mom and said, “…but grandma’s not dead.” She was shushed by her mom who smiled. I had heard the day before that this was what they were planning… for Cheryl to commit suicide in order to eliminate her as a problem. She took the poison unwillingly and “passed on”. After the few words were spoken everyone broke out into song and dance and danced up and down the twin stair cases in the grand entranceway singing, “Ding dong the witch is dead…the witch old witch the wicked witch…ding dong the wicked witch is dead.” I never laughed so hard in my life!! Such joyous revelry. I was told the previous day that this group doesn’t mourn the loss of a loved one but celebrates…in style! I’ve seen this a couple times since and I’ve even joined in song. A bit later I went back to talk to Cheryl and I asked her, “How many people did you kill?” She responded, I can’t talk to you right now Ed,” I said ok and watch more of the revelry. They were asking each other, “Do you think Ed bought it?” someone responded, “With Ed it’s hard to tell.”
The next day I went back up to talk to Cheryl who was laying in the exact same spot, not moving a muscle…an absolutely world class method actor…possible her most brilliant role until she sat bolt upright when I asked her again, “How many people did you kill?” I guess the jig was up at that point which was pretty funny and I absolutely love Cheryl though she can be somewhat dangerous and mercurial, and I smile whenever I think of her shooting bolt upright at that moment.
That evening everyone got together for what got to be known as “The Ed Show.” I saw Cheryl standing in the back of the room and I addressed her, “Cheryl…you look really good for someone who’s been dead for two days!” (Lifted from Fiddler on the Roof). I can’t remember her comeback but Cheryl can be priceless…the whole household is filled with extraordinarily funny people but the women in particular can be a riot. You can’t always tell if Cheryl is really annoyed or pretending at being annoyed. I think the tone of the day for her was pretend annoyed but hey…I could be wrong.
Things are done differently in this household and in the community and I had a learning curve to climb over in a lot of ways. Some things not so much since I was a conspiracy theorist I had read a good deal about this community and some things fit right in with what I knew.
After “The Ed Show” had to move to a bigger venue, (I believe near Grauman’s Chinese Theater) and it wasn’t my fault that people lost control of their bodily functions during a particularly high octane performance, Cheryl said it stank like a barnyard and blamed me for it and said she would get back at me for it by taking a dump in the entrance way of my house because I couldn’t stop laughing which she eventually did by getting one of my patients to smear her feces on the walls of my office and I had a feeling something was coming a day or two before and I had to discharge the patient for creating an unsanitary situation and where was she going to find someone to see her for a reduced fee of $25 for the session…thanks Cheryl! So in the bigger venue there was more room for stuff to go on and it was harder to keep people away than the Howard Mansion. There was a lot more fighting and such there though early on at the Howard’s Brian Grazer got out of control (BTW…I think Brian played on Courtship of Eddie’s Father as Norman Tinker)…anyway Brian lost control and got into with Bryce’s husband, Seth Gabel. This turned out to be a terrific fight. They went out to the front lawn and both were trained in martial arts and it was a real man to man fight. I would say fist fight but these guys were kicking at each other. I think Brian eventually got subdued but I can’t recall if that was before or after the police showed up. Turning part of the fight I was trying to explain to Ron that he had his “works” in his glove box but I was using code at the time and this took much longer. The police came and arrested him (Arrested Development..tee hee). I had hoped they would have taken him to the hospital because he had been shooting cocaine into his foot, had developed endocarditis, was septic and needed treatment. I went to see him a few days later, he was handcuffed to a hospital bed but was not improving…he said they were treating him for bacterial endocarditis. I went back to Ron and told Ron that I never said it was Bacterial, I expected they would have correctly determined the microorganism before treating which they didn’t. I went to look at the infection again and the walls of the atrium, I believe it was the atrium, was coated with green slime which occurred to me would be fungal hence Fungal Endocarditis. He was also shooting into his foot and the foot harbors fungi due to moist conditions. Ron passed on the information and Brian got well. A few weeks later the feds brought him back to the Howard’s where I spoke with him and explained to him that they didn’t want him but they wanted me and they wanted him to get me to say something I shouldn’t. Remember…there is no statute of limitations on stupidity. So they took him off. The man was sick, and septic and was not thinking clearly…but man what a great fight!!! They’re not raising pussies in Hollywood, no they’re not…super job guys!!!! Best fight ever!!! No backing down, I believe some of the people on the sidelines helped contain Brian before the police got there.
Before this blog ends I will confess to the murder of two people. I have to do it for documentary purposes, my trespasses in the past have either been forgiven in large part or not and this will not change anything. If you hate me now you’ll hate me later and vice versa. I doubt anyone is going to change teams over this.
But first let’s enjoy a dance number by none other than Will Robinson!
Thank you , I’ve known for a while.
At the new venue for “The Ed Show” (It’s Bigger!!! It’s Better!!!) I was working at full staff so it was bigger and better and left nothing to the imagination which had me briefly ejected from a spiritual group for conduct unbecoming, but at the new venue someone was always getting injured and an ambulance sat outside, usually two, just in case. The police would sometimes show up. Ron is in law enforcement, probably patrolled the streets of LA at some point because he’s done everything else and he’s on good terms with all manner of the law…even me! Local law generally like and respect him. He curries favor with them with the legitimate use of donations. I have seen him on a couple occasions hand out stacks of cash…once to local law who I’m sure used it for inner-city kids projects and once helped out a woman who lived on the outs of LA while her husband was preparing to return from incarceration. Oh, one other time but not a stack of cash, probably about five thousand, maybe ten to some arm of the Environment Protection Agency in LA after I put on an impromptu light show outside his home in LA. I can’t help it if some people don’t like giant 30 foot dancing Elvis’s and Marilyn’s! Everyone’s a critic!
When the police showed up Ron always knew how to gain favor with them, though on one or two occasions I plied a couple feds with alcohol which seemed to do the trick, someone else had to pour. So this one time two locals showed up or called in because of some noise or report or whatever and Ron had two very beautiful women, long gowns for the evening come over. Gorgeous ladies, smiling and he told the locals that he didn’t know what was going on but why don’t they go with the girls and they would take care of whatever they needed. The next thing I saw was that the girls had put the locals seated in two chairs against the wall of the side of the room, plain black stacking chairs. The gentlemen had their pants to ground, the ladies were on their knees and servicing them…with amazing expertise; Talking to officers, playing with them, talking some more, teasing them, talking with each other, ignoring them and finally going with it.
I took some offense at the goings on. The police show up and the women are used or forced to do things that they dislike in order to make them go away. I asked Ron about this and he responded to me, “What makes you think they don’t like it?” That was a true learning experience. Things are just a bit different there…or not….maybe just to degrees or extremes but these are people skilled to do different things and a lot of them enjoy what they do…and yes I’m familiar with the butterflies…this is just the way life goes on.
I mentioned being an advisor earlier, one of the neighboring gals, a woman pushing thirty confided in me that she was in “The Entertainment Industry” and no longer wanted to do such things with people she didn’t know. I totally respected this and I suspected that she was looking for more meaningful relationships and wanted to reclaim her body and hence her soul. It’s a lot like understanding any culture. Like most cultures this one is very family oriented and I could not get in the middle of what would be a family matter. It would not matter what my guidance was to her it would not have worked. What I did was send her to talk with parents who turned out to be very kind and understanding around this issue and told her she didn’t have to do this anymore. I suspect they were both pleased and surprised that I did not direct her myself but instead sent her to seek the wise counsel of her parents. This worked out really well. The girl is lovely and I trust she finds her way in the world.
Now about those two people I mentioned earlier….
I’ve never harmed a fly!!!!
Night everyone …
I love you all…
and I miss you…
and I mean it!
e out
We saw yesterday who Soupy Sales was… well interestingly enough Soupy Sales greatest hit song was called, “Do The Mouse!” which was written by none other than Ron Howard!!! Ron would have been roughly 10 or 11 when he wrote it.
Click the above link to hear her sing Malibu for the first time!
and here’s her new song! The Cure
Happy Mother’s Day Ivy!!!
Apollonia Vitelli-Corleone (Simonetta Stefanelli) and Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) (The Godfather, 1972)
Ron wrote the opening song “Sunny Day” for Sesame Street and worked on the show.
I highly suspect this is Ron from the PBS show, “The Electric Company” this is a sketch called love of chair which assisted in reading and sleeping and popularized the expression, “…and what of Naomi.”
While reviewing Doogie Howser I came up, not literally, his girlfriend Lisa Dean Ryan. Several photos show evidence of scarring in the lower neck. The one below is somewhat useful. I didn’t find any like Erin Moran which was obvious but a lot have subtle signs of either tracheotomy or thyroid disease.
If I find tracheotomy signs I think…motor vehicle accident (MVA). Do we have evidence of this? Anyone? Anyone? Kiki? Kissinger? Bueller? I think so….
This photo shows a couple of areas of probable surgical scarring which are remote from each other pointing to a possible global process affecting different parts of the body as an MVA might produce. See if you can find them…
I have suspicions about who she is and the scars will support any conclusions I come to…but not today!
Night all!!!
Ron Howard is Ed Begley Jr. (see previous Kiki’s Kustard for Kool and Kreamy information!)
Ron did the music for The Banana Splits as was one of the creators.
As I understand she actually got them for her boyfriend who she loves who likes a heftier top. The two of them are getting along famously now and even have a child together now who the mother is helping to raise.
Renowned psychiatrist Eduardo?!????
All residents of H-wood have returned home after being banished into the desert for less than 48 hours. Many who were upset with what went on reported as such: “That was the worst banishment I’ve ever been to…I barely got a suntan out there let alone dehydrate and have visions!” Another reported, “I only got to wander for about 40 minutes, those Hebrews did it for 40 years….what’s up with that?” A third person stated, “I finally found a staff to use to walk around with but I had to return before I could figure out how to turn it into snakes!”
In fact most of the families actually never left town! They reported, “We knew it was only a couple of disgruntled souls and it wouldn’t last long so we put on our disguises and covered up those littles pieces of rice Ron stuck under our skin with some aluminum foil and hung out at Disneyland for the day. We ran into pretty much everyone there. We had to hide by riding the monorail for part of the day because everyone started laughing so hard when we saw Ron and his wife hanging with his grandkids in the park!”
“Ron had told us that he deactivated the rice monitors years ago but none of us fell for that though we did thank him for it because he likes when we buy his BS.”
Even the Howard girls turned up at Disneyland after they got bored of hanging out in the underground bunkers. They laughed so hard when they saw everyone there that all their eye make-up ran onto their clothes and they had to get cheesy Disney T-Shirts to cover up.
Ron claimed to know what was his kids were up to as well as everyone else. He’s been berating the girls since this blog went up not for going to Disneyland but for having been seen there. Ron was quoted as saying, “We like shady characters here and my daughters are no different” He said that they needed to listen better and called them, “Disgruntled Sluts.” The girls found this deeply embarrassing and in retaliation decided to have sex tomorrow with anyone who would hold a door open for them in North Hollywood, which for them would be pretty much everyone. One of the girls was quoted as saying, “That will teach dad for calling us disgruntled!!!”
One of the Wooders was quoted as saying, “What’s Ron going to do? Not put us in his next film as extras? It’s not like any of us are gong to get starring roles with all those Howards multiplying like rabbits…forget the fact that they’re now producing clones like they’re planning the next Star Wars fiasco where I’ll get to play a Storm Trooper….again…..yipty-do….Blue For Delight!” “You don’t even know who’s a Howard anymore. Ed picks them out off the net like he’s picking bed bugs off the linen of the Motel-6.”
Another was quoted as saying, “We’re used to trying to grab for the carrot at the end of the stick. We’ve actually stopped trying and only make a show of it when Ron comes into the room. We call him Mr. Howard at those times or simply “Sir” which he seems to eat up and then leaves us alone for several months at a time and we go back to playing Bocce in the court we set up behind the linen return center!”
“We’ve had a couple really fun years here where everyone stopped working and turned out pure shit in the theaters just so everyone could hang out and watch Ed tie up and beat his dick like it was being interrogated by cops in the back of a precinct.” “It’s worth living a life void of major accomplishments just to watch stuff like that.”
Ron generously brought everyone back and treated them to lunch and an orgy. The orgy was particularly loving and of an extended nature and is still going on. The nature of the orgy was to extend love throughout the community and give the older people an opportunity to move at a slower pace with their loved ones.
Ron is working out details with some of the disgruntled souls so at a minimum it has the appearance of being equitable on some unreliable scale of confused measurement like the guys from NASA used to crash their Mars Lander into the surface of Mars.
Just the usual Hollywood Shenanigans with or without….Stubby Kay!!!
Crayola narrowed down the names of it’s New Blue Crayon to: “Gender Bender Blue“, “Transgender Blue”, “Blue Boy” “Betty Blue” “Happy Blue” “Hello Frisco Blue” “Emasculata Blue” “Foxxy Blue” “Gay Disco Blue” “Prissy Blue” “Bathsheba Blue” “Bear Bottom Blue” “NAMBLA Blue” “Black Jack Blue” “Bahasa Binan Blue” “Beef Gravy Blue” “Tom Selleck Blue” and “Marjorie Morningstar Blue”.
The blue crayon campaign features a Gender Vague crayon awkwardly standing wearing a blue crayon dress with polka dot leggings. Sales of the crayon went through the roof when members of NAMBLA came up with their own contest using the crayon which can’t be described in any way shape or form in this blog.
Scotty the Blue Bunny put on his best blue bunny outfit for the occasion!
Scotty the Blue Bunny….the NAMBLA choice for mascot of the new crayon
Sales of one nut bathing suits in NAMBLA Blue have gone through the roof!!
In solidarity with the new Happy Blue crayon color gays around the globe painted themselves either with the new blue color or Feminine Hygiene Pink and made out until they were all purple with lust.
Erin Moran, TV sister of Ron Howard recently passed as a complication of advanced cancer. Well loved in this role her smile would light up any room she was in.
We wish peace to family, friends and loved ones of Erin.
Crayola’s New Blue color has just been named!!!
It’s called Blue For Delight!!!
I hope everyone enjoys it!!!
I thought it was just me but all of Hollywood was asked to leave over last day or so. Many went into desert others went elsewhere. Ron is waiting for decrees of loyalty from each person before they can reenter the land of e-pluribus-unum. I was considered loyal despite my disgruntled self and was allowed to stay or reenter which is a little weird since I’m not there most of the time anyway. A couple people have come back already: developments to follow as they happen. The Howard kids hung out in the basement so as to avoid public exposure during this time of self reflection and self recrimination.
Ron is exerting pressure on the community so they understand he’s in charge. He is truly being Mr. Dickowitz but he’s the only game in town. You must surrender to the Dickowitz…that’s why I’m still here by the shores of Gitchee goomee.
I’m afraid my nihilism was really quite correct and hopelessness follows.
I’ve made several trips into help and have found nothing as close to Satan as Ron. I know people have said that about me too. I’ve never found the demons that difficult at all or the devils for that matter. Ron can pretty much rule in hell or at least have the appearance of such. I don’t know what else to do with that other than say, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’ intrate.”
Bitter disappointment when Huggy Bear lost the bar and start selling junk on the side of a building…and I liked that bar…huggy informing the ladies that he knows they steal but to keep it to a minimum…show probably jumped the shark at that moment.
They should have fired him for being an idiot but they merely threatened to suspend him if this happened again. They gave him a Mulligan, a term popularized by Bill Clinton when playing golf which is basically a “do-over.”
From Wikipedia: “A mulligan is a second chance to perform an action, usually after the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. Its best-known meaning is in golf, whereby a player is informally allowed to replay a stroke, even though this is against the formal rules of golf.”
This was good because a previous guy did poorly on a testing and they should have scuttled the test completely or at least the result.
Anyway, normally the agents are just hanging in the grocery, usually on a phone but not always. I recognized one guy there on three separate occasions though two times not there. but this guy was a pure dick.
He came over to help bag and I told him to leave. Fibbers have a notion that they can do whatever they want because they are “Untouchable” and they are!!! Really!! They can come in your house…murder you…rape your son and your daughter and boil and eat your cat without any consequences, at least none publicized. This is a bit of an exaggeration but maybe not. They go rogue and can kill anyone they want without noticeable consequences. Maybe there’s an internal process. I know one guy who got in some shit with consequences but overall they can do what they want. This gives them a tremendous advantage over others in society, noticeable arrogance and in fact an aura of being untouchable. Let me point out that there are true “untouchables” in this world in India who deserve more respect than many of these other “untouchables”.
Anyway I told him to leave, I didn’t need help bagging and the check out lady told him to leave, and I told him to leave two more times and he whispered something in her ear and she left and he took over the register. This was good cause he was about to advance his career and take on new heights bringing me down or he might just fuck up.
I asked him, “What’s with the fake voice?” He was using a radio announcer voice. Oh…side point…fibbers seldom travel alone. There would have been at least one more there and I spotted two others earlier, it’s hard to be 100% correct. I asked him a few times about the voice and then I said to him, “Why don’t you use your real voice?” Which he did for a bit. Note 1: anyone starting with anything fake is likely to be a fake in other ways. I figured there would be fibbers in there, there almost always are and I had just been posting about some criminal activity.
He had the look of a young male fibber: Medium build, and relatively lean: a person who would run rather than lifting weights, descript in his non-descriptness. He had to be in his mid to late twenties and he had tattoos on one arm. Some complex mess of shapes and colors, and underneath it something tribal. I don’t typically take photos of any of these guys, I find it not that helpful and I don’t want to piss them off anymore than I have to.
I studied the tattoo for a bit and declared it was similar to all the other piece of shit tattoos I saw on other agents. I figured I’d study it later from my memory.
So he wouldn’t leave, which was annoying because I love to kid around with the cashiers at Trader Joes, they’re really fun and this lady was very nice. He had the fake voice, and a dipshit arrogance, overly exuberant for a cashier anywhere. He targeted me and had whispered to the cashier to leave. I had enough info…I asked him what agency he worked for. He didn’t answer. He didn’t speak much after that, all he kept thinking was, “How did he make me so fast?” He kept repeating this or something similar over and over and over. Answer: He made too many mistakes, too many things out of place and not natural. FYI: Female agents much harder to spot, and they don’t all look so much alike.
He got picked up and taken to HQ. On the way he was told he was suspended which really surprised the hell out of me. Apparently job #1 is to keep your identity secure which he didn’t do. He should have left when he was told to but he was young and reckless and smell glory in this. When he got to HQ he spoke with a higher up. FYI: The really higher ups are very tall and supervisors are older than the average agent, shorter and just a bit stockier.
The higher up told him he wasn’t suspended but was being admonished. He didn’t protect his identity and gained very little from the encounter. He should have left and let back up take over. They may have suggested a couple days off, I think they settled on getting back to work but I can’t be sure. It is a better idea. Some guy in Ron’s basement got reamed out for something he did but went back to work the next day but was really shaky. They misinformed him that my work was BS and he decided to ream me out and lecture me about it so I posted pictures of the identities of Melvin Purvis, John Dillinger and Hoover immediately after onto the net which I hadn’t done in a long time which was pretty serious (moorehallstudios.com).
Anyway the kid should have left.
Now back to the tattoos: The tattoos were average, redundant and boring. The usual crap I’ve seen on these fibbers. What’s the problem then? The tattoos were faded…he was way too young to have such faded tattoos. They also didn’t suit him. They were big boy tattoos and he was a little brat. I’ve wondered about this before. How are these fibbers defacing their bodies like this? I looked up ways to fade and remove tattoos and there are a lot of ways to do it. I believe the tattoo was relatively new, no more than a few years and he faded it to look much older. It stuck out on him as if it were on a nine year kid selling lemonade at a lemonade stand. (fading a tattoo article at the bottom)
Non-Sequitor from Putney Swope (1969)
Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Dr. Alvin Weasely. Dr. Weasely is one of the most respected motivational researchers in the country. Harveys Beer has dropped 84%. So Dr. Weasely will tell us how the American public really feels about beer. Dr. Weasely. Beer is for men who doubt their masculinity. That's why it's so popular at sporting events and poker games. On a superficial level... a glass of beer is a cool, soothing beverage. But in reality... a glass of beer is pee-pee dickey. - That's it. - Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. "Pee-pee dickey?" - We paid for that? Read more: http://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=putney-swope
“$26,000 and we got off easy.” They should have put the last line in.
Shout out for Putney Swope 1969 directed by Robert Downey, Sr. (a prince!) Here’s the full film. I don’t feel the film is dated at all! It’s in black and white and anything that was confusing to me then is as confusing to me now. As social commentary it holds up even better today as a historical piece bordering on documentary. Great stuff!!
Oh…I forgot to mention….It’s really funny!!!
I have considered recusing myself from this conflict because of my evolving role in this community. On the other hand I also need to be conscious of that role if I can be helpful. This is a real conundrum.
I want to stay neutral but I’m not sure where neutral is and in fact I’ve really not been that neutral in my opinions before. I’ll keep checking in and reporting back on what I see and believe and my internal conflicts with this.
I have had my share of conflicts with Ron, have butt heads, have raged against him, have angered him, humiliated him, tried to shut down his car engine and still we work together. I guess we have higher goals and don’t let these petty arguments get in our way.
“…it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world; —Richard Blane in Casablanca
He’s done stuff too. I’ll skip over that for now other than say the worst thing he’s done was not keep his promise with me. There have been a million positives that I would not have changed such as winning the Battle of Jade Helm which saved many lives and reinforced my notion that action has to be taken in advance of a pending disaster. It’s useless to shine two giant beam of light into the sky to represent the twin towers. Holocaust museums lose their power when you discover that the story they want you to remember is full of lies, the deaths are real though. Funny, I complained about the outfits the staff in the health club wear, slightly off-red and black. I knew it was a representation of Nazism and that it existed there. I said it’s a perfect place for Adolf Hitler to hang out. Now it was very congenial and gracious of him to come see me several times there and to meet me. I didn’t speak with him because I didn’t want to be disrespectful to him and the other three people who were with him. I didn’t know it was him at the time and I had all intentions of working with him if I ran into him. This would have been part of my prime directive but it didn’t work out like that. Jade Helm was high on my list of important things done because it was tangible that lives were saved, lot’s of them. Sadly that wins over the prime directive. I can’t argue with God’s will. Ron is not God but also follows his will and has done some great things. This is part of why I’m here to be part of the team but I’m subject to human feelings and reflex actions on my part is part of me and has saved me and many others.
I’m aware of many other gracious things that have been done for me. I also know that much of what was done for me especially in the beginning was done for my prime directive.
In celebration of the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, Lord Zeus, father of the Greek pantheon, hosted a banquet on Mount Olympus. Every deity and demi-god had been invited, except Eris, the goddess of strife (no one wanted a troublemaker at a wedding). For revenge, Eris threw the golden Apple of Discord inscribed with the word “Kallisti” — “For the fairest” — into the party, provoking a squabble among the attendant goddesses over for whom it had been meant.
The goddesses thought to be the most beautiful were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and each one claimed the apple. They started a quarrel so they asked Zeus to choose one of them. Knowing that choosing any of them would bring him the hatred of the other two, Zeus did not want to take part in the decision. He thus appointed Paris to select the most beautiful.
Escorted by Hermes, the three goddesses bathed in the spring of Mount Ida and approached Paris as he herded his cattle. Having been given permission by Zeus to set any conditions he saw fit, Paris required that the goddesses undress before him.[5] (Alternatively, the goddesses themselves chose to disrobe to show all their beauty.) Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally beautiful, so the goddesses attempted to bribe him to choose among them – Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia; Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest warriors; and Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helen of Sparta. Paris chose Aphrodite— and, therefore, Helen.
Helen was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta (a fact Aphrodite neglected to mention), so Paris had to raid Menelaus’s house to steal Helen from him (according to some accounts, she fell in love with Paris and left willingly). The Greeks’ expedition to retrieve Helen from Paris in Troy is the mythological basis of the Trojan War. This triggered the war because Helen was famous for her beauty throughout Achaea (ancient Greece), and had many suitors of extraordinary ability. Therefore, following Odysseus‘s advice, her father Tyndareusmade all suitors promise to defend Helen’s marriage to the man he chose for her. When Paris took her to Troy, Menelaus invoked this oath. Helen’s other suitors—who between them represented the lion’s share of Achaea’s strength, wealth and military prowess—were obligated to help bring her back. Thus, the whole of Greece moved against Troy in force. The Trojan War had begun.
They called him Alexander
With the best band in the land
He’d topped the bill in Paris
But in Venice it was banned
A pile of dusty gold discs
Were among his claims to fame
There was no-one over sixty
Who didn’t know his name
Alexander you were great
The man the critics loved to hate
You could have been as big as the Beatles or the Stones
Alexander you became
The lonely housewife’s favourite name
You could have been the greatest of them all
The gig was held in honour
Of his golden jubilee
He did not need the money
So he said he’d play for free
He got the band together
Who’d been with him through the years
They rehearsed the Alexander songs
And shed nostalgic tears
The crowd rose to their feet
When Alexander hit the stage
His face had been rebuilt
So that you could not tell his age
He played all of the old songs
And the crowd sang every word
He danced like Margot Fonteyn
And whistled like a bird
He came on for the encore
But collapsed against the stand
The crowd was hushed, the doctor came
There was panic in the band
He diagnosed a broken heart
The critics had been fed
Their reviews became
Obituary notices instead
Ron Howard wrote that song, Paris is also known as Alexander. (Non-Sequitor: I didn’t know they called you Dennis). He was a member of the Strawbs, a favorite band of mine. Can you find him in this picture? Sure you can!
Ron had no intention of giving up the Prime Directive not unless she became broken down and useless. It’s not worth creating that as this has happened at least twice from my estimation. He’s like the kid who gets a great toy and his brother wants to play with it and he won’t give it to him until it is broken down and useless, or he smashes it himself then gives it to him. Ron is actually more likely to give his brother something else useful and worthwhile but not this because he wants it. Promises were made and not fulfilled. I was told I have no respect for the etheric where I spend a good deal of time. This is a laugh since I have done tremendous work for years in the ether layer.
I don’t blame Ron for withholding the Prime Directive for himself. Wars are fought over women. I think if we could have the two of us might of disappeared off the face of the earth. I don’t think he would have allowed that. She’s very accomplished, loved and needed. Farid offered Ron a great deal of money to eliminate me. I not sure he believed he could do it but he put up a good show of it training PD (The Prime Directive) the ins and outs of a meat market. Farid offered me even more to just leave. He wanted her for his son. Money never played much into my decisions other than to never accept any. In case despite playing everything out as if I was coming for example, a house was bought for us on the next street over which was very nice despite the fact that I was looking for an apartment close to a bodega and a train station so we could get diapers and formula.
Back to the conflict….
I’m internally conflicted about things that have gone on so always think through my advice here before proceeding…I am conflicted here.
Hi Kiki!!!
Kind of says it all!
My understanding is that people have come to learn that what appeared to be a split down the center in two camps in the land of milk and holly was in fact not a split and merely an illusion of a rift. I’ll find out soon if I’m correct. People would feel angry and betrayed…no doubt.
Good news and reality check. I obviously set the fire last night and some people were pretty unhappy with it however I did get a green light on it from Ron.
Good news: Most of the big issues that I’ve gotten involved with have turned out pretty good all around. I anticipate this will be no different. Not everyone will be happy and breeches of trust are difficult to repair and sometimes impossible…bear that in mind.
My understanding of this community is 1) they are very resilient and 2) they are generally kind hearted and forgiving of each other. This goes a very long way in resolving issues.
Reality check: Ron is in charge and the game for Ron is control. Who’s going to run the show. From the time I walked in, he didn’t want you guys waking up to some of these realities in life and kept you in the dark as we all generally are. George Carlin said something about govt wanting a population smart enough to run the machinery but dumb enough to not ask questions or see what’s going on.
I can say that I believe things are going to be better. Whatever process needs to take place should take place whether open forum or other venues, if nothing else to vent or get people’s feelings out or just an old fashioned blood letting.
But remember this: from my experience here Ron’s not going to let the community split apart. If a change is going to take place it will be natural, not under external pressures and a win for everyone…unlimited potential. Some people left not too long ago which was what needed to happen but I doubt he’s going to truly split the community and will continue to extract increasingly more control in this world. This is just the way it works at this level. This is what Walt did as well.
I recall there was a Disney strike a bit ago, maybe 60 years or so. I would sincerely doubt that strike was not under control of Walt and Co. Just like every other major or minor movement in this country such as religion, politics, etc. It’s all part of a move to a one world govt. We’re pretty much there but there is still a good deal of infighting and things to be done. It’s going to happen if and this is a big if…if any of us are left alive during the process. We are as a whole somewhat irresponsible as the stewards of this planet.
I’ll check in later.
God Peace, Love and Joy to everyone!
Addendum: I understand the pain that goes with not having needs and wants met. This is particularly frustrating… nepotism is rampant here despite it being a giant family.
Reality Check: You’re likely to go to your grave without all your needs, wants and desires being met.
At the end of the day whatever went wrong here, deception, betrayal, etc is likely to continue if this is what is believed to be needed to maintain control. I have argued about the way things are done here in the past and there have been positive changes so this is possible. Things will change for the better but I can’t tell you what. I think an open forum is a good idea, changes can happen in a positive direction for the betterment of all.
I would recommend working on internal landscape. No one can actually take your soul… you have to give it away or sell it. If you’re selling it you’re getting short changed no matter how much you get.
Meditate, pray, go to nature, talk to God, or your higher spiritual power or even your lower spiritual power as your spiritual needs present themselves. Answers will come to you and things will improve…this is the issue that’s come up…it has to get better. Meditate and pray!
When people are working together answers will usually just come.
I’ll rework this tomorrow or later. It’s a sore and sensitive issue which I knew was lumbering in the background, but it’s also a hot button issue for me hence my overtone of hopelessness in the early draft. Remember nothing’s impossible…nothing! -Mandy Patinkin from Yentl.
My intensive study into neck-vaginas also known as V-Necks will likely launch me into relative obscurity in a very short time. Described as “a little bit slutty and a little bit nutty” I have been condemned to the study of Neck-Vaginas so those “Holier than thou” folks can thumb their noses at me…”Look!!! He likes vaginas!!! He’s a slut!!!”…however in the words of the great profit Jackie Gleason……..and away we go!!!!
Tis a rare thing
“Remember…if you can’t take the heat stay out of Hell’s Kitchen!” –Oscar’s Dentist
Here’s one for the ladies!!!
Ok, I’m calling it quits…I’m looking for an assistant…I need to better categorize my study into neck-vaginas which will include Pope John Paul and Tom Landry!
Tired and I hit the wall tonite when all necks look like vaginas.
But first a word about living life in duality… Haha!!! You’re all fascinated by my treatise on the study of Neck-Vaginas and you think it’s brilliant!!! The study of Neck-Vaginas is turning the world upside down!!!
“You told me if I let him run with this nothing would come of it!”
I went looking for another neck-vagina on Spielberg and found this. Jaws is one of my favorite films, OK… it is my favorite though I love a lot of movies. Just great story telling, super characters, action, tension, excitement, human emotions (lady who slaps the chief when her son gets attacked), human failings, narcissism, affection between the characters, and hysterically funny at times. They showed it at Cape May last year on the beach which blew me away as I thought that would be forbidden kind of like showing an airplane disaster movie on an airplane but people loved it!! Everyone went nuts when the shark was killed and left in great spirits. I didn’t mention any technical areas of the film like direction because frankly… who cares? I didn’t when I watched it the first few times. I don’t think most audiences care. They want a great film. Largely it’s to the credit of the director if the film is great or not but I still don’t think most people care. I don’t think some people will agree or even care about my opinion here but I think it’s realistic. Before Rotten Tomatoes if I went to see a movie in a multiplex blind meaning I knew nothing about any of the films I would see whatever was starting first…hey it made it into the place it has to have redeeming features. I saw a lot of films like this that I normally wouldn’t have like “The Wife” which I’ve used for teaching psychiatric residents about what not to do in psychiatry. If two movies started not to far apart I’d pick whichever had the higher rating X>R>PG13>PG>G>coma. Not to suck up but this was one of my rules… if two movies started at the same time and one was a Ron Howard film… I’d pick the Ron Howard film. By and large I’d expect a good story telling and an unexpectedly terrific climax in the film depending on my date (the date part is just a joke). The films were usually great. My favorite film of his is “Far and Away”. I think here the direction is more obvious and plays in the film like an extra character much like a Robert Altman film, or a Hitchcock film. Back to the Spielberg photo, if you notice his right arm, right shoulder and scapula look like the skins been ripped off in places. My money goes with a Motor Vehicle Accident, I’ll work on this a bit later but this is a useful picture because despite similarities in injuries in this population no two injuries are identical but they can be pretty darn close.
Neck-Vagina should not be confused with Neck-Viagra which can cause stiff necks.
Shout out to the film Ricochet and shout out to John Lithgow doing a super portrayal of a neo-nazi. Super fight scene in prison with Lithgow and adversary (Jessie Ventura) wearing phone books duct taped to the their bodies and fighting with long metal poles with blades on the them (death sticks). Lets see if I can find it!
We examined some scars on the Late Great Robin Williams Yesterday and concluded that he indeed had neck vagina but what in fact caused it?
I suspected a motor vehicle accident. He usually wears a prosthetic around his neck.
You can see the prosthetic around Robins peck as he plays Mork on Mork and Mindy.
So what does he look like with less make up? Let’s look at photos of David Patrick Kelly…here’s the one from yesterday…lets see a more recent one
Did you know that when David Patrick Kelly puts on a turtleneck he gets camel toe?
Boy he looks like someone I know.
Eddie Haskell (Ken Osmond) from Leave it To Beaver aka Robin Williams notice his V-Neck
Eddie Haskell (Ken Osmond) from Leave it To Beaver aka Robin Williams
In terms of the neck scar on Robin I suspect Motor Vehicle Accident though skiing could be a possibility. Anything with a decent rate of speed and sudden deceleration .
I suspect trauma surgeons received him from MVA where he was being hand bagged for air or still breathing. Internal and external bleeding was present. Bloody and swollen face and bleeding from left shoulder, area of shoulder strap. Insertion of endotracheal tube may have been made difficult by trauma to mouth or throat. An emergency tracheotomy would have had to occur. Skin on neck was cut vertically by surgeon with angle from top to bottom (left to right). In an effort to proceed in haste, the skin was ripped off by hand from left to right on left side of neck, then tracheotomy cut was made and an endotrachial tube was inserted into the trachea to provide ventilation. Bedside X-rays would have been done and repairs of the spleen and heart would have been done first as bleeding needs to be stopped quickly and these are two most likely areas of significant bleeding. I cannot find photos of the back but I’ll infer trauma to the spine requiring repair and conditions associated with head trauma.
Other than that how did you like the play Mrs. Lincoln?
New assignments were handed out today as the community deals with an exodus of sorts of some of friends and family. Locations while not exactly a state secret were kept under wrap as future scenarios may be played out there. This may be temporary as much of life is, or it could be a while. The community has been bursting at the seems with the recent influx in children so the opportunity is no availed for geophysical expansion of our community. Much blessings and love to those who travel for us and before us.
The Priestly Blessing
May the LORD bless you and keep you safe –
May the LORD make His face shed light upon you and be gracious unto you –
May the LORD lift up His face unto you and give you peace –
and in the name of The Holy One we say….Amen
I think there’s a problem with the quality of the film below. You ‘ll have to find another copy.
Arrangements are being made for counseling services.
Ron asked me, “What do you want?”
and I said, “If I tell you that what’s in it for me?”
Farid used to ask me that when he wanted me gone but Ron is not Farid and who even knows if that was Ron talking to me.
I happened to catch this photo while catching a wave on the net. Appears to be Clint Howard who turns up in my favorite horror film…Phantasm!
Conundrum appears to be resolved. It appears to me that John Savage is David Chokachi…the son Ron Howard had at age 13. In this photo he’s about 12-14 years old. Good looking kid with dad by his side. Ron is Robert DeNiro. I believe I have Walken and the other guy from Godfather who Mo Green slapped around because he was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time and the players couldn’t get a drink. I’ll work on the guy in the back.
Same scar on throat as John Savage above. Nice abdo scar, left antecubital fossa, right palm, upper chest. When you become a Howard they throw you into a meat grinder…if you survive you’re in!!!
Hey David, I don’t care if you were in Deerhunter…your mom is still Hotsy Totsy!!
I know he still doesn’t get the joke. You’d have to be from Brooklyn.
Adding this in today though I noticed it yesterday. Something not right with Robert Crane aka David Chokachi. Looks like he injured an eye and I don’t think he’s standing completely on his own. Something between his knees I believe to prop him up and Bob Crane aka Ron Howard seems to let go of him at the last second for the picture and his elbow is in Ron’s abdomen to prop him up. Looks like he’s supposed to be learning diving, he’s got his toes of one foot wrapped around the edge of what? Diving board looking thing? Kate Moss got into a serious wreck around age 18, this photo reminds me of her first photo after the wreck where she can barely stand up and has one eye closed because the contact lens to simulate her strabismus was either not available or too unwieldy to insert with all her recent surgeries.
Same scarring on neck…perfect!!
I know I’ll catch shit for this because I have this uncanny knack of getting too close to the bone on some of my jokes or observations but people continue to show up, even just for the mood swings so I’ll put it up.
World’s worst Tracheotomy…remember you can’t be a Howard without a Trache. I’m not sure she’s a Howard but I’m sure it’s close enough. She makes me want to think about climbing back into my mother’s womb where it had the appearance of being hospitable. I can remember being able to psychically see out into the community. My mom was so excited to be pregnant. For her it was going to be a dream come true when she would finally give birth to the daughter she wanted so badly…oh man…did that not ever work out!!!
I’m not sure what that is, could be photoshopped, …maybe she had throat cancer and they had to dig up Rich Little to dub her voice.
Keep those cards and letters coming. BTW I was a big fan of Erin…she was a world class dumpling!
Grand Rounds is on!!!!!!!
Did Erin smoke?? I’m guessing some form of cancer. Throat would be at the top of my list
Erin after stem cell therapy
In 1985, People magazine instituted its annual “Sexiest Man Alive” issue. The 1986 winner was Mark Harmon, who went on Saturday Night Live and lampooned his …
The link below will take you nowhere unless you add the letters jpg to the end of +049.
Did you add the jpg to the end of the address? This site is still PG and I don’t believe these photos are PG.
Based on scars that’s Ron as John Hamill.
I’m in the middle of something else but go check him out yourself
Not sure I had these two up…James Woods is Ron Howard and Deborah Harry aka Blondie is Cheryl Howard
I have both Bruce Willis and Bill Murray as Ron Howard.
Lot’s of photos of the two together doesn’t mean I’m but it also doesn’t prove me right either.
What to do…right now nothing…will do some research.
I’ll say this…pictures of t he two of them together are a bit overdone with them linking arms and holding hands, or appearing to hold hands.
Ron was Yul Brynner after Yul was probably to old to play Yul Brenner or was already deceased.
Why????? Because it was her turn!
Why? Because we ran out of cute girls so had to go to hot guys!
Also some similar genetic markers though not enough to discern lineage imho
Ron wrote many songs for Billy Joel. Italian restaurant, Angry Young Man, We Didn’t Start the Fire, Capt. Jack and others. Billy Joel is extremely talented and this doesn’t take away from anything he’s done. It’s almost always a gift if Ron writes a song for you but in fact there are no gifts in H-wood, they must have a financial arrangement, but this is as close to a gift as they come.
I strongly suspect that Billy is a descendent of The Late Great Buddy Rogers. I won’t tell you why though.
I’m returning to “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”. A great book and an even better film, now a classic. I had theorized that Billy Bibbit played by Brad Dourif was Ron Howard. Not from a point of narcissism but simply statistics, if I go looking for someone specific to be Ron I’m correct over 90% of the time. I’ve gone to look for Billy Bibbit twice as Ron. I think I’m close enough to call it a match. Ron is a mass of scars from head to toe. A couple in particular are easy to spot. The one visible here, but you have to look, is on the left shoulder. The skin flap coming up from the back is easiest to spot. This is likely to be Ron. Nurse Ratched could be Cheryl, I need to work on this and I’d have to see the film again because I believe she plays Candy who’s a loving woman who sleeps with Billy. If anyone is going to sleep with Ron in a film it’s Cheryl. See below
Many in the cast of “Taxi” were in “Cuckoo’s Nest”. Danny Devito, Christopher Lloyd, Vincent Schiavelli. That’s Jack Nicholson in the front, I don’t believe he was on Taxi. Notice the man to the left of Jack. I don’t believe it’s Robin Williams but it sure looks like him. It’s important to remember details like this because this could be a relative or they could have aged him up. How do we figure this out? The man in the photo some decent scarring of his right arm in the antecubital fossa (ha ha big words go look them up). Here’s a photo of Williams, also a bunch of scars but it seems everyone in H-wood has them. You have to memorize everyone’s scars and see what matches. Conclusion…none yet…something to pay attention to.
Two Warnings: Spoiler alert…Apt Pupil
If you have a truly visceral hate for me, not just a mislike or mistrust skip this blog. It’s not going to be pretty and it will be worse for you. If you can tolerate it advise others if it should be viewed by them.
Viewer discretion advised!!!
I warned the kid right before he started…”Now we’ll see what you’re made of.” A line I borrowed from the film “Apt Pupil”.
From Wikipedia: Apt Pupil is a 1998 American thriller film directed by Bryan Singer and starring Ian McKellen and Brad Renfro. It is based on the 1982 novella of the same name by Stephen King. In the 1980s in southern California, high school student Todd Bowden (Renfro) discovers fugitive Naziwar criminal Kurt Dussander (McKellen) living in his neighborhood under the pseudonym Arthur Denker. Bowden, obsessed with Nazism and acts of the Holocaust, persuades Dussander to share his stories, and their relationship stirs malice in each of them.
I tried to warn the kid off. Against all odds there he was standing in front of me. I told him I thought he was undercover and asked him if he really wanted to do this. When I said to him, “Now we’ll see what you’re made of” he gave me a smug look like who the ef are you.
Ian McKellen says it to Brad Renfro, well actually to himself and the audience, in the film after he throws Brad down a flight of stairs to engage in battle with a homeless person he had captured.
The link above gives reviews of the film. I saw the film during the period when if you were a fan of Stephen King you’d sit in a movie theater and when the film started you’d say…”Hey wait a minute…I read this book!!” This happened all the time because who could remember the name of everything he wrote with book titles containing four books. Case in point…Shawshank Redemption originally Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption.
Here’s the part you should skip.
Since we’re talking about Apt Pupil about Nazis and Rita Hayworth came up I’m going to post something that I left out of my videos. I don’t know whether Florence Lounsbery had any clue what she was doing or portraying when she did this. She did not commit the atrocities that Ilse (Irma Ida) Grese did but they used her to portray this woman as the most virulous female of the holocaust…Ilse Grese…The Beast of Bergen Belsen.
Anne Frank, the author of the Diary of Anne Frank, not the woman in the photos, supposedly went to Bergen Belsen. Bergen Belsen was one of the concentration camps my father survived.
I see the alcohol is flowing freely…not just coffee tonite.
There is a trailer for this film which has a snappy tune to it but it kinda made me nauseated so I passed on posting it.
The Gazoo story is fairly long and complicated and I’ll have to check if I told some of it already. It’s a linchpin story of how communication was done with the FIBbers. It also starts the tale of how I wound up hanging out in the Howard’s basement which was one of the best times of my life. Some of the story gets told in metaphor because remember this……there is no statute of limitations on idiocy!
It worked like this…we’re all basically giant antennas and we give off and receive various frequencies of vibration. If you can tune in to a certain frequency you can pick up information. There are books written on the Chakras and the Human Energy Field. Every piece of electronic equipment that I have, and probably you too, that communicates is monitored… phones, computers, etc. It’s all digital storage now and there are supercomputers that store all this information. When the government is unhappy with you they go through your files and find out something you’ve done and can harass or arrest you. There are enough laws in this country to lock every up for committing a crime or for no reason at all, they’ll come up with something if you survive the arrest or the incarceration. They go through my mail and packages sometimes, they know every type, brand and variation of Peck-R pills I have ordered from overseas, which is probably illegal as well but would not make for a great headline on arrest, “Psychiatrist arrested for flaccid penis…film at eleven.” Though the headline would probably say, “Local psychiatrist arrested in drug bust. Details are being firmed up right now and should be coming soon!…film at eleven.” This happened to me in part once part of a even longer story. “The Fibbers” along with a man they call, “The Maestro,” drove “The DEAdlegs” (out of respect for the Grateful Dead I adjusted the name) into a crazy frenzy of paranoia painting a picture of me as some drug czar kingpin providing the entire east coast with world class heroin and cocaine. It was kind of ridiculous since I almost never leave my house and I shared with one of the undercover snitches in my office that I recently started drinking Coca Cola again though I dilute it with water about five to one to reduce the adverse effects. I told him “I’m sure they’re putting something else in there along with the caffeine and sugar to make it so stimulating and delicious.” That’s my big foray into the use of coke. I’m sure somewhere in his head he was thinking…”this is the guy they sent me to spy on??? I better find something better…either he goes to jail or I have to!” I was pretty sure the kid was undercover in the beginning but I gave him some tasks to do which he did, I liked him and decided to let him stay. We get lot’s of patients who get arrested and then come in and try and entrap me into doing or saying something to have me arrested or smear my name. The Maestro if he finds something on FB (and remember you can’t spell Fibber without FB) especially if it’s Jewish, he contacts one of the Rabbis and says, “Look what he’s doing…he mentioned Rivkah!!! and see…she’s being told that fire can’t melt steel!!!!” “Look!!! He’s a holocaust denier!!! He’s got all this stuff about WD-40!!!” (Someday they’ll rewrite my stuff with the transliteration on the bottom…just like the Talmud).
Now some of the Fibbers are very nice and a subset are homicidal maniacs who in a moment answer to no-one and take care of business on it’s own terms. Every Fibber HQ has a hit-squad…every one and for a price you can eliminate someone. It’s nice, it’s clean and it’s perfectly legal…or not. You need a certain number of signatures to legally murder someone in this country, something like 17 otherwise in this area the cost is around $100,000 but I’m told it recently went up to $150,000 as some of the marks have been hitting back, not just for themselves but for others.
So it came to pass…sounds like something out of the bible…The Book of Ed… that if the Fibbers called Gazoo I would show up and type into my Facebook page. Until recently I didn’t go the whole 9 yards and show up and say, “Hello Dum Dums” which is what Gazoo would say to Fred and Barney when he showed up on the Flintstones but I did it the other day.
We had our second undercover student show up as I mentioned above. I liked him but he got really sloppy and aggressive. I told him when I first met him that I believed he was undercover, that he got arrested for drugs, and he agreed to go undercover and turn snitch to mitigate his situation. I had to ask him to leave. I had a lot of questions I wanted answered but in most situations like this or others I don’t ask them because I think I’ll get lies, so I put it up to God. I said, “Here me Lord!!!!!” and got said, “What now?!” I wanted to know if this was local law enforcement or the Fibbers at work here. I decided to tell him to leave and see where the chips fall. Once these people get sloppy or aggressive they have to go because they make mistakes. The worst is when they lose control. So he left. I told him not to come back and not to come back in. Which he did. I’ve seen enough of these guys that I know their MO.
I’m going to call his actions at this this conjecture at this point to delineate that some of this was done with HSP-High Sense Perception. I was not in the parking lot, or anywhere else except my office that day. He went into the parking lot and called his people who told him to go back in which he did and I had to tell him to leave again. Normally, the patient snitches after a few days will leave me with a threat or a veiled threat as a good-bye present. They don’t do that much anymore because of legal actions I take. He drove to one of the local law enforcement centers, community policing where he talked with a couple people. I believe he was picked up their and brought to Fibber HQ. He went onto one of the lower floors, nice and airy and roomy and went from office to office talking with people, one or two at a time. He liked talking with the ladies because they were…ladies! but also they were softer kinder and gentler. The area he was in is also known as “Snitch Central”. I’ll repeat that…”Snitch Central”. It is also given a more pejorative name, “Rat Bastard Central.” Nice, huh? I sure it has a more appropriate name like, “The Early Defecation Center,” LOL or “Early Detection Center”. So these poor shmucks get targeted and get arrested for some meaningless crime but are needed to be used to get bigger fishes (yes the plural of fish can be fishes but refers to several species of fish not just one type of fish).
Still in conjecture mode: He was treated relatively nicely there at “Rat Bastard Central” but with the men there was always an undertone of contempt. Firstly they believed he screwed up and whatever went on was his fault. They also questioned whether he told me what was going on. It did happen on one occasion that someone told me they had read the transcripts of our visits and really like my philosophies…at the end he still threatened me like everyone else until recently. The other reason is that snitches are held in a particularly low esteem aka contempt by everyone…everywhere especially when law enforcement is involved. I decided to check who is held in most contempt in prison, pedophiles or snitches (I was going to throw in Jews but I didn’t want to skew the findings). I guessed it was snitches. Here’s what I found:
Urband Dictionary: The lowest of the low. A filthy, sad excuse for a human being. Lower than rapists and pedophiles. A snitch is a person of minimal integrity, trust, ability and … (I can’t find the rest of this but this was good)
https://www.correctionsone.com/treatment/articles/9317283-How-are-snitches-treated-in-prison/ This was a pretty good article. “Now in 2014 they are not called “snitches.” They were calling them SNY’s or PC’s, meaning “sensitive needs” or “protective custody.”
So, “Snitch Central” in some ways was like a movie set. Very little really sensitive work was allowed to be done there and only through closed doors. The free and open areas were left as such to allow the “sensitive needs” people to feel free to speak up. There was also a large comfortable cafeteria where people could sit and eat and chat but they filled it sometimes with shills to make it look for realistic or so the undercover people could practice eavesdropping. When I find I’m being eavesdropped on I like to talk about perineal warts. Here’s where it gets interesting….
We’re still in conjecture mode… It was there at Snitch Central sitting in the cafeteria movie set at a table that this young gun ran into an old snitch patient of mine… “The Cola Kid”. I had thrown the Cola Kid out for the same reason but the Cola Kid was a patient.
Undercover patients are dangerous. One guy came in with his iPad and attempted to get me to laugh at racial jokes using the word “Nigger”. No “N Word” here…we’ll use the word nigger. He came in and did it once by the second time he did it I had figured out what he was doing and yelled at him in the office then I discharged him. What was the big deal? The big deal was that if I had done or said anything racist and he had it on tape it could have been used against me if presented to a state agency as being racist or inappropriate. This probably would not have held up in an investigation or under scrutiny for a number of reasons. The most likely reason is that my line of work allows a great deal of latitude in saying what you want or need to with the a patient. I have absolutely cursed out and berated patients on a regular basis in order to get them to change their destructive behaviors. Most come back and are grateful for what I’ve done for them. People have to listen and hear what you say. I already had mistrust for this patient and didn’t find what he was saying funny at all and I discharged him. The guy down the street was a kibitzer and got caught on tape talking with an attractive patient about toe-sucking and one other thing which I can’t recall. He never did it…just joked about it. It’s doubtful this would have held up as a complaint against him but they used it in part to get him to surrender his license. They didn’t want him for toe-sucking, he was sloppy and some of the pills he was prescribing was winding up on the street. He miserated to me that he wanted to treat his patients and it was difficult to sort through the genuine patients from the druggies. He had a practice that took different insurances and if they didn’t get him for one thing they would have gotten him on another and they were looking at the possibility of Medicaid fraud when he had the good fortune to drop dead of esophageal cancer. Not that you need an erection to suck toes but the man confided in me that he couldn’t get hard anymore and the whole toe thing was absurd.
In my mind if you’re not discussing toe-sucking with at least one of your patients at least once a year you’re not thoroughly covering important aspects of the Medical Review of Systems and consequent disease states that can occur such: as fungal infections of the tongue and feet and of course diseases such as: Toe Jam Football, Toelio, Kneesles, and of course Small Cox.
So The Kid and The Cola Kid shot the shit for a while and decided I was the evil one and the bane of their existences and they cried over their coffee and hot chocolate with marshmallows and went home feeling better about the world and their place in it. At least the Kid went home. The Cola Kid I think got locked up. They may have pulled him out just for this, i’m not sure. Now I believe I mentioned some of this the other night on FB and they had to bring The Kid back in to ask if he had spoken to me about what went on as I knew he was in Fibber HQ, I believe there’s a nice view of things from where their vantage point was. They treated him with a bit more respect this time though I can’t tell you why. I had relayed thanks to Ha’shem for answering my prayers and then some! The Fibbers work with local law, who I hold no animosity towards even when they head to the local park locked and loaded because the Fibbers tell them I’m on my way to conduct illicit business there. The locals are fed lies, truths and half-truths in order to paint a picture of unleashed corruption on my part. I’ll have you know I keep my corruption on a leash at all times and when it makes a mess I pick it up with the National News section of the New York Times and dispose of it in the trash.
What happens when you fail in your mission? If a snitch does not come up with something useful then they may be used again if they are liked and did put in an honestly good effort or if they’re useless they are tossed aside like an old shoe to serve out whatever it is they are being served.
At the end of the day “The Maestro” is a Board Certified Snitch. I can’t imagine how much lower you can go than snitching to someone’s Rabbi. “Look what he did now!!! He ate a piece of gefilte fish on matzoh with chazzer schmaltz on it!!! Look Rabbi Look!!!” “Look Rabbi Look!!!! He’s cheating at Dreidel!!! He switches the dreidel to an Israeli dreidel whenever someone picks the word “there”!!!” “Look Rabbi Look….he’s touching his wife during her cycle…look!!!” “He said something affrontive about Streisand!!!….He didn’t like Yentil….he said Lord and Taylor was originally God and Schneider…He said jello moves when you eat it…..he said because they like their husbands to come into money…he said Oy Moshe the ceiling needs painting…he said…screw the kids out of what?…he said they won’t let anything in unless there’s a string attached…he told us the difference between jelly and jam… he said and why shouldn’t we answer a question with a question… he said the blind man said good morning ladies when he passed the fish market…he told us why they scream twice…he said aren’t we coming back this way…he said I was going to throw in Jews but I didn’t want to skew the findings…look…look…look!!!! He sits back picks his nose, scratches his twat and casts judgment on people who he’s not even worthy of licking the snot from their noses. Worse than the capo at Mauthausen because now he’s discovered and his little fuck friends too! Maybe you’ve figured out how you’re getting screwed and want to do something about it. Maybe you’re asking all the right questions. He knows shit about you…lot’s of shit. Next thing you know…oh well…jail time for bid rigging!! The Maestro always operating in the shadows out of view…but not out of God! Take your children and only the clothes on your back Mrs. Soprano.
Non-Sequitor…Dangling Participle
It kind of reminds me of when Farid’s attorney had reached the bottom of the barrel, not the money grubber but the original one who knew how to take care of business and I had sent the fibbers photos of Sidney Poitier in a cheap colorful wig but I had cut his head out and placed it into famous movies of his like, Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner, and In The Heat of the Night, and he had become run down and disheveled, he aged and it… to be continued
“There is no statute of limitations on idiocy!” ~e
Vincent Price did a lot of horror movies but probably would have been considered a main stream actor. He did a super film but a bit dated called “Last Man On Earth”. Fortunately they do a remake of it every 20 years! The first remake of it is “The Omega Man” with Charlton Heston who I was fortunately able to see at The Market Place in Fla a few months ago. He still looked beautiful! If I spot people in public I seldom go over for a number of reasons, so I didn’t stop to say hello but they flooded the place after that with Charley look-a-likes to f with my head.. The film was a masterwork that went beyond genre of Science Fiction into action and social discord.
As I recall in one of the highlights of the film Charlton is escaping from the night people and he and the female get on a motorcycle at either Shea or Yankee Stadium and Evil Knievel did a stunt jump for the film. Again, great film and a sound bite in the trailer and I believe the film from “the last man on earth” from Vincent Price in the beginning “this is where they burn the bodies”.
Vincent Schiavone did a lot of great films including a James Bond film as the evil torturer. He did ghost with Patrick Swayze and my favorite, One flew over the Cuckoos nest. He should have done sterile Cuckoo too so we could have seen him peel the tomato *Liza” instead of Ron…that would have made for great film entertainment!! Maybe he could have peeled Ron too! Pookkkiiiieeeeee!!!!!!
Last remake was “I Am Legend” with Will Smith. A good film, though sadly not up to par with Omega Man done in Charlton Heston’s Sci Fi Hey Day. Also, when I watched the film, (and I ran to the theater with my daughter after she described what she had just seen and I knew it was a new remake) I felt something was wrong with the ending and there was another one and this had been replaced. The ending didn’t fit and this turned out to be true. Nothing wrong with the original ending, not flashy, no explosion but a better ending. It’s on youtube.
I had a major mistake here about Ron being one of the Beatles he was not. So this post is a mess and does not hold together well. Ron is not Ringo. Go to post of September 25, 2017 for clarification.
I ran through so many bands in the beginning I decided to come back and review one that definitely should have gotten more time…The Beatles! I love this one with Cheryl. She seems to love playing Raquel and frankly we all love seeing her as such but do you think Raquel ever really hit Ringo with that thing?
Ringo Starr was with a band called The Hurricanes. That appears to be him all the way to the right. He joined the Beatles in 1962. This photo should be before that. What makes this interesting?
Ringo is the Oldest Beatle Through the Years… Musician, singer, songwriter and actor Ringo Starr was born Richard Starkey on July 7, 1940, in Liverpool, England.
August 1964
From this photo I figured out who George Harrison was.
Let’s face it…the only person in the world who could get George to go screaming from the room and hiding like this would be…his mommy!!! Ron as Ringo Starr is only 10 years old here. George is probably not much different nor is Paul or John. They stuck a cigarette in Paul’s hand. I don’t blame Shirley for showing up. Those guys were all really young and all probably under 12.
My understanding is that John Lennon was Steve Jobs who was born in 1955. I didn’t come up with that but remember the Beatles label was Apple records…you do the math.
Extra Bonus, Lori Black is Sandra Lee Scheuer who was shot and killed at Kent State
Hey guys!!! Look what I found!!!
I decided to look up this photo which I discovered was from a film called “The Magic Christian” which I remember being in the theaters but I’ve never seen it. Peter Sellers voice though still reverberates in my head from the commercials announcing that…”The Magic Christian is…….Ringo Starr.” Which it turned out not to be but a boat.
Sadly Peter Sellers voice is also stuck in my head saying, “I like to watch!” In any case I’m going to try and check out this film. There’s probably more here than meets the eye…but how much more can there be with Cheryl running around in her intergalactic underwear with a whip?He
Here are the Beatles at Shea Stadium August 1965.
I haven’t heard this song in forever, Ron Howard wrote Longfellow Serenade, actually a really terrific song!
This is good too…Neil Diamond listening tonight…who would have thought?!!!
I pieced this together months ago while the battle for heaven and hell was taking place at the Katz JCC. The second battle is completing here. You must be in control and in tune with the cauldron to be able to do this…
…or be Bryce!
Most fraudulent scenarios these days are all about gun control. We discussed Columbine which involved Trey Parker and Matt Sone as the shooters; a fake scenario as was: Sandy Hook Hoax, Trayvon Martin Hoax, The Dunblane School Massacre Hoax, Aurora Colorado Shooting Hoax, The Kent State Shooting Hoax, Son of Sam Hoax. Almost always about gun control though not Kent State, I believe that was to delay the war ending for financial reasons.
The problem is you sit at home and cower, won’t go to the mall, or anywhere else because of fear you’ll be shot. Everyone should own a gun. Ron tells me this group is pro-gun control. Guns are a deterrent to violence. There are many less owner at home break-ins because criminals don’t want to come into a house where an owner might be armed. WD-40 took out of the game millions of people…by his own admission to me. His last words to me were, “I should have finished you when I had the chance.” He perished less than a minute later along with roughly a thousand of his downline. He hadn’t changed his evil ways. Gun ownership is a deterrent to a govt out of control destroying the masses. Farid had military along the southern border about to destroy 2/3 of the US at the Battle of Jade Helm which turned out to be the most lopsided battle known to man. People in the Southern States would have put up a fight but would have lost because of the weapons of mass destruction which were destroyed in the first hour of the battle.
I was expecting to be picked up one evening many moons ago by a very handsome gentleman coming in to McQuire AF Base in NJ. The gentleman was met at the airport by the Fibbers. He was instructed that under no circumstance would I be allowed to leave the country and that…and I quote…”WE KNOW WHO ALL YOUR PEOPLE ARE.” end quote. The gentleman kept his cool, got into a limo and headed out. In the nearby woods were two or three Fibbers masquerading as hunters in the woods with hunting and sniper rifles. Lots of cigarette butts littered the ground. The gentleman never picked me up as it was decided that someone with this poor type of relationship with Fibbers would have a hard time working with them. He said there were other ways to get out of the country but including Canada and PA. Before getting on the plane he picked up a nice music box for his darling main squeeze who is also my Fairy Godmother.
Here’s a faked scenario I actually like with a link below:
1984 New York City Subway shooting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_New_York_City_Subway_shooting
Bernhard Goetz shot 4 muggers on a train three days before xmas. I suspect there was a plethora of violence on the subways and they set up a guy to “shoot” 4 muggers…This is Bernhard Goetz…he’s Ron Howard.
The other people in the photo are actors and I can only guess at them and the middle guy looks like Norman Fell, I’m not saying he is and the guy on right could pass for Tom Cruise, and I’m not saying he is. I have one in the next slide who I’m pretty sure I’m right on…
I’ll go out on a limb and say the guy on the left is George Wendt, but I could be wrong.
This picture will most assure us this is a fraudulent scenario…The officer on the left has a face mask on. best visible at base of neck and around ears. If this were real why would he need a mask? We have one ear on him and it resembles that of George Lucas. I’m not saying it’s him but that’s what I can piece together.
The shooting cooled down the thugs who ride the trains, usually on New Years Eve it’s free to ride the trains. It also gets dangerous because anyone can get on and cause mischief. I’m guessing crime was greatly reduced by Goetz aka Ron Howard.
These are McKesson bulb syringes similar to the device the doctor attempted to inject the baby with. Normally used for suctioning out fluids the bulb is emptied of air by squeezing, then inserted into any convenient orafice and the bulb is released and the fluid sucked out.
A needle was added to the tip to penetrate the skin in order to deliver medication or some other substance. This suction bulb would be used on a regular basis in a pediatric or delivery room and would not be questioned, however a regular hypodermic syringe and needle would be.
The doctor involved would have been ordered to do what he did. I wonder how he’s managing without his feet?
Ron shows up in several places in this song. He is doing his director’s walk on. He would have written this song.
South Park The Movie is beyond brilliant! The music is lyrical and at times the musical numbers are very complex using different styles of music. It is a traditional musical. I assumed that these two guys were geniuses. They might be but it is much easier to believe that Ron wrote some, most or all of it. You would have to have a tremendous background in music and theater to write this thing. Ron fits the bill…and the film is funny as all heck…Ron can be very funny…not necessarily with me…if I’m sleeping and get a Woodrow he’ll wake me up and say something like…”Hey Ed, what happens when you watch a Carrie Underwood concert?” Then everyone laughs hysterically when I quizzically pull Mr. Wilson out to see if that’s what they wanted. I don’t find any of that funny at all…but some people do!
This is La Resistance from the film which is sort of the musical climax of the film…that is until they add Carrie Underwood into the movie…but it is brilliant. Give it a listen.
Ron also shows up as one of the singing marching soldiers on the right side in that song. The implication is that he is involved with this song and most of the movie as well. There is film out there which surpasses Ron’s brilliance however in my listening there is no music done during his time that surpasses him. Hence the film is likely over 50% his and maybe as much as 85%.
Sadly, Ron would have been involved with these two schmoes for the Columbine High School Massacre Hoax because Trey Parker and Matt Stone were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.
…and Michael Moore can go fuck himself too.
I came across this happy lad while researching one of Ron’s brother’s. Solely based on scars this is Ron Howard. I have nothing further to report and I’ll go back to my usual task of losing at poker and saving the world. Hi Bryce!!! I love you!!!
Ok, I had to review this…still looks like Ron but the dates are weird. Could be it’s Ron and he took over role of Yul Brynner, that’s my lead theory, if he can be Joe Namath he can be Yul Brynner. Could be his dad, similar constellation of scars or any other Howard including Bryce! My money is on Ron became Yul Brynner.
This could be a clue…Ron loves to wear fur. He did so as Joe Namath. On second thought, this might not be Ron, could be his father or possibly Yul himself. I don’t think Ron took over Yul until the film West World. Ron does the tv show West World, Ron is Ed Harris on the show and Yul Brynner was in the original. Until I find info to the contraire Ron Howard became Yul Brynner after West World.
Shout out to Ron and whoever cast him as Yul Brynner as the evil gunslinging robot in West World. The film was terrific and putting Yul in there as the bad guy wearing the same outfit he wore in The Magnificent Seven was a stroke of genius!! Ron did a great job as Yul Brynner. Amazingly perfect!
Ron did the remake of Magnificent Seven recently. I think he bit off more than he could chew here. It’s my favorite western though if I had to sit and watch either Seven or The Good, the Bad and the Ugly I’d have a tough time picking one.
Ron’s favorite western/film is Shane. His family probably did the film as I found this guy in the movie…
Van Heflin does a great Ron Howard impersonation though Ron isn’t born until this film was released. Heflin has Ron’s genetic markers including coloring, facial structure, fingers and ear shape. Looks like Ron or maybe Ralph Malph.
Ron would have been too young, actually not born yet, to play Joey Starrett, the son of Joe Starett, above noted to be Van Heflin so a kid named Brandon De Wilde played him. A famous kid character who gets the final line in Shane, I believe, have to double check, Come back Shane! Here’s a picture of De Wilde….
So you start to wonder who is this million dollar kid…with that blonde hair he’s likely to be only one person….
We found out earlier that Jay North was….
…Son of Van Heflin…probably cousin to Ron Howard…
Ron’s dad is Frank Sinatra who shares the same genetic ear marker as Ron, Spielberg and Van Heflin…
I hope I didn’t mistake something here in this mishmash.
Van Heflin and Frank Sinatra are brothers. Hence Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg are first cousins and all associated uncles and nephews…etc…etc…etc.
Here’s another clue for you all….
Who does this look like? Someone else Ron plays.
Aristophanes is not ridiculous
I know… how can this be Part 16 and Part 2… this is just the nature of living in duality so fug cough!
I swear I just creamed my pants!! We have struck Ron Howard Gold….It’s the gosh darn mother load!!!! The Ron Howard stuff is the mother load…well ok so is my creaming my pants.
I don’t know if he wrote the theme song. He probably did take over the movie series as Tom Cruise used to babysit for Bryce so Ron was probably grateful and let him be like Peter Graves.
Look at this!!!! My blog is writing writing itself!!!!!!!! It’s a dream come true!!! I haven’t been this excited since they put soap in Brillo!!!! That was a biggee!!! (taken from the odd couple)
Karl Clews aka Ron Howard….I don’t think Ron is Sam Smith but he would have written this song.
This is the only blog in the history of the world that not only writes itself but does it’s on research!!!!!!!! Blow me world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t been this excited since Ron had them break in and cart me away to a mental hospital!!! or was it when I had to spend a week in rape counseling? Maybe it was the times he tried to have me arrested???? One of the times he tried to have me arrested. I forget but I was pretty freaking excited!!!! Lady Gaga did try to save my ass during one of these…it was to no avail and I quote Ga’s screams, “He’s not like us!!!!!! He’s not like us!!!!!” My ass still went down with the ship…I was only finally rescued by one of The Angels… actually from the clutches of another Angel!!!!!!!!!! (The original Charlie’s Angels). To add insult to injury Cheryl wanted to send me a bill for services rendered, I told her fine but she had to pay for my treatment at the rape counseling center…seemed fair to me.
“The things I do for love.” Jaime Lannister, Game of Thrones…and me! Only the queen remains the same.
Ron did Super Chicken
Ron even gets spanked at about the 5 second mark…this is typical of a cameo/walk-on by the director like Hitchcock though I can’t recall in any of his films that Hitch plays “paatchy tushey” in any of his walk on scenes.
Not only did Ron do Tom Slick, writer, director, music and possibly produced, …he was Tom Slick!!!
Ron did Stop That Pigeon
At this point I had to look for a credit for Ron…at least on the Flintsones, one of the greatest and most important cartoons on TV. It took me a while but this guy appears to fit the bill…Karl Clews. He’s on the credits, he’s young enough to have been Ron, photos may have been taken later since Ron would have been really young. He’s playing bass (Ron plays every instrument). He has deformities on hands…bingo, also problem in second picture with nose prosthetic. Hence Karl Clews is Ron Howard. Remember Ron is a mess of scars and repairs. When we look up credits for Karl Clews we’ll hit the mother load for cartoons and TV!
I said “When we look up credits for Karl Clews we’ll hit the mother load for cartoons and TV!” It’s bigger than that!! He apparently teaches Bass on line. I will go out on a limb…I always start with a theory and say, “Any song Karl is instructing on how to play the bass was written by him and he’s just as likely as not to be in the band.” That’s the theory and I’m sure I’m right. Karl is a lynchpin persona which will lead me in a hundred to a thousand different directions. This is persona pay dirt!! The ultimate Yahtzee!!!!
FYI….I never heard of Karl Clews before and that’s the nature of this work. Even a blind man knows when the sun is shining!
For now I’ll sit back, smoke a ciggy and enjoy all of our good fortune!!!
oh…I don’t smoke but if I did that’s what I’d do!!!
Ron has done an amazing amount of Television. You wouldn’t know what he’s done but it’s endless starting in the fifties. Here he sings on the Winky Dink song. I’m told he wrote a small piece of it.
He wrote the theme song for Huckleberry Hound and came up with the entire premise for the show and wrote all the episodes…
Ron came up with the concept for the Flintstones, the theme song and wrote most of the episodes, the earlier ones primarily. Flintstones has to be one of the most beloved and I’ll say nourishing cartoons of all time. I can’t saw exactly why it’s nourishing, I think it fills you up, good family themes, lots of color, love between characters, music, movement. Has to be on the top ten list of greatest cartoons of all time and I’m going to look it up.
Number 6 on this list
Number 2 on TV Guide
Thinking about dieting I have had stuck in my head…
Ron strikes again!!! Goink Goink Goink!!! The episode still makes me hungry for a brontoburger.
Ron did many episodes of the Odd Couple including one previously mentioned about Felix falling in love with a football player’s wife.
We saw earlier that Stannis Baratheon was played by Ron Howard.
Ron also had a cameo after Stannis/Ron dies in the following episode at a camp fireside. He’s just sitting there but it’s Ron looking very Ron Howard like.
He’s another prominent character which is Bronn. I realized that after seeing Jason Statham aka Ron Howard in Fate of the Furious yesterday. He’s also quite Ron Scheiderish who is also Ron.
Just to help in confirmation of Bronn as Howard. Bronn was in a band in England…
“The deeper I get into this the more I wonder…how did I get here?
I can’t find the jingle for the milk campaign that Ron Howard did before the “Got Milk” campaign.
The Jingle went like this…sing along if you know the words…
“There’s a new you coming ever day…ever day…Theres a new you coming every day…
That’ the gist of it…
Understanding the impermanence of everything—including ourselves.
Every few days we essentially recycle ourselves, reminiscent of an old advertising jingle for milk, “There’s a new you coming every day!”
I saw “The Fate of the Furious” yesterday. I’m a huge fan of the “Fast and Furious” series; they never lets you down, always first class entertainment. It was no different for this one. Great characters, comedy and action, action, action. Fast cars, even faster women and a cute baby highlighted this one.
When a mysterious woman (the ever yummy Charlize Theron) seduces Dom into the world of terrorism and a betrayal of those closest to him, the crew face trials that will test them as never before.
This was a terrific chase scene, possibly now my favorite with this one moving to second place, from Die Hard 4; also reminiscent of the scene in True Lies with Arnold:
Now down to the meat and taters since the blog is about Ron and Cheryl being geniuses and all. We’ll look at this guy:
Jason Statham star of the Transporter series
Jason Statham is Ron Howard. Ron is an accomplished martial artist and in this series Jason Statham is as well. If you watch Jason in action you can see it’s Ron from wide shots. It captures his look and shape of his head.
As part of her public service video Charlize explained how she got through airport security with her recently kidnapped terrified black child by explaining she was actually sisters with Rhianna and there was some kind of genetic quirk going on.
Ed is a talented physician, historian and ruler of England…along side his queen
Kiki’s Komiks:
World’s Worst Piece of Chocolate Covered Matzoh Ever!!
Here Ron Howard aka Woody Allen explains the whole Matz oh thing
Last week I looked in on the Passover celebration at the Howard Ranch. I couldn’t stay too long but it appeared to be presided over by a long bearded Rabbi and everyone was enjoying themselves. How can you not? It’s Hollywood!! Everyone’s been to Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, probably Passover Seders and other Jewish rituals and ceremonies. At Passover the food is amazing and there is an obligation to drink!!! Generally 4 glasses of wine but that never stopped my family from going to a fifth or sixth or pulling out a single malt. It was a beautiful thing!!
Ron Howard is D. Kliban. D. Kliban is a very funny artist who does mostly one frame comics and comics about cats. I suspected Cheryl Howard did some of these because there are lots of variations in the comics. The themes tend to follow Ron’s career and some are Woody Allen’esque, some are hippies from San Francisco and of course cats. Cheryl did virtually all the cat cartoons which were very very popular.
What tipped me off? There is a song by Robert Ellis Orrall called, “Call the Uh-Oh Squad” This came from a very funny cartoon which was in The New Yorker but then in Kliban compilations. Here’s the song…
This is a great song!!! I enjoyed now as much as I used to!!
The cartoon had two panels.
The first depicted a horrible car accident, with a bystander saying, “Better call the Uh-oh Squad”.
The second showed several official types standing around the crushed cars, with badges saying “Uh-oh Squad”, wringing their hands with worried faces, saying “uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh”.
As I recall the first panel showed one guy saying, “This man has swallowed his nose. I’m a sheet metal worker. Better call the Uh-Oh Squad.” In the second panel they arrive, and everyone is saying ‘Uh-Oh” except for one little boy off to the side who is saying, “Oh wow!”
I need to find this cartoon.
I would have to believe Ron is D. Kliban and also Robert Ellis Orrall. These cartoons are a wealth of information on Ron for example.
There are a series of films by director Tom Six, Dutch Horror Films called the Human Centipede. I don’t want to put up any photos of the film because they are disturbing but the premise is the same. Ron speaks fluent Dutch.
Here’s a picture of Tom Six
There are some signs on the fingers that this is Ron.
Here’s the only photo I can find of D. Kliban…
The above photo shows the same fabric in a house coat that Cheryl Howard was wearing in a photo as Donna Summers. I made fun of that fabric and here it is…great minds think alike.
Here’s the fabric on Donna Summers and the close is also pink. I joked about it saying they used it when she was done with it to cover the toasters which I’ve seen the fabric used for. Look at me!!! Talking about fabric like I’m some fashion designer!!!
Firstly, Elton John in the film is actually not The Pinball Wizard… Tommy aka Roger Daltry aka Ron Howard is…Elton sings about Tommy. If you watch the video you’ll notice that Elton at a couple parts in the song points at Tommy, at the minute and a half mark, “always has a replay”, it’s a deep and meaningful accusatory pointing as if Tommy has done something wrong. This works on a really deep level especially if you’ve seen “The Twilight Zone” with Billy Mumy who does the same pointing at someone he doesn’t like. See the photo above.
Ok, so I had another point… through most of this I left out the mainstay of the video…The Who!! They appear throughout the video; all accomplished musicians. I went through the comments under the video of Pinball Wizard which reflected most of what I’ve said including references to the video being the greatest video and or piece of music with the spectacular showmanship in it and adding Elton John to an already great song. Someone also shouts out that even in this video The Who have to destroy their instruments, which they do!! All part of a great band and a great video.
Hopefully this will be the end of it: Tremendous energy in the theater it was shot in with the place crammed with fans singing and swaying to the music but what I wanted to point out again was the tremendous attention to detail this film has. At about 2:20 Elton John is seen leaning against his pinball in the background while The members of The Who are seen together in the foreground. Elton is singing and not moving much except for one giant shoe which is slowly waving from left to right. It’s a minor detail in the shot but it lends to the whole, “Captain Fantastic” image of Elton and the tremendous visuals in this video. It adds to the upstaging of The Who by Elton but that’s simply the scene and the visual and it works. Just another brilliant fine detail in this film which could be endlessly studied from a hundred different directions. I think if you understood this film not just from top to bottom but from side to side and beyond you’d have a tremendous grounding in music and film making. Hopefully this it cause it’s time to move on!!!
Felix Unger: “Love has made me strong!”
Oscar Madison: “Strength has made him stronger!!”
from an episode of the TV series the Odd Couple that was written by Ron Howard
I hadn’t realized that I was in real time for the signing of my photo and the area around the photo continued to be signed through the day. Long legged beauty Bryce Howard sat on the floor to sign while her daughter whose name goes to this blog stood on a chair and signed in a bold signature, hers the largest of all signatures, to the right of the photo toward the top. I even signed it, directly underneath with my full name and “Ed” in quotes. An honored extended family signed in the top right corner maintaining distance as a show of respect and deference to the man in the photo.
By the end of the day the area for signatures was mostly full with some spaces left purposefully empty for signatures of people unavailable. Two pillars were brought in with large vases and flowers to adorn the photo and the exhibit.
Rare tours of “Ron’s Hidden Museum” were done by Mr. Ron Howard himself who took pleasure in showing off and explaining the various items and exhibits. One of the highlights of the tour was the Hamilton/Burr exhibit which has been described in best detail in this blog as featured in a “Got Milk” commercial. The ad ran continuously while people came, enjoyed the exhibit, and drank tall glasses of milk!! (ok, so it was actually glasses of wine but milk would have worked here as well!).
Only one glass of wine spilled that day and the “no personal contact” rule while in the museum was honored by all except for a few young ladies who couldn’t resist adding this place to their list. With them it was mostly show and tell as one of them nestled comfortably on some antique end table while the others expressed joy in the use of their chorda tympani nerves. This started when two or three young ladies slipped away but the crowd grew when they invited others over to see a great exhibition. It was eventually broken up when a more senior woman came over to see what was going on and joined in. A few minutes her husband was sent over and suggested this should break up. Ron was aware of this and wrote them all out of the next remake of Princess Diaries including the woman but hey…that’s show business!. (As far as I know Ron is not remaking Princess Diaries and I’m just joking with these kids and one lady!)
The girls are members of gay mostly all girls cougar club which they formed honoring older women and seeking them out wherever they may find them. A couple of gents joined who were gay and wanted to worship at the alter of older women.
Speeches were made and Ron had a gift that was accepted for me.
Ron admired one of my favorite “crystals/ minerals.” It’s a sphere of iron pyrite with multiple jagged internal caverns of reflective surface. He saw I would often hold the sphere, gaze on it and into it and meditate with it. I offered it to him on several occasions but it still sits in my possession so in some part it represents a piece of me and defines me.
The gift to me was bought by Bryce Howard, what a great beauty. The gift is a very large sphere of bright and shiny iron pyrite which is glorious. It is reminiscent of the one I have. I had seen it once or twice at the Howard home but did not know what it was for. The sphere was elaborately etched by Bryce who is an accomplished artist in her own right. The sphere depicts family and travails and tells a story of my involvement with the Howards including a picture of myself with Bryce, sort of like putting “Lord of the Rings” on a sphere. It is a masterwork of a beloved woman, her daughter and our family.
Thank you to all, and for this I am truly grateful.
Reminder Part 1 has more finds than the rest of this blog combined! IMHO!
By the time I decide to go looking for someone I think might be Ron I have a pretty good idea that he, or she, is. I decided to look for DeNiro as Ron Howard. I’d seen Taxi Driver in whole or part several times and DeNiro has Ron’s body habitus.
But before I move on…Shout out to Ron Howard as Roy Scheider in “Marathon Man” for it’s time one of the great fight scenes in his hotel room against a Japanese assassin.
Great fight sequence reminiscent of Paul Newman in Hitchcock’sTorn Curtain fighting off an SS officer with the German woman…it’s at 39 minutes below… I think there may be a problem with this version of the film but I’m not sure. The first time I saw the film this fight scene was removed. I saw it in a documentary on Hitchcock and one additional time.
Back to DeNiro…
…sits a picture of me. It sits honoring me. It sits in an honored space near Ron’s beloved collection/exhibit of Hamilton/Burr historical artifacts/memorabilia in The Ron Howard Museum aka Ron’s Private Museum aka Ron’s Hidden Museum.
Ron, his family and the community honor me.
Ron creates a most honored place near this prize collection holding me in the light of greatness during a time of great strife, difficulty and danger.
He honors me as a historian who carefully studied he and his family’s lives and set it to print with piercing honesty, pain, love and humor.
The photo generates different feelings for different people who see it. One insider who disliked something I did looked at my photo with a grave distain. I don’t fault her for that. It’s important that I express it here, as this distain alerted me to my photo and this honoring in this museum. Virtually all others expressed admiration and love with a sense of wonder and excitement when approaching my photo.
Close family signed the exhibit dedicated to “Ed” at the bottom of the wall housing the picture for which I am honored and grateful. The significance of signing at the bottom initially lost on me separates my photo by physical distance from the photo to impart a sense of humility to the signer and the observers. This extends even further as the signers had to crouch, deeply bend or sit at floor in order to sign. This is not lost on me as I watch my family do this.
Ron’s honored signature sits on the wall nearest to the photo toward the bottom right assuming the patriarchal mantle of director of this family and community, as such serving to honor me and expressing the closeness and bond between the two of us which developed into an ultimate partnership in this lengthy battle for the safety and security of heaven, earth and hell.
I am again truly honored and grateful to all.
NB: A piece of Ron’s Hidden Museum including his exhibit of Hamilton/Burr historical artifacts can be found in the, “Got Milk” commercial featuring Ron in the commercial and centers around the duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.
Side Bar: The “Got Milk” commercial opens on a beautiful older car… no accident…Ron did a number of great early films that centered around cars; American Graffiti, Eat My Dust and Grand Theft Auto. I’m not a car guy but I suspect it was used in Grand Theft Auto. This would tie Ron in with the commercial. Ron, like Hitchcock, likes to ID his work in some way, this would be the way with this commercial.”
Post Script:
I’m a huge fan of Pippi Longstockings and loved this reboot!!!! Thanks to everyone who did this!!!
…actually not…everyone over thinks it’s the Americans it’s actually the Assets because Netflix doesn’t have the Americans and someone put this on by mistake, I’m playing poker and pondering the world.
Ok, so they finally got the American’s on, I’m facing the wrong way but it’s got to be good as Tusk is playing!!!
Came in second in the poker game channeling Alan Cunningham! oh wait…someone here called sundance…could be alan right now!!! maybe that guy called 27off
Today it was noted that all of central town expressed the opinion that their city was being held hostage by this blogger!!!
Residents were quoted as saying, “We don’t know what he’s going to find next! One minute he says he’s going down the rabbit hole the next minute he’s outing someone else!!” “Everyone here’s on their best behavior. No one wants to do anything which will come back to haunt them later!!” “We’re all eating Matzoh now…I don’t know why…I’m Jewish and I don’t eat it until Passover!!! He’s eating it now so we’re all eating it…I hate the stuff!!!”
Men have stopped having anal sex with their wives for fear it may hurt them, they’re more gentle with their girlfriends and the gay men are now using lubricant with each other…”Once in a while.” The gay men were quoted as saying, “We don’t really care what he thinks… this is perfectly natural for us… as a matter of fact we don’t really thinks he cares one way or the other but we refuse to be marginalized on any issue that involves anal sex!!!” Wives were left begging… “Please don’t stop doing that… I actually like it… you won’t have to tie me up while I pretend to fight you off… just give it to me… please!!
People have increased the number of charitable acts and donations but run into the same issues that this blogger has, “Isn’t that the same BS charity that we made $700,000. on last year?” and, “If we send money to Haiti does it count as charity if the money actually winds back up in our pockets?”
“It still feels better living under the threat of Ed than Adolf Hitler… we’re just not used to being nice to each other… anyway it feels better and we kind of like it!”
“We thought going down the rabbit hole was some kind of sexual metaphor… it turned out it had something to do with Lewis Carroll but none of us really understand what that guy was talking about despite the fact that we’ve made a hundred movies of his… I mean really, ‘`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves. Did gyre and gimble in the wabe: All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.’ What the puck does that mean for God’s sake!!??”
The town tormenter turned over a new leaf and when sent to extract information from some nefarious soul who rolled into town began to repeatedly poke him with a soft cushion screaming, “Who sent you!?…Who sent you!!!!” When this failed the tormenter called for “the comfy chair,” which was brought in and the person was placed in it and ordered to stay in it until lunch time with only a cup of coffee at 11. * The tormenter was quoted as saying, “I actually turned over a new leaf a while back after Ed burned my lover to a crisp who was running my favorite church and I ask him to take care of Ed who kept destroying my bottles of essence of nightshade and wanted my daughter more than me… I was also kind of the high priestess there. Hubby wasn’t always too happy with what I did thereand once he had to shell out 3M in damages after I took things a bit too far with one of the candidates for the church but you know in religion you can justify almost everything you do! Ed said the church had a public relations problem and instead of doing blood sacrifices we should do charitable donations, that was after I left and Ed took over. All of my lover’s demons went to him and I turned over my duties to someone I trusted. It turned out to be a natural progression.”
People, newly permitted to do their own internet research are trying to predict which direction he’ll go to next… “We think we’re doing a pretty good job of it but he makes these leaps we just can’t fathom…how does he go from a little girl on a surfboard to Ron has a son that none of us knew about and that was Ron’s granddaughter?”
Special thanks to Monty Python and The Spanish Inquisition!
Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water I wound up finding a photo of George Lucas and his wife Marcia
What made Marcia so interesting here? Look at the length of her fingers on her right hand. Very long, and anomalous. I’ve worked on this for several years as many people with royal blood tend to have anomalies of their hands, probably feet too. I cover some of this in my later videos at moorhallstudios.com. I suspect this is from inbreeding where recessive genes can get expressed if there are enough copies of it. It may be genetically dominant as well but not enough copies of it in general population.
You can see it in both hands here…a kind of Marfanesque appearance to the fingers.
Here she uses a glove for strategy but notice the two people next to her have the same anomaly, probably family members. Interestingly, Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh, Sr and Jr have the same anomaly as does Lindbergh’s wife. The Lindbergh baby is still alive and goes by the name, “Donnie Dunagan”, also same anomaly. Lindbergh Sr. and Earhart are likely brother and sister. Go to Moorhallstudios.com for my videos on these people.
The above link is from “The Secret History of Star Wars” and talks about Marcia Lucas. Seemingly a good piece of work but too long for me to read right now but they state, “Marcia Lucas, the “other” Lucas, has basically become the forgotten Lucas.” Not from where I’m sitting though.
Looking at enough photos of Marcia Lucas we see we’re looking at Laverne DiFazio aka Penny Marshall…actress and great director! She shows up on Happy Days with Ron Howard who is in Star Wars as Mark Hammil. To confirm we look for the hand anomaly on Penny Marshall which we find in the following photo. They work hard to hide it in many other photos.
I’m leaving the rabbit hole for now…see you next wednesday!!!
I’m guessing that’s just prosthetics on his arms to make him look bulkier.
This one was kind of a giveaway with the hair and the ears.
I have probably a couple hundred odds and ends and leads on Ron and Cheryl. It’s never ending and I don’t get to other stuff because of it but I don’t believe anyone else is going to get this type of depth in this matter. If you’re one of the family or extended family waiting your turn for me to find you do not fear!!! I expect to post you in 2047!!!Also, a word about dead ends. I managed to wrap up 90% of my dead ends…they’re all Ron and Cheryl…I kid you not, this excludes the youngsters which I didn’t declare as dead ends. I have lists of actors and actresses, who all have the same physique and scarring and I finally gave up on mostly due to frustration.
OK…we’re down the rabbit hole! Doesn’t mean I’m right but here’s where I’m at. I’m told the people in the above photo are all powerful and well regarded and won’t be happy being in this blog. The guy immediately behind George Clooney resembles Steven Spielberg (I’m told it’s not him but it is a relative). It looks like him.
So we look at early pics of spielberg and we find this one…
And I believe I recognize the baby!
And hold on…I have a great picture of Jay and Ron
I have to find my original smart ass remark of this slide because I think I hit the money with it…..
Here it is…I edited it out of Part I of Ron and Cheryl Howard: “Ron Howard as “Stewart” on “The Dennis the Menace Show” with Jay North as Dennis. Here Ron is thinking…one day I’ll have my own hit TV show…then take over Hollywood…then the world!![/caption]“
This appears to be the case!
Overheard in the etheric: “OMFG!! OMFG!!! Do you believe what this f ing idiot has done?!!! Do you believe what this f ing idiot has done?!!!” “How does he f ing do this??? Our own people can’t do what he does. God help us all!” “That wasn’t even Spielberg!!! He picked out his cousin!! His third cousin no less and drew the connection with Jay North…un f ing believable!!”
and whatever you do…don’t mess with the guy second from the left on the top row!!! The man’s the real deal!!! Given enough time I could piece them all together, I recognize some others. My expectation tonite was to put up at least 25 more people who were Ron or Cheryl…I got one, but that ‘s the nature of going down the rabbit hole and a couple pretty good finds today!!
Don’t forget to go to my other website… moorhallstudios.com where I identify Walt Disney as Adolf Hitler…take care every one!!!!
If you didn’t gasp for air at that one you’re already too numbed out…num num num!!!
Not proofed for accuracy
I have stated whether in print here or elsewhere that I am honored to have so many children with so many wonderful people and so many clones of myself. I’m happy that God gives me great things to do, great people to be with and great abilities to accomplish these things…also a great big giant pair of balls which makes it difficult every morning to pull my pants up over my nut sack!
What makes me most proud is that this great group of people have woken up to a world which is much, much safer. This has been a team effort with great direction and wonderful players and of course these tremendous balls which pendulously swing back and forth as I stroll up my stairs to my boudoir where it is said, “How can one guy who never leaves his house create so much mischief?”
So what have we learned so far about the man who probably has more clones currently walking around than anyone else? He has more balls than brains!
Case in point: I sold myself into slavery at one point which caused the King Farid of Egypt to laugh, “Hey Ed…do you know you’re now chattel?” He then decided it would be a good idea to have my interest trained in a meat packing plant in order to stab me to death as soon as possible when I arrived. I am grateful for my study of the old testament so I understood what I was up against with Pharaoh and the general game of thrones going on. We did later on free the slaves and I finally got sick of being dicked over and just quit being a slave but hey it’s all good.
With a much safer world and many new children gainfully testicled, the powers that be decided after I used the term, “Russian Roulette” twice in one day that it was time to proceed with a “peacetime procreation procedure” called “Russian Roulette!” …a game of sorts as well as an honored ceremony. Does it involve a gun? Yes it does! “This is my rifle…this is my gun….this is for fighting…this is for fun!!!”
Here’s how it works: everyone from the community gets to play. The game takes place over several days…the first day is usually the big one. As many people as possible meet in a large hall. The guns are loaded and the goal is to fire them six times into six different targets. If this is overly ambitious for some people then the guns can be removed from one holster and put into another one with firing in an effort to enter into 6 targets even without firing. The guns are not supposed to be cleaned during this ceremony, and should drip with gun oil, or bullets from other guns. The goal is, as best possible, to disseminate (good word) as best possible a genetically balanced group of offspring. Lot’s of females are needed to mesh with this large group of males. Some people who were sterile came for the rare ceremony as it’s consider both and honor and an obligation to attend. It’s been a long time since the ceremony was performed and inevitably it is only done during times of peace either to restore lost members or to take new ground. Fertility was restored, my myself, to anyone who attended and the goal of 100% pregnancy for all the women was attained even many in their latter years. With recently rediscovered monogamy many couples could be found off by themselves enjoying each others company…as much a part of the ceremony as those who are still polyamorous or engaged in such for the evening.
more to come
My goal in life has been to be like the bird who says, “Auf wiedersehen!” What does that mean? It means “Goodbye!”
Yes but what does it mean to be like the bird who says. “Auf wiedersehen!?”
A family owned a bird…a talking bird of some sort…like a parrot…and when they would leave the house the bird would say to them, “Auf widersehen!” But if they were just going outside for a moment the bird would not say it as if it knew that they were not leaving. So they decided to test the bird…btw…this is a true story and it won’t end with “Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams Debra.”
So they decided to test the bird. Everyone in the household got on their coats and shoes and pretended they were going somewhere. They left the house but the bird did not say, “Auf wiedersehen!?” He never would say “Auf wiedersehen!”unless they were actually leaving. The bird simply knew truth and was not deceived by appearances. This has been my goal for many years. Whether I’ve attained it or not is up to the reader to decide but I leave you with this… Jet fuel can’t melt steel beans Debra!
Note massive scarring of Left Shoulder which has been my mainstay “go to” scarring in the front. Barak works side by side with Ron’s best friend. Ron plays black men better than black men play black men and finally I asked myself, “Why is it I’ve seen every major Presidential candidate, presidential spouse, and several past presidents but I’ve never seen Obama at the Ranch? This is why…he was there all the time…Ron Howard is Barack Hussein Obama…this is an ultimate find!
I said a couple of things about Obama repeatedly: 1) I knew he was an actor and 2) He was an absolute consummate professional, unwavering in his playing of the president. Ron would fit the bill here too, though it wouldn’t be enough to go on.
Still with his best friend who goes from VP to President while Ron Howard goes from President Obama to Vice President Pence. Cheryl Howard goes from Michelle Obama to Karen Pence.
Obama’s hand print is identical to Pence’s.
Yes, the guy on the left is also Barack Obama!
Logan is a super terrific film! It’s the best of the X-Men series in forever!!! Dafne Keene who plays X-23 steals the film from Patrick Stewart and the guy who plays Wolverine (Hugh Jackman; frankly Jackman looks old enough to be her grandfather!)…no joke…she does a ten finger discount on this film grabs most of it and gets the rest with her feet!! This kid was really good!! It also looks like she did a lot of the stunts herself…she’s a no-holds barred actress and it shows!!
First 15 minutes of the film is a bit of a snooze especially at the Marlton AMC where the seats recline until you’re practically upside down and have to hang like a bat. After that it’s a non stop thrill ride! I haven’t seen such a great young female action hero since Oona Laurence in Pete’s Dragon! (the kid who played Pete was hot stuff too!!) I give this film four out of five stars, frankly all earned by her, well Patrick Stewart was really good too…Wolverine played the role he was handed and did it well.
We’re looking forward to what ever Daphne Keene does next…spoiler next…
Daphne Keene speaks fluent spanish and did a portion of the film in Spanish which was a treat to see how versatile she is. Can Oona Laurence do that??? Let’s pair them up in a film and find out!!
“Drink the green ink!”
No matter how sweet the cowboys look, bullets can still stop them.
Did a bit of traveling and weather was crappy so I decided I would stay in and look around using satellite images from Google Maps. It’s kind of fun and gives you a bird’s eye view of the world. So, I came across this satellite image and prepared the following slides…
Why do I get Hero of the Day? Because it’s my blog? NO! This is an unprecedented find…first time ever in the United States that someone has found a Cruise Missile on non-military property. Everyone seemed sort of non-plussed when I found the first one but I think it was more stunned and surprised than anything. This had never been done. The conversation went something like this… “Ed found a Tomahawk…” “Yep those are Tommys alright!” Someone probably said, “Leave it to Ed.”
Finding one of these where they don’t belong is considered the Holy Grail of finds for the military who monitor satellite images daily that are constantly changing. Computers are used to scan the images for objects like this and if anything resembles something like this then it is reviewed by human eye by the military.
Everyone was so impressed that I found this that I got promoted to a Four Star General!! I’m sure Ron is a Five Star General so I might as well just be a Corporal because he can still order me around. No matter how sweet the cowboys look, bullets can still stop them. (That’s a poker reference for anyone didn’t pick up on it!)
Somewhere out there a busy executive is cooing to a baby (same guy who wanted to collect up all the babies), “Look what your clone-dad did…look…look at that. Isn’t he silly posting all that top-secret information for the world to see?! He is isn’t he? (Still cooing.) He is isn’t he? Let me call HQ…yes let me call HQ (Still cooing)” “They’re as fed up as we are…arent they? Yes they are…yes they are.” “Come lets warm your bottle and tell me what else your clone dad is going to do next!” Gentle rocking baby side to side.
“OMG…that’s so not funny Ed!!” Cooing to the baby again, “Isn’t that so not funny…isn’t it? You tell him…you tell him…that’s so not funny…that’s so not funny!”\
“We’re going to have to kill him…cooing…yes we are…yes we are” Baby looks incredulous at him.
“Your dad’s a moron isn’t he…isnt he? I dare you to post that Ed…your dad’s a moron isn’t he.”
Ron Howard was in the band Queen. He wrote most of the music. Especially notable is the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” from “A Night at the Opera”. It’s total theater and total Ron. It’s hard to pick a favorite Queen album. I think for me, it would be neck and neck between “A Night at the Opera” and “Queen II” with Queen II edging out “Night at…” because of how the songs run from one to another…very listenable…very complex…and fun kind of emotional as well.
OK…so who in the band is Ron? I have to take my best assessment. I’ll go with…John Deacon.
Lot’s of scarring on Deacon in all the right places but a lot of people have similar scars. I decided to see his girlfriend to see if it’s Cheryl…haha…it’s Queen….all gay!! I’ll leave this until I get some feedback…if it ever comes. OK…this is Ron…I’d have fifty more slides up of him if it wasn’t so painstaking to find him. Always start with the redhead. Kind of like if you’re ever attacked by a gang of clowns…make sure to go for the juggler!
Ron Howard wrote American Pie.
I don’t know if he’s Don McClean. They show a lot of photos of Dylan when you google Don so it’s possible since he’s Bob Dylan. I also found this gal looking for Don McLean. I think I know who she is so I’m having her over next weekend and I’m going to examine her for scars to see who she is…it should be enlightertaining!
I was trying to wrap up “Tommy” and go look for more of Cheryl or finish up WNEW when I became curious about the director of “Tommy” simply because it’s brilliant! I went to look up Ken Russell. I like to look at the photos naked if there are any (the people in the photos naked, not me!) This was the first photo to come up on google.
Russell’s Valentino1977
This surely looked like a Ron sighting! Ron was not Ken Russell but he sure looks like Nuryev and Michelle Phillips looked like she might ring the Chubby meter a few times. Now a little information about how I work. If I’m going looking for someone as someone else the chances I’m correct are generally over 80% and lately i’m running over 95%. I went looking for Ken Russell as Ron but I’d never seen Ken who is rather portly but here Nuryev comes up first thing even before Russell so I’m crediting this as a seek and find, and i’m over 90% chance I’m correct. This is just my statistics doing this for years now. The person looks like Ron, has his physique. He also has a lot of scars on him which resemble Ron. Oh “F” it, it’s Ron!!!! What’s the giveaway? Left wrist wristwatch. Fon has terrible scarring on his hands. He tries to cover them up. Here he’s naked except for some type of keffiyeh on his head and a Bulova on his wrist (probably a Patek Phillipe or something more costly). What is timing? How long it takes him to ejaculate inside this woman? Because I can bet you any amount of money I can do it quicker!
Now let’s confirm what we already know about Ron and Cheryl and see if it fits. This is without doing new research and remember…ballet is not an activity that can be faked. It’s a no-slouch real-deal talent/skill that must be painstakingly worked on:
Nuryev also reminded me of Robert Mapplethorpe. I’ll put up photos later but they could pass for twins.
Good night for now!
Something really good was going on Friday night with the extended Howard family of which I am a part of with some minor limitations (kind of like Moses relationship with the promised land). I’m not typically invited though I sometimes crash the party. Everyone was really joyous in ways I’ve not seen before. Sometimes it’s too much effort to figure out what’s going on. Sometimes they have machines that block my capabilities. Sometimes everyone just guards their thoughts like a three year old guarding his only salty pretzel. It was nice to see such joy but in part and I knew in some way I was being honored but I’m jaded to a place where it’s not what I’m there for. I have things to do and there was nothing for me to do that day…so I went home.
Saturday night went over some friend’s house and was lucky enough to get sick while playing the world’s dumbest dice game. I tried to explain the rules to craps but no one could grasp them especially with the Abbott and Costello references to Box Cars and Big Benny. I left the table and went to lie down and saw there was what I thought was another Clone Auction going on. I don’t think there was an auction but more babies were being distributed. Somewhere between 78 and 87 (I’m getting 2 different numbers for this). Most of these were not clones but instead my DNA fused with another woman’s. Some people had two babies on their laps: one might have been a clone and an in-vitro or both might have been in vitro or both might have been clones. From what I can tell Ivy Snitzer had a playpen full of them and she was baby sitting them which she’s taken to doing which is just perfect for her. She cried the whole time with joy as she does often. She’s a lady who fills with powerful emotion. Ivy has been informally called my girlfriend.
My “really close friend” had a second girl with me which made me joyous and her daughter, my other, “really close friend” had a girl to add to her son. Her sister who I’m very close with had two children both boys with her DNA, her mom had two children, and a gentleman who I’m friendly with and his wife had a boy and a girl. Incidentally, I found a “Tom Cruise” in his back yard. That stands for a Tomahawk Cruise Missile. If anyone is going to have one of those in his backyard it’s him and I’m sure he knows how to use it. He was annoyed that when I posted it on Facebook, not because I posted it but because I blacked out the swimming pool on his property which was really beautiful so no one could ID the property but he was annoyed because he wanted people to see it.
As they did last time they all went to Disney World and went on It’s a Small World for the world’s first All Clone or In-Vitro ride and then photo’s were taken.
At some point, even though you’re in church, you may connect with God.
Got “One Tin Soldier” rattling around in my head…again! and decided it was time to research the song. If I hear it in my head it usually means Ron wrote it, actually it always means Ron wrote it. Ron was my handler for a while until I got fed up with him and released him. He’ll say he got fed up and released me. He was being a dick which was not productive and I had enough. He still has some control and I believe he’s attempting to establish some trust so most of the time he doesn’t dick me around and doesn’t want me dicked around by others. It might have just been a right of passage but he was also trying desperately to get me arrested which I think was a right of passage for some. A lot of people who have special abilities wind up arrested and then under control of whatever agency is put in control of them…kind of like the book or movie “Firestarter”. With me I don’t think the dicking around piece was necessary and I asked him, “Why don’t you just ask me to do something?” He felt I needed to be ordered around. The two times he asked me to do something were regarding the same person, now that I think about it, he didn’t order me and I was pleased to make things right the first time. The second time I could not be more excited. I don’t think he wanted to order me around because he had misread some previous situations and attributed blame to me when it was unwarranted. I read him the riot act on this and told him that these were not my mistakes but his. When I make a mistake he’s usually much kinder about it, when he makes the mistake and attributes it to me he can be very cruel. I was pretty angry with him because of what he did and in the midst of it I told him his movies sucked, which caused him to start crying. He’s a fairly emotional guy and this really hurt him. He had his heart invested in this matter and lost his vision. A lot of this turned into a very big mess for me which took a while to clear up but he had a lot of trust in me asking if I would do these things which again I was more than excited to do.
Ok so I looked up One Tin Soldier and saw who wrote it, two guys, one of them may be Ron and which female sang it…that will be Cheryl. Of course I like them both but I seldom tire of looking at pictures of Cheryl so I went to look for her first.
Cheryl sang the song as someone named Jinx Dawson (Cheryl never fails to satisfy!) Here’s a beautiful picture of her as Jinx:
I love the classic beauty of this black and white photo but it’s not the one I found initially.
Thats more like it!! Lacks some of the classic beauty of the black and white photo other than that it lacks nothing, well maybe some clothes and perhaps some sushi!!
JINX DAWSON And COVEN Sign Worldwide Deal With ALPHA OMEGA Management
Only few women are as essential and enigmatic for the world of rock as High Priestess of Occult, JINX DAWSON – forming the Almighty COVENin the late 1960s – creating so the bedrock for a real iconography, the significant landmark for the establishment of the foundation of “how to”and “when” the occult were introduced into music. JINX DAWSON is the idol, role model, paragon and the “reason to be” for many great names out there, as Black Sabbath, Black Widow, King Diamond and many more!
The major parts of today’s “Satanistic bands” (like Behemoth, Deicide, Venom etc) have taken inspiration from COVEN. Furthermore, not known by many is the fact that Jinx Dawson was the first ever to use the “sign of the horns” on stage, starting in early 1968.
Cheryl is High Priestess of multiple covens and multiple churches. Cheryl is extremely powerful and can be very dangerous! You never want to get anywhere near her bad side, never! She has no limits to what she can do if she wants to or if you get in her clutches for any reason. She can be very unpredictable, vicious and sadistic but I still like her! If an agency needs information they will send Cheryl in to get it and it doesn’t take long. As much as I love Cheryl not just for her acting roles but for the person she is, she is on my list of the four most dangerous women I know. She’s actually in the top three because the fourth woman only tried to murder me once in a park. Come to think about it, Cheryl would make the top two since #3 on my list as far as I know never tried to kill me. I’ll stop there, Cheryl is on the top two list of most dangerous women I know. Both of the top two were either trained to or attempted to kill me. The one trained to kill me was sent to a meat locker to practice on some really large cuts of meat with ribs. She felt really badly about this so I instructed her if she was going to kill me she should do it slowly and painfully. She felt better after this but it simultaneously rattled and excited me when I’d ask her over and over if she was going to kill me and she’d say yes each time. This gal has a way of getting right through to your soul! I told Ron I knew the plan and asked him to “remove the curse”. I made him do it twice. I’m not sure why but I believe having seen other declarations later on that they were always said twice. It didn’t feel settled until he spoke it the second time. I think he could have proceeded with it if I hadn’t asked him to repeat it. He wasn’t happy removing this curse/hit. He was offered a great deal of money to have my life taken somewhere in the range of 250 million dollars. The man who made the offer was a king from the middle east and rich beyond belief. He wanted his son to marry into the Howard family. The woman he liked did not want to do it and I would have to guess that the Howard’s didn’t want it either as Ron could have ordered his daughter to marry. I suspect it went even a bit more deeply than that. I think Ron would have had a hard time with this guy marrying his daughter. His daughter also had certain affections for me and I needed to be eliminated from the picture as a competitor. As a side note, the man who would have paid Ron 250 million dollars for this hit also offered me 350 million dollars to go away which I refused because there was a much better offer on the table already. I never thought he was serious about the 350 million to go away until I heard that Ron was offered 250 to make me go away…still here. Until I found this out I believed the previous highest price for my head was 25 million dollars to some guys in Atlantic City. This group had lost almost 2 dozen men prior trying to carry out this hit, six teams of two on one day and then somewhere around another four teams of two on another day. On this day Jimmy from Ocean City passed on. Jimmy arranged most of the hits and set out with the second set of teams as he was mortified and embarrassed that the first set not only did not succeed but died in the process. His family grieves his loss terribly as do the other families who lost their loved ones. They had lost some of their best people that week and what was most difficult to deal with was the loss of a law enforcement officer who was part of one of the first six teams. This was intolerable as he was the point man and would lend an air of legitimacy to the operation should it be successful. None of these people were exactly choir boys and they all knew what they were getting into but none of them had a clue as to what they were getting into. After this, the group had refused any other offers to murder me. They largely fell into a depressive state. You could not get anyone, for any price to try and kill me within NJ and PA, that is until they were made this large offer of 25M. There were a couple people in the room who survived the finalizing handshake for the deal. Those two did not have innocent blood on their hands. None of the men who rushed into the room with arms drawn to see what the chaos was about survived. Being immersed in this I can tell you that God hates the spilling of innocent blood and God hates murder for hire. In total probably close to or exceeding 3 dozen men out of AC or the surrounding towns did not survive the attempts to finish me off or the final negotiation.
Cheryl’s boyfriend was the High Priest of one the churches where she was High Priestess. Cheryl would periodically go psychotic and I identified one of the reasons as her repetitive use of an “Essence of Nightshade” preparation.
Essence of Nightshade from “Game of Thrones” is a medical substance used in small doses as an anti-anxiety formula, but large doses are fatal. A single drop added to a cup of wine will calm frayed nerves, and three drops will put a person into a deep, dreamless sleep. Ten drops, even diluted into a cup of wine, are fatal.’
In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels there is no specific medicine called “Essence of Nightshade”: in the TV series, it appears to stand in for a variety of analgesic or anesthetic medicines which were present in the novels
Deadly nightshade ranks among the most poisonous plants in Europe. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and contain tropane alkaloids. It belongs to the Solenaceae family, as do the potato and tomato. Nightshade’s principal danger lies in that its berries are very pretty and look edible, have a pleasantly sweet taste, and are at eye level for children, to whom they look like overripe cherries. Two to four berries are a fatal dose for a child, an adult needs ten to twenty. The most poisonous part of the plant is the root, but the consumption of even a single leaf can be fatal for an adult. Symptoms are initially a red face, dry mouth, dilated pupils and quickened pulse; in later stages, heart arrhythmia, tremors, hallucinations, paranoia and cramping.
Cheryl had bottles of this stuff in her home. It has anticholinergic properties and is used in rituals. It’s also used medically for a number of reasons. She would use it on her children as well if they needed “calming”. The stuff would make Cheryl crazy as she’d take way too much of it. It would also numb out the kids. I would locate and break every bottle of the stuff I could find and she had cases of the stuff brought in. I broke the first bottle in one of her clothing drawers which really annoyed her as it leaked all over the drawer. I think the drawer held some frilly underthings.
I followed this story through to an endpoint and it was different than I realized. One night she gave a few of her kids the nightshade who I was already friendly with and with Cheryl they went full Witchy Woman on me in a psychic attack. It was the whole scary flying around thing with, yelling and screaming. I fled the attack by falling asleep. I was left kind of unsettled about being attacked like that especially since I was friendly with the girls. Following this through the sleep state, I projected over to their house and sat with them until they realized I was there. They were sitting in a large circle even though there were only three or four of them. One of the kids ran out, another opened an eye and smiled a very wry smile and closed it again, a bit like a wink. Cheryl got up and ran out of the room. I chased her up the stairs. She went into her bedroom laid on her bed and we engaged in good old wholesome pulse pounding, etheric relations. It’s a household name. I’m glad I followed this through even just to see my friend’s wry smile but Cheryl’s goal was not to generate fear or intimidation but something a little more primal…and it was nice!
I can’t remember the time course but Cheryl saw me as a threat after I started breaking the bottles and advising no further use of the substance. She told her high priest boyfriend about my interference in the family…finish later
One night their on call psychiatrist was told by Cheryl to give one of the kids some opiate cough syrup. She took it in mouth but I told her not to swallow it. When Cheryl came to tell her to swallow it I told the daughter to spit it all over her mother which she did, for a brief while after that I was this woman’s handler, which was kind of fun. Cheryl at the time was wearing a beautiful bejeweled cream colored gown and the cough syrup was red. I thought for sure she was going to strike her daughter after that but Cheryl never flinched and the two of them just stared at each other. Cheryl turned around and went to talk to Ron to tell him to go ahead to the theater without her as she needed to change her clothiers. She showed him the gown and said, “Look what she did”. They decided after that, that the daughter could in fact go to the opening night of a movie, which turned out to be hers! She desperately wanted to go and Ron and Cheryl didn’t want her to go and the daughter would not remit to their will. Cheryl was trying to drug her into submission using an opiate. I told the daughter I never wanted her to use these drugs again. She got dressed for the opening while I cleaned Cheryl’s gown which she had laid onto her bed. It took only an instant to clean it and I was pleased to see that I could do that. Cheryl went back to Ron and showed him the gown all clean and said, “Ed cleaned it”. They all went to the opening night together.
I haven’t heard an ending to a story so happy as that since Owen’s Pop-up book from “Throw Momma From The Train”
So Jinx Dawson aka Cheryl Howard performed the song “One Tin Soldier” for the film “Billy Jack”. Lets find the little ditty!
The song was originally done by a group out of Canada called, “The Original Caste” but who are we kidding? It’s Ron and Cheryl in that band too! I won’t bother detailing it. Ron wrote One Tin Soldier and it’s a near perfect song and they wouldn’t give it up for any reason. Someone swiped a song of Ron’s which I happened to love and I played it at one of my shows because it was written by Ron but sung by someone else. Ron came back years later and sang the song as Sting for a remake of the movie in which it appeared, “The Thomas Crown Affair” . Realize the song showed up in the 1968 version of the film meaning Ron would have written it sometime before his thirteenth birthday (just a reminder of his genius!) The theft of this song still inflames the Howard’s to no end. It was a key song for me with them because I believe it was the first one I heard in my head, or at least identified as Ron having had something to do with it. I asked Ron about it, “Did you have anything to do with the song, “The Windmills of Your Mind.” He looked stunned and said, “Yes and don’t ever bring it up again”. I believe one of the kids filled me in and let me know that the song was stolen. I played it anyway because it was brilliant but when I found out Ron was Sting I played the Sting version and was told, “That’s definitely better,” by the same lady who filled me in.”
I’m glad Noel didn’t manage to find anything else worth stealing from Ron. 😉
So the movie was called Billy Jack about a guy who I believe was 1/2 Navajo but also ex-military special forces and had some special Indian magical abilities.
I had meant to research Tom Laughlin for a while and glad I got around to it because he turns out to be Ron Howard. Ron is an exceptionally skilled Martial Artist. I’m not sure which is his primary style of fighting but in the film it’s Hapkido. Knowing Ron he’s probably skilled in several types. Ron is in incredible shape and it would not be a stretch to consider that he had some Special Forces training along the way.
This is one of the great scenes, fighting or otherwise, from the film Billy Jack…The Ice Cream Shop fight scene
In any case the film Billy Jack was one of the great films I saw growing up. What a surprise when I sat in the theater and this story unfolded! There was karate in it which didn’t show up much at that time in mainstream movies, there was mysticism, philosophy, humor, violence and as the matron with the hairlip at the Deluxe Movie Theater in Bensonhurst said, “There filth in this movie!” So we all knew we were in for a good time!. I have to give it a shout out. This was the second in the series of Billy Jack films. The other films were good but it’s tough to beat perfection and this film is absolute perfection! Tom Laughlin went on to do a couple other things but a big tip off that this was Ron is he did something on Broadway, so just like Broadway Joe Namath who was Ron, Tom Laughlin was Ron.
I decided to wiki the film when I was almost done here. It occurred to me that I didn’t think anyone could write this film other than Ron or maybe Cheryl. It’s way too good a story telling and perfect for film. It has layers and levels of complexity and human emotion that is unsurpassed in films of it’s time or even now. Ron is in it, I believe Cheryl as well, and he wrote the theme song. Now who wrote the film? I’m told Ron wrote “The Born Losers” the first film, but Cheryl wrote the bulk of this film. Hats off to Cheryl because the film is brilliant. Cheryl is a prodigious writer in virtually any genre. She can write science fiction and wrote the first book in the Harry Potter series as well as Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Technically she is JK Rowling.
Billy Jack is a 1971 action/drama independent film; the second of four films centering on a character of the same name which began with the movie The Born Losers (1967), played by Tom Laughlin, who directed and co-wrote the script. Filming began in Prescott, Arizona, in the fall of 1969, but the movie was not completed until 1971. American International Picturespulled out, halting filming. 20th Century-Fox came forward and filming eventually resumed but when that studio refused to distribute the film, Warner Bros. stepped forward.
Still, the film lacked distribution, so Laughlin booked it into theaters himself in 1971.[1] The film died at the box office in its initial run, but eventually took in more than $40 million in its 1973 re-release, with distribution supervised by Laughlin.
Billy Jack is a “half-breed” American Navajo Indian,[2] a Green Beret Vietnam War veteran, and a hapkido master.
Jack defends the hippie-themed Freedom School and students from townspeople who do not understand or like the counterculture students. The school is organized by Jean Roberts (Delores Taylor).
Happy Birthday to Grandpa Ron Howard!!! May your days continue to be filled with beauty and magic!!!
Taken from “The Ed Complaint Hotline”: Below is an updated review of a small subsection of the complaints against Ed. The complaints include but are not limited to Ed’s assumed responsibility for the following:
The Nanking Massacre, Tiger Woods’ Indiscretions, Liquid Cat, Captains Edward Smith and Joe Hazelwood, Caligula, Pollen, Nanites, Dendrites, LSMFT, Donnie Dunagan’s involvement in The Kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr. and his Marfanesque appearance, Khmer Rouge, Khmer Lipstick and Mascara, Dysplasia, The Manchac Swamp, Building 7 As Well As Buildings 1-6, Heterosexuality, The Trail of Tears, Rickets, Rickettsia and Ricky Ricardo, Cherry-Lime Ricky, Lockheed Martin’s Use of the Metric System, Cellulite, Tamerlane, Patty Lane, Penny Lane, The 19th Century Basilique Saint Donatien Fire in Nantes France, Jumping Out, Being Buy Curious, Pseudoparkinson’s Syndrome, Truffle Butter, The Fall of Rome, Leeanna Vamp, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, A Gate Massage With A Happy Landing, Hans Gruber, Seven Deadly Zins, Nipples on Men, Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp, Spiritual Currency, Leaving Your Socks and Underwear On The Floor, Karmic Debt, Humblest Apologies, The Lopsided Victory at the Battle of Jade Helm, Asami Yamazaki, Petard, Leaflet Y, 2-Mile Island, Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting, Plum Island, Plum Brandy, Amanda Plummer FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN, The George Weyerhaeuser Kidnapping, Alagille Syndrome, Sewer Gas, Nathan Petrelli, Being Joined At The Dick, The Stolen Generation, Aunt-Woman, Christian Persecution Complex, Blind Transfers, The American Quiverfull Movement, The Dutch Act, The Dutch Oven, The Little Dutch Boy Sticking His Finger in a Dyke, Wolfram and Hart, Decimus Maximus, Chernobyl, Jiggle Lucy, Ouija Bored, Habeus Jewboy, Deflategate, The Catcher in the Rye Bread, Cerro Grande, OpSec, The Edsel (Named After Ed), The Comcast Cable Monopoly, The Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse, Waco, Wendi Deng, James Bond Impostors, Dengue Fever, Behaving British, The Nephilim, Sept. 10th, Canned Squid, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, The DMZ, The Ice Age, The Stone Age, The Great Gazoo, Head Cheese, Cheese Without Head In It, Steven-Johnson Syndrome, Habeus Chutney, Mickey Finn, Mickey Donald, The Internment of Japanese Americans, The Alamo, 1929 Glen Cinema disaster, Famine In Ethiopia, Chemtrails, Outercourse, Super-Size Me, Hirsuitism, Chemical Hepatitis, Hepatitis A,B,C,D, and E, Arachnophobia, German Hyper-inflation, Hyperinflation Without Goose-Stepping, Filaria, Tenerife Airport Disaster, The Disastrous Occlumency Lessons, Xanaxplanations, Shituations, Robo-tripping, Mrs. A, Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus, IWTOYWIM, The Boston Molasses Disaster, The Boston Massacre, The Boston Strangler, The Boston Bombing Hoax, Boston Baked Beans, Termite Damage, Sewer Gas, Term Limits, Saccharine, Cyclamates, Aspartame, Sucralose, Neotame, Sugar, Textually Frustrated, The Guimaras Oil Spill, Borking, Boinking, Figging, Inflation, The San Andreas Fault, Astroboy, Astrogirl, The Hot Tub Cinema, 7/7, Polite Society, The Jonestown Massacre, Edward Murphy, Making Whoopy, Whoopy Goldeneye, The Ghouta Chemical Attack, Wax Lips, Wax Museums, Waxing Floors, Eosinophilia, Basophilia, Neutrophilia, Neutropenia, Penopenia, The Ming Dynasty, Mr. Mushnik, The Sinking of Britannic, ABC Sex, ABC Gum, ABC Parties, Owen Not Cleaning His Mother’s Ears, Cholera, E.L.James, Dysentery, The MH17 Malaysia Airplane Disaster, Fame Whores, ACSI, Moonlight Requisition, Midnight Visits, Five Finger Discounts, Rosy Palm and Her Five Sisters, Monkey Mung, Dementia Praecox, Dementia Wally Cox, Wally Cox and Marlon Brando, The Winnipeg General Strike, The Sexual Equinox, Biflation, Fluoridation, 420, She Creatures, Creatures Who Aren’t She, Erotic Asphyxiation, Asphyxiation That Kinda Sucks, Fat Hangovers, Doan’s Little Liver Pill, Stagnant Water, The Minnesota Vikings Boat Party Scandal, 20 Trillion Dollars Damage at the Battle of Jade Helm (this one actually true!), The Battle of The Mercantile Exchange, The Panic of 1907, Visitors Who Don’t Bring Assorted Cakes, Fecal Vomiting, Major Depression, Baby Goggles, Major Major Major Major, Desperate Psychotics, Heath Ledger’s Death, Chelm, Sharon Tate’s Reappearance, Manta, Spam, Spam, Spam, Tim Samaras, New Coke, Mr. Tea Infuser, Moor Hall Studios, Mall Feet, Mall Rats, Malted Milk, Anaphylactic Shock, The Dunblane Massacre Hoax, Cleveland Clinic fire of 1929, Hemorrhagic Nephritis, The Son of Sam Hoax, The Euro, The Mandela Effect, The Red Queen, The Red Witch, A Nun Rolling Down a Hill, A Frog in a Blender, The New York Times, Jumbo Shrimp, Collapse of the Atlantic Northwest Cod Fishery, The 1900s British Attack On India The Aero, Super-sleuths, Abolition of the Klingon Neutral Zone, Special K, Ketamine, BICQ, The Death of Marat, Kopechne, Unrequited Love, Requited love, Static Cling, Cling That Isn’t Static, Charles Coughlin, Trust Falls, Viagra Falls, Avalanches, Clituations, Toilet Mummy, The Piper Bravo Oil Rig Disaster, Waffle Cones From The Ice Cream Man, The Leveraxe, Percentage Disadvantage, The Armenian Genocide, Whaling, Pollotarianism, Collar Stays, Temporal Lobe Microseizures, DexMedia, Polycystic Ovary Disease, Alex Forrest, Restless Lip Syndrome, La Violencia, Sitting Cross Legged on the Floor, Barium Enemas, Any Kind of Enema, Liquid Latex, Systemic Latex Toxicity, Jeremy Mayfield, Spam, Sid Vicious Murdering his Girlfriend, Leaches, Leches, Madura Foot, Madura Saddle Bag Thighs, The Temptation of St. Anthony, Holodomor, Hater-tots, Autism, Dave-Dave, Kapusta, Robert Hanssen, Lovers of Toilet Humor, NWO, Tokitsukaze, Being Rubinesque or Marfanesque, Emily and Charlotte Bronte, Aquagenic Urticaria, Maude Needing to See a Shrink, The Controversial Vanity Fair Portrait of Child Star Miley Cyrus, Avarice, The Ten Plaques, Janet Reno, The Branch Davidian Hoax, Karl Marx and Julian Lennon, The 26/11 Attack On India, The Mahdi, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Battle of Okinawa, Shavocado, Boiled Chicken, Tramadol, The Falun Gong Show, Shaneen Allen, Stephan Collins, Billy Jean and False Flags, Legitimate Rape, The Queensland 2011 Floods, Bounced Checks, Bouncing Betties, The Possession of Regan MacNeil, Account Overdrawn, Spider Mites, Liver Sausage Pineapple, The Death of Jerry Garcia, 1992 Los Angeles Riots, The Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami, Chitterlings, Bernardo, Pete Carroll, Boris and Natasha Poly, Bathrooms Labeled Poles and Holes, Quisp and Quake, Call For Orange Moose, Frankenstein, Wildenstein, Road Kill, 1926 Dromcolliher cinema, The Rwanda Genocide, Gluten Intolerance, Gluten Tolerance, Cancrum Oris, Jeremiah Being a Bullfrog, Comfort Tubs, Permian Extinction, Execution of Anne Boleyn, Moses Stuttering, The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Cersei’s Walk of Atonement (I still cry when I even think about that one), Azov Oti Be-Ima Shkha, Aaron Stampler, Col. Hans Landa, Eat In Chickens, Lilly Dillon, Madame Serena Merle, Sweeney Todd and His Costar, Growing up with Dyslexia, The Organization DAM (Mothers Against Dyslexia, Dyslexic Agnostics Who Doubt the Existence of Dog, Polyglandular Addison’s Disease, The Hind-lick Maneuver, Marburg, Hemorrhagic Fever, The A__hole Chair, Bellatrix Lestrange, The Murder of Caitlyn Stark, The Countess of Manton, Lee Blair, Jacqueline Breton, La Década Perdida, Economy of Zimbabwe, Dejajew, Desk Rage, REICHSSICHERHEITSHAUPTAMT, 8 Track Tape Players, Tooth Decay, Moral Decay, Decay Ballard, Self-Pollution, The Scrum, Vulture Capitalists, Scrub Daisy, Parmalot, Vatican Roulette, Nuclear Winter, Captain Japan, Mad Hatter Disease, I’ve Got Mercury Poisoning, The Piltcher, Diphyllobothrium Latum, Charon, AGSSt, Teflon, Overtoun Bridge, Nick Spargo, Aphids, Woolpit, The Hemisphere Project, Munchausen Syndrome, Rug Munch, Clutter, Oswald, Burmese Way to Socialism, Flat Feet, Flat Checks, 1984, The Limited Availability of The Pirelli Calendar, MMORPG, Typos, Google Translate, Tarnish, All Work and No Play, Elephantiasis, Gymkata, Methane Gas Expulsion, Pornocchio, Pushy Bottoms, Tyrannosaurus Bitch, Dr. Christian Szell’s Skill as a Dentist, The Dungan Revolt, Sangfroid, Belle Gunness, The Incarceration of Rorschach, Belleview, Special Green Bedspread, Tarrasch, Knock-off Dresses, The Halt, Muskrat Love, Love without Muskrats, Pole Dancing Being Denigrated as Not Being Therapeutic, Spam, Sang Froid, Capgras Syndrome, Aldrich Ames, Cats Named After Presidents Like Garfield, Cheese Eaters, Tamad Shud, Dien Ben Phu, UVB-76, UB-40, DB Cooper, Phyllis Dietrichson, Blended Fabrics,Chieu Hoi, Chu Hardar, Chieu Mi, Wet Dog Smell, Women in Black, The Implications of Being a Licked Lollipop, Urbach-Wiethe Disease, Tetanus Toxoid, Brainerd Diarrhea, Anton LaVey, Yul Brynner, The Mongol Conquests, kiki emoticon, ^_^,
The Fabulous Disappearing Dr. Crusher, Olivia Moore, Abaddon, The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Syphilis Without Anyone From Tuskegee, Viagravation, Hamen, The St. Francis Dam Disaster, Fallen Arches, BL-5C, Albert DeSalvo, Julia Hoffman, Contrapunctus XIV, NTSIP, Davecat, Ancient Mew, Edlington, Rhoda Penmark, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Eros, Thanatos, Dopplegangers, Gangers Without Dopples, USACAPOC, Rats with Bats, Snitches Who Get Ditches, The Dharma Initiative, Eleanor Shaw Iselin, Emperor Harperius Mandatorius Minimus, Sleep Apnea, Apnea Without Sleep, Tom Lantos, Adiposis Dolorosa, Drs. Hannibal Lecter and Arthur Harmon, Rheumatic Fever, Fever Without Rheumatism, Rifampin, Mamzerim, Study after Velazquez’s Portrait of Innocent X, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Operation Northwoods, Operation Dinner Out, Membraneous Retinopathy, Virgil Sollozzo, Necrotizing Fasciitis, The Santa Maria Tragedy in Brazil, The Alaskan Fire-Dragon, Manual Release, Automatic Release, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Plan-9 From Passaic, Shigella, The 1959 Cadillac, EST, Brian Hugh Warner’s Name Change, Lifespring, Insight, Ondine’s Curse, The Irish Curse, Clogged Drains, Clogged Arteries, Lead Poisoning, Arsenic Toxicity, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Monkey 61, Monkey 69, The MKUltra Program, Isabella of Castile, Summa Theologiae, Dante and Virgil in hell, A Henway, A Dickway, Max Cady, Gunichi Mikawa, Blended Scotch, Titan Arum, Gyp’s Killing of Vic Sickles, Click Clacks, Ray Rice, The Secret Government, Hash Tags, Gastritis, Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, WWJT, Harlequin Ichthyosis, Harley Quinn, Dishpan Hands, Pol Pot, Smoking Pot, Cornu Cutaneum, Librium, Lithium, Trimethylaminuria, 1985 Mexico City Earthquake, Blaschko’s Lines, Robert Ressler, Cyanosis, Triskaidekaphobia, Parts Becoming Extinct, Corporal Clegg, Leaving a Hat on the Bed, Avogadro’s Constant, Plagiarism, Alonzo Harris, Hammer-toe, Hammer-time, Getting Beat at Your Own Game, Diphtheria, Systemic Latex Toxicity Leading to Multi-organ Failure, Men in Plaid Work Shirts, The Hal Turner Show, Konigstein, Packing the Rabbit, PMS and Mad Cow Disease, Blind Ambitchion, The Unaffordable Care Act, The Fire Bombing of Dresden, Folliculitis, The Death of Harry Houdini, The Chronosynclastic Infundibulum, Fatal Familial Insomnia, Elio Motors, Elio Pizza, Love and Squalor, The Ceti Eel, The New Madrid Faultline, Alan Nierob, Sister Mary Elephant, Talking Tina, Puritan Bennett, Fracking, Lyme, Krippendorf’s Tribe, Aurangzeb, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba, Armin Heinrich, Love and Squalor, Asurion, George Koval, Zany Brainy’s return policy, Adenoid Hynkel, The Aswan Dam, 1906 San Francisco, IVDA, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, Earthquake, Saturn Devouring His Son, Sleeping in a Bra, Feeling No Pain, Feeling Pain, The Mitchell Report, The Report without Mitchell, Radio-Free-Muffintop, Teutoburg, Professor Periwinkle, Gate Rape, Myasthenia Grapes, Zombie Companies, Putting One Thing On Top Of Another, Aflatoxin, Angel Dust, The Death of Margaery Tyrell, Arachnid Hemorrhage, Harvest Moon, Enterocolitis, Springtime For Mel Brooks, Mitch Brooks, Beverly Allitt, Clothing Masticators, Lap Dancing, The Concert for Bangladesh, The Bangles, Affective Disorder, Cholent, Operation 2×4, Microsoft Bob, Wake and Bake, Enuresis, Finding The “G” Spot, QT3.14, Dr. William Cosby, South African President, Hemophilus Influenza, Otis Toole, Aristocracy, Stretch Marks, Being Low Key, Being Loki, The Santa Maria Tragedy, Lars Thorwald, Nurse Ratchet, Don Sterling, Spandex, Judith Beheading Holofernes, Panderers, The Salem Witch Trials, Annie Wilkes, Tim Donaghy, The Death of William Wallace, Flankin, Typhoid Mary, Bloody Mary, Mary Poppins, and Lousy Posture.
Our Hero of the Day is Richie Stotts of the Plasmatics.
Voted Creepiest Person in Music in NYC 1978 through 1998 right up until the point when Wendy O. Williams committed suicide with a shotgun. He then disappeared into obscurity.
For some strange reason he managed to stage a come back in 2016 and looks a shoe in for 2017 and beyond. Hence, Richie Stotts is: Our Hero of the Day!!!
Richard Crenna was a complex and varied actor. Here Crenna portrays the hard nosed Col. Sam Trautman, a man so tough he sleeps with Cruise Missiles in his underwear. In this Rambo sequel Trautman and Rambo seek out weapons of mass destruction in Iraq with Elite Special Forces Green Beret John Rambo. In this scene Rambo is forced by Trautman to count the number of WMD’s. Rambo makes it to five when Trautman tells him to discount the four sling shots and the box of Gummy Worms. Trautman then confides to Rambo, “Some people call you elite John…I call you my military base.”
Richard Crenna’s most beloved role however was the one he did with Lucille Ball in “I Love Lucy.” Initially he is nervous and awkward…
…but then he confides to Lucy, “Mrs. Ricardo…I LOVE YOU!!!”
Richard Crenna…my man! Well lets not go that far!
Crenna ultimately winds up with the very luscious Peggy instead of Lucy!
Fortunately Crenna never had to come up against Lucy’s nemesis…Doris Singleton…he definitely would have lost against her!!
All clones survived their first two nights away from their Norwegian nursemaids. Things were touch and go when one new parent/administrator began considering collecting up all the new babies and making short work of them. The new mothers’ maternal instincts kicked in and they ran off with the babies.
The same administrator/parent began to call the children, “The Spawns of Satan” a term which this town might have considered an endearing religious term had it not been delivered in such a denigrating fashion. The term will probably stick for a while in his family and maybe a couple others in the same way Lady Gaga calls her fans, “Her Little Monsters” or Harley Quinn says she’s “Daddy’s Little Monster”.
Other circumcisions followed yesterday’s in-church circumcision by a skilled surgeon. Clone babies had this to say about the circumcisions, “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” other babies were heard saying, “WHAT THE FUCK!!!! THAT REALLY HURT!!!! GODDAMMIT!!!”
A beautiful female baby was also revealed and introduced to her bewildered father who said, “She’s gorgeous!! Thank you!” The baby already had an ongoing role in the hit series, “A Series of Unfortunate Events” where she could be seen chopping parsley with her teeth or looking bewildered at Neil Patrick Harris who costume changes every couple episodes into something funnier and more outrageous.
Despite being warned her grandmother decided it would be really cute to paint her in latex body paint. The baby went pure toxic for a while until her biodad could run enough chi into her to get most of the latex out of her system.
After much discussion parents of clones decided to loosen up and head to the park…Disneyland! The irony of this was not lost on some people.
Proud parents, new brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, and grandparents headed immediately over to “It’s a Small World” to pack everyone on the ride initiating the first All-Clone ride of It’s a Small World or any ride for that matter.
One parent had made arrangements for the ritualistic circumcision of her clone son. It was beautifully done in a church not a synagogue and not by a moil but a surgeon.
It was a great time for prayer and joyful release! Later on grateful parents told the Moil to keep the tip!
Mazel Tov!!
Initially overjoyed new parents of baby clones were stunned to return home after the auction and find out that their entire experience had been viewed and blogged about.
One nervous parent had this to say, “What the hell is wrong with this guy?! We all had to sign confidentiality agreements and he’s posting it all over the net like he’s covering the flower show!! Now there’s a hundred copies of him growing all over town!”
Another parent had this to say, “I can’t believe he did this and he’s in the nursery next door?”
Another said, “We don’t know if we should lock ourselves into our bedroom at night or at least wait until he can crawl. Whatever we do I don’t think it’s going to matter.”
A few of the women got together and said, “We don’t care! There simply wasn’t enough of him to go around and now we each have one. Although Ivy Snitzer really has two since her mom got one too!!”
Another parent had this to say, “It’s like we just cloned a hundred copies of that little fat kid with glasses who burns insects with a magnifying glass in Gary Larson’s “The Far Side”.
Emergency meetings were being held while some new parents laughed themselves silly into the early hours thinking, “Oh boy!!! What have we got ourselves into??!!!”
Sales of new clones were temporarily suspended as supplies had run out and new Norwegian women were sought out to carry the clones. One Norwegian woman had this to say, “For babies who barely left the womb they sure created a lot of mischief!”
A request was made for an explanation of why Norwegian women are used to carry the babies. What follows will serve as an explanation:
It appears that Norwegian women are being used simply because they’re very hot. Sadly the fourth woman down was rejected because of thyroid disease.
(Prologue to Clone Day done on 3/8/17. I was asked to reveal whose DNA the babies were cloned from which I allude to later on…it is my DNA. There are roughly 180 clones of me at this time. Below is the story of the auction of 100 of them. It was a truly beautiful event marred only by my tireless ability to find things as funny and in Part II I discussed what happened when people got home and found out I had blogged about the Clone Auction like I was “covering the flower show.” As unlikely as it may seems everything in here is true to the best of my abilities with perhaps one or two slight embellishments about the first night with the babies. I also found out I have two other children, a boy and a girl with two lovely ladies from the area that are not clones (neither the babies nor the ladies are clones!) Enjoy!
Today roughly 100 cloned babies were distributed of the same person mostly through a private baby auction. They started at roughly $800,000 with most selling between 2 and 5 million dollar range. The final clone baby sold somewhere between 12 and 16 million dollars. Some were sold prior to the auction to private parties at undisclosed dollar amounts. Some were given as cherished gifts. The last three babies in the auction were to be given to needy parties though no one at this auction was particularly needy so only one was given away to a young mother, the baby was to be watched by her, her mother and her loving boyfriend. The final two instead of being given away went back up for auction with the last sold noted above. Estimates of total sales at the auction ranged around 1/2 billion American Dollars, $560,000,000 to be exact. All monies were settled up at the end of the evening with bank transfers. One of the first clones went to two well known individuals in the US months prior to this auction and the next two went to a mother and daughter several weeks ago, also in the US. Many clones were distributed throughout parts of the world outside of this auction. Mass clonings are not unheard of, however the scope and magnitude of this was unprecedented as was the desire to own a carbon copy of this person. Walt Disney was believed to have had between 250 to 350 clones of himself made. The Boys From Brazil told of a mass cloning. The DNA from the donor was taken without his knowledge gleaned from stem cells from a laboratory where routine blood work was being done. Multiple additional test tubes were drawn for his routine blood work in order to secure the stem cells. He said to the lab people, “That’s an awfully large number of test tubes your filling. A Priest blessed all the children, families at the end of the evening as well as everyone else in the room. Refreshments followed as the babies were bottle fed with one woman being able to breast feed her child due to her recent childbirth. She was very excited to be able to do it as no one else could.
Hangin’ round downtown by myself
And I had so much time
To sit and think about myself
And then there she was
Like double cherry pie
Yeah there she was
Like disco superfly
I smell sex and candy here
Who’s that lounging in my chair
Who’s that casting devious stares
In my direction
Mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this surely is a dream
Hangin’ round downtown by myself
And I had too much caffeine
And I was thinkin’ ’bout myself
And then there she was
In platform double suede
Yeah there she was
Like disco lemonade
I smell sex and candy here
Who’s that lounging in my chair
Who’s that casting devious stares
In my direction
Mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this surely is a dream
I smell sex and candy here
Who’s that lounging in my chair
Who’s that casting devious stares
In my direction
Mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this surely is a dream
Yeah mama this must be my dream ^_^
In the song. “You’re So Vain,” by Carly Simon what is the name of the vain guy’s horse and who is the vain guy Carly is singing about in the song? You need to answer both parts correctly to win
Good luck to everyone and while you’re working on the answer to these questions enjoy this article on agoraphobia and Carly’s “You’re So Vain”!!!!
The first three people to correctly answer both questions in today’s Pop Quiz will win tickets to Carly’s boudoir where she will definitively prove she is not Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Good luck everyone!!!
A clue to the first part of today’s Pop Quiz is in this Abbott and Costello classic routine.
Answer: The name of the horse is “naturally”.
No winners today since only a couple people know part II of the question of the day. Better luck next time!
I’m told I wasn’t supposed to find it. It wasn’t labeled. The one below must be a close second…
Ron Howard on Tom Snyder…yep as Weird Al again!
Sadly, one evening Weird Al upstaged Charles Nelson Reilly on the Tonight Show. I loved Charles Nelson Reilly, he was a riot! Anyway, Charles was to bat clean up that night but Al would not put down the accordion and in a mania fueled musical tirade kept playing. Johnny dared not interrupt as he was a very close friend of the Howards. Al was great but Charles had roughly 6 seconds on the show. I don’t even think he sat down.
Little Ronnie Howard as he appeared with “The Zombies” …part of his play every instrument, play with every band strategy. He’s in the video…he’s not one of those two. Skip ahead to 2:00 to see Ron who looks about fourteen or see below.
Ronnie later formed an all transvestite band…the New York Dolls. I met him back in the day but did not know it was him.
“The NY Dolls” on “The Midnight Special” with a hot number!
My favorite version of I’m the Man, live in Rome. The song is all about himself, Ron Howard. Make no mistake he did everything he claims to in the song. It’s a narcissistic triumph not seen since he did, “I’m the Greatest” as Ringo Starr. In this rendition towards the end of the song instead of: “If you think you’re immune well I can sell you anything…anything from a thin safety pin to a pork pie hat,” he sings, “…anything from a thin safety pin to a war in Iraq.” I was stunned when I first heard it but remember…he is “the man” and as we’ll see later is regarded as a marketing genius.
Uncle Albert…musical theatre in a song…written by Ringo Starr aka Ron Howard!
Roger Daltry of The Who aka Ron Howard doing The Kids Are Alright
Ron wrote most of the Rock Opera Tommy. Absolutely brilliant and made into a film with an all star cast with one of his brothers cast into the role of “The Pinball Wizard” and no, not Clint.
I looked up to see if Tommy was the first Rock Opera which it was not, surprisingly but it did lead us down the right rabbit hole to find out that the first Rock Opera was SF Sorrow but the band, “The Pretty Things” Picture below.
From Wikipedia: “S.F. Sorrow is the fourth album by the British rock group The Pretty Things. Released in 1968, it is one of the first rock concept albums.
Based on a short story by singer Phil May, the album is structured as a song cycle, telling the story of the main character, Sebastian F. Sorrow, from birth through love, war, tragedy, madness, and the disillusionment of old age.
Although the album is a rock opera, it has been stated by members of The Who that the record had no major influence on Pete Townshend and his writing of Tommy (1969). The Pretty Things, however, have suggested otherwise,[4] as have some critics.[5]
I haven’t done all the research on this but I know when I’ve gone done the right rabbit hole. The band is called “The Pretty Things” , David Bowie (Ron Howard) did a song called, “Oh, You Pretty Things,” from “Hunky Dory” so absolutely no accident there. It also brings an entrance of glitz, glamour and femininity to a group of men which becomes opitimized with Ron Howard in “The New York Dolls”. I’ll put money down that Ron’s in this band, wrote most of the music, and is probably one of the two redheaded guys above. (My money is on the guy second from the right with the black hat on. He has scarring pattern on left hand similar to Ron). The other may be one of his brothers who is also very musical and Ron wrote some hit songs for him. Ron prefers to keep his hair red when he can, especially in music. It helps when he has to change acts and personas quickly, it’s his natural color, and he just likes it.
Ron confirmed this was his band and was greatly moved when I posted it. It’s relatively obscure but I started listening to the music which is kind of an amalgam of Ron’s music of the sixties and seventies with a heavy psychedelic influence. It’s actually terrific stuff!
Remember one band can lead into another of Ron’s, not to negate the other great talent in the bands but this blog is about Ron. So supposedly Led Zeppelin stole the opening of “Stairway to Heaven” from a band called, “Spirit.” Members of “Spirit” are now suing Led Zeppelin for this reason. In fact however Ron wrote the opening and was in the band Spirit. Spirit and Led Zeppelin would play on the same bill and Ron played in both bands.
Led Zeppelin is considered “Sacred Cow” by everyone associated with it. The music is evolved and transcendent. I was forewarned about this as I’m sometimes known for mocking people which didn’t always work much for this group of entertainers who are serious about their craft. Now I can get by with some mocking as a lot of the entertainers like when I take a pot shot at them as long as I’m careful or I think it’s really funny! If it’s really funny it usually means I’m on the mark and have made a good observation. I work under the premise that something really funny is worth taking the repercussions though that’s sent a lot of three letter agencies after me who lacked senses of humor.
I’ve seen the film close to a dozen times, more than half of the time in Greenwich Village which is really the place to see it. “If you don’t like it here you can go to Brooklyn to watch it!!” Forgot what film that was from. There’s a lot written about this film and I don’t want to be redundant but when it first went up for a midnight show at the Waverly in NYC fifty people came to see it. The next week fifty people came again but what was funny about this was it was the same fifty people. This went on for a while and the numbers started to grow until it moved to cult classic and then to mainstream with Disney creating downscaled versions of it suitable for young transvestites. (I’ll catch crap for that.) As it turned out, those fifty original people were Ron, actors from the play and film and his friends. They just wanted to have a good time and enjoy themselves with the musical. It evolved into the best piece of entertainment in NYC or anywhere for many years with tremendous audience participation and a ticket that could be had for under ten dollars. Nothing like it. When I’ve talked with Ron about things in passing and I’ve used the term riff-raff in proper context with the original correct definition he’s asked me not to say that. This is not like I’m talking about the character Riff-Raff. I suspect like other things it’s become “Sacred Cow” and evolved from the definition below to something more serious. Ron is “Riff-Raff” from the show, which he wrote and starred in and does not want the name sullied by it’s original definition which is kind of ironic since he’s created as the epitome of riffraff which is disreputable or undesirable people. Here’s the definition:
synonyms: | rabble, scum, good-for-nothings, undesirables, lowlifes, hoi polloi, lowest of the low, peasants
“this government considers its citizens riffraff and is quick to silence the mere whispers of dissent”
antonyms: | elite
Shout out here for a favorite film of mine, “Time After Time” with Malcolm McDowell. Great Science Fiction Thriller in which HG Wells tracks down Jack The Ripper in “a time machine of my own design.” Skip the trailer and see the film. Just great stuff.
Also, the episode after Stannis Baratheon dies shows Ron looking like Ron in one of the opening scenes with a group of soldiers sitting down. If Ron has done something he’ll put his mark on it in someway. Like Hitchcock with his walk-on cameos. In “10 Cloverfield Lane”, a very fine film, John Goodman gives us a coy smile when he says his name is…Howard! In a TV series the name of a cafe is belabored with a long story…the cafe was called Ron’s. Ron wrote the song “Blame Canada” and shows up as a cartoon figure in it from the musical, “South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut” a favorite of mine.
Very Tricky!!!! Notice I have both Kris Kristofferson and Bob Dylan as Ron Howard and I had convincing evidence for both! I pulled Dylan off this blog for a while to review and I’m convinced they’re both Ron. I went to Youtube to watch what I could of he two of them in the film, though not the above scene where the above photo was taken.
In one of the shootouts, above, where we first meet Alias (Bob Dylan) you never see Dylan with Kristofferson up close together and they are using a body double for Dylan, it’s far off so you wouldn’t notice. Close ups of Dylan are typically one-shots of him. In the above photo, I can only guess at this time that’s its a split screen or a convincing body double for Kristofferson. Dylan is made to look shorter, no big deal there. I got stuck here for a while but I’ll stay with this until I get info one way or the other.
Kurt does a cover of “The Man Who Sold The World” a terrific song written and performed by David Bowie aka Ron Howard. Good clues if you find one major band doing a cover of another major band or singer. Usually means there’s a crossover with a member or the singers are the same person. Another example is Ol’ 55 the Tom Waits tune is done by the Eagles. Ron has to be in the Eagles and I’ll look for him when I get a chance.
Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others — “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” You have some of the Traveling Wilburys here, notice Bob Dylan isn’t in this band. That would be possible but technically difficult as Ron is both Prince and Bob Dylan. I know…but that’s just the way it is. Also, Prince like David Bowie (Ron) is pure theater…you can’t take eyes off them when they’re on stage.
Here I ran into a problem. I knew Ron was in Pink Floyd but not which member. Ron has injuries to both forearms. Here was the problem. Here’s Ron as Tom Jones
However any time is a good time to put up a picture of Billy Joel so we can admire Christie! These two are a very beautiful couple and I went steady with a magazine that had Christie in it for about a year!
On the serious side, Ron Howard is probably the most prolific song writer in the history of mankind sometimes writing up to 2 dozens songs in one day for either one of his bands or for friends and family. He can write any genre of music and loves them all! He has written several songs for Billie Joel including: Angry Young Man, We Didn’t Start the Fire and Our Italian Restaurant. Hold on Let’s put up another picture of Christie…
My understanding is Christie and Billy are back together and Christie lights up like a Christmas tree whenever he’s around.
As I began to understand Ron Howard’s music and complexity I studied some of his songs and realized that they were some of my favorites and had complexity of language and thought. He also incorporates historical events in the songs. For example: He wrote “The Rocky Horror Show.” I wondered at the time who could write and song with the words, “The sword of Damocles hangs over my head”, the same guy who incorporated the words, “Children of thalidomide,” into “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” He writes historical songs and wrote Al Stewart’s “The Road to Moscow.” I’m working on whether he is in fact Al Stewart (he is). If he is he becomes a couple other significant people. He also wrote Viva La Vida about Napoleon. He wrote much of Les Miz. He wrote much or most of: Cats, Hamilton, Hair, Les Miz and parts of West Ron loves history and likes to sing about it.
FYI I’ve been a big fan of Billy Joel since Piano Man and laughed, listened and suffered through “Cold Spring Harbor” which I got out of a Bargain Bin because it was recorded 10% too fast and Billy Joel sounds like Micky Joel!! It’s a great album when it’s slowed down and we listened to it fast anyway because we loved Billy and it’s all we had. Billy played frisbee with his copy of it.
I’m going out on a bit of limb here and say Ron Howard is Al Stewart…
Like I said, I’m going out on a bit of limb here and say Ron Howard is Al Stewart. I can’t imagine anyone else doing the songs of Al Stewart other than Ron himself. Lot’s of history and no one loves history more than Ron. What’s the significance here? Al Stewart looks remarkably like…Eric Idle of Monty Python fame and I believe Ron is both of these people and he is!!!
This is a pretty big deal. Monty Python is regarded as one of the great comedy troupes of all time. We were fortunate enough to see it on PBS uncut! Still greatly revered and I don’t do it enough justice here. This is a big deal. What nailed this down for me? The following two photos…
Shout out for one of my favorite comedies…”Nuns on the Run” Eric Idle and Robbie Coltrane.
Side story…I saw Eric Idle in a movie theatre in Greenwich Village probably in the mid to late 70’s. He was in town hosting Saturday Night Live…he was with a friend. My friends and I went to see the double feature…”Where’s Poppa?” with George Segal and Ruth Gordon (big fan of both) and “Lord Love a Duck” with Roddy McDowell (big fan). I had seen both films before and was disappointed that Erik and his friend didn’t stay for “Lord Love a Duck” which I really liked as an obscure, quirky Hesse Demianesque comedy updated for the seventies. I don’t think too many people have even heard of the film.
Quiz of the day… Ron Howard played James Bond as Pierce Brosnan. He played him at least one other time; as who and in what film and how many times has that Ian Fleming story been done? Good luck! See below for a third time he played the role.
Ron asked me once what my favorite film was. I told him “Jaws” and he left the room sort of unhappy. I was either too honest or not smart enough to pick one of his films. I think he probably directed several of the post “Jaws-1” films but he has a love hate relationship with Spielberg who did the first one and he starred in as Roy Scheider. If you bring up Spielberg’s name to Ron you do it at your own risk. Ron directed at least one Jurassic film, Jurassic World, probably more but Spielberg did the first one and it was ground breaking and simply can’t be beat. Come to think of it…Ron was in that film too as Sam Neill…. hmm… something is happening here but you don’t know what it is.
Ron puts out a great deal of product in all entertainment venues and he admits it’s hard sometimes to craft the kind of film he would like to. Remember, in the song, “I’m The Man” by Joe Jackson aka Ron Howard, he sings, “I got a giant rubber shark and it really makes the mark” I believe this is related to his work with the Jaws films.
This is a terrific photo as it shows a lot of the scars and displaced muscle tissue. Ron is an accomplished martial artist.
In truth I always had a hard time telling the last three guys apart…with good reason!
I got stuck on this guy, David Chokachi, last night looking for Ron as someone else. David looked kind of young to be Ron but there were way too many similarities between he and Ron, and the little girl could pass for a Howard daughter. I posted David on this blog and was told that it was not Ron so I took it down. It’s kind of like a treasure hunt looking for Ron. However, when Ron saw it a minute later he said it was correct and to put it back up. He had to tell me twice because I couldn’t believe it but he was clear on it and said it was his son. Few people were aware that David Chokachi was Ron Howard’s son. One of Ron’s daughters had figured it out but not most of Ron’s other children. Ron’s parents knew. David knew but this was kept quiet. Ron kept an eye on him as he does with all his children.
A call went out to David from Ron after I posted him to come over to the “Howard Ranch” for a huge spontaneous “Welcome to the Family” celebration where everyone met one of the newest and oldest members of the Howard family. It was truly joyous and a lot of fun: With brothers and sisters meeting for the first time as such, as well as cousins and aunts and uncles, new grandparents, grandchildren, great grand parents and great grand children! They might have all met at some point or at least known of each other but not like this! This was a “can’t be beat” celebration for a can’t be beat reason! It was wonderful watching as David was greeted at the door and started shaking hands with people. One of the first people he walked over to was Paige Howard who was seated and he shook hands with her, seemingly meeting for the first time and surely meeting for the first time as brother and sister. This was really beautiful. David is a really beautiful and warm person. He’s very personable and has tremendous poise and is a natural with people. He seems like someone who would just be great to hang around with.
One of the big clues I had finding David Chokachi as a Howard has to do with David having a similar constellation of scars and injuries to both Ron and to Ron’s father, Rance, who was Frank Sinatra. Ron’s mom was Patsy Cline amongst other people. Both are still alive and held in the highest regard as the family elders and advisors to Ron and the rest of the family. Ron, David and Rance (and other family members) all have injuries consistent with a motorcycle accident or possibly some other MVA.
The little girl on the surfboard, Brit Madison, sealed the deal. The girl sat comfortable on the surfboard nestled between her dad’s legs. All the beauty of a Howard daughter, with all the confidence and attitude of a Howard girl, with the closeness and warmth of her dad, engaging in the somewhat edgy sport of paddle surfing together. The photo is virtually 100% pure Howard and I studied it for a while. If they weren’t Howards they should have been.
I have an expression about the Howard’s that I normally keep to myself but I’ll reveal it here in context, “You can’t be a Howard without a tracheotomy.” David fits the bill. Welcome to the family David!. You too Brit!
So I did a little research today (2/10/17) and checked some dates. Ron Howard was supposedly born March 1, 1954 (63 years old). It’s possible he’s a little older than that, it’s been my impression anyway. David Chokachi was supposedly born January 16, 1968 (49 years old). Taking these dates as close approximations Ron would have had David when he was 14 and gotten someone pregnant at age 13. This would make David, Ron’s first born child. Makes things sort of interesting. Cheryl does not appear to be the mother but it’s not out of the question, the question remains…who is the mother? Boggles the mind!
Feb 11, 2017: Some days the internet just does not provide you enough direct information and you have to make inferences. I had a couple of theoretical lines to discern who is David Chokachi’s mother aka Ron’s lover. Just because Ron was somewhere between 13 and 16 doesn’t mean his lover was but that’s a pretty good bet. I went to look for David’s parents.
David’s birth name is David Coombs Al-Chokhachy. His mother is a woman named Carolyn Coombs David is the son of Carolyn (Coombs) and Modhaffer Khalaf Al-Chokhachy. His father was born in Kadhimain, Iraq, and moved to the U.S. when he was sixteen. His mother was born in the U.S., of English and Finnish descent.
This is his father’s obituary: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/bostonglobe/obituary.aspx?pid=127977649
With that being said I went to look for photos of either parent which turned out to be useless. I only used google and could have checked other search engines but it’s rare to find something on another engine not in google. Here’s where inferences come in:
Here’s part of what came up when I searched for David’s father, “Khalaf Al-Chokhachy”. On the top row is a picture of David with his wife and daughter and someone else, a woman I need to research, a headstone for his parents, David, Ralph Nader and David again. It behooves us to ask the question, “Why does Ralph Nader show up when you google Khalaf Al-Chokhachy? There has to be a reason. My best assessment was this was the man who raised David, remember the biodad is Ron Howard. Ralph Nader was born February 27, 1934 and is 82 years old. Ron Howard was born March 1, 1954 and is 62 years old. The headstone of Khalaf Al-Chokhachy shows him born in 1930 which makes more sense but still makes him pretty young to have a daughter who might Ron’s lover. When we google Ralph Nader there’s a woman who turns up named Jill Stein who would be a pretty good bet for Ron’s lover and the mother of David. I’m making some jumps here in my logic and left out a couple dead ends. Here’s the problem…I spoke with Ralph Nader last night. Ron was kind enough to bring him over to The Ranch. Ralph was very concerned that I had uncovered all this information and was sure that I wasn’t going to be around for too much longer because of it. It would in part be a reasonable assumption and in part some wishful thinking. He was reassured over the next few hours that it was unlikely that something untoward would happen to me. There have been numerous attempts on my existence, so many in fact that it defies all reason. At this point I have certain protections in place which is a blessing because I don’t have to be at a constant state of readiness all the time but my early warning system never comes down either.
Based on Ralph Nader’s presentation and concerns about my well being, Ralph appears to work for Disney, as does Ron, but at a lower management level. Ralph would have to be at a lower level than Ron because at this point Ron is CEO of Walt Disney Corporation for at least the last couple years. Also that Michael Eisner passed on a couple years ago. I don’t believe Robert Iger is around anymore either who is supposedly the current CEO, but I wouldn’t swear to it.
Back to Ralph Nader, Ralph had the kind of phrenetic nervous energy you see in many of the Disney executives. Fast paced with undertones of fear like it will all be over in a heartbeat if they’re not on their best game. I believe he’s mid level because I’ve been around for a while and he appeared to not know who I was and at the very least that I did some documentaries about Disney and had just about the last interaction with Walt himself a couple years ago.
I got to check out some of the above information. I normally dislike asking too many questions sometimes to my disadvantage, more often to my advantage. I’d rather do my own research but here there just wasn’t enough info available. Here’s what I have: Ralph Nader is Khalaf Al-Chokhachy. Jill Stein is the mother of David Chokachy, Ron Howard is David’s father. Jill Stein is likely the daughter of Ralph Nader. I had to wrestle with this one because I asked Ralph if that was true early in our conversation and he denied it but then later on he confirmed it, so he lied at least once to me. I believe she is his biological daughter. Jill Stein has both Olive complexion features and some Nordic which would make sense if her dad was Ralph Nader aka Khalaf Al-Chokhachy and her mom from northern Europe. Ralph Nader is of middle eastern decent as is Khalaf Al-Chokhachy, his alter-ego.
So where do we go from here? This started with my careful study of a guy on a surfboard with his daughter and has now led to Ralph Nader. I’m sometimes afraid when I reveal where I’m going they’ll scrub the net of what I’m looking for so I’ll lay back at this point and let you know if I find what I want.
Backtracking a bit, certainly more information is better than less but having little information can be very telling. When you look up Ralph Nader, Jill Stein comes up and really not too much else, a few other people. Here we’re looking for a woman around Ron’s age who would be hanging around Ralph Nader and Jill Stein fits the bill. Pretty woman, and as I said earlier, Nordic and Olive in appearance.
I was told that with only a really minor flaw everything above was accurate. Now why was Ron having sex at age 13 with this woman and the answer, “Because he can!” is not good enough!
Ron is bisexual but given his preferences he would prefer to be gay which was where his leanings were especially at age 13. For these high power people it’s important to have ability to swing both ways. Jill was used in part to get Ron to switch hit. She started out by tying him up and tickling him but it went further and further. She was told not to use protection and to try and have his baby. Here’s where it gets interesting: Ron has royal blood in him. If you’re sitting there with royal blood it makes a huge difference who is your first child in terms of lineage and sequence of succession. That person would be your heir. David is Ron’s first born child and a male at that if that is of importance. Jill would have had to be of royal blood as well otherwise she would not have been sent to bear his child. If she’s not then David is not of Royalty but I believe he is. These people generally intermarry only with royal lineage with limited or no distinction of where in the world your royalty originated from. With Ralph Nader/Khalaf Al-Chokhachy it would be from the middle east. I don’t believe Ron and Jill were ever married and at this point I have more questions than answers so I leave the reader with the same conundrum.
So I alluded earlier to wanting to find something before it was wiped off the net and I believe this is it. I figured that Ron Howards, paramour, Jill Stein would probably have done some acting with Ron. I researched when Ron was 13 and as luck would have it found this:
For anyone under the age of 40 Ron Howard starred as Opie Taylor in, “The Andy Griffith Show”. Here he’s 13 years old and I don’t think they could have made this any easier for us… the episode is called, “Opie’s Girlfriend”. Yahtzee!!! aka Bingo!!! So who’s the actress and is she Jill Stein?
This is the episode called, “Opie’s Girlfriend”.
Lee Philips |
Budd Grossman | … | (written by) |
Aaron Ruben | … | (created by) (uncredited) & |
Sheldon Leonard | … | (created by) (uncredited) & |
Danny Thomas | … | (created by) (uncredited) |
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Andy Griffith | … | |
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Ron Howard | … |
Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard)
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Frances Bavier | … | |
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George Lindsey | … | |
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Aneta Corsaut | … | |
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Howard McNear | … | |
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Mary Anne Durkin | … | |
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John Reilly | … |
First aired: 1/19/1968
Writer: William Raynor, Myles Wilder
Director: Coby Ruskin
Guest star: Allison McKay (Waitress) , Joy Ellison (Molly), Mary Ann Durkin (Jill), Scott Lane (Paul), Mary Ball(Alice), Diane Farrell (Barbara), Mark Mack (Unknown)
Global rating: 8.2
A 15-year-old girl develops a crush on Gomer. Shazam!!! aka Yahtzee!!! aka Bingo!!!
Here Mary Anne Durkin plays Jill in episode 110 of Gomer Pyle. The episode is called, “Love Finds Gomer Pyle.” The episode is about a 15 year old girl who develops a crush on Gomer. I believe we can now jump to the conclusion that Mary Ann Durkin (Jill on Gomer Pyle) is Jill Stein aka David Chokachy’s mother aka Ralph Nader/Khalaf Al-Chokhachy’s daughter, aka Ron Howard’s lover.
Now what’s interesting if you compare the two pictures it makes perfect sense. Maryanne Durkin aka Jill Stein has put on a lot of weight in the two to three years between the shows and in Gomer Pyle is in a big poncho/sweater. She would have put on a good deal of weight while pregnant and had not lost it yet or possibly was pregnant during the show. I believe it’s the former but in either case she’s much heavier and the pregnancy would explain this. I remember seeing this episode I also remember seeing the Opie’s Girlfriend episode.
Another shot of Durkin aka Jill Stein. The woman in blue is Aneta Corsaut, Andy’s girlfriend then wife. I thought even back then that it was a stretch for Sheriff Taylor to get such a hot piece (back then I would have thought, beautiful woman). I guess considering the choices in Mayberry of Floyd, Goober, or Barney she made a good choice. Oh FYI… Aneta Corsaut also happens to be Audrey Hepburn aka Diane Disney also aka Joan Collins!
Oh wow! It looks like she’s playing Don Knotts daughter here! I wouldn’t swear it’s her but it’s pretty close and she’s reportedly 16 in the picture in 1970 so we have a progression in age that’s really close.
Back to who Ron Howard is:
Ron Howard wrote the song, “Jeux sans Frontieres”
Gold favored pressuring all of the players at the table especially when playing in position (being among the last to act in a betting round). Bluff magazine, a major poker trade publication has analyzed Gold’s winning poker strategies as follows: “He forced his tablemates to risk their entire stack time after time. If they reraised him, he either knew they were holding the nuts and folded, or he sniffed out a bluff and forced them all in,” thus “he transformed this strategy into an art form.”
Here is Bruce Kirby on MASH. We know Ron Howard was on essentially as himself in one episode. I wonder how many other parts he played?
Anne Ramsey was hysterically funny in Throw Momma from the Train. Always screaming at her son Owen (Danny DeVito) to clean her ears. Anne Ramsey is Ron Howard’s mother and is also Patsy Cline! It’s a musical family with Ron’s dad being Frank Sinatra!
Ron Howard is Wendell Burton and off the record Cheryl Howard is Liza Minelli. This is a simple but timeless classic which I saw in the theater as a kid. The film will linger with you. I spent many a night thinking about peeling tomatoes after seeing the film. I thought about it before I saw the film as well but never called it that.
Ron has a lot of nicknames…he’s called Max by some and RH Factor…off the record Cheryl likes to call him Pookie which is actually her name from the film. I was stunned when I picked up that tidbit not as much as Ron was who then went around quizzing everyone to find out who the snitch was. Sometime I’ll tell how I got it. It took me a while to revisit the film and figure out it was them. Again, a simple but terrific story. Off the record…Cheryl is a more than prodigious writer and wrote the book and the screenplay for the film. She’s way more brilliant than she lets on as is Ron.
Earlier we saw that Ringo Starr was Ron Howard. After I discovered that Cheryl Howard was the fabulous Joey Heatherton who used to blow me away and everyone else I said to her downplaying the whole Joey thing, “If you turn out to be Raquel Welch then we’ll have something to talk about!” She turned around and left with wry look on her face and I thought, “oh oh” I think i’m about to eat my hat. I may have promised to do that but never did.” She turned out to be Raquel Welch and I ate crow. I spent many years pitching tents with her. Someone asked me once if I could be with Cheryl how many women would you be able to cross off your bucket list? I said, “All of them.” Not exactly true but pretty darn close.
I wrestled with putting up this photo of Joey Heatherton because of the website we’re on but hey… this is her grandmother!!!
The above picture first appeared in Playboy Magazine’s “Sex in Cinema.” What’s interesting about this is that Playboy Magazine would probably not allow this photo in it’s magazine now as it only allows low grade titillation.
This is cool. Raquel Welch did a film in 1972 called Kansas City Bomber and she was, “The Hottest Thing on Wheels!”
Who knew Raquel could skate like that? How’s this possible? As if God hadn’t granted her enough beauty, here it turned out she could skate well enough to do a whole film on Roller Derby! Well this will explain it…
From Wikipedia: Peggy Fleming’s unusual style led to five U.S. titles, three World titles and the gold medal in the 1968 Olympics in Grenoble, France. Her award in Grenoble was singularly important for the American athletes and the nation as a whole, for this was the only gold medal that the U.S. Olympic team won in the 1968 Winter Games. It signaled a return to American dominance in the sport of women’s figure skating.
Ron did a Roller Derby film as James Caan as well called Rollerball. Lets look for him to either also be a figure skater or skilled in hockey. He’s also amazing at baseball let’s look for him somewhere on the field. We’ll see how we do. I hear we’re batting 1000!
A final point about Cheryl Howard before I move back to Ron. She is a brilliant actress, singer, author and athlete….extremely talented. My other impression of her is that she is very likely trained in an area of medicine; most likely nursing and probably surgical nursing. I believe she is extremely skilled in this and can handle a multitude of medical situations some of which she should not be capable of but is. I don’t believe she is a physician but she very well could have been. Her work is precise and some of her skills maybe dated in terms of recovery nursing but she is skilled, I’ve seen her hold a scalpel, and is trusted in this regard. When extreme privacy is needed medical care can be provided by her.
I put out a few feelers on this one and got some answers which really fit the bill. It’s probable and based on her skill-set that Cheryl’s training was in large part military. She shows surgical skills way too advanced for even the best surgical nurse, essentially a scrub nurse. There are military programs for nurses where they can function like doctors/surgeons. She may have also had training and worked in other countries where either doctors are not available or nurses have more liberal responsibilities. A small example of this would be in England: Nurses close surgical wounds. I don’t know if it’s only the skin layer or the deeper ones but the explanation is simple: You don’t need a surgeon to do this and classically women have been seamstresses and would on a whole do a much better job with needle and thread. Cheryl Howard…an amazing lady!
Ron is military as well and highly regarded. I first got a glimpse of this when one of his daughters got very sick and wound up in a local hospital. The care was beyond, beyond abysmal and Ron had her transferred to a military hospital. Some of the nursing there was even worse and a nurse who engaged in a specific unapproved medical procedure wound up being discharged to the ECU under what was described as “suspicious circumstances”. She had serially done this procedure on over a 100 patients and gleefully had her eye on this young lady. Subsequently, the hospital floor was completely cleared out which was kind of weird going through an absolutely empty hospital floor except for one patient, one dialysis nurse and one bedside private duty nurse. The issue which cleared the floor in hindsight was not the unorthodox care delivered by this nurse because she was no longer a threat but concerns about how her rapid demise occurred and if it could happen again. One of the doctors confided that she was suspected of the misappropriation of patients. (The “ECU” is the “Eternal Care Unit” also referred to as the “Pearly Gates Nursing Home.”) The Howard’s understood much of what happened but many others could not and in that lied the problem.
I doubt the hit album from America shown above would have sold so many copies if Ron had worn this pink onesie on the cover. A kind of proof of that would be “The Man Who Sold the World” Cover.
I’m not saying Ron doesn’t look great on the cover, it probably wasn’t going to sell the way it should…terrific music. Maybe the leather boots were a touch too butch for the rest of the outfit, (wrong attitude). The album is rare and the link below shows a copy of it selling for $3000.
I was going to save this one for a later time but here it is…does Raquel look similar to anyone you know, love or hate?
Yep Cheryl Howard is Barbara Streisand…hard to believe? It is, but Cheryl has an amazing operatic voice and like Ron is comfortable singing every genre of music…bar none.
This one saved my life one day when the Howard’s were trying to get rid of me from their basement. They couldn’t figure out how I was getting so much information and figured out that I was piecing it together off the internet. This was true only in part which Cheryl realized when I told Cheryl I was going to please myself with a picture of her I found taken from a Pirelli Catalogue (see below). I described the photo and noted that what I initially thought was a golf-club turned out to be something they might use at the Belmont Stakes to make the horses go faster. As I described her in further detail and what I was going to do I heard a Dolly Parton song in my head. This is the one it was:
I posted the song not realizing at first that Cheryl was Dolly Parton. It actually took me about a minute or so to realize she was Dolly. She must have been having some regrets about doing the photo and started thinking of the song:
Lyrics from Dolly Parton’s “Why’d you come in here lookin’ like that?”
Why’d you come in here lookin’ like that
In your cowboy boots and your painted-on jeans
All decked out like a cowgirl’s dream
Why’d you come in here looking like that
This is a great song and I sang it for weeks after that…lol. This kind of harmonic went on a lot. They think in part musically and in part I resonate with the music.
Anyway I got to stay after that. At one point I offered to leave which I did but they called me back. In part there was a bidding war for me. Ron must have lost cause he got stuck with me. Some people thought it would be better if I was just eliminated from the formula and there were numerous attempts against me, and it wasn’t necessarily Ron who initiated them but he did send one of his daughters to a nearby park where I used to jog to take care of things. I didn’t get close enough to her for any harm to occur as my mama warned me about girls on swings and there was an undercover cop pretending to fish about twenty yards away. I was going mess with with the guy and complain, “Excuse me Detective, I have to object to the park’s use as a place for, “women depending on the kindness of strangers,” (another metaphor, I would have used a different term). I decided not to do it and despite how beautiful she was and how high she could swing I never went over to her and after a couple jogs around the Detective waved her off. When I spoke with her some months later she said she didn’t realize that was me, I had figured out that it was her though, again months later. FYI she is really terrific and a beautiful soul and if I had to have someone take me out of the game it would be her. There were too many attempts against me to describe. I had become in part an international pest. I did a series of videos on a movie studio called Moor Hall Studios along with a couple other prominent studios so I ran into some interesting characters after that. It was when I received a request for help finding a missing person from the FBI that the salad hit the fan. I did a pretty good job with it, which I was supposed to do but kept publishing my findings on Facebook. As a rule whatever I do it usually has a really tiny viewing audience of very powerful people who generally get angrier and angrier as I post. They didn’t like that I could responsibly describe the events of 911 and how the Trade Centers were nuked.
At the end of the day the best time I had was hanging in the Howard’s basement was with the girls, singing show tunes and pop songs and trying to annoy Ron as much as possible.
Here Cheryl as Dolly Parton looks like someone else…any guesses?
If you look at enough photos you eventually find one where Cheryl looks like another singer/actress. For example I could not tell Madonna apart from this singer for the life of me…with good reason…both are Cheryl! She also looks kinda Gaga’esque!
Got to call it a night! Later gator!!!
Ok just one more…
Max’s Kansas City is very likely Ron and Cheryl’s Night Club. They show up repeatedly as some of their alter egos as do some of their friends. What’s the tip off that the club is theirs? The name!! As I said earlier one of Ron’s nicknames is Max. This comes from first RH Factor (Ron Howard Factor) then leads to Max Factor then to just Max. They were surprised when I deduced this. Cheryl played in and was “The Kansas City Bomber.” THE Roller Derby film…therefore by ipso fatso it must be their club. So an artist named Robert Mapplethorpe used to show up there. Robert did some edgy stuff that was rejected by most mainstream people; also most conservatives; also most democrats. As a matter of fact it was probably only accepted by about a combined four block radius of the East Village and San Francisco.
While I was looking for just one more scar on Mapplethorpe to confirm he’s Ron Howard I found two interesting pieces of art Here’s the first:
Ron Howard and Arnold Schwarzenegger are very good friends and work on many projects together. It’s a really close relationship and both are very kind and considerate of each others flaws, small or large. When Ron dissociates or pretends to by going into a young age alter Arnold and some of the other guys pick him up and throw him up in the air to get him laughing and smiling and back to reality.
Arnold periodically gets really paranoid from all the anabolic steroids and can become unpredictable. One night he showed up at a meeting of some of the locals with a gun and a hand-grenade. There was a lot of cleaning house going on and everyone had the right to be paranoid and lot’s of people came armed but no one had gotten a shot off before in recent memory or brought a hand-grenade. There was always at least one ambulance outside just in case of an emergency.
Arnold did get paranoid, stood up and held up a gun and a grenade. No one was more difficult to subdue than Arnold and despite a good sized blast of electricity he remained standing and was able to get off one shot. Ron asked the group if anyone was hit. Surprisingly Tom Hanks confided to Ron that he was shot in the arm but was basically ok. Ron sent him to get fixed up and had Arnold locked up for a while in a regular old jail cell. I thought that would be the end of Arnold but a few months later he showed up pretty much good as new. I suspect they sent him somewhere for treatment. He did look kind of stiff when he got back probably from the medication but it was great seeing him and how forgiving Ron and the others were to him and how cherished the man is. Arnold is very endearing and Tom is a pragmatist with a great big set of balls on him. He’s a highly trusted friend and member of this group.
Follow up: Arnold was in a psychotic state that bordered on delirium and did not remember much, if any of this incident. When he read what I wrote he was very pained by the fact that he shot Tom Hanks. Nobody had ever told him what happened and he felt very badly about this. He went over to Tom and apologized to him. It was really quite touching and shows you what a couple of menches these two are.
This is the other photo that caught my eye of Mapplethorpe’s. I didn’t find the models’ names but the person visible is Tim Curry with an outfit similar to Frank N. Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show which was written by Richard O’Brien aka Ron Howard and starred Tim Curry and Richard O’Brien as Riff Raff (Ron Howard).
I believe the day Tim posed it was Corn Dog Night at Max’s Kansas City and he was enjoying a nice Corn Dog with a Slurpee from the local 7-11. Mapplethorpe shot the photo at an entirely too suggestive time for this blog while eating the corn dog so I covered it up a bit.
For anyone who has never heard of, seen, or eaten a Corn Dog here is one…get the idea?
The mayonnaise option was very popular at Max’s as was Frank furter.
No links are provided for Mapplethorpe Frankfurter photo due to the cholesterol issues in this country.
Cheryl Howard would like me to clarify that Corn Dogs were never, ever served at Max’s Kansas City so we’ll leave the story intact with the understanding that the Corn Dog is just a metaphor for a big old fat Kielbasa Sausage.
Cheryl was also mad I didn’t put up any Mapplethorpe photos of her. I suspect there’s a few but I had this one already and I’ll try and find the others…
I promised I’d find more Mapplethorpe photos with Cheryl Howard. There are a great many photos of Cheryl as Lisa Lyon. Some with Arnold Schwarzenegger Here we see Great scars suitable for ID’ing Cheryl. FYI, that snake belongs to Ron. He loves reptiles and is Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter. Cheryl is good with reptiles too!
Ron wrote “Panama Red” for “The New Riders of the Purple Sage” as Phil Lesh. A quirky song about marijuana. Remember this about Panama Red, “…he’ll steal your woman then he’ll rob your head!”
Ron worked on “The After School Special” and wrote one called, “Christopher Discovers America”. “Christopher discovers America and one thing you say, when you’re discovering America…America’s discovering you.” I can’t find the show or any other information on it but I know the kid tooled around in a bus discovering America, not exactly Christopher Columbus but still a very good show.
This marriage was just a publicity stunt. Mia was pure gold after this. I would be too if I married Frank! What we’ve learned is that Mia Farrow is Cheryl Howard and Frank Sinatra is Rance Howard, Ron Howard’s father. This makes Frank Sinatra, Mia Farrow’s father-in-law. Also Woody Allen is Mia Farrow’s Husband and they are Ron and Cheryl Howard.
People who I talk about have a sad habit of passing on after I bring them up or make it known I plan to bring them up (the person doesn’t actually pass on, just the character). So I checked in about bringing up Rance Howard as Frank Sinatra. I mentioned previously that Frank Sinatra was Ron Howard’s father but I didn’t explain that Rance Howard was Frank. For the younger people Frank Sinatra was the biggest star of his time in music, film, TV and the entertainment industry so this was a major revelation. I got a green light from Ron and then from Rance as well on this. The people who are following this blog as it’s done went into a bittersweet sense of melancholia because this “passing on” becomes a real possibility. I would have left this important piece out for the reader to figure out but I was told it was ok to put it in. In part it would be very difficult to find someone other than myself who has established a sense of trust with this family to tell this story and with it Rance’s major role in this family and in show business. I’m grateful to have met him and in part tell a small piece of his large story.
When Mia Farrow left Woody Allen because Woody was having a relationship with Soon Yi, Mia Changed Satchel’s name to Ronan. Named Satchel because of Woody Allen’s great love for Louis Armstrong nick-named Satchmo.
They played the name game here and Satchel’s new name becomes Ronan or “Ron” for short. FYI when you watch Ron Howard play in different bands he’s accomplished with all the musical instruments… drums, guitar, base, keyboard, accordion, trombone…well add clarinet to the list.
It’s comforting to see the correct scar on Woody’s left arm. It’s still so hard to believe he’s Ron Howard but there it is…along with the rest of the information.
I suspect the song “Big Shot” by Billy Joel was written by Ron Howard because of the “Elaines” reference.
I’m going to say that there are probably more great pictures of Meryl Streep on the internet than any other actress I’ve seen. It’s really hard to find a bad one. I believe it’s a tribute to the dignity that Cheryl Howard imbues into this character. Virtually everything Cheryl does works to approach perfection and she hits the mark way more often then not. Her portrayal of Meryl Streep epitomizes the perfection in her acting.
I’m going to counterbalance the above remarks about Cheryl Howard’s brilliant portrayal of Meryl Streep by remarking on Cheryl Howard’s brilliant portrayal of Madonna. Something of a polar or Bipolar opposite. I think this is an important point to bring up so the reader gains an understanding of the range of acting this woman does. Later we’ll see the range of singing and music she does. Madonna has her own dignity as well but Madonna defines what she thinks is dignified or not and does not care what convention says it is or should be. This gives her a lot more latitude to act in a more freed up fashion which keeps us riveted to the screen or her concerts to see what she’ll do next. Whether right or wrong I think it’s much harder to do the kind of reserved powerful woman portrayal that Meryl Streep does in her films. I think it’s harder to act competently let alone brilliantly with this type of containment and with the subtlety that Meryl often does. You still get the message of what her emotional state is, with just as much power as her Madonna portrays but in a more contained and refined manner. Hence Cheryl as Meryl also keeps us fully engaged with her on the screen as she does with Madonna.
Wendy O. Williams was the hottest craziest thing on two legs and you’d stay up late to watch the stodgiest oldest talk shows just to see her.
I knew I’d eventually find someone reasonably big who was female played by a male and here it is and it’s Ron Howardas Sally Jesse Raphael! He did a great job. She was a super afternoon talk show host. I used to watch her with my mom! Absolutely brilliant!!!!
I’ll let on something I’m looking for: I understand that in the seventies playboy magazine had a cover where a guy dressed as a woman and it sold a lot of copies. I would like 7:3 odds that Ron did the cover. I’ll find it, it might take a while.
Another story I’m trying to piece together is I believe it was into the eighties there was someone playing Disc Jockey in NYC who after each song would say…”I wrote that!” We thought it was ridiculous but funny however in retrospect there was on person who could do and say that…Ron! I’m chasing down this story. (Update: Found it!! See part II)
This was the big clue about Ron being Sally Jesse Raphael, the woman on the left looks like a guy and if she is then it has to be Ron. Sally looks less dykey in other photos softening up a bit.
If you haven’t seen the film Elvira Mistress of the dark from 1988 you should find a copy of it. Absolutely rip roaring hilarious. Cheryl as Elvira is beyond funny. She’s smart alecky and cracks jokes continuously through the film as only she can. It’s a great piece of work!
The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Jimi Hendrix at the Marquee Club, London
Various – 1967
I’ll do my best to explain this one…
while looking at the founder and manager Rod Swenson who I suspected might be Ron. While looking at the picture I noticed a black guy in the band and I still hadn’t found Ron yet. Now black people in white music are as rare teeth on hens so I figured this had to be Jimi Hendrix because no one could play guitar like Jimi…except for maybe Prince and Prince was already Ron Howard so it would be less of a stretch for Ron to be Jimi as well. So I took a look at the scars and found a couple I liked…a lot went to look at pictures of Jimi. Here’s a page of them.
Now here’s what else I saw…huge Beatles influence in the clothing…the whole Sgt. Pepper’s, Peter Max, psychedelic influence. Ron Howard’s ultimate goal is to own or control everything in the world, with his family. He wants everything…everything. He wants total control of everyone and everything. He carries quite a bit of Walt Disney’s energy who worked with closely and was still alive when I came on the scene a few years ago. Walt Disney was Adolf Hitler and carried a lot of the same, “I want to own the whole world” energy. Walt passed on sometime in 2015 and I was there. I’ll go into this further another time but let’s finish Jimmi
So I see pages of photos of Jimmi in beautiful expensive outfits and I think who’s going to set this guy up with all this expensive clothing and build him up to this fever pitch level where he’s never going to be forgotten…no one. Absolutely no one. Ron and his organization do their absolute best to use everyone from in-house and Ron could not pass up this opportunity to be the greatest (black) guitar player of all time…absolutely plucking brilliant… except he’s white. Still the greatest guitar player of all time but he’s only black in the make-up. It’s not necessarily racist…but it’s not necessarily not. Mostly just Ron wants to do everything…he’s the most talented person on the planet, he sings, dances, acts, artist, business man, writes, five bracelet poker winner, chess master, Ph.D in psychology, and on and on and on. The man was G-damn effing Sally Jesse Raphael! so doing a black guy was not going to be out of his range. Ron wants the pretty clothes, he doesn’t want somebody else wearing them especially someone he doesn’t know… he wants all the money… he wants all the limelight… he’s narcissistic… he’s psychopathic… he’s Axis II Borderline… but he’s also pragmatic. He can’t do it all so he sets up friends and business people and family with music and all the trappings to get moving with their acts but they are all part of his organization and he owns and manipulates all these people even if they don’t think this is happening and yes it’s happened to me and still happens.
He has the whole machine set up to do this and has vision of what he can do with certain people. We are looking at bloodlines here…Royal Bloodlines… European and Middle Eastern mostly from what I can glean. The middle eastern royal bloodlines are darker than the European and this whole mishmash of people become like a giant game of thrones with each one trying to take over the world.
Ron worked for many years with a man now dead who died not too long ago after Walt Disney. The man’s son Bobby Cannavale died on the same day as him. Vinyl was a great show and it was cancelled for no other reason than Bobby was dead. His father was supposedly a rich business man, which he was, but in fact he was super-rich and deeply imbued in royalty being king of a large middle eastern country. His wealth was way more extensive than anyone else’s. He was the richest man alive.He was married to two at least two of the original Charlie’s Angels and has had multiple other wives and children and he was the man responsible for the destruction of the Twin Towers and 911. Rich and powerful beyond anyone’s belief and his goal was to take over the United States and fill it with his people from the Middle East. This was to occur during a “training exercise” called, “Jade Helm”. The goal was to destroy 2/3 of the United States population while limiting property damage so his friends could move in to the US. He would then murder all of the troops and then all the locals who helped him in this endeavor and set up Sharia law. It was a tidy little package and all set to go except there was some major destruction to roughly half the planes, tanks, cares and weapons systems on the first night and the rest on the second night. Three hundred and seventy people were targeted killed on his side, the NWO and roughly 20 trillion dollars worth of damage occurred, virtually all military equipment, biological, and chemical weapons. The lower two thirds of the US was being targeted largely because it’s the only parts of the United States with people who still have some phucking balls on them unlike the pussies in Boston who let paramilitary assholes run rampant in their streets.
After the first night of what’s now called, “The Battle of Jade Helm” a decision was made to try again with less than half the weapons and materials needed to make war. The reasoning was if there was enough destruction propaganda could be used to bring the rest of the country to it’s knees. The US had already been divided into 8-13 separate governances which would take over in the crisis, something like Hunger Games. The leader of the NWO or New World Order was alreadypicked and already installed and you can figure out who it is because it’s been published online or I can just tell you…Arnold Schwarzenegger! I don’t make this up, go do your own research. He’s as good a choice as any and the man badly wanted to be a US President but he’ll have to settle for President of the world.
Now Ron opposed this plan and befriended someone who could take this kind of aggressive action against an incoming army, which is no small trick. He showed the person the plans for Jade Helm though in truth the person had seen them already on a few occasions and was warned about it. He and his sidekick had already been systematically battling NWO in a series of non-violent information based attacks against them.
Ron provided information and would quietly set some people up who have been, would be and could be particularly destructive to the people in this country and this country. When I reviewed who had been actively removed from the scene I could not disagree with anything done or anyone set up like this. Including Walt Disney aka Adolf Hitler, his second in command during WWII, the man responsible for 911 and several others (or more). Ron is a visionary and a brilliant military strategist who employs whatever military techniques are available to him, as well as the newest most useful technologies and ancient arts as available and useful. Ron has virtually unlimited vision and skill in planning though not unlimited power and that’s why he needed an ally.
Ron is a superior problem solver and envisioned a solution for this problem of the “Jade Helm” affair would show up. If it didn’t Ron had already made plans for he, his family and close friends to move to Europe while the United States engaged in a war that was likely to last five years.
It’s difficult to proceed further right now in the story as what is written above will appear to the casual reader as improbable the rest will lie in the realm of impossible which throws out Sherlock Holmes logical deduction of: “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” The rest of the story lies between improbable and impossible but is all true. In lieu of proceeding further for now I’ll tell a funny story.
All I wanted to do was hang out in Ron’s basement with his daughters, family, friends and Kiki, sing songs and carry on like idiots…it was great fun!!! I wound up doing some healing work here and there as I was trained in a school for healing touch. I had been studied by Ron and others for several years and one of his daughters got hold of some of the books I was reading on Taoism and healing work and she was way ahead of the curve in a lot of ways than anyone should have been in terms of healing and other skills but I digress…
The man I referred to earlier, rest his soul, I called “Far and Wide” and like Ron I would get under his skin in a big way. He said to me one evening after he got to know me, “I like you Ed….but I’m still going to have to kill you!!” I was hoping we had gotten past that murdering me piece but apparently not and between him and Bobby there had been multiple attempts on my life to the point where the attorney who was handling the “hit” said, “We’ve never had some much trouble killing someone before.” He wound up passing on a few months later along with some other disagreeable souls in some kind of instantaneous fiery doom. That’s not too funny so here’s the funny part…
For you fans of Elvis Presley…he’s still alive! Lots of us knew that because he was the manager for Celine Dione, Rene Angelil. As I mentioned earlier, “Far and Wide” was king in a Middle Eastern country. Now when I read my textbooks in school I came to understand that the United States was a Republic or a Democracy and there was no monarchy, (however “Far and Wide” had this expectation that he was to be treated like royalty which I kind of had a hard time with. One day Elvis came over to the Howard home and began playing music. (I love how crazy that sounds!) Far and Wide began talking about something and I told him, “Please!!! We must be respectful of The King!” The guy just about blew a gasket!! I didn’t mean him any harm… it’s just if something is really funny I’ll go with it and suffer the consequences later and this was really funny! Last point about Elvis at the Howard home which is so hysterical it kills me (figuratively). Whenever he leaves the house everyone there shouts out…”Elvis has left the building!” all at the same time!!! I was in tears when I heard that!!! Only at the Howard home can this kind of thing go on.
Really the last point about Elvis…the man is every bit as beautiful now as he was back in the day. He’s big, he’s powerful and he’s beautiful!! He enjoys boating so gloriously tan with a big grip and tough callouses without appearing overly weathered.
Ron Howard is an Advertising/Marketing Genius. He has run multiple famous and very successful ad campaigns. This one featuring Taylor Swift was his “Got Milk” ad campaign. Every poster and commercial was a work of art.
Below is the original, “Got Milk” Commercial and it has Ron Howard written all over it. Ron wrote, directed and starred in the Musical “Hamilton”. Ron is a fanatic about Alexander Hamilton and this was the first “Got Milk” commercial and featured Hamilton and Aaron Burr, and it’s brilliant and hysterically funny. We all loved when the commercial came on. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the stuff lying around this guy’s home was Ron’s collectibles of Hamilton and Burr and I’m told this is true, virtually all the stuff there was Ron’s collectables, some of which are original and very valuable. Watch the ad…worth more than an minute of your time. Oh and FYI…that’s Ron in the ad as well!! Makes it even more special!!
The “Got Milk” ads were often usurped for other products generally in good fun. Here I usurped a picture of Grandma Wendy O Williams and turned it into a “got milk”. I suspect Grandma will love this as much as my suggestion that corn dogs were served at Max’s Kansas City (they were not!).
I could not finish watching this, this morning… just too much…gave me chills and I had to put it aside. I’ve watched her videos a hundred times and listened to the songs a thousand. Oh…also…Heart has the world’s greatest back up band…the members of Led Zeppelin! Don’t forget Cheryl is in Heart and Ron is in Led Zep as John Paul Jones! BTW…I too was also a willow last night in a dream!!
Heart is one of my favorite bands and Cheryl knocks it out of the park as Ann Wilson. The gal on the right, Nancy Wilson, is an extremely accomplished guitarist and well known in other ways.
As I gained my reputation for being an international pest I discovered my health club was being used as a training ground for federal agents…lucky me! (As a matter of fact since I posted this they decided to up the ante and restart the harassment using an “Agent Provocateur.” He was kind of rattled when I politely told him to “F” off.) I was being followed all over god’s creation and I couldn’t figure out how they were able to follow me in there so quickly (the Jewish Community Center in Cherry Hill NJ on Kresson and Springdale Roads). They would follow me into the steam room and sauna… the last vestige of pure escape. That took me a while to piece together but the powers that be sent in their cracker-jack team to try and rattle and harass me. That was the Howard’s. I was able to pick out all the agents after a few months…the women were much tougher than the men to figure out but they all came to me one morning, the men looked virtually all the same, not the women but there were things that told a different story about the women.
One day an Annie Wilson looking women came in (I didn’t know who it was) but kind of ordinary looking and sort of overweight. She was walked into the back room and I was stretching in something called the cage. Now this was really funny. She walked past me in order to get a good look at me which most of the agents did at some point… oh but they hated when I studied them and memorized their features! Anyway, she was really excited to do this, and again she looked like some nondescript housewife who was being trained to do surveillance and I suspected it was her first time, though I really doubt it would have been Cheryl’s first time doing some form of surveillance. She walked by me, she was excited and did something virtually no one else had done…she looked me in the eyes and I….winked at her! LOL, yep I winked at her. She walked away with the female agent about twenty feet away where they sat on a piece of equipment. She pointed towards me and told the agent…”he winked at me.” I have the worst hearing and can’t hear people five feet away, but I can hear conversations much further than that from my healing school training and here, in part, I could read her lips and body movement. They took her somewhere else to be debriefed and the other two lady agents or lagents sat and pretended to talk looking sorely defeated. It was hysterical, even without knowing it was Cheryl at the time. The agents are trained to talk without saying anything useful and sometimes use a lot of hand movements to emphasize that they’re not saying dick! The energy and attitude gives them away or they’re looking at you through peripheral vision.
When I first realized I was being followed I spoke with an ex-DEA friend of mine who said we could consider using counter-serveillance, yeah lovely…little Jew Boy like me engaging in counter-surveillance. I had a pretty good idea what I was up against… which was everything and I didn’t think I needed to spend that kind of money on it. At some point the smart money, a nice Howard girl took notice of me and took a bit of a fancy to me. She started lighting candles for protection and attraction and probably howled at the moon a bit…and she could do it to. She also advocated for me not to be murdered and took notice of the books I was reading which for some reason she knew sat on my desk at work. The smart money…she is all that and more, as are all of the Howard’s, studied my books and when we finally connected at some point she let me know what she’d been doing. I worked with her a bit, and her sister and maybe a few others but this lady accomplished in six years what took me over 20 years. I suspect she was doing other spiritual practices and was in great physical and metaphysical condition but this was still impossible. It was impossible for me to do this but I knew it could be done having read the Magus of Strovolos, and other tomes of metaphysics but she got there as well but much quicker and none of this should be possible…but it was.
I had been fighting this battle for several years by myself, trying different strategies, mostly learned from the people who were stalking me, I would just turn it around on them. They didn’t expect that but that’s what I did. I also used Guerrilla tactics I learned from watching old Abbott and Costello (Lou specifically) and Jerry Lewis movies as well as the Bowery Boys (Huntz Hall specifically aka Sach). No one more effective under duress in a tense situation than a funny man. I kid you not this is what I did. I had decided I needed to undertake, “The Way of the Obnoxious Warrior.” I wasn’t sure such a thing existed but I was always impressed with the clown in the dunk tank in Wild Wood. A man so evil and obnoxious that there was a sign over his cage warning people, “Clown is of an obnoxious nature, view at your own risk”. Something close to that. I hated only one thing about that clown…he smoked! The guy was so brilliantly obnoxious that you didn’t want his life cut short by a smoking disease the guy was awesome. So I googled, “Way of the Obnoxious Warrior” and pretty much hit gold!
There he is!! The Obnoxious Celtic Guard!!… emanating the Way of the Obnoxious Warrior! I made sure the first thing I did was get a copy of this card, which I still have, as a talisman of sorts and for inspiration and protection. These were fierce warriors who were after me and I had to stay one step ahead of them, sometimes I got to far ahead and screwed things up but mostly one step was all I wanted.
No one quite gets what you’re going through under normal circumstances, forget a situation like this and I needed some concrete help. It was only after the seventh attorney I spoke with who finally got it. The fifth did also and in part the sixth but the seventh nailed this. The first attorney I spoke to lied about not knowing about any of this.
Back to this lady; by the time we’d become friends I was in full battle mode most of the time. There was one attack on me after another, some were very serious and lot’s of people got hurt. I think she did her best to watch my back, along with some other very fine ladies who supported her in what she was doing but the attacks were relentless and I was always taking counter-measures and having to deal harshly with people who were trying to terminate me.
I can’t tell the details of this story now but one day she showed up in a big way, proverbially with sword in hand, in a way that should not be possible, to take care of something that I would not do. I wound up wrapping things up that day basically because things were about to get much worse and Ron was being threatened, but I’ve never seen anything like her or what she did and she did it with incredible beauty and grace… she was just breathtaking. It was the most magnificent thing I’ve ever seen as was she! It’s nice to have people watch your back, often you don’t know who it is, and I’m grateful for them but here to have someone take your front in an effective way, succeeding where no one should be able to, in a way that defies reason and possibility, in a way I had to train over twenty years to do….is amazing…and most of the attempts on my life…stopped. She had just had enough, as had I.
Ron Howard is a marketing and advertising genius and has done a ton of marketing campaigns and commercials. He did a lot of ads for Burger King and McDonalds…the above is one.
Here’s another commercial done by Ron:
And another… Ron is recognized as one of the most accomplished Jingle Writers…if he writes it…it sticks in your head!
He did this one for Band-Aid brand Bandaids…
Ron did the “If you don’t use regular Clorox…use Clorox 2” ad and jingle…I believe he also did the ad below because I can’t imagine anyone else doing a reggae Clorox ad!
There was another Reggae Jingle Commercial which Ron would have had to do…”They put lemon in the Tidy Bowl For You.” I can’t find the ad but Ron was Bob Marley and who else is going to do Reggae advertising.
Ron did this safety ad on the dangers of jaywalking
Ron did this commercial for the Campfire Girls
Ron did the commercial for Contact…”Give your heart to a friend…but give your cold to contact”
Ron did this A and W ad and jingle and commercial…
Ron did the “Look for the union label” jingle/ad for the ILGWU…
One of my favorite commercials of all time and I believe only Ron could do it… I’ll go out on a limb and say that’s him in the commercial. He would have written the original song as well. I have confirmation on all this.
Ron did a lot of cereal ads and came up with a lot of the products. Heres one for Clackers…
Absolutely brilliant commercial done by Ron for Post Crispy Critters…FYI the lion sounds like Sheldon Leonard who played Harry the Horse in the Film Guys and Dolls and probably is as Ron’s father, Frank Sinatra was in the film as Nathan Detroit!
Ron came up with the products, names, and commercials for these three cereals: Count Chocula, Franke Berry, and Boo Berry. Why did he do it? Because no else could!
Ron wrote Kodachrome for Paul Simon, a type of camera film now practically obsolete…he would have done the ads for Kodachrome as well.
This is sort of cross-marketing that Ron did. Getting this song on the radio sold a lot of albums and film. Kind of like Ron aka Larry Carlton doing the Steely Dan song, “Cuervo Gold”.
Ron was responsible for Honeycomb cereal…
Ron also performed the song Honeycomb on Happy Days…I can’t seem to find it
I believe this one is also Ron’s…
and it is!!! When I was a kid some new cereal came out every six months or so. Clackers came with a whistle that sounded really loud and obnoxious. Ton’s of sugar in the cereal but back then sugar was good for you…just like cigarettes and nuclear waste!
Ron did ads for Cracker Jack…
Ron was involved in commercials for Pream, powdered coffee creamer, using a jingle done by originally by Theresa Brewer…remember Pream is better than cream!
Ron did the Ad for Shake and Bake…. it’s Shake and Bake and I helped!!
Ron did the jingle and ad for “It’s Betty Crocker ready to spread frosting”
Ron did the jingle and ad for Chiffon margarine…Ro
Ron was responsible for the marketing of the game “Mastermind” He had this game played on all college campuses and touted how many sports and entertainment figures were Masterminds. In fact he was the true Mastermind getting us to buy into that and this game!R
Ron marketed and did the jingle and the commercial for slinky, one of the greatest toys of all time! Realize that Ron was born March 1, 1954, a lot of the ads I’m showing are from the sixties which would make him anywhere from 6 to 15.
Ron did a great number of commercials and marketed many of Wham-O products including the following…Super Elastic Bubble Plastic. I can’t find the jingle which he wrote. I would not be surprised if it turned out to be his company. He did not do Frisbee.
Ron did the Jingle and marketing for Dipsy Doodles corn chips. I can’t find it but it went something like this….Dipsy Doodles the corn chip with snap….fresh corn flavor makes everybody clap…for Dipsy Doodles the corn chip with snap. Last time I saw the ad was probably about 50 years ago so that’s all I can recall.
Ron did the Jingle and ads for Mr. Chips Chocolate Chip Cookies. It was a terrific cookie and even came in coconut and other flavors. You could not get enough of them. I can’t find the jingle or any commercials for it but the tune is the same as for Post Crispy Critters…
More chocolate chips…In Mr. Chips…oh we will fight for Chocolate chips…it’s the great new chocolate chip cookie than has ever been before.
It even came with a hand puppet which I remember! You couldn’t do that now because they’d be afraid that you’d stuff this down you pharynx and choke to death!
Ron was responsible for the marketing of Alka-Seltzer and this jingle…
Ron did the jingle and ad for the beef industry called, “Beef it’s what’s for dinner.” Powerful Beefscapes” is the latest advertising campaign from The Beef Checkoff. Building on the “Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner” slogan, the print and radio advertisements, voiced by actor Matthew McConaughey, ask people to “Discover the Power of Protein in the Land of Lean Beef”. Let’s go see who Matthew McConaughey is!
Ron wrote for MAD Magazine and wrote a bit called Oh What A Glorious Dinner about a Chinese Restaurant meal to the tune of Oh, What a Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma. He also wrote a bit called, “I’m Looking Over My Dead Dog Rover” which was to the tune of “I’m Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover”. This was his specialty when writing for the magazine, changing the lyrics to popular songs to make them funny! It paved his way to become Weird Al Yankovich.
I removed a mistake here. I had warren Beatty as Ron and Faye Dunaway as Cheryl. I took it down. I was told I had a major mistake somewhere on this site and I think this was it. This would be a major mistake. Mistakes are bad because anyone wanting to debase your material only needs to find one mistake and play that up.
I found that Cheryl Howard played Patty Lane on the Patty Duke Show. I’m still working on who played her cousin, Cathy, on the show.
Pictured: Matthew McConaughey, Bryce Dalace Howard Picture by: Janet Mayer / Splash News… Wait till Matt finds out he’s hitting on his sister! In fact this photo just looks staged. Matt knew about Bryce of course, Bryce was the one family member I was pretty sure knew about Matt, the older folks knew but most others did not or did not let on if they did
At some point, a couple years ago, a woman in one of the audiences that Ron pulled together for what turned out later to be kind of an “Ed” show or I believe it was called, “Ed’s Show”, I’ll go into it later but she said to me, “You’re nothing but a client”. At another point she also called me a slut; and still another told me that the TMS machine I had did not give me special powers.
The slut remark was funny and here is a definition from The Urban Dictionary:
A derogatory term.
Refers to a sexually promiscuous person, usually female.
One who engages in sexual activity with a large number of persons, occasionally simultaneously.
Also refers to one who engages in sexual activity outside of a long-term relationship within the duration of said relationship.
These sexual activities include but are not limited to: passionate kissing, manual stimulation of genitalia and/or breasts in the case of a female; oral stimulation of these parts; sexual intercourse.
In some cases, used to refer to a woman who is wearing “skimpy” or tasteless clothing.
Less commonly, used as a derogatory term by one female for another during periods of conflict.
Synonyms: whore, tramp. Derivations: slutty (adj.), sluttier/sluttiest (superlatives). Related Adjectives: easy; immoral; loose; cheap.
“That slut has slept with every man in this room!”
“That girl is such a slut–I can’t believe that she cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend!”
“Look at that slut in her mini-skirt! She is not wearing any underwear!”
“I don’t want to talk to her! I hate that slut!”
“That slut is easy like Sunday morning.”
She then said on another occasion, “You’re nothing but a client.” This was painful and got under my skin. When I brought it up a couple of weeks ago some other women turned to her and I believe they were angry she had said it and here I brought it up again. I asked them to leave her alone because she was correct and this was a hard and bitter pill to swallow. I don’t believe she was 100% correct and I think things may have changed a bit but this remark would not have been so painful if it wasn’t in some large part true. There have been some attempts by Ron and Cheryl to amplify this particular role which I have resisted. There have been attempts to decrease it and they have certainly been kind to me in ways I could not imagine. At the end of the day I have been sent on a mission which has never been accomplished. I was told, “The object of the mission is to stay on track.” I was given a final order which I have stuck to. I hold all other orders subject to interpretation. I can’t be contained in a shoebox, these people will never accomplish what they need and I have still risen in rank despite going full Kurtz on these people. I have left for months at a time, acting in concert with my higher power and sometimes my lower and I have taken care of business for these people and others without consultation…just pure guidance. Much of this is God’s will, well really all of it but the “just a client” remark was painful and I consider this woman very valuable in some way as a friend because a true friend will tell you things you may not want to know. I’m not close with her, I don’t even know who she is but her information has been valuable to me. It has been worth studying in depth over and over. Perhaps she was trying to cruel and was jealous…it still got under my skin and in my mind…truth often hurts. There was enough truth in it to hurt. I think in part Ron and Cheryl tried to expand this part of my role which I’ve resisted. I avoid doing things that would define being a client. I have never been a client that I can recall. I have mutual relationships with people, I attempt not to contaminate that. I’d rather go lacking and live in emptiness than live with a false relationship, hence I disappear at times.
I promised myself many years ago that I would never fall in love with a Hollywood Starlit and I’ve kept to that. The people I have fallen in love with have been beyond remarkable but virtually without fail I never fell in love with the Starlit, I fell in love with the person and I know that has been genuine and there have been lot’s of wonderful people to fall in love with.
When I arrived at the Howard’s basement for the first time I knew of only two people from the family, Ron and Clint Howard…that was it! I never heard of Cheryl, Bryce, Reed, Jocelyn, or Paige, or anyone else. I didn’t know the extent of these people’s activities and I slowly pieced things together, using very good psychic abilities developed largely through hard work and the hand of God and using the internet to study everyone. Everything the reader sees here is through intensive labor, psychic skill and a smattering of good old fashioned luck and the will of one very intense lady who burned candles for me. She defines the mission and holds the final orders and in this way I am not a client. The aspect of “client” comes from Ron and Cheryl who would prefer to hold me as such and not from this woman, I don’t believe so.
The notion of “client” makes things convenient in a relationship that for whatever reason needs to be limited. My personal belief is that Ron, as part of his major contract agreement had to agree that I would never show up within his hallowed walls. On a secondary note this very fine woman is a very key aspect of Ron’s organization. She is extremely important in a lot of ways. My presence would complicate things.
As much as I like or love everyone and I have grown to be liked or loved by many people I feel most of the relationships are at best half relationships because of these limitations. I can’t hug people, I can’t touch them, I can’t shake their hands and possibly most important…I can’t break bread with them which I consider just about the most important aspect of any relationship…the ability to sit and eat with someone. It is the start of most relationships and creates peace and a sense of wholeness. This from what I can tell has never in ernest happened with most of these people, except for my lady friend who I had four dates with many years ago and fed me on all four of them though she never put any food to her lips.
This is about to get more complicated so I’m going to move to a new blog because this one has gotten too long and unwieldy. Go to Ron and Cheryl Howard Part II.
Lindsay Lohan does not own any flying monkeys. Humblest apologies to…
Jerry Garcia Enterprises ended a long term dispute with “The Foundation for the Preservation of Transitional Objects” today and dropped its lawsuit against. The blood feud started when the Foundation insulted The Blues for Allah Project. Prominent members of Islam considered joining the lawsuit but finally decided against it saying, “The album does really suck.”
As part of the agreement The Foundation agreed to start every Foundation meeting from now until time in memorial with Jerry Garcia’s rendition of Teddy Bear Picnic knocking Bing out of the box and the Crosby family scrambling to do another song with David Bowie only to find out that Bowie had passed on. The Foundation also agreed not to insult the album any more and instead rag on “Stella Blue”, a song noted to make Jerry Garcia crazy when anyone insulted it.
In an unexpected moment of good fortune that could only be described as kismet…
…all Teddy Bears were released from their long incarceration and returned to their rightful owners. Children in Hollywood as well as busy studio executives rejoiced as cabinets, safes, and safe-deposit boxes in banks were opened and the Teddies emerged largely unscathed from their long and unprecedented incarceration.
Some executives were seen this morning furiously digging up their back yards to gain theTeddies they had hidden underground because their wives kept giving the Teddies back to their children. The Executives carefully avoided digging up the bodies and illicit gains they had secured there.
A studio executive who asked not to be identified stated, “The bears were initially hidden away so Ed wouldn’t find out about them. How were we to know he already knew?”
Lady Gaga was the first to blow this wide open when she said, “Dad! Ed already knows about this… he just blogged about this in his post about Aunt Mary’s (edit-“Mom’s” 1-10-1017) ugly green dress! By the way…he wants to know if anyone has a picture of her in that dress without her underwear and he also wants to see the photo of Marlon and Wally.”
All Teddy Bears were simultaneously released and sales of Teddy Bears in Los Angeles went through the roof when some Teddies could not be found or had been permanently destroyed in moldy graves. The sad owners were told that, “Teddy must have gone to the farm”.
Little children who’ve never had a Teddy because they were born after “The Great Teddy Bear Ban” were taken to stores by their Grandmothers or Au Peres, their mothers being too busy running the world and doing “some fun stuff” and bought brand new Teddies of their own.
“Star Toys” in Brentwood Village was offering 2 for 1 specials on Bears and 10% off any trade-in of some other transitional object like Mr. Floppy. The trade-ins would be donated to area homeless shelters where grateful residents were quoted as saying, “What the f–k is wrong with white people?”
Attempts to block the egress of Lindsay to the toy stores before she could corner the market on Teddies and sell them at a huge profit failed when she sent off her flying monkeys to just purloin them. Back at her home she arranged the all the Teddies on the floor in her bedroom and performed an old night club act for them. She then made them sit through a director’s cut of “Mean Girls”. Any Teddy who refused to watch the film was stuck in the closet and told they would not get any dinner. Staff in Lindsay’s house were later grilled by Lindsay saying, “How did Ed find out about the show?” “Which one of you told him?” She then quickly stuck all the Teddies in the closet except for one who she confided to saying, “You’re my bestest friend!” She then made the bear watch her in, “Fully Loaded” while she teased him by showing him her underwear collection.
Bears sold normally have to be of the same size, shape and color to elimate any appearance of differences in wealth and social class (but really who are we kidding) however with these unprecedented sales the smaller, standard sized, “classless” bears sold out quickly.
“The Foundation for the Preservation of Transitional Objects” for the first time in history allowed the sale of Teddies of different sizes, colors and shapes to meet this demand with the exception of “Deady Bears”. They were quoted as saying, “We just don’t like the damn things, they’re creepy! We also don’t want anyone to associate our beloved Teddies with the use of lysergic acid.” They added, “Can you also explain to us wtf was Jerry thinking when he made “Blues for Allah”?
Though people were told not to use the Teddies as hostages or for purposes of extortion, some jewelry stores were open through the night packed with busy studio executives pleading with their wives to, “pick out whatever you want and as much as you want just give me back Teddy!!!” The women were quoted as saying, “Sorry, that’s just how we do things here. We think they got off easy.” Some busy studios executives had to agree to be used in special ceremonies in order to get their Teddies back.
Teddy Roosevelt, the name sake of Teddy Bears, could not reached for comment however his progeny at the studios responded by saying, “Eff you Ed!”, “Eff you and we hope you die!”
Have a great day!!!!
Remember…when Teddy Bears are outlawed only outlaws will have Teddy Bears!
Hero of the Day:
Joe E. Brown…Hero of the Transgender Movement
Here Joe E. Brown (Osgoode), our hero of the Transgender or Gender Queer Movement manages to seduce Jack Lemmon into thinking he’s ignorant of the fact that Jack is a guy. This whole time, however, Joey has been reeling in the man of his dreams. In the end they ride off into the sunset whileJoe E. smiles, Jack is left pondering a life as Mrs. Osgoode and Joey’s “Mama” (who is actually his “Papa”) plans the wedding nuptials. A true first in onscreen Gender Queer romance.
You are so beautiful
To me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can’t you see
You’re everything I hope for
You’re everything I need
You are so beautiful to me
You are so beautiful to me
You are so beautiful
To me
Can’t you see
You’re everything I hope for
You’re every, everything I need
You are so beautiful to me
What are “Crummy Buttons”?
The first five people to correctly answer this question will receive an autographed pair of my gatkes. Mom has promised not to play so your odds of winning go up dramatically. She in fact has had me sign a pair every year since I could hold a crayon in my hand. Tomorrows quiz of the day will be, “What are the latkes doing in my gatkes?” Good luck everyone!!!!
Answer: Crummy Buttons are… “the candy that looks like a button and tastes like a crumb cake”
Thanks to all of you for the candles… I’ll be fine!
I tried putting on this outfit once but my moobs hung out over the edges and even the manzier didn’t help much. I finally had to go into Victor’s Secret where they laughed and humiliated me and told me to go home and take it off.
Thank you to all my well wishers lighting candles for me…I think it was for me. This turned out to be a big plus as it led to the first interfaith coupling of the Wiccan Dancers and Chasidic Bottle Dancers. It was a beautiful thing to behold!
Though Orthodox law forbid the Chasidic men from actually dancing together with the ladies the two groups did retire to the back room after the dance and share a nice Matzah Brei and some Tsimmis while they argued about whose star held more power.Dafne Keen then showed up and concluded the argument bysaying that because she was X-23, in X-Men movie, “Logan” she had the most star power. No one wanted to argue with Dafne… with good reason!
Truth stranger than fiction Margot Robbie in fact attempted to murder her own psychiatrist turned boyfriend by driving him off a ninety foot cliff in a Mercedes Benz loaded with her relatives. Margot, after neurosurgery, was noted to say, “Everyone wanted to see me do it and loaded into the car for a first hand look… if they weren’t in there to cushion his fall I might have done him in… plus I should have disabled his air bag!”
In between takes of her films Margot studies to become a Clinical Psychologist in order to work with her new main squeeze, another psychiatrist turned boyfriend Dr. Stranger. Here’s Margot studying in between takes.
Margot plucked Dr. Stranger off the floor of a health club for old and sagging Jews where he told her…”I’m too old for you, I’m sick, I have high blood pressure, I’m fat, I’m tired and I smell.” To which she responded, “Did my dad put you up to this?” Being a woman of incredibly discerning taste she pulled out all of her feminine wiles to reel this guy in.
Our Hero of the Day is Oona Laurence. Oona was once again voted by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as Child Actress most likely to be kidnapped in a starring role. They stated, “Oona shows tremendous intestinal fortitude being repeatedly kidnapped, over and over again, in film after film, time after time.”
Now… on a more serious note… no one wants to see Oona kidnapped any more than I do…did I just say that?? Not what I meant. We just feel that a great actress like Oona is being type-cast into these 2-dimensional roles of actress gets kidnapped, then turns tide on the kidnapper, and wins or not, frankly who can tell. It simply has to stop. We just know that one day Oona will snap and go full 5 pounds of Hard Candy on everyone… until then… enjoy!
Nite all!!!
The above is done for purposes of humor only and it’s really pretty funny… that is of course until the authorities show up at the house and start asking questions… then it becomes hysterically funny!!!!
BTW… the link to Penny Dreadful is underneath the poster. It shares it’s name with the great series found on Netflix also called, “Penny Dreadful.” Why is that? The sloths in Hollywood cannot think of new ideas and have to recycle old ones. That includes names they just used because it might take some effort to come up with a new one. BTW, there’s also a new mouthwash coming out called of all things, “Penny Dreadful”; armpit spray called “Penny Dreadful”; that thing women stick inside themselves once a month…you got it…”Penny Dreadful” and the noise that Chewbacca makes will no longer be “Rrrrrrr-ghghghghgh” but instead “Penny Dreadful”. In fact only one of these is an appropriate name for the product.
Also note: If Timothy Dalton had done this world class acting job 30 years ago he’d still be doing Bond… well… except for that and the Timmy thing… you know… Timmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Helloooo Timmmmmmy!!!! Timothy!!!! Timothy!!! Yoooo Hooo Timmy!
What’s this? …. nothing to see here… move along!
Hero of the Day is Asa Butterfield star of “The Space Between Us”…Here is the trailer
Here’s my advice… skip the trailer… go see the film. It looks good but if you watch the trailer you’ll know the whole film. Kind of a pet peeve of mine like…
Shutter Island starring….
Leonardo DiCaprio
In the film…hold on…that’s not Leonardo… that’s the guy from Walking Dead… Daryl Dixon… anyway they showed all these trailers of Shutter Island then held up the release date and showed them again until you figured out that Leonardo was the missing mental patient and not one of “Hoover’s Boys”. BTW…super great film anyway and you know what? The trailer didn’t spoil the fact that DiCaprio gets a lobotomy in the end. Actually in his brain and not in the end.
Or “Castaway” with Tom Hanks…I went to get the trailer and this person expresses my thoughts perfectly about it…
From Michael Joyce…”Bad trailer since it gave away the whole movie. All trailers are supposed to have suspense to get you pumped for surprises. There are only three things they didn’t give away at least. Wilson floating away at sea, What is in the coffin, and Kelly marrying somebody else. We shouldn’t have been told in the trailer that Tom Hanks makes it off the island safe cause that was stupid but the three things i brought up, the trailer was smart to not show those elements lol.”
Now Michael gets his point across without managing to win a Pulitzer Prize like Roger Ebert.
A Hanks film you simply could not screw up the trailer for is “Forrest Gump” because no one could follow the film anyway…OK just kidding Tom!!!
Gump is one of my favorite films and people in the US followed it just fine…no so much anywhere else… kind of like Seinfeld which played great in about a ten inch radius of NYC but elsewhere…eh.
BTW the actual first line from the book Forrest Gump by Winston Groom is…
I will avoid any further spoilers however you should know that Butch and Sundance get gunned down and George Taylor finds out he’s on the planet earth. Thank you Robotman!
Back to Asa Butterfield…
It looks like he’s playing Spiderman in the film. It’s a plum role after doing a series of great films like Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children…I think I stayed there for a while.
Answers Below!
First Answer!
Second Answer:
The clock runs backwards in The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button in an effort to save lives lost during the War (here WWI) and…
Though not the scene where time runs backwards we do get to see Miss Peretrine played by Eva Green and her pocket watch with which she runs time backwards also in an effort to save lives during The War (here WWII).
Third Answer:
I cried like a girl in both movies!!!
Congratulations to the only winner…my mom!!! Who saw me cry during both movies and also looked over my shoulder while I wrote this post. If you only got only one or two out of the three…you lost!! Too bad…better luck next time. Try to study harder!!
Nite everyone!!!
“Why did I only get two out of three?!”
A very Happy New Year Beatrice to you and all of your beloved family and friends!
You only get more beautiful and talented by the day…Happy Mother’s Day!
Love Eddie
OK…this is a very big find and I just had it confirmed. You have to stretch your mind for this one and realize that if Pope Benedict can be Robert Blake of all people and Pope John Paul can be Tom Landry then anything is possible. If I hadn’t been working on Stan Laurel for the last few months I would never have figured this out. Realize Stan Laurel was also Humphrey Bogart, Art Carney and Fred Astaire. I also sat next to him at a local theater and watched “Bullet Train” which he liked and said it was “very dark”. It was a pleasure meeting him. I’ve worked on this a while and am convinced this is him. Supposedly Stan was born in 1890 which I’m not sure about. It would make him over 130 years old. It’s possible. I’ve met people who were 115 and are now 120. Stan was in amazing shape as he was Fred Astaire. When I saw him except for a small limp which looked arthritic he looked great. So here it is: Stan Laurel aka Pope Francis…Boruch Hashem!
Ed is presenting some popes because he may have the current one…and isn’t he cute!!!! (Ed is cute but so is Pope Francis!!)
This one got me in hot water with Robert Blake though I didn’t out him…just made the whole mess funny. Sorry Bob…big fan though!
Pope Francis coming soon, I’m about 95% on it which isnt good enough for me…I need to be 98% or better
Love you, miss you…mean it!!!!
Cheryl Howard spent a good deal of time in Brooklyn NY. She hung with a friend of Ed’s and miserated over how she hated high school and was going to be an actress so didnt need to go. Ed’s friend counseled her about the error of her ways that she would never be an actress and she needed to stay in school so she could get a job as a secretary or something else productive. (You see she was going to be an actress, she was going to be a star…she was going to shake her ass on the hood of Whitesnake’s car!)
In Brooklyn Cheryl tooled around under the name…Donna Pescow…or as she said she was often called in Brooklyn…Donna Cowpes…that’s how we played it in Brooklyn!
Despite being counseled that she would never amount to anything in acting she tried out for the film Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta who turns out to be Ron Howard (see above) and got a starring role which she knocked out of the park! I didnt know her back then but caught an act of hers at a nightclub a few years later in NYC. She was nice when I met her though admitted she was speeding her brains out!
I was working at UPS at the time loading trucks and told a friend I was going to meet her. He asked me if I would ask her if she really banged those guys in the back of the car…now you’re a hole and she was…Courtney Love!!!
My dad had a fur store in Bensonhurst Brooklyn.
He gave away wooden coins for advertising…Ron would approve, he’s got a giant rubber shark!!
Directly, Across the street from the Fur store they filmed an opening scene at Lenny’s Pizza…
Ron Travolta, in the film, went to the window of the Pizzeria and ordered to slices, put one on top of the other and walked off and ate them…
In all the years I ate there probably 2-300 times I never saw anyone do that!!! The one time I did it years later after the film someone saw me do it and yelled…Hey!!! John Travolta!!! in a good way too!
Here’s what’s really cool…Cheryl aka Donna met my mom!!! Cheryl went into the fur store and wanted a fur to wear in the film. She tried to convince mom to give her the jacket for free. I doubt my mom gave it away for free but I’m guessing she gave her a very good deal. Here’s a picture of Donna/Cheryl wearing the fur in the film:
What’s really cool about this? It’s the same fur you can see in the window of Baruch Furs!!!! Maybe not the identical one but the same type and they were hand made in the store. Check it out below!!!
As a last piece of change Cheryl aka Donna directed a short film. It was payback to someone who had written all her school papers so she could graduate High School. I heard she did a great job, I liked the film, it kind of funny too, a war film! I doubt you can find it.
Aside from from doing a memorable stand up routine at Pips Comedy Club in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn Ron Howard performed at another illustrious entertainment site nearby…Rainbow Lanes Bowling also in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn!!!
So what did Ron do there…great performance art!!! He was Andy Kaufman
And what did he do at Rainbow Lanes? Mighty Mouse!!! Here is Andy Kaufman doing Mighty Mouse!!!!
Ohhh wait…that’s Jim Carrey as Andy Kaufman doing his Mighty Mouse shtick…but wait…Jim Carey was Andy Kaufman!!!! so we’re all good…Here I come to save the day!!!! The audience at the bowling alley ate him up after they were done being stunned at whiskey tango fuck they just saw!!!
What else was great about Rainbow Lanes other than Ron performed there? Larry David bowled there!! Here’s a picture of him which frankly looks more like Ron or the kid next to him. Kind of looks like a rabbi I once knew.
I wouldn’t normally believe that’s Larry however it appears that the kid on the top left may be Jeff Garlin also from the Larry David Show!!! Sure looks like him.
Let’s see if we can find a picture of Jeff Garlin as a kid!
Eh…who can tell?!
In the end Rainbow Lanes was turned into a public storage facility…the end.
Ron used to perform all over NYC. On one occasion, probably more he performed at Pips Comedy Club in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn.
Eddie remembered him. He states and I quote, “A cool drink of water, he was. A bit full of himself but he was entitled to be so. I don’t remember most of the act but he did an impersonation of himself from Dirty Harry where he played the gay guy in the park looking to have sex with Clint Eastwood. He tells Harry Callahan, “My friends call me Alice, and I will take a dare.”
I believe that’s him after all Ron Howard is…Alice Cooper!!! and his friends call him Alice!!!
After he did his impersonation of himself he broke into an impersonation of Clint Eastwood (note, he had asked the lighting guy for some sexy light for the moment of transition…it was really creepy!!! it was almost as if it was Ron Howard was there himself doing an impersonation of Clint!!!
So I wore a very cool Clint EAstwood T shirt to the British Invasion Years concert and would you know it…neither John Lennon, nor Ringo Starr would talk to me!!!! It was just a silhouette of him!!! I felt so shunned!!! I thought it was because of running into Meatloaf and Stevie Vicks and her daughter but who knows? I’m always doing something right and wrong!!!
A friend of friend, a religious man believed Jodi Arias was innocent…and he fell in love with her. No wonder he did. This took me about a minute.
I originally had Stan Laurel as Al Jennings and he may have looked so much like him they took a later photo but I studied John Brown and noticed the uncanny resemblance and revised this theory.
I’ve posted on these guys before. Amazing entertainers. March of the Wooden Soldiers aka Babes in Toyland is in my top 10 favorite films. I still watch it. Great depth with these two guys and I had the please of watching Bullet Train with Mr. Laurel who I spoke with afterward. Terrific guys. Bonus points: You can’t get a name like Edward Norton in Hollywood unless you’re related to Art Carney and here he is! Also a terrific actor and looks like Stan!!! Great stuff!