Grateful for Blade Runner 2049

Brief review of Blade Runner 2049. Terrific film, especially for a sequel. I can’t think of a single major complaint about the film.

I think most importantly about the film it stuck to the temper and tenor of the original film, Blade Runner, which is somewhere in my top 5 science fiction films, it may be at the top. Waterworld would be in that list too, which i loved. I believe science fiction has to be judged differently than other films but I digress.

Stuck to the themes and overtones of the first film in what could be called a film noir detective science fiction film. Acting was superb, not a stiff in the bunch. I’m not going to single anyone out but you know who you are, Sylvia Hoeks. I’m glad Harrison didn’t get killed off. It’s a pain bringing back great characters after they’re killed like Sigourney Weaver in Alien or Bill Shatner or Leonard Nimoy in Star Trek.

I give this film an A+. Under normal circumstances I’d give it just an A but I give the additional + for not fucking it up! Not so easy making a sequel and this hit it out of the park.

FYI, I spotted Gilly in the film…omg!!!! super super super job!!!! A pleasure to watch on the screen even as an Asian.

Also shout out to Edward James Olmos who I loved in the original but I suspect would never have let Harrison in his new flying car with an open bowel of ramen noodle soup.



Spotter came in first, then she did with her assistant, and she sent me a message. Something about me and her husband. My response is below. I’m not sure who he was but I’m sure he was a lovely man just like fucking Hitler. I would have told him to rot in hell but I’ve been down there a few times and it’s not so bad… largely misunderstood.

I am sympathetic for the woman’s loss but the man was no angel, he was no choir boy, and he was no boy scout, he made bad choices and he lost and he left her behind. Another untouchable arrogant prick and those he stood with him have his stink on their person.

He played a dangerous game as did the others. God was not happy with his behavior and in the end God made the decision about him, with him and for him and many others.

My sincerest condolences to you for your loss, which I’m sure is worth roughly a warm bucket of spit as it was with many others. He was nice to you but he was not a nice man. In the end he got just what he deserved, I’m not sure about you.

Desolation Row

one of my favorite dylan songs but I love My Chemical Romance’s version. they manage to distill and 10+ minute song to under 4 and knock it out of the park.

Loved it at the end of Watchmen.

it’s just fkin sad

kid didn’t look right,

I have a long medical training

put in 30 years and you can do this too

we could all pray together


we’ll keep praying…who’s the one who just made him gay?

mercury stuck in the liver….phuck!

yep strands of the stuff…yep looks like gold…maybe it’s gold

anyone know someone who can do heavy metal chelation?

u got a pediatrician there?




Something wrong with this kid?


Look for a post vaccination syndrome if yes.

possible floppy baby ,  eyes don’t track together, possible low cognition

sweet and beautiful but likely developmental issues, physical and likely cognitive.

Major Error Correct: Which Beatle is Ron?

Major Error

I knew Ron Howard was one of the Beatles. Sadly, I chose the wrong one and I apologize to Ron and anyone else this affected. I know I have a bunch of errors around Cheryl and I was not aware of Diane Keaton’s role of importance in this family so I have sins of omission with her. Also, sins of omission with Robin Williams.

I went to see “British Invasion Years a few times now.” I’ve been impressed with everyone up there (why shouldn’t I be?) I recognized Robin Williams up there and was blown away by his magnificent voice and knowledge and handling of the songs. The others are tremendous as well but this was a real surprise for me and I was left with a nagging feeling that he must have been one of the original Beatles. Admittedly my work here was sloppy but I had other information and thought I had George Harrison nailed down. I went to look at Ringo again and noticed the resemblance between Ringo and Bono. I don’t believe there are enough quality photos of Ringo with Bono and I had just identified Bono as Robin Williams. I then thought that there may have been two Ringos, one Robin one Ron, but I started to look at George Harrison again. I realized that George looked like two other identities of Ron: Nureyev and Mapplethorpe:

Rudolf Nureyev aka Ron Howard
Robert Mapplethorpe aka Ron Howard 
George Harrison aka Ron Howard…scarring looks correct’

I now have Robin Williams as Ringo Starr.

Ringo Starr aka Robin Williams

I’m double checking on Paul McCartney.

Again, humblest of apologies to all. As I’ve said earlier.

“In this craft when learning don’t be afraid to make mistakes; when skilled don’t make mistakes.”