Random Photo off the net here is Matt Damon’s son

The ever adorable Jacob Sartorius demonstrating excellent dental hygiene!! and really not so random after all.

So who is this handsome young boy? None other than the son of Matt Damon!! and what does he have to say??? Daddy…put in some more choreographed fight scenes in your Bourne movies!! and don’t call it a Bourne movie if you’re not in it playing Jason Bourne!! Thats what he’s saying.

This would also be the grandson of Ron Howard! Also the great grandson of Frank Sinatra and Patsy Cline.

Here’s how we found it: Chelsea Atkinson aka Luciano Barroso is communicating with this young man on Twitter and I looked at his pics and figured good looking kid likely to be her’s and Matt’s son.

In one photo he appears to have a sister. Let’s see who she is!

This very talented dancing mom shows up on Jacob’s paige…

Kaycee Rice…ok not a dance mom and why is Matt Damon’s middle name Paige? hmmm… One vote for Kaycee Rice

And I’m told we have a winner and you should go watch her dance! This is Matt’s daughter and Ron’s granddaughter. there may be more and I’d love to stay but there’s bills to pay and I just don’t have the time.

Back later gator!

Matt Damon, I believe in Iceland with his mother, Isold Ugadottir. She would be Ron’s lover
Matt Damon as a child
Matt Damon in Iceland
Isold Uggadottir, Matt Damon’s mother, Ron Howard’s lover and baby mommy. She’s pretty yummy!
The dates are wrong on this one but I went online looking Creepy Gene Rosen and my work came up. Hmm…why was I looking for Gene Rosen?
The guy who played Creepy Gene Rosen at the Sandy Hook Massacre Hoax to the left of Isold Uggadotir. FYI, I would lay double odds that Isold shows up at Sandy Hook.
this photo occupied an honored place on Isold’s Facebook page and is her Grandfather Agnar Þórðarson. This is an absolutely perfect black and white photograph, wonderful depth and personal elements also a damaged hand and an x-man tie!
He reminds me of the great Icelandic director Hrafn Gunnlaugsson who I figured correctly as the son of Agnar Þórðarson.and the father of Isold  Uggadotir.

I had actually never heard of Hrafn Gunnlaugsson but I figured the guy above to be a director of some sort because of the perfection in the picture in black and white so I went to look for Icelandic directors…also who else is Ron going to show the most respect to and go visit and give his daughter a child…a studied and famous director. BTW I had no help on any of this just confirmation if I was correct on the steps I took including Creepy Gene Rosen.

I decided to check out the royal family of Iceland next and came across this photo which was unusual at best. I’ll leave it alone because I have other things to do. I think it’s from 2010

Luxembourg’s Grand Duke Henri and wife Maria Teresa were present as well, as was the President of Finland and the wife of Iceland’s President. The Greek royal family was well represented, as was for obvious reasons the Danish royal family.
Isold at Sandy Hook as a despondent mother


The above was a video of Creepy Gene Rosen at Sandy Hook. You can see him studying his lines off index cards


this one is also good







Question: Is Matt Damon a son of Ron but not anyone I’ve identified already?

Matt Damon-nice looking boy!

I’m getting a yes here! Totally different separate son, not Cheryl’s son.

I’m being asked how I got this…

A while back I identified Matt in a photo as screen writer Shane Atkinson.

FYI, Shane Atkinson wrote Penny Dreadful the short film with Kiki in it! Reminds me of a patient I had. Shane not Kiki though Kiki reminded me of a few patients I’ve had and some friends now!  the patient left after his case stopped making sense.

now one of my favorite films!!!

I decided to double check if Atkinson was Damon by checking the wives to see if they were the same person.

Matt Damon, Robin Williams and Matt’s wife Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting
Matt Damon and his actual wife
Shane Atkinson and Bob Cristiano
Chelsea Atkinson

Now I cam across this sliver of a picture of Chelsea Atkinson while researching Atkinson and decided it was a pretty good match for Luciano Barroso.

Here’s where it gets fun and I shouldn’t give away all my secrets but it’s really fun and you get a lot of information back when you post something and leave out a few if not all of the steps it took to get you there. This would make the fibbers crazy and they’d be up all night trying to figure out how to arrest me for espionage when my contention was always everything I do is off public domain. Here what I did (and sorry Matt but it paid off handsomely) was figure out that Chelsea Atkinson was Luciano Barroso after I figured out that Shane Atkinson was Matt Damon and put up the picture above of Chelsea with a post that read, random picture off the net.

Here’s where I got the info about Matt being Ron’s son: Matt asked Ron….”Is this really a random photo off the net?” Ron said to Matt, “Nothing Ed does is random.”

What came through in that interation was the warmth between Ron and Matt, the need for guidance and the guidance provided. These two were close and Matt could have been a four year old boy seeking help from his father there. It was a beautiful interaction. You’d have to be pretty close with Ron to do this.

Anyway this was very cool, I got a bunch of info, learned about myself and how the world perceives me and got to bust on Matt Damon which was really kind of fun seeing how good looking, wonderful and famous and all…sadly that always seems to be fun and I get to meet a lot of new, curious and often pissed off people like this.

Got to head out. Night all…see you in our shared dreams! Good night to all the kids and the Missesses!!!

People looking for some Eddiefication: Ron manages to get around a bit and probably has a bunch of other kids out and about here and therefore finding another one is not that big of a shocker. Also, the jump from a small interaction with Ron to being his son is in part talent but also educated assessment. Same coloring, looks are close enough, and they’re close enough with each other to talk so it has to be someone very close. I think when you’re doing analysis if all the pieces are in place you’re left with the endcome which is the one piece that falls into place and ties it all together and solves the riddle as opposed to the outcome which could have been anything that occurred.  The endcome should feel good when it happens.



Beg, Borrow or Shmear (Bribe)

Change the name of the book, “A Backpack, a Bear, and Eight Crates of Vodka” to “Beg, Borrow or Shmear” and create a film much like, “The Twelve Chairs” in it’s somber sweetness yet toned down enough to deal with the serious nature of a family of Jews escaping from the Ukraine in the 1970’s.

alternative is a couple of jewboys from brooklyn trying to get into a) a poker tourney or b) a couple gay jewboys trying to get into a Barbra concert or c) whatever else makes for a good story needing begging, borrowing or shmearing

Use the visual image of spreading of cream cheese onto a bagel as a metaphor for bribing….a shmear!

It’s big! Really big!!

And to Paige….Ha Ha!!! Soulmate of Hate was never done before!!!


Anyone know the answer to this one?

  1. Fremanezumab, a humanized CGRP mAb, has shown promising results in phase 2 clinical trials in preventing episodic and chronic migraine. To better understand the site and mechanism of action of fremanezumab, Melo-Carrillo and colleagues used single-unit extracellular recordings to examine the effects of a peripheral 30-mg/kg intravenous infusion of this mAb on spontaneous and evoked activity in naive, as well as cortical spreading depression-sensitized, central trigeminal vascular neurons in the trigeminal cervical complex of anesthetized rats. They presented the results of this research at the 2017 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.
    In this study, a peripheral infusion of fremanezumab
    Diminished central sensitization
    Enhanced central sensitization
    Prevented central sensitization
    Had no effect on central sensitization

Kiki’s Kombustible Komestible Review: Romero’s Breakfast and Mexican at the Berlin Flea Market Clementon Road, Berlin NJ

Restaurant review…Romero’s Breakfast and Mexican at the Berlin Flea Market Clementon Road, Berlin NJ.(Warning! Contains Spoilers!!!) I’m going to give this humble little eatery at the Berlin Flea Market…5/5 stars. The location and restaurant are humble but the food is not! Huge portions of very tasty food. I had some eggs with Mexican spices and veggies and refried beans and rice and was pleased to get tortillas that were piping hot and stayed hot through the meal which I could only eat half. The Mrs. had a giant sandwich bigger than Kliban’s head. A fresh baked loaf of bread with grilled dark meat chicken, some kind of shredded mild cheese, local veggies on top spice sauce and who knows what else with fries. She got through about a third of it. You can’t finish the food. The people in the restaurant are interesting probably not to each other but I liked ’em. Ran into a patient who didn’t recognize me in my disguise as the Duke of Edinburgh. She was with her friend who regarded me with about as much distain as is possible for any one person to muster up so I felt right at home! Very reasonable prices considering one meal would feed most of Istanbul which was Constantinople on a hungry day. Bring money for the indoor and outdoor flea market where I found a real dinosaur head last year but paleontologists from the local universities have told me to phuck off when I contact them because of course no one can find a dinosaur head that isn’t marked Hasbro at a flea market and they have 90 years combined experience looking at grainy pictures of petrified rocks and immediately discerning that the photo merely represents the delusional ravings of an insane lunatic…did I mention 90 years combined experience? Hey Drexel boys… no kidding…ID’ing a dinosaur is no BFD. I dissected a human body once I sincerely doubt any of you can make the same claim about about a dinosaur and we’re not talking about those puny reptiles that live today. These are the same guys who once a month get excited because they get to go to the school cafeteria and stick their Johnsons into the pickle slicer who takes offense at that name because she says, “I do so much more than that!” So…if you’re free on Friday, Saturday or Sunday break-lunch go to the Berlin Flea Market and find Romero’s Mexican and Breakfast at the front of the building when you first drive into the big parking lot and if anyone knows a paleontologist who does not examine dinosaur fossils through their large intestinal bowel wall or from grainy photographs and report that they’re rocks, I already know it’s a rock…it’s a 100 million phucking years old, it underwent petrification during that long dirt sleep (thank you Billy Mumy for that line) only to wind up now on my front lawn with one of my lawn gnomes as it’s pet who keeps trying to fondle it like it’s like it’s Dino’s wife Juliet from the Flintstones who he had 15 puppies with while he was still banging Sassy the star of some dinosaur reality TV show where they cut off the head of a live dinosaur and leave it buried somewhere in NJ where it can slowly drive some boy psychiatrist insane trying to prove that dinosaurs do exist in Berlin but try the food, bring an extra small intestine to help with digestion.

