Crayola narrowed down the names of it’s New Blue Crayon to: “Gender Bender Blue“, “Transgender Blue”, “Blue Boy” “Betty Blue” “Happy Blue” “Hello Frisco Blue” “Emasculata Blue” “Foxxy Blue” “Gay Disco Blue” “Prissy Blue” “Bathsheba Blue” “Bear Bottom Blue” “NAMBLA Blue” “Black Jack Blue” “Bahasa Binan Blue” “Beef Gravy Blue” “Tom Selleck Blue” and “Marjorie Morningstar Blue”.
The blue crayon campaign features a Gender Vague crayon awkwardly standing wearing a blue crayon dress with polka dot leggings. Sales of the crayon went through the roof when members of NAMBLA came up with their own contest using the crayon which can’t be described in any way shape or form in this blog.
Scotty the Blue Bunny put on his best blue bunny outfit for the occasion!
Scotty the Blue Bunny….the NAMBLA choice for mascot of the new crayon
Sales of one nut bathing suits in NAMBLA Blue have gone through the roof!!
Yuxi Suicide celebrated the occasion in a True Blue fashion
In solidarity with the new Happy Blue crayon color gays around the globe painted themselves either with the new blue color or Feminine Hygiene Pink and made out until they were all purple with lust.
lycra and spandex in “Emasculata Blue”Foxxy Blue in Foxxy Blue
Erin Moran, starred as Joanie Cunningham in Happy Days
Erin Moran, TV sister of Ron Howard recently passed as a complication of advanced cancer. Well loved in this role her smile would light up any room she was in.
We wish peace to family, friends and loved ones of Erin.
I thought it was just me but all of Hollywood was asked to leave over last day or so. Many went into desert others went elsewhere. Ron is waiting for decrees of loyalty from each person before they can reenter the land of e-pluribus-unum. I was considered loyal despite my disgruntled self and was allowed to stay or reenter which is a little weird since I’m not there most of the time anyway. A couple people have come back already: developments to follow as they happen. The Howard kids hung out in the basement so as to avoid public exposure during this time of self reflection and self recrimination.
Ron is exerting pressure on the community so they understand he’s in charge. He is truly being Mr. Dickowitz but he’s the only game in town. You must surrender to the Dickowitz…that’s why I’m still here by the shores of Gitchee goomee.
I’m afraid my nihilism was really quite correct and hopelessness follows.
I’ve made several trips into help and have found nothing as close to Satan as Ron. I know people have said that about me too. I’ve never found the demons that difficult at all or the devils for that matter. Ron can pretty much rule in hell or at least have the appearance of such. I don’t know what else to do with that other than say, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’ intrate.”
Bitter disappointment when Huggy Bear lost the bar and start selling junk on the side of a building…and I liked that bar…huggy informing the ladies that he knows they steal but to keep it to a minimum…show probably jumped the shark at that moment.
They should have fired him for being an idiot but they merely threatened to suspend him if this happened again. They gave him a Mulligan, a term popularized by Bill Clinton when playing golf which is basically a “do-over.”
From Wikipedia: “A mulligan is a second chance to perform an action, usually after the first chance went wrong through bad luck or a blunder. Its best-known meaning is in golf, whereby a player is informally allowed to replay a stroke, even though this is against the formal rules of golf.”
This was good because a previous guy did poorly on a testing and they should have scuttled the test completely or at least the result.
Anyway, normally the agents are just hanging in the grocery, usually on a phone but not always. I recognized one guy there on three separate occasions though two times not there. but this guy was a pure dick.
He came over to help bag and I told him to leave. Fibbers have a notion that they can do whatever they want because they are “Untouchable” and they are!!! Really!! They can come in your house…murder you…rape your son and your daughter and boil and eat your cat without any consequences, at least none publicized. This is a bit of an exaggeration but maybe not. They go rogue and can kill anyone they want without noticeable consequences. Maybe there’s an internal process. I know one guy who got in some shit with consequences but overall they can do what they want. This gives them a tremendous advantage over others in society, noticeable arrogance and in fact an aura of being untouchable. Let me point out that there are true “untouchables” in this world in India who deserve more respect than many of these other “untouchables”.
Anyway I told him to leave, I didn’t need help bagging and the check out lady told him to leave, and I told him to leave two more times and he whispered something in her ear and she left and he took over the register. This was good cause he was about to advance his career and take on new heights bringing me down or he might just fuck up.
I asked him, “What’s with the fake voice?” He was using a radio announcer voice. Oh…side point…fibbers seldom travel alone. There would have been at least one more there and I spotted two others earlier, it’s hard to be 100% correct. I asked him a few times about the voice and then I said to him, “Why don’t you use your real voice?” Which he did for a bit. Note 1: anyone starting with anything fake is likely to be a fake in other ways. I figured there would be fibbers in there, there almost always are and I had just been posting about some criminal activity.
He had the look of a young male fibber: Medium build, and relatively lean: a person who would run rather than lifting weights, descript in his non-descriptness. He had to be in his mid to late twenties and he had tattoos on one arm. Some complex mess of shapes and colors, and underneath it something tribal. I don’t typically take photos of any of these guys, I find it not that helpful and I don’t want to piss them off anymore than I have to.
I studied the tattoo for a bit and declared it was similar to all the other piece of shit tattoos I saw on other agents. I figured I’d study it later from my memory.
So he wouldn’t leave, which was annoying because I love to kid around with the cashiers at Trader Joes, they’re really fun and this lady was very nice. He had the fake voice, and a dipshit arrogance, overly exuberant for a cashier anywhere. He targeted me and had whispered to the cashier to leave. I had enough info…I asked him what agency he worked for. He didn’t answer. He didn’t speak much after that, all he kept thinking was, “How did he make me so fast?” He kept repeating this or something similar over and over and over. Answer: He made too many mistakes, too many things out of place and not natural. FYI: Female agents much harder to spot, and they don’t all look so much alike.
He got picked up and taken to HQ. On the way he was told he was suspended which really surprised the hell out of me. Apparently job #1 is to keep your identity secure which he didn’t do. He should have left when he was told to but he was young and reckless and smell glory in this. When he got to HQ he spoke with a higher up. FYI: The really higher ups are very tall and supervisors are older than the average agent, shorter and just a bit stockier.
The higher up told him he wasn’t suspended but was being admonished. He didn’t protect his identity and gained very little from the encounter. He should have left and let back up take over. They may have suggested a couple days off, I think they settled on getting back to work but I can’t be sure. It is a better idea. Some guy in Ron’s basement got reamed out for something he did but went back to work the next day but was really shaky. They misinformed him that my work was BS and he decided to ream me out and lecture me about it so I posted pictures of the identities of Melvin Purvis, John Dillinger and Hoover immediately after onto the net which I hadn’t done in a long time which was pretty serious (
Anyway the kid should have left.
Now back to the tattoos: The tattoos were average, redundant and boring. The usual crap I’ve seen on these fibbers. What’s the problem then? The tattoos were faded…he was way too young to have such faded tattoos. They also didn’t suit him. They were big boy tattoos and he was a little brat. I’ve wondered about this before. How are these fibbers defacing their bodies like this? I looked up ways to fade and remove tattoos and there are a lot of ways to do it. I believe the tattoo was relatively new, no more than a few years and he faded it to look much older. It stuck out on him as if it were on a nine year kid selling lemonade at a lemonade stand. (fading a tattoo article at the bottom)
Non-Sequitor from Putney Swope (1969)
Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet
Dr. Alvin Weasely.
Dr. Weasely is one of the most respected
motivational researchers in the country.
Harveys Beer has dropped 84%.
So Dr. Weasely will tell us how the
American public really feels about beer.
Dr. Weasely.
Beer is for men who doubt
their masculinity.
That's why it's so popular
at sporting events and poker games.
On a superficial level...
a glass of beer is a cool,
soothing beverage.
But in reality...
a glass of beer is pee-pee dickey.
- That's it.
- Beautiful.
"Pee-pee dickey?"
- We paid for that?
Read more:
“$26,000 and we got off easy.” They should have put the last line in.
Shout out for Putney Swope 1969 directed by Robert Downey, Sr. (a prince!) Here’s the full film. I don’t feel the film is dated at all! It’s in black and white and anything that was confusing to me then is as confusing to me now. As social commentary it holds up even better today as a historical piece bordering on documentary. Great stuff!!
I have considered recusing myself from this conflict because of my evolving role in this community. On the other hand I also need to be conscious of that role if I can be helpful. This is a real conundrum.
I want to stay neutral but I’m not sure where neutral is and in fact I’ve really not been that neutral in my opinions before. I’ll keep checking in and reporting back on what I see and believe and my internal conflicts with this.
I have had my share of conflicts with Ron, have butt heads, have raged against him, have angered him, humiliated him, tried to shut down his car engine and still we work together. I guess we have higher goals and don’t let these petty arguments get in our way.
“…it doesn’t take much to see that the problems of three little people don’t amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world; —Richard Blane in Casablanca
He’s done stuff too. I’ll skip over that for now other than say the worst thing he’s done was not keep his promise with me. There have been a million positives that I would not have changed such as winning the Battle of Jade Helm which saved many lives and reinforced my notion that action has to be taken in advance of a pending disaster. It’s useless to shine two giant beam of light into the sky to represent the twin towers. Holocaust museums lose their power when you discover that the story they want you to remember is full of lies, the deaths are real though. Funny, I complained about the outfits the staff in the health club wear, slightly off-red and black. I knew it was a representation of Nazism and that it existed there. I said it’s a perfect place for Adolf Hitler to hang out. Now it was very congenial and gracious of him to come see me several times there and to meet me. I didn’t speak with him because I didn’t want to be disrespectful to him and the other three people who were with him. I didn’t know it was him at the time and I had all intentions of working with him if I ran into him. This would have been part of my prime directive but it didn’t work out like that. Jade Helm was high on my list of important things done because it was tangible that lives were saved, lot’s of them. Sadly that wins over the prime directive. I can’t argue with God’s will. Ron is not God but also follows his will and has done some great things. This is part of why I’m here to be part of the team but I’m subject to human feelings and reflex actions on my part is part of me and has saved me and many others.
I’m aware of many other gracious things that have been done for me. I also know that much of what was done for me especially in the beginning was done for my prime directive.
The Judgment of Paris
In celebration of the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, Lord Zeus, father of the Greek pantheon, hosted a banquet on Mount Olympus. Every deity and demi-god had been invited, except Eris, the goddess of strife (no one wanted a troublemaker at a wedding). For revenge, Eris threw the golden Apple of Discord inscribed with the word “Kallisti” — “For the fairest” — into the party, provoking a squabble among the attendant goddesses over for whom it had been meant.
The goddesses thought to be the most beautiful were Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite, and each one claimed the apple. They started a quarrel so they asked Zeus to choose one of them. Knowing that choosing any of them would bring him the hatred of the other two, Zeus did not want to take part in the decision. He thus appointed Paris to select the most beautiful.
Escorted by Hermes, the three goddesses bathed in the spring of Mount Ida and approached Paris as he herded his cattle. Having been given permission by Zeus to set any conditions he saw fit, Paris required that the goddesses undress before him.[5] (Alternatively, the goddesses themselves chose to disrobe to show all their beauty.) Still, Paris could not decide, as all three were ideally beautiful, so the goddesses attempted to bribe him to choose among them – Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia; Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest warriors; and Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helen of Sparta. Paris chose Aphrodite— and, therefore, Helen.
Helen was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta (a fact Aphrodite neglected to mention), so Paris had to raid Menelaus’s house to steal Helen from him (according to some accounts, she fell in love with Paris and left willingly). The Greeks’ expedition to retrieve Helen from Paris in Troy is the mythological basis of the Trojan War. This triggered the war because Helen was famous for her beauty throughout Achaea (ancient Greece), and had many suitors of extraordinary ability. Therefore, following Odysseus‘s advice, her father Tyndareusmade all suitors promise to defend Helen’s marriage to the man he chose for her. When Paris took her to Troy, Menelaus invoked this oath. Helen’s other suitors—who between them represented the lion’s share of Achaea’s strength, wealth and military prowess—were obligated to help bring her back. Thus, the whole of Greece moved against Troy in force. The Trojan War had begun.
They called him Alexander
With the best band in the land
He’d topped the bill in Paris
But in Venice it was banned
A pile of dusty gold discs
Were among his claims to fame
There was no-one over sixty
Who didn’t know his name
Alexander you were great
The man the critics loved to hate
You could have been as big as the Beatles or the Stones
Alexander you became
The lonely housewife’s favourite name
You could have been the greatest of them all
The gig was held in honour
Of his golden jubilee
He did not need the money
So he said he’d play for free
He got the band together
Who’d been with him through the years
They rehearsed the Alexander songs
And shed nostalgic tears
The crowd rose to their feet
When Alexander hit the stage
His face had been rebuilt
So that you could not tell his age
He played all of the old songs
And the crowd sang every word
He danced like Margot Fonteyn
And whistled like a bird
He came on for the encore
But collapsed against the stand
The crowd was hushed, the doctor came
There was panic in the band
He diagnosed a broken heart
The critics had been fed
Their reviews became
Obituary notices instead
Ron Howard wrote that song, Paris is also known as Alexander. (Non-Sequitor: I didn’t know they called you Dennis). He was a member of the Strawbs, a favorite band of mine. Can you find him in this picture? Sure you can!
The Strawbs with Ron Howard aka (have to find his name)
Ron had no intention of giving up the Prime Directive not unless she became broken down and useless. It’s not worth creating that as this has happened at least twice from my estimation. He’s like the kid who gets a great toy and his brother wants to play with it and he won’t give it to him until it is broken down and useless, or he smashes it himself then gives it to him. Ron is actually more likely to give his brother something else useful and worthwhile but not this because he wants it. Promises were made and not fulfilled. I was told I have no respect for the etheric where I spend a good deal of time. This is a laugh since I have done tremendous work for years in the ether layer.
I don’t blame Ron for withholding the Prime Directive for himself. Wars are fought over women. I think if we could have the two of us might of disappeared off the face of the earth. I don’t think he would have allowed that. She’s very accomplished, loved and needed. Farid offered Ron a great deal of money to eliminate me. I not sure he believed he could do it but he put up a good show of it training PD (The Prime Directive) the ins and outs of a meat market. Farid offered me even more to just leave. He wanted her for his son. Money never played much into my decisions other than to never accept any. In case despite playing everything out as if I was coming for example, a house was bought for us on the next street over which was very nice despite the fact that I was looking for an apartment close to a bodega and a train station so we could get diapers and formula.
Back to the conflict….
I’m internally conflicted about things that have gone on so always think through my advice here before proceeding…I am conflicted here.
My understanding is that people have come to learn that what appeared to be a split down the center in two camps in the land of milk and holly was in fact not a split and merely an illusion of a rift. I’ll find out soon if I’m correct. People would feel angry and betrayed…no doubt.
Good news and reality check. I obviously set the fire last night and some people were pretty unhappy with it however I did get a green light on it from Ron.
Good news: Most of the big issues that I’ve gotten involved with have turned out pretty good all around. I anticipate this will be no different. Not everyone will be happy and breeches of trust are difficult to repair and sometimes impossible…bear that in mind.
My understanding of this community is 1) they are very resilient and 2) they are generally kind hearted and forgiving of each other. This goes a very long way in resolving issues.
Reality check: Ron is in charge and the game for Ron is control. Who’s going to run the show. From the time I walked in, he didn’t want you guys waking up to some of these realities in life and kept you in the dark as we all generally are. George Carlin said something about govt wanting a population smart enough to run the machinery but dumb enough to not ask questions or see what’s going on.
I can say that I believe things are going to be better. Whatever process needs to take place should take place whether open forum or other venues, if nothing else to vent or get people’s feelings out or just an old fashioned blood letting.
But remember this: from my experience here Ron’s not going to let the community split apart. If a change is going to take place it will be natural, not under external pressures and a win for everyone…unlimited potential. Some people left not too long ago which was what needed to happen but I doubt he’s going to truly split the community and will continue to extract increasingly more control in this world. This is just the way it works at this level. This is what Walt did as well.
I recall there was a Disney strike a bit ago, maybe 60 years or so. I would sincerely doubt that strike was not under control of Walt and Co. Just like every other major or minor movement in this country such as religion, politics, etc. It’s all part of a move to a one world govt. We’re pretty much there but there is still a good deal of infighting and things to be done. It’s going to happen if and this is a big if…if any of us are left alive during the process. We are as a whole somewhat irresponsible as the stewards of this planet.
I’ll check in later.
God Peace, Love and Joy to everyone!
Addendum: I understand the pain that goes with not having needs and wants met. This is particularly frustrating… nepotism is rampant here despite it being a giant family.
Reality Check: You’re likely to go to your grave without all your needs, wants and desires being met.
At the end of the day whatever went wrong here, deception, betrayal, etc is likely to continue if this is what is believed to be needed to maintain control. I have argued about the way things are done here in the past and there have been positive changes so this is possible. Things will change for the better but I can’t tell you what. I think an open forum is a good idea, changes can happen in a positive direction for the betterment of all.
I would recommend working on internal landscape. No one can actually take your soul… you have to give it away or sell it. If you’re selling it you’re getting short changed no matter how much you get.
Meditate, pray, go to nature, talk to God, or your higher spiritual power or even your lower spiritual power as your spiritual needs present themselves. Answers will come to you and things will improve…this is the issue that’s come up…it has to get better. Meditate and pray!
When people are working together answers will usually just come.
I’ll rework this tomorrow or later. It’s a sore and sensitive issue which I knew was lumbering in the background, but it’s also a hot button issue for me hence my overtone of hopelessness in the early draft. Remember nothing’s impossible…nothing! -Mandy Patinkin from Yentl.
My intensive study into neck-vaginas also known as V-Necks will likely launch me into relative obscurity in a very short time. Described as “a little bit slutty and a little bit nutty” I have been condemned to the study of Neck-Vaginas so those “Holier than thou” folks can thumb their noses at me…”Look!!! He likes vaginas!!! He’s a slut!!!”…however in the words of the great profit Jackie Gleason……..and away we go!!!!
Morgan Paul from Bladerunner…”Same thing” when asked about a tortoise.Morgan Paul…hint of V-neckBernard Hill… Neck-Vagina
Tis a rare thing
George C. Scott…Neck-VaginaFrank Marshall…Neck-VaginaBob Crane…Neck-Vagina I’ll correct who this is the previous error
“Remember…if you can’t take the heat stay out of Hell’s Kitchen!” –Oscar’s Dentist
Michael Caine…Neck-VaginaHarry Morgan…neck-vagina but I don’t believe he’s Morgan Paul…just Harry Morgan
Here’s one for the ladies!!!
One for the ladies
Ok, I’m calling it quits…I’m looking for an assistant…I need to better categorize my study into neck-vaginas which will include Pope John Paul and Tom Landry!
Tired and I hit the wall tonite when all necks look like vaginas.
But first a word about living life in duality… Haha!!! You’re all fascinated by my treatise on the study of Neck-Vaginas and you think it’s brilliant!!! The study of Neck-Vaginas is turning the world upside down!!!
Edward James Olmos…when asked about his neck-vagina he said…”I take mine seriously!” “At first I tried Neck Testicles but eventually settled on this. Sort of a combination.” Question: Does anyone really think this guy is going to let Harrison Ford into his fine ride with an open bowl of Asian noodle soup?! I think not! He would say, “Szállj ki a repülő autódból a tál leves… tésztafagotokkal!” (Translation to to tésztafagotokkal much funnier than kurva… which is funny too!)Here Carol O’Connor smokes a cigar through his Neck Vagina. He was quoted as saying, “I went full Lewinsky with the Dingbat… then the Meathead!”
“You told me if I let him run with this nothing would come of it!”
Weird shit going on around Spielberg’s neckVal Kilmer…neck vagine!
I went looking for another neck-vagina on Spielberg and found this. Jaws is one of my favorite films, OK… it is my favorite though I love a lot of movies. Just great story telling, super characters, action, tension, excitement, human emotions (lady who slaps the chief when her son gets attacked), human failings, narcissism, affection between the characters, and hysterically funny at times. They showed it at Cape May last year on the beach which blew me away as I thought that would be forbidden kind of like showing an airplane disaster movie on an airplane but people loved it!! Everyone went nuts when the shark was killed and left in great spirits. I didn’t mention any technical areas of the film like direction because frankly… who cares? I didn’t when I watched it the first few times. I don’t think most audiences care. They want a great film. Largely it’s to the credit of the director if the film is great or not but I still don’t think most people care. I don’t think some people will agree or even care about my opinion here but I think it’s realistic. Before Rotten Tomatoes if I went to see a movie in a multiplex blind meaning I knew nothing about any of the films I would see whatever was starting first…hey it made it into the place it has to have redeeming features. I saw a lot of films like this that I normally wouldn’t have like “The Wife” which I’ve used for teaching psychiatric residents about what not to do in psychiatry. If two movies started not to far apart I’d pick whichever had the higher rating X>R>PG13>PG>G>coma. Not to suck up but this was one of my rules… if two movies started at the same time and one was a Ron Howard film… I’d pick the Ron Howard film. By and large I’d expect a good story telling and an unexpectedly terrific climax in the film depending on my date (the date part is just a joke). The films were usually great. My favorite film of his is “Far and Away”. I think here the direction is more obvious and plays in the film like an extra character much like a Robert Altman film, or a Hitchcock film. Back to the Spielberg photo, if you notice his right arm, right shoulder and scapula look like the skins been ripped off in places. My money goes with a Motor Vehicle Accident, I’ll work on this a bit later but this is a useful picture because despite similarities in injuries in this population no two injuries are identical but they can be pretty darn close.
Neck-Vagina should not be confused with Neck-Viagra which can cause stiff necks.