Ron was with the Band Steely Dan and did the song Aja
Ron did “Go Go Gophers”
Ron wrote, “It’s Only Love” by the Beatles
Beatrice Howard-Gabel
Ron was with the Band Steely Dan and did the song Aja
Ron did “Go Go Gophers”
Ron wrote, “It’s Only Love” by the Beatles
Vincent Price did a lot of horror movies but probably would have been considered a main stream actor. He did a super film but a bit dated called “Last Man On Earth”. Fortunately they do a remake of it every 20 years! The first remake of it is “The Omega Man” with Charlton Heston who I was fortunately able to see at The Market Place in Fla a few months ago. He still looked beautiful! If I spot people in public I seldom go over for a number of reasons, so I didn’t stop to say hello but they flooded the place after that with Charley look-a-likes to f with my head.. The film was a masterwork that went beyond genre of Science Fiction into action and social discord.
As I recall in one of the highlights of the film Charlton is escaping from the night people and he and the female get on a motorcycle at either Shea or Yankee Stadium and Evil Knievel did a stunt jump for the film. Again, great film and a sound bite in the trailer and I believe the film from “the last man on earth” from Vincent Price in the beginning “this is where they burn the bodies”.
Vincent Schiavone did a lot of great films including a James Bond film as the evil torturer. He did ghost with Patrick Swayze and my favorite, One flew over the Cuckoos nest. He should have done sterile Cuckoo too so we could have seen him peel the tomato *Liza” instead of Ron…that would have made for great film entertainment!! Maybe he could have peeled Ron too! Pookkkiiiieeeeee!!!!!!
Last remake was “I Am Legend” with Will Smith. A good film, though sadly not up to par with Omega Man done in Charlton Heston’s Sci Fi Hey Day. Also, when I watched the film, (and I ran to the theater with my daughter after she described what she had just seen and I knew it was a new remake) I felt something was wrong with the ending and there was another one and this had been replaced. The ending didn’t fit and this turned out to be true. Nothing wrong with the original ending, not flashy, no explosion but a better ending. It’s on youtube.
I had a major mistake here about Ron being one of the Beatles he was not. So this post is a mess and does not hold together well. Ron is not Ringo. Go to post of September 25, 2017 for clarification.
I ran through so many bands in the beginning I decided to come back and review one that definitely should have gotten more time…The Beatles! I love this one with Cheryl. She seems to love playing Raquel and frankly we all love seeing her as such but do you think Raquel ever really hit Ringo with that thing?
Ringo Starr was with a band called The Hurricanes. That appears to be him all the way to the right. He joined the Beatles in 1962. This photo should be before that. What makes this interesting?
Ringo is the Oldest Beatle Through the Years… Musician, singer, songwriter and actor Ringo Starr was born Richard Starkey on July 7, 1940, in Liverpool, England.
From this photo I figured out who George Harrison was.
Let’s face it…the only person in the world who could get George to go screaming from the room and hiding like this would be…his mommy!!! Ron as Ringo Starr is only 10 years old here. George is probably not much different nor is Paul or John. They stuck a cigarette in Paul’s hand. I don’t blame Shirley for showing up. Those guys were all really young and all probably under 12.
My understanding is that John Lennon was Steve Jobs who was born in 1955. I didn’t come up with that but remember the Beatles label was Apple records…you do the math.
Extra Bonus, Lori Black is Sandra Lee Scheuer who was shot and killed at Kent State
Hey guys!!! Look what I found!!!
I decided to look up this photo which I discovered was from a film called “The Magic Christian” which I remember being in the theaters but I’ve never seen it. Peter Sellers voice though still reverberates in my head from the commercials announcing that…”The Magic Christian is…….Ringo Starr.” Which it turned out not to be but a boat.
Sadly Peter Sellers voice is also stuck in my head saying, “I like to watch!” In any case I’m going to try and check out this film. There’s probably more here than meets the eye…but how much more can there be with Cheryl running around in her intergalactic underwear with a whip?He
Here are the Beatles at Shea Stadium August 1965.
I haven’t heard this song in forever, Ron Howard wrote Longfellow Serenade, actually a really terrific song!
This is good too…Neil Diamond listening tonight…who would have thought?!!!
I pieced this together months ago while the battle for heaven and hell was taking place at the Katz JCC. The second battle is completing here. You must be in control and in tune with the cauldron to be able to do this…
…or be Bryce!
Most fraudulent scenarios these days are all about gun control. We discussed Columbine which involved Trey Parker and Matt Sone as the shooters; a fake scenario as was: Sandy Hook Hoax, Trayvon Martin Hoax, The Dunblane School Massacre Hoax, Aurora Colorado Shooting Hoax, The Kent State Shooting Hoax, Son of Sam Hoax. Almost always about gun control though not Kent State, I believe that was to delay the war ending for financial reasons.
The problem is you sit at home and cower, won’t go to the mall, or anywhere else because of fear you’ll be shot. Everyone should own a gun. Ron tells me this group is pro-gun control. Guns are a deterrent to violence. There are many less owner at home break-ins because criminals don’t want to come into a house where an owner might be armed. WD-40 took out of the game millions of people…by his own admission to me. His last words to me were, “I should have finished you when I had the chance.” He perished less than a minute later along with roughly a thousand of his downline. He hadn’t changed his evil ways. Gun ownership is a deterrent to a govt out of control destroying the masses. Farid had military along the southern border about to destroy 2/3 of the US at the Battle of Jade Helm which turned out to be the most lopsided battle known to man. People in the Southern States would have put up a fight but would have lost because of the weapons of mass destruction which were destroyed in the first hour of the battle.
I was expecting to be picked up one evening many moons ago by a very handsome gentleman coming in to McQuire AF Base in NJ. The gentleman was met at the airport by the Fibbers. He was instructed that under no circumstance would I be allowed to leave the country and that…and I quote…”WE KNOW WHO ALL YOUR PEOPLE ARE.” end quote. The gentleman kept his cool, got into a limo and headed out. In the nearby woods were two or three Fibbers masquerading as hunters in the woods with hunting and sniper rifles. Lots of cigarette butts littered the ground. The gentleman never picked me up as it was decided that someone with this poor type of relationship with Fibbers would have a hard time working with them. He said there were other ways to get out of the country but including Canada and PA. Before getting on the plane he picked up a nice music box for his darling main squeeze who is also my Fairy Godmother.
Here’s a faked scenario I actually like with a link below:
1984 New York City Subway shooting:
Bernhard Goetz shot 4 muggers on a train three days before xmas. I suspect there was a plethora of violence on the subways and they set up a guy to “shoot” 4 muggers…This is Bernhard Goetz…he’s Ron Howard.
The other people in the photo are actors and I can only guess at them and the middle guy looks like Norman Fell, I’m not saying he is and the guy on right could pass for Tom Cruise, and I’m not saying he is. I have one in the next slide who I’m pretty sure I’m right on…
I’ll go out on a limb and say the guy on the left is George Wendt, but I could be wrong.
This picture will most assure us this is a fraudulent scenario…The officer on the left has a face mask on. best visible at base of neck and around ears. If this were real why would he need a mask? We have one ear on him and it resembles that of George Lucas. I’m not saying it’s him but that’s what I can piece together.
The shooting cooled down the thugs who ride the trains, usually on New Years Eve it’s free to ride the trains. It also gets dangerous because anyone can get on and cause mischief. I’m guessing crime was greatly reduced by Goetz aka Ron Howard.