Ed Presents: My Raw Notes Part I

I decided to put up all my raw notes on Ron…They are just that Raw Notes. I didn’t want to lose them and everyday the paper boy brings more. If you decide to explore my notes most are songs written by Ron probably over 95 percent correct here and close to 100 percent elsewhere. My notes are pretty accurate when it comes to songs he wrote. If Ron did the song he’s likely in the band. IF he’s not in the band then someone he really likes got to perform the song. There’s stuff from other places, some stuff has been changed by spell check and i have no idea and somethings are hunches and can be completely wrong. There are commercials, lots for cigarettes. Here’s the issue I may never make it through most of this and I’m about to post another file that’s bigger that this. Some I’ve gone through, some I haven’t. Happy hunting if you’re on the prowl.


You make me feel brand new

Green green grass of home

put it in the want ads

Out of the darkness and into the light

Roger ramjet


They’re coming to take me away

Aristophanes  one of the great episodes and great lines from odd couple!!!

When u get caught between the moon and nyc 

Florida sunshine tree

Paul volker 

K is Kenny he’s the king

Oompa loompa 

If u like raisins.  Fat juicy raisins

Dona promesa eres tu eres tu 

Give your cold to contact 

I’m choke eat banana

Buffalo soldiers

Theme to courtship Eddie 

Ron wrote Marrakech express

Billy joel traveling prayer

Attack of the killer tomatos

I’m a believer 

Annie get your gun

Bear necessities

Red rubber ball

Shogun written by Cheryl?

This diamond ring

What’s the matter with kids today

Theme to munsters

Shout shout. Let it all out

Check Clifton Webb 

Hang on sloopy 

Longest hundred miles

Check Mike Schmidt 

Ain’t she sweet

I wish they all could be California girls


A boy like that who’ll kill another

She was an American girl

Lady marmalade

Witchita lineman 

Jerrold Tull teacher

No more Rice Krispies 

Can u tell me how to get to sesame st

Do the mouse

The world is a carousel of color

It had to be blue not Ron or anyone else new crayon

Bikini bottom Blue not here because of Ron but new crayon

The entertainer Billie Joel

Cheap trick surrender

Under my thumb

Talking heads wild wild nights

Saw sons (swan son’s) cooking just for you

You’re fooling yourself

Night moves

Yellow brick road

Or am I standing still


Wouldn’t it b lovely robin?

Well alright

Goodbye yellow brick road

Would u rather swing on a star

Silent running

Play it sweet.   Oh jazzman

Age of Aquarius 



wild Horses

Bungalow bill

Low spark of high heeled boys

We’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got

Oki phanoki swamp

You can do magic

To get right to the heart of the matter.   

John Paul john

Check arsinio

Ron wrote Mrs Robinson

RC cola so misunderstood 


Marakesh express

Crawling from the wreckage

Levis.  Lee e e e vies.  Ah ah Lee e e e e vies

Snitch central  nothing to do with Ron

New York.  Big lights

My baby went out last night with 007

Jeff gar deer  nothing with ron

Check grant tinker

Look for the union label

Hr puff and stuff

Gladys knight 


There’s a new you coming every day milk

My naps k on my back


Here comes the sun

Baby baby.  Tell me u never wanted my loving

Hair cow sills

If u really love me

Dipsey doodleitis 

Killing me softly

Signed dear abbey

I remember finding all about you

A song of love is a sad song

All who are faithful follow me


Unchained melody

Hall and Oates 

Freddie’s dead check

Who said anything about love

Alexander you were great

First thing I remember Paul simon

I guess that’s why they call it the blues

If u really love me

Xavier cougat and charo

I love the sound of breaking glass

I want to know what love is

Check honey west

Did u happen to see the most beautiful girl that walked out on me

Coronet commercial

One after 909

Hold on to me

How gentle is the rain

Don’t ask me what I think of you u might not get the answer that u want me too

Brings out the tiger in u

Kids are people too

Doug Henning Magic is fun

World famed skier Jean Paul jean

Death of a clown

Check it’s easy As rolling off a log

High Cotten 

As we poor sailors go skipping to the top

Edmund Fitzgerald



Close the window shut the lights and it’s going to b allright

Stronger than dirt. Doors. 

Lee eeee eee eeee. We. Levis

Us and them

Check Robert deme kid

The flavor of a Clark bar

Call the uh oh squad

Mr terrific. 

Do i.e. Gillis

Screaming yellow zonkers

Macho man 

Old Milwaukee beer

Put on that happy face

In the navy

George Steinbrenner and Billie matin

Overture bugs

There’s a new u coming

While strolling through the park one day

When will I be loved

See u on the other side

Kinks shangrila

He’s my brother

Miles Davis

Tell it to the marines


I love the colorful clothes u wear

Do u know where your going to

Electric co

You’re beautiful just the way u r

Anita oj

Jimmy dean.  

Somewhere along the line

Tell me something good

U get the most out of mildness with parliament cigarettes

Peaceful easy feeling


Jennifer love hewitt

Hugh Hefner 

We’re an American band

Edmund Fitzgerald 

Ruby red dress 

What the hell is wrong with u tonite

Donna Summer’s let’s dance 

More more more

10000 maniacs

Soul train


Penny lane

Aura Lee

Ron Jon 

Terrapin station

Malloking tide   The seas of desire

Peace train

Put the load right on me

Manchester england

I’m in love with a wonderful girl

sally fields 

Alexander u were great.  Double check

Aura Lee 

Marketed wallet to on

Sally strut hers

Losing my religion

I want u to want me

Coo coo for Cocoa Puffs


When my baby smiles at me I go to rio

Walking through the park and reminiscing

Walk away walk away I will follow

Look up cat Stevens

Melanie Griffith

Hoist up your john b sail

Cherokee people

Hit me with your rhythm stick

It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature

I’m your mother

Please go away. Don’t hold me close

Surf side six

Whitney Houston 

Sharing horizons that r new to us

Uptown girl bj

Lionel richie

Mr crowley

I will always love u

We put lemon in the tidy bowl for you

You really got me dinosaur ad with ken in convertible

So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me something good

I like keep my mind exogenous.  I don’t understand why my life is pretty plain  I express my point of view and I’m insane


Islands in the stream

In my little town

Hi ho hi ho

Give a little whistle

Have u never tried to find some comfort from inside

Doll parts 

Girl talk

Crawling from the wreckage

Let the side show begin

I’ve been lied to. When will I b loved

The long and winding road

Speak to me of summer though winters longer

Would u like to swing on a star


Though u see them please don’t say a word 

Somethings coming.  West side

Hold on I’m coming

Nikkala stott. Or nickels

No sugar tonite in my coffe

Yellow bird

Maybe he’s no Romeo.  Let’s here it for the boy

Cinnamon. Girl

I’m looking over my dead dog rover

We got to get out of this place

La visa loca

Losing my religion

So me things coming from west side story


Glen close.  

Don’t ask me what I think of you

Somethings coming. I don’t know what is but it

Miss you girl rolling stones

Podesta spirit cooking

Ooo what a lucky man he was

Hot town summer in the city

Dear abbey 


Dust in the wind

Hey lets do the limbo rock

Cruel to be kind

Lipstick and powder for talk

Eve of destruction

Echo and the bunny men 

Oh lord won’t u buy me

Wrote that ladies a star

Wrote angry young man

Mcclane Stevenson 

Richard from patty duke

Dobie gillis, he’s not dobie though

Down on the corner

Take the money and run

Kid rock is reed?

Everybody loves u now

Still carries the scar on her cheek to remind her of hiss smile 

Come on over to the l and m side

Terrapin station

I’m the man too

Muswell hillbilly boy

Man in the mirror

Wichita lineman 

Walt Whitman high. Rm 222 

Take the money and run

Allison Cornell.  Mother?



Casino Royal herb Alpert

For the longest time

Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde 

We shall overcome

Aww heavy my heart is full of love and desire for you

Adams family

Solitaires the only game in town

I Would u like to swing on a star

Living in the material world

I’ve grown acostened to her face

Huckleberry hound

Looking for a heart of gold

Dennis the menace 

Sesame Street

Theme to flint stones 

  • Dobie gillis

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