Love you Ivy!!
I’ll jump around a bit…I believe I ran into Jessica Jones today, a personal favorite of mine who I ran into in New Egypt a few weeks ago and surprised the heck out of everyone…did I say heck??? I meant hell! It was brief but I was glad to see her.
I started wearing my ring which has turned out to be working really well. I had some nerves about this.
anyway we were heading to a vegan restaurant for lunch and the driver was talking to us and one of the gals mentioned we saw Hamilton. He was trying to sell me on a work out program at the time. I told him I really enjoyed the play but I thought it was a bunch of famous rappers which really unnerved him. All he could think in his head for the next ten minutes was, “How did he know that?” over and over and over again and he stopped talking. I suspected correctly he was a rapper too and was sent in via Uber to challenge me. I was on a fishing expedition to see if he bit and he did. He continued to feel unnerved until I spoke with the tour driver who I believe was Hamilton and how funny is that to have your tour guide be Hamilton and going to the show that evening. What great photos of Hamilton driving us around. He’s still unnerved. He felt I played him but this was only in response to him playing me. Didn’t help, kind of like in the Color of Money where George Bush Junior complains that he showed his ass to Forest Whitaker. If the guy continues to perseverate over this he’s going to wind back up in the Looney Tunes or put back on the 70 pounds he lost. Someone needs to take him out for a little B and B (Beer and a Blow Job) help him loosen up until the Prozac kicks in. Side note: seriously do not mix your medications with alcohol!!! You can have the BJ though.
He wants to know why I’m singling him out… in the words of the film “The Paper” “…it was just your turn!”
Interesting people this AM at breakfast, (sidebar: saw a patient and the second mall today). Some rich people like from Connecticut, fit in in Riverdale, maybe it’s the cast but I sometimes get crap for moving up so quickly in the organization, which he expressed to me. I wouldn’t call it moving up I call it Self Preservation and Ron capitalizing on my sense of self-preservation. I seem to piss off some people and Ron would tell some people, “you know joe, there’s a guy who can do this or that to you, you better talk to him and let him what you can do to him.” Then zap! So anyway he must have come in late in the game and argued that I never did anything for him or the community, or something like that. So I asked him if he liked Thanksgiving this year. He said yes, so did the kids and the wife. Apparently others in the community not related celebrate the holiday so , yeah, he was grateful, the kids were thrilled and so was his wife. He gave me a smile and warmly accepted me.
Ran into someone who looked a lot like Julie Andrews except much taller and her friend was really tall and looked like Barbara Bush Jr. They stalked me from in front. I’m sorry for their loss but he started it.
I think the manager at breakfast at the Loews Hollywood Hotel was Foxy Brown. ]
Went to lunch at a vegan place and the kids wanted to eat out doors by the time the people at the next table arrived it was getting warm and the singer, couldn’t remember who i thought it was gave me a nasty look. I was like, not my fault we didn’t sit inside. I thought that was pretty funny since she removed all pretense she was supposed to display which was really funny but real! This happened a couple times with the fibbers.
Went to a mall that was like 8 stories across from a medical center. Did my best to take note of everyone I could. People were really nice and I’ve been trying to take better psychic pictures and I have new glasses which helped a lot. but it’s the quirky people who stand out and the hi light of the trip was a really tall, bald and quirky guy who who lightly lifted his long legs and pseudo stomped around bringing a huge ongoing smile to my face and filled me with warmth. he was terrific! I was sad when he left move forward three hours. Went to see Cirque Du Soleil, Luzia 2017. We had great seats, ate hors d’oeures and watched this absolutely spectacular show. The acrobats started out with an attack of nerves and kept knocking over the rings they were supposed to be jumping through, which was really great because they were really human and the crowd cheered them on. It was kind of funny as well and I wondered if they did it on purpose but I concluded it was an attack of nerves and I think, I’m pretty sure it was caused by me. I also noted that they were playing to me and my family and the guy mostly cheering them on was part of the crew sitting behind me being used to orient the entertainers to where I was sitting. The show was being physically oriented towards me and I found myself wondering if everyone else could see the show but they. Eventually they got on track which was good and I noticed they had safety wires in place which was good because it’s one thing to fall from 4 or 5 feet but some of these guys and gals were up thirty feet and it was limited comfort that they may have had a food of water under them. I grew up in, “meager accommodations” as Eddie Murphy would say and though I’ve worked really hard in this world I have never had expectations that the world would reward me in this way but I’m conscious of the role I have to play now and while I have some embarrassment at being so richly treated I also know that it is part of my responsibility to serve in a fashion that honors my role and position. So I heed wise counsel and direction and provide to people as is their due and wishes in life as best I can. I’m hearing I’m doing pretty well for which I’m glad. I’ve been grateful for the people who show up to see me and my family who are also coming to grips with this in their own ways.
Somewhere before the intermission, the man who played the role of the Clown got close to the stage and near me and I recognized him from the mall and then I recognized just about everyone else and realized they were all at the mall today and came to see me. They all fell into place all at once, of course the quirkier people, or people who otherwise stood out came to me first such as the juggler and the contortionist, then some of the ladies, then the guys, then some people around me in the audience, then pretty much everyone. I even recognized the men who played the Cacti from when we left the mall and had to make it around the building…happy smiling faces on these guys. I picked out a lot of these people but of course the talk bald man who played the clown role stood out and was the trigger that lit the dynamite. They were awesome and I’ve never seen a show like this that used water because of it’s slippery nature. The juggler jumped into a position where I could easily view my son next to me which was generous and gracious of everyone as well as setting up for a wonderful photo which I missed but loved anyway.
One thing people may not know about me is I love Spanish music and especially music from Mexico. I’m a freak for the horns blending with guitars and even the accordions like the Mariachi bands. There’s nothing like it so the music was great, the women were beautiful and exciting and talented, and so were the men!!! and everything in between!! This was very exciting and everyone was very gracious. I’m working diligently to remain worthy of all the gifts (spiritual and emotional) and attention bestowed upon me and my loved one.
Christmas in seventy minutes
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