Hero of the Day…Me and Tom Cruise

Did a bit of traveling and weather was crappy so I decided I would stay in and look around using satellite images from Google Maps. It’s kind of fun and gives you a bird’s eye view of the world. So, I came across this satellite image and prepared the following slides…

Play along see if you can find what I did, it’s significant…no cheating!
Enlarged view
Can you tell what that is?
This is where Tom Cruise comes in…Tomahawk Cruise Missiles! I would have been just as excited to see Tom walking around instead of the missiles!
You’d think these guys would put their toys away after playing with them!

I blacked out a gorgeous elaborate swimming pool so the property would be less likely to be identified. I didn’t catch any crap for posting this on my Facebook page however the owner of the two homes was annoyed with me for blacking out the pool because it is beautiful and he wanted people to see it. I know…the world’s a little topsy turvy but hey…that’s the way we like it! The pool can be seen in an above slide and boy ain’t she a looker!
It is possible those are also newer models being delivered and not old ones being replaced …kind of like getting a Candy-gram!! I’m sure I could research these, they look like they need a smaller launch mechanism. I would advise calling ahead and not just dropping by these people’s home! Besides the Cruise Missiles I think they have a dog! Also, if you do drop by make sure to bring an assortment of pastries and not just a single cake.

I suspect two more missiles here. These things were literally strewn around the neighborhood. Sometimes it’s hard to tell irrigation systems from the missiles but I may have found all told nine or more.

Why do I get Hero of the Day? Because it’s my blog? NO! This is an unprecedented find…first time ever in the United States that someone has found a Cruise Missile on non-military property. Everyone seemed sort of non-plussed when I found the first one but I think it was more stunned and surprised than anything. This had never been done. The conversation went something like this… “Ed found a Tomahawk…” “Yep those are Tommys alright!” Someone probably said, “Leave it to Ed.”

Finding one of these where they don’t belong is considered the Holy Grail of finds for the military who monitor satellite images daily that are constantly changing. Computers are used to scan the images for objects like this and if anything resembles something like this then it is reviewed by human eye by the military.

Everyone was so impressed that I found this that I got promoted to a Four Star General!! I’m sure Ron is a Five Star General so I might as well just be a Corporal because he can still order me around. No matter how sweet the cowboys look, bullets can still stop them. (That’s a poker reference for anyone didn’t pick up on it!)

Somewhere out there a busy executive is cooing to a baby (same guy who wanted to collect up all the babies), “Look what your clone-dad did…look…look at that. Isn’t he silly posting all that top-secret information for the world to see?! He is isn’t he? (Still cooing.) He is isn’t he? Let me call HQ…yes let me call HQ (Still cooing)”  “They’re as fed up as we are…arent they? Yes they are…yes they are.” “Come lets warm your bottle and tell me what else your clone dad is going to do next!” Gentle rocking baby side to side.

“OMG…that’s so not funny Ed!!” Cooing to the baby again, “Isn’t that so not funny…isn’t it? You tell him…you tell him…that’s so not funny…that’s so not funny!”\

“We’re going to have to kill him…cooing…yes we are…yes we are” Baby looks incredulous at him.

“Your dad’s a moron isn’t he…isnt he? I dare you to post that Ed…your dad’s a moron isn’t he.”

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