I was interrupted yesterday by my viewing of The Crown. Let’s go through a few more things that Ron has done.
Ron wrote and performed Slip Kid as Roger Daltrey of the Who
Ron came up with The Quatloo, for all I know he may have written that entire Star Trek episode. I’m told he wrote the episode! It’s one of the great classic Star Trek Episodes!
A quatloo is a monetary unit on the planet Triskelion which was used by the planet’s Providers to bet on drill thrall competitions. (Star Trek Original Series: “The Gamesters of Triskelion”)
I bid 50 quatloos on the newcomer.
#star trek#money#triskelion#kirk#thrall
by Dwight Shroote June 02, 2006
Can’t find the song with the lyrics, “I give my life to you…” He wrote that.
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