The Battle of Bryce (Second Draft)
Frustrated by the endless Battle for Bryce
By some men she cared for little
Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal
Or perhaps a combination of both
She took to a plan
“Let’s infuriate Ed”
“That should be the end of Bobby”
but it wasn’t enough and in the end
she took The Battle on herself.
“Bobby it’s you I really love, not Ed”
“But he simply won’t leave”
“Let’s prove to him how much we love”
“By bringing our sweet bodies near”
With that they joined
Bobby and Bryce
And she called for Ed
“Darling come see what we’ve done”
And from the distance watched Ed
As Bobby rhythmically jumped her
Ed unmoved by the sight
Because he knew it meant nothing
Sex was a commodity that could be bought and be sold
And personal feelings could be kept on hold
It didn’t mean anything, it had no value to him
They could have been eating a burger with fries
As a matter of fact
Ed would have found
Bryce sharing her fries
To be much more saddening
Than Bryce sharing her thighs
She needed Ed to anger
Then with all his rage
He’d end the Battle for Bryce
And her potential cage
“I love you Bobby and I want you so much”
“Let’s madden Ed and he’ll lose his trust”
“Rip off my top, right in his front”
“Let’s see if he can stand this terrible affront”
With that Bobby tore
The shirt from her chest
Leaving her topless
And seeming aghast
And saddened Ed watched it
Knowing an act and not simply real
Powerless to save her
From the terrible fate that she must await
So began The Battle of Bryce
The most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a fight
The most beautiful thing I’ve seen
Evertime, everplace
I looked at the photos
Costumes of demons
wondered to self
Who would even wear ‘em
Beautiful colors with amazing sheen
Skin tight from headtoe
Razor sharp nails, gleaming like pearls
And demon like lenses completing the drobe
My breath taken away
But not the first time
Quietly she sat
She bided her time
Her dad, The Director, glanced over at her
He had an uncanny knack
of sizing it up and taking it in
for putting it out
He trusted his players
He knew what they’d do
Don’t know if he set this all up
‘cause Bryce could direct as well as the lot
She was also super magical
With great super powers
And a magical ability
To turn rainbows into flowers
But there were no rainbows today
Nor were there flowers
It was time for a battle
And in the etheric, I found her in garb
Things in etheric are somewhat different
I could not her recognize
Still the most beautiful thing
I’d seen between her and earth
Though breathtakingly beautiful
I was truly frightened
I’d never seen anything like her
A Female Demon enlightened
I kept myself calm I knew not what to do
A Lady Demon From Hell
All shimmering aglazed
“It’s time my love Eddie, it’s finally time”
And the Battle began, The Battle of Bryce
And she cut and she tore with nails that were long
And chewed and she ate, with teeth that were sharp
And then best of all she invited me to enjoin
Though generous in spirit, I had to demur
It wasn’t my taste
And for business at hand
She had changed to a more practical form
Like I, the Golem, a gray etheric mass
She was a demon of similar tass
I left her to dine with the man on the floor
His throat belied the rage of the man she abhorred
Of a woman who’d had
simply enough
Of multiple attempts
on her suitor’s life
More than enough
Enough scheming
Enough planning
Enough Bobby too
From men so rich
They could buy whatever they want
Or steal it, or own it
Like chattel eschewed
Two things though
They could not buy
One would not leave
And one would not die
Far and Wide found him
Ripped simply to shreds
Eaten there bodily
For anyone to share
And he went to The Director
And said, “She killed my son”
“And now you’ll pay dearly”
“For that what she done”
Of things he began to strip
The Director bare
He lectured and he raged
for more than anything else he loved his son
The Director was done but did keep his cool
Too seasoned a man, he takes things in stride
But I finally realized that the time had come
As there would be no end to this man’s vengeance
The time had come to take stock in The Battle for Bryce
And finish the final maneuvers of The Battle of Bryce
I raged and I angered and I found him alone
I wrapped my fingers around his throat…
And I squeezed
Leave no important job undone
And six minutes would be to long to wait
To asphyxiate
And harder I squeezed
Until the man separated from his shoulders
A too tragic end
Embarrassed at what I had done
I left the scene
And the Director called me in
Like God calling Cain
To a large group of friends
“Ed, what did you do?”
“I strangled him,” I said
“But you did so much more,”
“Do tell us, Ed,”
“tell us what more?”
“His head did he separate,”
“From his shoulder to toes”
“I didn’t mean this as such”
“It’s just, six minutes I had not”
The Director kept cool
As he saw the bigger picture
Of a symbolic ending
And an outsider unleashed
Of a man who had sold
All that he owned
For that was the price
Of a woman called Bryce
So ended The Battle of Bryce
A woman who undertook
The end to the most dangerous warlords
And their nefarious plans
And a man who was chattel
Who joined her bold plan
And followed her lead
Into the end
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