Kiki Says: Ed also forgot Octavia Spencer

Here’s to Octavia Spencer who did a sterling job played Grandma in, “The Witches”. Another solid performance by Octavia.

The slide below is work I did years ago after I saw “The Help”. Loved the film up the point where she feeds my gal. Nice to see them in another film together. Wonder if they met on Cosby. I’m about 90% sure on this slide. It’s not 100% because I didn’t double check my instincts with actual work.

I’d also like to thank Raven for visiting me when I was in St. Mary of Bethlehem. I would have gone over to talk with you but under the circumstances…Say aren’t you Raven Symone? That could have proved very difficult.

I was a big fan of “That’s So Raven” cause the kids watched it. Later gators.