Kiki’s Kommercials: One of Ron Howard’s greatest commercials

No doubt Ron Howard has done some of the best commercials ever made. This one is particularly great not just because it’s funny but also it probably did more for race relations in this country than having Sticks Downey show up to his party on “Happy Days”.

It was a Devil’s Dog commercial and it was just terrific!

What’s great about this commercial?

  1. It’s hysterically funny
  2. You notice there are black kids sitting with white kids in a movie theater? This would have been a big deal in the ’70s but ignore that…the white kids disappear into the background once the black kid starts singing.
  3. It showed us, and again this was the 70’s, that blacks act remarkably like whites, go to movies, sing out of key, and make fun of their girlfriends…and again it’s hysterically funny.

Super job for The Ron Man!


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