Kiki’s Kustard: A Kool Shout Out for Neil Patrick Harris as Doogie Howser MD


Neil Patrick plays Doogie Howser in this show, a 16 year old kid who is a doctor, actually looks about 10-12 years old. Season 1-Episode 3 “A Stitch Called Wanda” turns out to be one of the most memorable episodes of any sitcom ever in Sitcom history.

Doogie goes out on a date with his girlfriend Wanda and slips her some Kaopectate causing her to have intestinal cramping, allowing him to first perform an internal exam on her under the guise of checking for cysts then he performs surgery in order to get a better look at the internal os of her cervix (quote stolen from St. Elsewhere-Ed Begley who’s a crackpot rat fraud as the BS promoter of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth. You’re a piece of crap Begley!!! “We reject the no-plane theory…you ph-cking lamus brainus !!! Piece of garbage!! Other than that I like your acting. Go home and eat some granola…beach!) Keep the environment safe!!!!! Nukes Begley…those were nukes!!! and cgi Begley…deciever of men.

Oh oh!!! I knew I should have checked first if Begley was Ron…Uh… never mind! Wish I’d seen this photo 20 minutes ago. Also, there are some holes in the no-plane theory as you might imagine. and in some cultures being called a crackpot rat fraud is actually a compliment!!

And you know Mr. Begley was so nice and polite and overly solicitous when he was on the Tonight Show, always calling Johnny… Mr. Carson like he had just finished eating out his asshole in the backseat of his electric car. Actually not so bad, more Smarty Farty than Lamus Brainus.

Ok in fact Doogie didn’t Roofie his girlfriend and she was actually having an appendicitis but here’s the ep. enjoy!!!

Doogie loved this girl and wanted a doctor to take a picture so he could look at her from inside as well.

Shout out to Max Cassella, Doogie Howser’s friend Vinnie from Doogie Howser MD for constantly borrowing Doogie’s medical equipment to examine his girlfriend on dates but more importantly from being in one of my favorite films…Ed Wood!!!

Max Casella with Brent Hinkley in Ed Wood 1994

Hysterically funny scene from Ed Wood


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