Major Error Correct: Which Beatle is Ron?

Major Error

I knew Ron Howard was one of the Beatles. Sadly, I chose the wrong one and I apologize to Ron and anyone else this affected. I know I have a bunch of errors around Cheryl and I was not aware of Diane Keaton’s role of importance in this family so I have sins of omission with her. Also, sins of omission with Robin Williams.

I went to see “British Invasion Years a few times now.” I’ve been impressed with everyone up there (why shouldn’t I be?) I recognized Robin Williams up there and was blown away by his magnificent voice and knowledge and handling of the songs. The others are tremendous as well but this was a real surprise for me and I was left with a nagging feeling that he must have been one of the original Beatles. Admittedly my work here was sloppy but I had other information and thought I had George Harrison nailed down. I went to look at Ringo again and noticed the resemblance between Ringo and Bono. I don’t believe there are enough quality photos of Ringo with Bono and I had just identified Bono as Robin Williams. I then thought that there may have been two Ringos, one Robin one Ron, but I started to look at George Harrison again. I realized that George looked like two other identities of Ron: Nureyev and Mapplethorpe:

Rudolf Nureyev aka Ron Howard
Robert Mapplethorpe aka Ron Howard 
George Harrison aka Ron Howard…scarring looks correct’

I now have Robin Williams as Ringo Starr.

Ringo Starr aka Robin Williams

I’m double checking on Paul McCartney.

Again, humblest of apologies to all. As I’ve said earlier.

“In this craft when learning don’t be afraid to make mistakes; when skilled don’t make mistakes.”

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